config root man

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Current File : //compat/linux/proc/self/root/usr/local/majordomo/resend.20210401.orig

# $Modified: Fri Jan  7 16:32:17 2000 by cwilson $

# Copyright 1992, D. Brent Chapman.  All Rights Reserved.  For use by
# permission only.
# $Source: /sources/cvsrepos/majordomo/resend,v $
# $Revision: 1.90 $
# $Date: 2000/01/07 15:32:39 $
# $Author: cwilson $
# $State: Exp $
# $Locker:  $
#  Okay, resend accepts many command line arguments, as revealed by the
#  Getopts call:
#      &Getopts("Aa:df:h:I:l:M:p:Rr:s") || die("resend: Getopts() failed: $!");
#  Most of these are defined via the list config file, so in general, 
#  it's a really bad idea to hardcode them in the alias definition.
#  In a future version of majordomo, these will likely all be removed.
#  Here's a description of them, just to be documentive.  Note that the
#  only REQUIRED option is -l.  Even that will probably go away in the future.
#       -l <list-name>          REQUIRED: specify list name
#       -h <host-name>          specify host name
#       -f <from-addr>          specify "sender" (default <list-name>-request)
#       -M <max-msg-length>     specify max message length to forward
#       -p <precedence>         add "Precedence: <precedence>" header
#       -r <reply-to>           add "Reply-To: <reply-to>" header
#       -I <file-list>          Bounce messages from users not listed in file
#                               in colon-separated <file-list>
#       -a <passwd>             approval password
#       -A                      moderate list (require "Approved:" for posting)
#       -R                      delete "Received:" lines
#       -s                      enable "administrivia" checks
#       -d                      debug; say it, but don't do it
#        -C                        alternate config file

#$DEBUG = 1;

#// ----------
#use ADN::MIME;
use Jcode;
#// ----------

# set our path explicitly
# PATH it is set in the wrapper, so there is no need to set it here.
#$ENV{'PATH'} = "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb";

# Before doing anything else tell the world I am resend
# The mj_ prefix is reserved for tools that are part of majordomo proper.
# (not that anything uses this variable.)
$main'program_name = 'mj_resend'; #';

# If the first argument is "@filename", read the real arguments
# from "filename", and shove them onto the ARGV for later processing
# by &Getopts()
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^\@/) {
    $fn = shift(@ARGV);
    $fn =~ s/^@//;
    open(AV, "< $fn" ) || die("open(AV, \"< $fn\"): $!\nStopped");
    undef($/);         # set input field separator
    $av = <AV>;        # read whole file into string
    @av = split(/\s+/, $av);
    unshift(@ARGV, @av);
    $/ = "\n";

# Parse arguments here.  We do this first so that we can conditionally
# evaluate code in based on $opt_l (or any other command line
# argument).  Here I've assumed that perl was installed correctly and
# was place where it's supposed to be.  This changes previous
# behavior which allowed to be in the same place as
require "";
#// &Getopts("C:c:Aa:df:h:I:l:M:p:Rr:s") || die("resend: Getopts() failed: $!");
&Getopts("C:c:Aa:df:h:I:l:M:m:p:Rr:s") || die("resend: Getopts() failed: $!");

if (!defined($opt_l)) {
    die("resend: must specify '-l list'");
# Read and execute the .cf file
$cf = $opt_C || $opt_c || $ENV{"MAJORDOMO_CF"} || "/etc/";

# Despite not having a place to send the remains of the body,
# it would be nice to send a message to root or postmaster, at least...

if (not sysopen CONFIG,$cf,O_RDONLY)
    die sprintf qq|Unable to sysopen config file "$cf"%s.\n|,$! ? ": $!" : '';
elsif ((stat CONFIG)[4] != $>)
    die qq|Config file "$cf" not owned by effective UID.\n|;
elsif (eval(join '', <CONFIG>), $@)
    die qq|Unable to eval "$cf": $@.\n|;
    close CONFIG;

chdir($homedir) || die("Can't chdir(\"$homedir\"): $!");

unshift(@INC, $homedir);
require "";  # For logging purposes
require "";
require "";
require "";

