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# ==== Purpose ====
# This include will check if the optimized delete (delete_all_rows) was
# used or not varying the session sql_log_bin variable with 0 and 1.
# It is expected that the optimized delete (delete_all_rows) will be used:
# a) If binlog_format != ROW
# b) If binlog_format == ROW but the statement will not be binlogged
# The include, varying sql_log_bin with 0 and 1, creates a new table (t1),
# fills it with data, and deletes all t1 data with a single query.
# It uses an EXPLAIN to assert if delete_all_rows was used or not.
# The include also asserts if the statement was binlogged if it is expected
# to be.
# ==== Usage ====
# [--let $storage_engine= InnoDB | MyISAM]
# --source include/
# Parameters:
#   $storage_engine
#     The storage engine that will be used in the CREATE TABLE statements.
#     If not specified, InnoDB will be used.

if (!$storage_engine)
  --let $_storage_engine= InnoDB
if ($storage_engine)
  --let $_storage_engine= $storage_engine

## Determine if the server has the binary log enabled
--let $have_log_bin= query_get_value(SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'log_bin', Value, 1)

# Create t1 and populate it
--eval CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 INT) ENGINE=$_storage_engine
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2), (3);

## Session sql_log_bin = 0
SET sql_log_bin= 0;

# Assert that delete_all_rows() will be used
--let $explain_extra= query_get_value("EXPLAIN DELETE FROM t1", Extra, 1)
--let $assert_text= DELETE will use delete_all_rows
--let $assert_cond= "$explain_extra" = "Deleting all rows"
--source include/

# Save current master position
if ($have_log_bin == ON)
  --let $saved_pos= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, Position, 1)

# Assert that this was not binlogged if binary log is enabled
if ($have_log_bin == ON)
  --let $current_pos= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, Position, 1)
  --let $assert_text= DELETE was not binlogged
  --let $assert_cond= $current_pos = $saved_pos
  --source include/

## Session sql_log_bin = 1
SET sql_log_bin= 1;
# Populate t1 again
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2), (3);

# Assert if delete_all_rows() will be used or not
--let $explain_extra_expected= "Deleting all rows"
# The extra info in explain will be NULL if the statement is binlogged
# with binlog_format = ROW
--let $explain_extra= query_get_value("EXPLAIN DELETE FROM t1", Extra, 1)
--let $assert_text= DELETE will use delete_all_rows
if ($have_log_bin == ON)
  if (`SELECT @@GLOBAL.binlog_format = 'ROW'`)
    --let $assert_text= DELETE will not use delete_all_rows
    --let $explain_extra_expected= "NULL"
--let $assert_cond= "$explain_extra" = $explain_extra_expected
--source include/

# Save current master position
if ($have_log_bin == ON)
  --let $saved_pos= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, Position, 1)

# Assert that this was binlogged if binary log is enabled
if ($have_log_bin == ON)
  --let $current_pos= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, Position, 1)
  --let $assert_text= DELETE was binlogged
  --let $assert_cond= $current_pos > $saved_pos
  --source include/

# Cleanup

Man Man