config root man

Current Path : /compat/linux/proc/self/root/usr/share/nls/en_US.US-ASCII/

FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #1: Wed Jan 14 12:18:08 JST 2015 amd64
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Current File : //compat/linux/proc/self/root/usr/share/nls/en_US.US-ASCII/

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       -i   turn off info window
       -e   do not convert tabs to spaces
       -h   do not use highlighting
file "%s" is a directorynew file "%s"can't open "%s"file "%s", %d linesfinished reading file "%s"reading file "%s", read onlyfile "%s", %d linesenter name of file: no filename entered: file not savedchanges have been made, are you sure? (y/n [n]) yfile already exists, overwrite? (y/n) [n] unable to create file "%s"writing file "%s""%s" %d lines, %d characters           ...searchingstring "%s" not foundsearch for: could not exec %s
press return to continue press Esc to cancelmenu too large for windowpress any key to continue shell command: ...formatting paragraph...<!echo 'list of unrecognized words'; echo -=-=-=-=-=-sending contents of edit buffer to 'spell'right margin is: restricted mode: unable to perform requested operationONOFFHELPWRITEREADLINEFILECHARACTERREDRAWRESEQUENCEAUTHORVERSIONCASENOCASEEXPANDNOEXPANDEXITQUITINFONOINFOMARGINSNOMARGINSAUTOFORMATNOAUTOFORMATECHOPRINTCOMMANDRIGHTMARGINHIGHLIGHTNOHIGHLIGHTEIGHTBITNOEIGHTBITemacs key bindings   ^a beginning of line    ^i tab                  ^r restore word            ^b back 1 char          ^j undel char           ^t top of text             ^c command              ^k delete line          ^u bottom of text          ^d delete char          ^l undelete line        ^v next page               ^e end of line          ^m newline              ^w delete word             ^f forward 1 char       ^n next line            ^x search                  ^g go back 1 page       ^o ascii char insert    ^y search prompt           ^h backspace            ^p prev line            ^z next word               ^[ (escape) menu  ^y search prompt  ^k delete line   ^p prev li   ^g prev page^o ascii code     ^x search         ^l undelete line ^n next li   ^v next page^u end of file    ^a begin of line  ^w delete word   ^b back 1 char           ^t top of text    ^e end of line    ^r restore word  ^f forward 1 char        ^c command        ^d delete char    ^j undelete char ^z next word              EMACSNOEMACS       +#   put cursor at line #
unable to open for writing, no configuration saved!ee configuration saved in file %ssave editor configurationsave ee configurationsave in current directorysave in home directoryee configuration not savedmust specify a file when invoking reemenu too large for window^^more^^VVmoreVV16 bit characters    16BITNO16BIT

Man Man