# pickup hostname from unless defined on the command line
$opt_h = $opt_h || $whereami;

# smash case for the list name
#$opt_l =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;

# We must set up the mailers and logging as soon possible so that we can
# send and log complaints and aborts somewhere.  Unfortunately we need to
# parse the config file to get some of the variables.  So we fake it here,
# and set them properly later.
# XXX It is possible that owner-$opt_l won't be the right address, but we
# have little choice.  Sending the bounces to $whoami_owner is an option,
# but might not clearly indicate the list name.
$sendmail_command = $sendmail_command || "/usr/sbin/sendmail";
$bounce_mailer = $bounce_mailer || "$sendmail_command -f\$sender -t";
&set_log($log, $opt_h, "resend", $opt_l);

if (!defined ($TMPDIR)) {
    &bitch("\$TMPDIR wasn't defined in $cf.  Using /usr/tmp instead.\n".
           "Please define in $cf.\n");
    $TMPDIR = '/usr/tmp';

# if we're running from a tty, just spit to stderr, else
# open up a temp file for the debug output.
if (!-t STDERR) {
    close STDERR;
    open (STDERR, ">>$TMPDIR/resend.debug");

# XXX some standard way of setting defaults needs to be done..

print STDERR "$0 [$$]: starting.\n" if $DEBUG;

if (!@ARGV) {
    die("resend: must specify outgoing list as last arg(s)");
    # this doesn't have to be this way.  It could slurp it
    # from the alias it was invoked as...?

# A classic case of feeping creaturism.  While there are possibly good reasons
# why all these things can be classified on the command line, there's
# *NO* good reason why everything is "opt_X".  YATTF.
$opt_r = "$opt_r\@$opt_h" if (defined($opt_r));

&get_config($listdir, $opt_l);

$opt_A = &cf_ck_bool($opt_l,"moderate") if &cf_ck_bool($opt_l,"moderate");
$opt_h = $config_opts{$opt_l,"resend_host"} 
                        if($config_opts{$opt_l,"resend_host"} ne '');
$opt_a = $config_opts{$opt_l,"approve_passwd"}
                        if ($config_opts{$opt_l,"approve_passwd"} ne '');
$opt_M = $config_opts{$opt_l,"maxlength"} 
                        if ($config_opts{$opt_l,"maxlength"} ne '');

$opt_f = $config_opts{$opt_l,"sender"}
                        if ($config_opts{$opt_l,"sender"} ne '');
$opt_p = $config_opts{$opt_l,"precedence"}
                        if ($config_opts{$opt_l,"precedence"} ne '');
$opt_r = $config_opts{$opt_l,"reply_to"}
                        if ($config_opts{$opt_l,"reply_to"} ne '');
$opt_I = $config_opts{$opt_l,"restrict_post"} 
                        if ($config_opts{$opt_l,"restrict_post"} ne '');
$opt_R = &cf_ck_bool($opt_l,"purge_received")
                         if &cf_ck_bool($opt_l,"purge_received");
$opt_s = &cf_ck_bool($opt_l,"administrivia")
                        if &cf_ck_bool($opt_l,"administrivia");
$opt_d = &cf_ck_bool($opt_l,"debug") 
                        if &cf_ck_bool($opt_l,"debug");

#// ----------
        $opt_M = $MAX_TOTAL_BODY_LENGTH;
#// ----------

# Construct the envelope sender for outbound messages
if (defined($opt_f)) {
    $sender = $opt_f;
} else {
    #// $sender = "$opt_l-request";
    $sender = "owner-$opt_m\@$opt_h";

#// ----------
    $seqfile = "$listdir/$opt_l.seq";
    if (!-r $seqfile) {   # if there is no sequence file, make one
        open(SEQ, ">$seqfile") || die("sequencer: open of $seqfile failed: $!");
        print SEQ "1\n";
        close SEQ;
#// ----------

    &main'lopen(SEQ, "<", "$seqfile") || die("sequencer: locked open of $seqfile failed: $!");
    chop($seqnum = <SEQ>);

# If the sender doesn't contain an `@', tack on one, followed by the
# hostname
if ($sender !~ /\@/) {
  $sender .= "\@$opt_h";

# We can now properly define some of the mailer properties.
&set_log($log, $opt_h, "resend", $opt_l);

if (defined($opt_A) && ! defined($opt_a)) {
    die("resend: must also specify '-a passwd' if using '-A' flag");

# These are headers to skip
$skip_headers =  '/^from /i' . 
                 '|| /^x-confirm-reading-to:/i' .          # pegasus mail (windoze)
                 '|| /^disposition-notification-to:/i' .   # eudora
                 '|| /^x-ack:/i' .
                 '|| /^sender:/i' .
                 '|| /^return-receipt-to:/i' .
                 '|| /^errors-to:/i' . 
                 '|| /^flags:/i' .
                 '|| /^resent-/i' .
                 '|| /^priority/i' .
                 '|| /^x-pmrqc:/i' .
                 '|| /^return-path:/i' .
                 '|| /^encoding:/i'                        # could munge the length of the message

