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<font style="font: 16pt arial,helvetica,sanserif" color=#EEEEFF><b>AWStats logfile analyzer 5.9 Documentation</b></font><br>
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<br><br><H1 style="font: 26px arial,helvetica,sanserif">Other tools</H1>

This is a list of other tools provided with AWStats.<br>
All those tools are available in <b>tools</b> directory of AWStats distribution.<br>

<br><a name="configure"><H2 style="font: 22px arial,helvetica,sanserif color: #606060"><u></u></H2></a>
<br>This script creates one config file for each web servers provided by Apache.
<br>After running this tool, AWStats can immediatly be used.<br>
<br> This tool is not yet available...


<br><a name="awstats_updateall"><H2 style="font: 22px arial,helvetica,sanserif color: #606060"><u></u></H2></a>
<br>awstats_updateall launches update process for all AWStats config files (except
<br>awstats.model.conf) found in a particular directory, so you can easily setup a
<br>cron/scheduler job. The scanned directory is by default /etc/awstats.
<br>Usage: now [options]
<br>Where options are:
<br>  -awstatsprog=pathtoawstatspl
<br>  -configdir=confdirtoscan


<br><a name="awstats_buildstaticpages"><H2 style="font: 22px arial,helvetica,sanserif color: #606060"><u></u></H2></a>
<br>awstats_buildstaticpages allows you to launch AWStats with -staticlinks option
<br>to build all possible pages allowed by AWStats -output option.
<br> (awstats_options) [awstatsbuildstaticpages_options]
<br>  where awstats_options are any option known by AWStats
<br>   -config=configvalue is value for -config parameter (REQUIRED)
<br>   -update             option used to update statistics before to generate pages
<br>   -lang=LL            to output a HTML report in language LL (en,de,es,fr,...)
<br>   -month=MM           to output a HTML report for an old month=MM
<br>   -year=YYYY          to output a HTML report for an old year=YYYY
<br>  and awstatsbuildstaticpages_options can be
<br>   -awstatsprog=pathtoawstatspl gives AWStats software ( path
<br>   -dir=outputdir               to set output directory for generated pages
<br>   -date                        Used to add build date in built pages file name
<br>   -staticlinksext=xxx          For pages with .xxx extension instead of .html
<br>   -buildpdf[=pathtohtmldoc]    Build a PDF file after building HTML pages.
<br>                                 Output directory must contains icon directory
<br>                                 when this option is used (need 'htmldoc').
<br>New versions and FAQ at

<br><a name="urlaliasbuilder"><H2 style="font: 22px arial,helvetica,sanserif color: #606060"><u></u></H2></a>
<br>Urlaliasbuilder generates an 'urlalias' file from an input file.
<br>The input file must contain a list of URLs (It can be an AWStats history file).
<br>For each of thoose URLs, the script get the corresponding HTML page and catch the
<br>header information (title), then it writes an output file that contains one line
<br>for each URLs and several fields:
<br>- The first field is the URL,
<br>- The second is title caught from web page.
<br>This resulting file can be used by AWStats urlalias plugin.
<br>Usage:  [options]
<br>The site parameter contains the web server to get the page from.
<br>Where options are:
<br>  -urllistfile=Input urllist file
<br>	If this file is an AWStats history file then urlaliasbuilder will use the
<br>    SIDER section of this file as its input URL's list.
<br>  -urlaliasfile=Output urlalias file to build
<br>  -overwrite    Overwrite output file if exists
<br>  -secure       Use https protocol
<br>New versions and FAQ at
<br>This script was written from Simon Waight original works

<br><a name="logresolvemerge"><H2 style="font: 22px arial,helvetica,sanserif color: #606060"><u></u></H2></a>
<br>logresolvemerge allows you to merge several log files into one output,
<br>sorted on date. It also makes a fast reverse DNS lookup to replace
<br>all IP addresses into host names in resulting log file.
<br>logresolvemerge comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It's a free software
<br>distributed with a GNU General Public License (See COPYING.txt file).
<br>logresolvemerge is part of AWStats but can be used alone as a log merger
<br>or resolver before using any other log analyzer.
<br> [options] file
<br> [options] file1 ... filen
<br> [options] *.*
<br>  -dnslookup     make a reverse DNS lookup on IP adresses
<br>  -dnscache=file make DNS lookup from cache file first before network lookup
<br>  -showsteps     print on stderr benchmark information every 8192 lines
<br>  -addfilenum    if used with several files, file number can be added in first
<br>                 field of output file.
<br>This runs logresolvemerge in command line to open one or several web
<br>server log files to merge them (sorted on date) and/or to make a reverse
<br>DNS lookup. The result log file is sent on standard output.
<br>Note: logresolvemerge is not a 'sort' tool to sort one file. It's a
<br>software able to output sorted log records (with a reverse DNS lookup
<br>made if wanted) even if log records are shaked in several files.
<br>However each of thoose files must be already independently sorted itself
<br>(but that is the case in all web server log files).
<br>logresolvemerge is particularly usefull when you want to merge large log
<br>files in a fast process and with a low use of memory getting records in a
<br>chronological order through a pipe (for use by third tool, like log analyzer).
<br>WARNING: If log files are old MAC text files (lines ended with CR char), you
<br>can't run this tool on Win or Unix platforms.
<br>Now supports/detects:
<br>  Automatic detection of log format
<br>  Files can be .gz/.bz2 files if zcat/bzcat tools are available in PATH.
<br>New versions and FAQ at


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