Current Path : /compat/linux/proc/self/root/usr/local/lib/python2.5/idlelib/ |
FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #1: Wed Jan 14 12:18:08 JST 2015 amd64 |
Current File : //compat/linux/proc/self/root/usr/local/lib/python2.5/idlelib/textView.pyc |
³ò h”Rc @ sy d Z d d k Td d k Z d e f d „ ƒ YZ e d j o6 e ƒ Z e e d d d d „ ƒi ƒ e i ƒ n d S( s Simple text browser for IDLE iÿÿÿÿ( t *Nt TextViewerc B s8 e Z d Z d d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z d d „ Z RS( s, simple text viewer dialog for idle c C s, t i | | ƒ | i d d ƒ | i d d d | i ƒ d | i ƒ d f ƒ d | _ d | _ | i ƒ | i | ƒ | i | ƒ | i ƒ | i d | i ƒ | | _ | i i ƒ | i d | i ƒ | i d | i ƒ | o | i i d | ƒ n | i | ƒ | i i d t ƒ | i ƒ d S( s… If data exists, load it into viewer, otherwise try to load file. fileName - string, should be an absoulute filename t borderwidthi s =%dx%d+%d+%diq iô i s #ffffffs #000000t WM_DELETE_WINDOWs <Return>s <Escape>g t stateN( t Toplevelt __init__t configuret geometryt winfo_rootxt winfo_rootyt bgt fgt CreateWidgetst titlet transientt grab_sett protocolt Okt parentt textViewt focus_sett bindt insertt LoadTextFilet configt DISABLEDt wait_window( t selfR R t fileNamet data( ( s, /usr/local/lib/python2.5/idlelib/textView.pyR s* c C si d } y t | d ƒ } Wn0 t j o$ t i d d d d | f ƒ n X| i i d | i ƒ ƒ d S( Nt rR s File Load Errort messages Unable to load file %r .g ( t Nonet opent IOErrort tkMessageBoxt showerrorR R t read( R R t textFile( ( s, /usr/local/lib/python2.5/idlelib/textView.pyR + s c C sC t | d t d d ƒ} t | ƒ } t | d d d | i d t ƒ| _ t | d t d t d d ƒ| _ t | d t d d d | i d | i ƒ| _ | i i d | i i ƒ | i i d | i i ƒ | i i ƒ | i i d t d t ƒ | i i d t d t d t ƒ | i d t d t ƒ | i d t d t d t ƒ d S( Nt relieft heighti¼ t textt Closet commandt takefocust orientt highlightthicknessi t wrapR R t yscrollcommandt sidet fillt expand( t Framet SUNKENt ButtonR t FALSEt buttonOkt Scrollbart VERTICALt scrollbarViewt Textt WORDR R R R t yviewt sett packt RIGHTt Yt LEFTt TRUEt BOTHt BOTTOMt Xt TOP( R t frameTextt frameButtons( ( s, /usr/local/lib/python2.5/idlelib/textView.pyR 5 s c C s | i ƒ d S( N( t destroy( R t event( ( s, /usr/local/lib/python2.5/idlelib/textView.pyR F s N( t __name__t __module__t __doc__R! R R R R ( ( ( s, /usr/local/lib/python2.5/idlelib/textView.pyR s t __main__R* t ViewR, c C s t t d d ƒ S( R= s ./ R t root( ( ( s, /usr/local/lib/python2.5/idlelib/textView.pyt <lambda>M s ( RP t TkinterR$ R R RN t TkRS R7 RA t mainloop( ( ( s, /usr/local/lib/python2.5/idlelib/textView.pys <module> s A