# Define the eval's used to catch "taboo" headers, message contents,
# and administrative headers.  The taboo headers can be global
# or per list.  The administrative headers are global.
# The eval is a construct like so:
#   foo: { /^subject:\s*subscribe/ && ( $taboo = '/^subject:\s*subscribe/', last foo); }
# so that the eval returns the regexp that matched.

print STDERR "$0: defining evals to catch the bad stuff.\n" if $DEBUG;

if ($config_opts{$opt_l, 'taboo_headers'} ne '') {
    @taboo_headers = split(/\001/,$config_opts{$opt_l, 'taboo_headers'});
    if ($#taboo_headers >= $[) {
        $is_taboo_header = "foo: {\n";
        foreach $t (@taboo_headers) {
            ($ts = $t) =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g;
            $is_taboo_header .= "$t && (\$taboo = '$ts', last foo);\n";
        $is_taboo_header .= "\$taboo = \"\";\n}; \$taboo;\n";

if ($config_opts{$opt_l, 'taboo_body'} ne '') {
    @taboo_body = split(/\001/,$config_opts{$opt_l, 'taboo_body'});
    if ($#taboo_body >= $[) {
        $is_taboo_body = "foo: {\n";
        foreach $t (@taboo_body) {
            ($ts = $t) =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g;
            $is_taboo_body .= "$t && (\$taboo = '$ts', last foo);\n";
        $is_taboo_body .= "\$taboo = \"\";\n}; \$taboo;\n";

if (defined($global_taboo_headers)) {
    @global_taboo_headers = split(/\n/,$global_taboo_headers);
    if ($#global_taboo_headers >= $[) {
        $is_global_taboo_header = "foo: {\n";
        foreach $t (@global_taboo_headers) {
            ($ts = $t) =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g;
            $is_global_taboo_header .= "$t && (\$taboo = '$ts', last foo);\n";
        $is_global_taboo_header .= "\$taboo = \"\";\n}; \$taboo;\n";

if (defined($global_taboo_body)) {
    @global_taboo_body = split(/\n/,$global_taboo_body);
    if ($#global_taboo_body >= $[) {
        $is_global_taboo_body = "foo: {\n";
        foreach $t (@global_taboo_body) {
            ($ts = $t) =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g;
            $is_global_taboo_body .= "$t && (\$taboo = '$ts', last foo);\n";
        $is_global_taboo_body .= "\$taboo = \"\";\n}; \$taboo;\n";
#";  dammit. 

# admin subject checks.  Since $admin_headers is defined in $cf 
# (, an upgrade may not have $admin_headers.  
# Bitch about it if so.
if (!defined($admin_headers)) {
    &bitch("resend:  \$admin_headers not defined in $cf !!\n" .
           "Majordomo will only catch \"subscribe\" and \"unsubscribe\" in\n" .
           "the subject field...\n");
    @admin_headers = ('/^subject:\s*subscribe\b/i' ,
} else {
    @admin_headers = split(/\n/, $admin_headers);

$is_admin_header = "foo: {\n";
foreach $t (@admin_headers) {
    $is_admin_header .= "$t && (\$taboo = '$t', last foo);\n";
$is_admin_header .= "\$taboo = \"\";\n}; \$taboo;\n";

# Body Check!    
# Common things that people send to the wrong address.
# These are caught in the first 10 lines of the message body 
# if 'administravia' is turned on and the message isn't marked approved.
# The code that catches this should transparently redirect 
# majordomo commands to majordomo.  That would give the additional
# advantage of not having to add to this silly construct for
# each new majordomo command.
# $admin_body should be defined in the $cf file, but an upgrade
# may miss this fact.  Bitch about it, and use a minimal list if so.
if (!defined($admin_body)) {
    &bitch("resend:  \$admin_body not defined in $cf !!\n" .
           "Majordomo will only catch \"subscribe\" and \"unsubscribe\" in\n" .
           "the body.\nLook at $homedir/ for a good definition.");
    @admin_body = ('/^subject:\s*subscribe\b/i' ,
} else {
    @admin_body = split(/\n/, $admin_body);

$is_admin_body = "foo: {\n";
foreach $t (@admin_body) {
    $is_admin_body .= "$t && (\$taboo = '$t', last foo);\n";
$is_admin_body .= "\$taboo = \"\";\n}; \$taboo;\n";

print STDERR "$0: caching the message.\n" if $DEBUG;

# cache the message, so the parent sendmail process can exit.
&open_temp(OUT, "$TMPDIR/resend.$$.out") ||
    &abort("resend: Can't open $TMPDIR/resend.$$.out: $!");

&open_temp(IN, "$TMPDIR/resend.$$.in") ||
    &abort("resend: Can't open $TMPDIR/resend.$$.in: $!");

$subj_num  = 0;
$subj_last = 0;

while (<STDIN>) {
    #// ----------
    if (/^subject:/i) {
        $subj_num += 1; $subj_last = 1;

    } else {
        $subj_last = 0;

    if ($subj_num == 1 && $subj_last == 1) {
        my $n = ($_ =~ /iso-2022-jp/) ? 1 : 0;

        #$_ = ADN::MIME::HeaderDecode($_, 'euc');
        #$_ = ADN::MIME::HeaderEncode($_);

        my $j = Jcode->new($_)->mime_decode;
        $_ = $j->mime_encode;

        if ($n == 1) { $_ =~ s/ISO-2022-JP/iso-2022-jp/g; }

        # s/R[eE]\:.*[\(\[].*\d+[\)\]]/Re\:/g;
        # s/R[eE]\:\s+R[eE]\:/Re\:/g;
        # s/R[eE]\: *[\(\[]$opt_l[\: ]*\d+[\)\]]/Re\:/gi;
        # s/R[eE]\:([ \(\[]+)([^=]+)[\)\]] /Re\: /;
        s/R[eE]\:([ \(\[]+)([^ :=]+)[ :]\d+[\)\]]/Re\:/;
        s/R[eE]\: *R[eE]\:/Re\:/g;
    #// ----------

    print IN $_;


open(IN, "$TMPDIR/resend.$$.in") || 
    die("resend: Can't open $TMPDIR/resend.$$.tmp: $!");

# Message parsing starts here

print STDERR "$0: parsing header.\n" if $DEBUG;

# parse the header for bad lines, etc.  We'll bounce in a moment.
$result = &parse_header;

# The first line of the body could hold an approved line.  Let's check.
$_ = <IN>;

if (/^approved:\s*(.*)/i                                        # aha!
    && defined($opt_a)) {
    # OK, is it a valid "Approved:" line?
    $approved = &chop_nl($1);
    if ($approved ne $opt_a 
        && !(&main'valid_passwd($listdir, $opt_l, $approved))) { #Augh!')){
        $result .= " Invalid 'Approved:' header";
        undef $approved;
    # The Approved: line is valid
    # Look at the next line:
    $_ = <IN>;
    if (/\S/) {
        # We have something other than a blank line.  We _assume_ it's
        # header.  Consequences: if it's not a header, things get screwed
        # badly.  If we reverse the logic and look instead for something
        # header-like, we permit the possibility of the moderator leaving
        # out the blank line, which is not a good idea because they might
        # get used to it, which will bite them when they approve a message
        # starting something that looks like a header. 
        # XXX Options: complain if we find no blank line and no header-like
        # stuff.
        close OUT;                      # Nuke the output so far.
        unlink "$TMPDIR/resend.$$.out"; # XXX These filenames should be in
                                        # variables.
        # Open a new temp file.
        &open_temp(OUT, "$TMPDIR/resend.$$.out") ||
          &abort("resend: Can't open $TMPDIR/resend.$$.out: $!");
        # We'll be nice and skip a From_ mailbox separator, which just
        # might have been quoted by some intervening mail munger.
        if (!/^>?From /) {
            # Rewind back over the header line we just pulled
            seek(IN, - length($_), 1);
        # Parse the following as a completely new message.
        $result .= &parse_header; # The return value won't matter; we're
        # approved.
    # else the line was blank; we let it be eaten and continue
} else {
    # No approved line, dniwer
    seek(IN, - length($_), 1);                                       

print STDERR "$0: checking for valid sender.\n" if $DEBUG;

# Check for a valid sender, if the list has restrict_post set 
# and the message isn't approved.
# aauuuugggh!  'moderator' != 'restrict_post' !!  They should be the
# same!!
$result .= &check_sender if (defined($opt_I) && ! defined($approved));

# If approval is required, and we haven't got it, boing it goes..
$result = "Approval required: $result" if 
  (defined($opt_A) && ! defined($approved));

print STDERR "$0: sender check: '$result'\n" if $DEBUG;

# Print the RFC822 separator
print OUT "\n";

# Print out any message_fronters
if ($config_opts{$opt_l,"message_fronter"} ne '') {
    local($fronter) = &config'substitute_values (
            $config_opts{$opt_l,"message_fronter"}, $opt_l);#';
    $fronter =~ s/\001|$/\n/g;
    print OUT $fronter;

# We are guaranteed to be just after a blank line now. Slurp the body
$result .= &parse_body;

# Yes Tigger, *now* you can bounce.  We've checked for 
# any Approved headers & lines, taboo_headers, and taboo_bodies
&bounce($result) if ($result =~ /\S/ && !defined($approved));

# Print out any message_footers
print STDERR "$0: adding any footers.\n" if $DEBUG;

if ($config_opts{$opt_l,"message_footer"} ne '') {
    local($footer) = 
            $config_opts{$opt_l,"message_footer"}, $opt_l);   #'
    $footer =~ s/\001|$/\n/g;
    print OUT $footer;

# Finished munging the message and decided it's valid, now send it out.
close OUT;

# The following eval expands embedded variables like $sender
$sendmail_cmd = eval qq/"$mailer"/;
$sendmail_cmd .= " " . join(" ", @ARGV);

# check for the dreaded -t option to sendmail, which will cause
# mail to loop 26 times...
if ($sendmail_cmd =~ /sendmail/ && $sendmail_cmd =~ /\s-t/) {
    $sendmail_cmd =~ s/-t//;
    &bitch("resend:  \$sendmail_cmd (aka \$mailer in\n" .
           "had a -t option.  This will cause mail to loop 26 times.\n" .
           "Since this probably isn't what you want to have happen,\n".
           "resend has not passed that option to sendmail.\n");

print STDERR "$0: \$sendmail_cmd is $sendmail_cmd\n" if $DEBUG;

# To debug or not debug, that is the question.
if (defined($opt_d)) {
    $| = 1;
    $, = ' ';
    print STDERR "Command: $sendmail_cmd\n";
    open (IN, "$TMPDIR/resend.$$.out");
    while (<IN>) {
        print STDERR $_;
    unlink(&fileglob("$TMPDIR", "^resend\.$$\."));

# open the mailer
if (defined($isParent = open(MAILOUT, "|-"))) {
    &do_exec_sendmail(split(' ', $sendmail_cmd))
        unless $isParent;  # only if we're in the child
} else {
    &abort("Failed to fork prior to mailer exec");

# open our tmp file
open(MAILIN, "$TMPDIR/resend.$$.out");

# spit it out!
while (<MAILIN>) {
    print MAILOUT $_;

# cleanup
unlink(&fileglob("$TMPDIR", "^resend\.$$\.")) || &abort("Error unlinking temp files: $!");
close(MAILOUT) || do {
    $? >>= 8;
    &abort("Mailer $sendmail_cmd exited unexpectedly with error $?") 
        unless ($sendmail_cmd =~ /sendmail/ && $? == $EX_NOUSER);

#// ----------
    &main'lreopen(SEQ, ">", "$seqfile");
    print SEQ $seqnum, "\n";
#// ----------

# Seeya.

#  Subroutines.

# check for a valid sender for moderated lists.
sub check_sender {
    # Uh, who?
    return " This may be hard to believe, but there was no \"From:\" field" .
        "in this message I just received.  I'm not gonna send it out, " .
            "but you can... " if ! defined($from);
    local($file) = 0;

    # !@$#% cryptic variables.  opt_I is restrict_post, which is a colon
    # or whitespace seperated list of files that can contain valid
    # senders.
    #  [[[ Scary, I just realized that !@$#% is almost valid perl... ]]]
    local(@files) = split (/[:\s]+/, $opt_I);
    foreach $file (@files) {
        # Return a null message if the sender (from the From: or
        # Reply-To: headers) is found
        return "" if &is_list_member($from, $listdir, $opt_l, $file) ||
            (defined $reply_to        &&
            $reply_to ne $from        &&
            &is_list_member($reply_to, $listdir, $opt_l, $file));

    # We only get here if nothing matches.
    " Non-member submission from [$from] ";

# parse_header.
#  Slurp in the header, checking for bad things.  Returns a non-zero length string if 
#  a taboo or administrative header is found.
#   [[[ Why couldn't one simply slurp the header in, assign it to an
#        assoc. array, and print out everything but the bad stuff? ]]]

sub parse_header {
    local($kept_last) = 0;                              # our return flag/string.

    print STDERR "$0: parse_header: enter.\n" if $DEBUG;
    print STDERR "$0: parse_header:  taboo_headers = $is_taboo_header\n" if $DEBUG;
    print STDERR "$0: parse_header:  global_taboo_headers = $is_global_taboo_header\n" if $DEBUG;
    print STDERR "$0: parse_header:  admin_headers = $is_admin_header\n" if $DEBUG;

    $subj_num  = 0;

    while (<IN>) {                                      
        print STDERR "$0: parse_header: [$.: $_]" if $DEBUG;

        last if /^$/;           # stop when we hit the end.  RFC822.
        next unless /\S/;       # skip leading blank lines; usually only
                                # there if this is a restart after an
                                # in-body "Approved:" line

        print STDERR "$0: parse_header: [$.] taboo_header check\n" 
            if $DEBUG;
        # check for taboo_headers or approved header
        if ($#taboo_headers >= $[ && !$approved &&
            eval $is_taboo_header) {
            $gonna_bounce .= "taboo header: $taboo ";
            print STDERR "$0: parse_header: [$.: boing: $gonna_bounce\n" if $DEBUG;
        if ($DEBUG && $@) {
          # Something went boink in eval, say something useful.
          print STDERR "$0: parse_header: taboo_header error $@\n";

        if ($#global_taboo_headers >= $[ && !$approved &&
            eval $is_global_taboo_header) {
            $gonna_bounce .= "global taboo header: $taboo ";
            print STDERR "$0: parse_header: [$.: boing: $gonna_bounce\n" if $DEBUG;

        if ($DEBUG && $@) {
          # Something went boink in eval, say something useful.
          print STDERR "$0: parse_header: global_taboo_header error $@\n";

        # check for administative headers:
        # Usually subscribe, unsubscribe, etc, in Subject field
        print STDERR "$0: parse_header: [$.] administrative_header check\n" 
            if $DEBUG;

        if ($#admin_headers >= $[ && !$approved && defined($opt_s) &&
            eval $is_admin_header) {
            $gonna_bounce .= "admin request: $taboo ";
            print STDERR "$0: parse_header: [$.: boing: $gonna_bounce\n" if $DEBUG;
        print STDERR "$0: parse_header: Approved check\n" if $DEBUG;

        # Check for Approved line
        # Oddly enough, we may already be approved when we get here.  In
        # that case, we should nuke any extra Approved: headers we see.
        # Why?  Well, consider this: you change the password, but send an
        # approved message out before the config change takes effect.  So
        # it bounces back to you with the Approved: line in it.  This line
        # is now valid.  You approve the bounce using the cut-and-paste
        # method, putting another Approved: line in front of the headers of
        # the raw bounced message and send it off.  There are now two
        # Approved: headers.  If we don't remove the Approved: header from
        # the headers of the message you pasted, we've revealed your list
        # password.

        if (/^approved:\s*(.*)/i && defined($opt_a)) {
            if (!$approved) {
                print STDERR "$0: parse_header: found an approved header\n" if $DEBUG;
                $approved = &chop_nl($1);
                if ($approved ne $opt_a                                # check the p/w given against approve_passwd
                    && !(&main'valid_passwd($listdir, $opt_l, $approved))) { # and also against admin_passwd ')
                    if (defined($opt_A)) { # bounce only if list is moderated
                        $gonna_bounce  .= "Invalid 'Approved:' header "; 
                        print STDERR "$0: parse_header: [$.: boing: $gonna_bounce\n" if $DEBUG;
                    undef $approved;
                } else {
                    # reset the bounce counter, so that we return cleanly.
                    # this allows a message with a taboo_header or admin_header
                    # but with a valid Approved line to be posted.
                    $gonna_bounce = '';
                    next;                                      # gotta remove that approved line, dontcha know
            else {
                # We have already been approved, so skip this header

        print STDERR "$0: parse_header: skipping headers\n" if $DEBUG;
        # skip all these headers
        if (eval $skip_headers) {
            $kept_last = 0;
            print STDERR "$0:    skipped\n" if $DEBUG;

        # skip these special headers
        if ((/^precedence:/i && defined($opt_p))     # skip only if "-p" set
            || (/^received:/i && defined($opt_R))    # skip only if "-R" set
            || (/^reply-to:/i && defined($opt_r))    # skip only if "-r" set
            || (/^\s/ && ! $kept_last))              # skip if skipped last
            $kept_last = 0;
            print STDERR "$0:    skipped\n" if $DEBUG;
        # reset $kept_last in case next line is continuation
        # this should go someplace now... but where?
        print STDERR "$0:    kept\n" if $DEBUG;
        $kept_last = 1;

        # prepend subject prefix
        #// if ((/^subject:\s*/i)

        if (/^subject:\s*/i) { $subj_num = 1; }

        if ((/^subject:\s*/i)
            && ($config_opts{$opt_l,"subject_prefix"} ne '')) {

            print STDERR "$0: parse_header: adding subject prefix\n" if $DEBUG;
            local($foo) = &config'substitute_values($config_opts{$opt_l,"subject_prefix"}, $opt_l);#';

            #// ----------
            $foo =~ s/\$SEQNUM/$seqnum/;
            #// ----------

            local($foo_pat) = $foo;
            $foo_pat =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
            s/^subject:[^\S\n]*/Subject: $foo /i if !/$foo_pat/;
        # snag reply-to field 
        $reply_to = $1 if /^reply-to:\s*(.+)/i;

        # snag from line
        if (/^from:\s*(.+)/i) {
            $from = $1;
            $from_last = 1;        # the from line can span lines
        elsif ( defined($from_last) ) {
            if ( /^\s+(.+)/ ) {
                $from .= " $1";
            } else {
# Virtual Majordomo Hack
#        s/^to:(.*)\b$opt_l\b(.*)$/To:$1 $opt_l\@$whereami $2/i ;

        &check_hdr_line($_);        # check for length & balance on from, cc, and to fields.
        print OUT $_;

    #// ----------
    if ($subj_num == 0) {
        my $subj = 'Subject: ';

        if ($config_opts{$opt_l,"subject_prefix"} ne '') {
            $subj .= &config'substitute_values($config_opts{$opt_l,"subject_prefix"}, $opt_l);#';

            $subj =~ s/\$SEQNUM/$seqnum/;

        print OUT "$subj \n";
    #// ----------

    # finished with the header.  
    # Now, we aren't going to bounce yet, even if it looks bad, 
    # because we allow an Approved line as the _first_ line in the *body*.
    # return $gonna_bounce if length($gonna_bounce);

    print STDERR "$0: parse_header: adding header fields\n"
            if $DEBUG;

    # add new header fields
    print OUT "Sender: $sender\n";
    if (defined($opt_p)) {
        print OUT "Precedence: $opt_p\n";

    if (defined($opt_r)) {
        print OUT "Reply-To: ", &config'substitute_values($opt_r), "\n";   #';

    if ($config_opts{$opt_l,"sequence_prefix"} ne '') {
        print OUT "X-Sequence: " . &config'substitute_values($config_opts{$opt_l,"sequence_prefix"}, $opt_l) . " $seqnum\n";

    # print out per-list additonal headers
    if ($config_opts{$opt_l,"message_headers"} ne '') {
        local($headers) = &config'substitute_values (
                          $config_opts{$opt_l,"message_headers"}, $opt_l);#';
        $headers =~ s/\001|$/\n/g;
        print OUT $headers;
    print STDERR "$0: parse_header:  returning with '$gonna_bounce'\n" if $DEBUG;

    " $gonna_bounce ";

# Meander through the message body, checking for
# administravia, taboo stuff, and excessive length.
sub parse_body {
    local($body_line_count, $body_len) = 0;

    print STDERR "$0: parse_body: enter\n" if $DEBUG;

    while (<IN>) {
        $body_len += length($_);

        # check for administravia in the first 10 lines of the body
        # if so told and not approved.
        if ($body_line_count < 10 
            && defined($opt_s)
            && !defined($approved)
            && eval $is_admin_body) {
            $gonna_bounce .= 
                " admin request of type $taboo at line $body_line_count ";

        # if not approved, check for taboo body stuff
        # and message length
        if (!defined($approved)) {
            if ($#taboo_body >= $[
                && eval $is_taboo_body) {
                $gonna_bounce .= 
                    " taboo body match \"$taboo\" at line $body_line_count ";

            if ($#global_taboo_body >= $[ 
                && eval $is_global_taboo_body) { 
                $gonna_bounce .= 
                    " global taboo body match \"$taboo\" " .
                        "at line $body_line_count ";
            # make sure it doesn't make the message too long
            if (defined($opt_M) 
                && $body_len > $opt_M
                && !$already_bitched_about_length) {
                print STDERR "$0: parse_body: message too long\n" if $DEBUG;
                $gonna_bounce .= " message too long (>$opt_M chars) ";
        print OUT $_;

    print STDERR "$0: parse_body: exiting with '$gonna_bounce'\n" 
        if $DEBUG;

    " $gonna_bounce ";

sub check_balance {
    print STDERR "$0: check_balance: enter: $_\n" if $DEBUG;
    # set a temporary variable
    local($t) = shift;
    # Remove quoted material
    # ( looks like lisp, don't it? )
    1 while $t =~ s/(^|([^\\\"]|\\.)+)\"([^\\\"\n]|\\.)*\"?/$1/g; #"
    # strip out all nested parentheses
    1 while $t =~ s/\([^\(\)]*\)//g;
    # strip out all nested angle brackets
    1 while $t =~ s/\<[^\<\>]*\>//g;
    # if any parentheses or angle brackets remain, were imbalanced
    if ($t =~ /[\(\)\<\>]/ && ! defined($approved)) {
        &bounce("imbalanced parentheses or angle brackets");

sub check_hdr_line {
    local($_) = shift;
    print STDERR "$0: check_hdr_line: enter: $_\n" if $DEBUG;

    if (!/^\s/) {        # is this a continuation line?
        # Not a continuation line.
        # If $balanced_fld is defined, it means the last field was one
        # that needed to have balanced "()" and "<>" (i.e., "To:", "From:",
        # and "Cc:", so check it.  We do it here in case the last field was
        # multi-line.

        if (defined($balanced_fld)) {

        # we undefine $balanced_fld and reset $field_len; these may be set below

        $field_len = 0;

    # is this a field that must be checked for balanced "()" and "<>"?
    if (defined($balanced_fld) || /^from:/i || /^cc:/i || /^to:/i) {
        # yes it is, but we can't check it yet because there might be
        # continuation lines.  Buffer it to be checked at the beginning
        # of the next non-continuation line.

        # is this line too long?
        if ((length($_) > $MAX_HEADER_LINE_LENGTH) && ! defined($approved)) {
            &bounce("header line too long (>$MAX_HEADER_LINE_LENGTH)");

        # is this field too long?
        if ((($field_len += length($_)) > $MAX_TOTAL_HEADER_LENGTH) && ! defined($approved)) {
            &bounce("header field too long (>$MAX_TOTAL_HEADER_LENGTH)");

        $balanced_fld .= $_;

    # if we get here, everything was OK.

sub bounce {
    local($reason) = shift;

    print STDERR "$0: bounce enter\n" if $DEBUG;

    my $maddr0 = "$opt_m\@$opt_h";
    my $maddr1 = "$opt_m-approval\@$opt_h";

                   (($config_opts{$opt_l, 'moderator'} ne "") ?
                     #$config_opts{$opt_l, 'moderator'} : "$opt_l-approval\@$opt_h"),
                     #"BOUNCE $opt_l\@$opt_h: $reason");
                     $config_opts{$opt_l, 'moderator'} : $maddr1),
                     "BOUNCE $maddr0: $reason");
    seek(IN, 0, 0);
    while (<IN>) {
        print BOUNCE $_;
    unlink(&fileglob("$TMPDIR", "^resend\.$$\."));

    print STDERR "$0: bounce exiting\n" if $DEBUG;


sub send_bounce {
    local(*MAIL) = shift;
    local($to) = shift;
    local($subject) = shift;

    if (defined $bounce_mailer) {
        # The eval expands embedded variables like $sender
        $mailcmd = eval qq/"$bounce_mailer"/;
    else {
        # Painful, but we have to provide some kind of backwards
        # compatibility and this is what 1.93 used
        $mailcmd = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -f$sender -t";

    # clean up the addresses, for use on the sendmail command line
    local(@to) = &ParseAddrs($to);
    $to = join(", ", @to);

    # open the process
    if (defined($opt_d)) {
        # debugging, so just say it, don't do it
        open(MAIL, ">-");
        print MAIL ">>> $mailcmd\n";
    } else {
         if (defined($isParent = open(MAIL, "|-"))) {
             &do_exec_sendmail(split(' ', $mailcmd))
                 unless $isParent;
         } else {
             &abort("Failed to fork prior to mailer exec");

    # generate the header
    print MAIL <<"EOM";
To: $to
From: $sender
Subject: $subject



Man Man