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# include/
# Test for rowid ordering (and comparison) functions.
# do index_merge select for tables with PK of various types.
# The variable
#     $engine_type       -- storage engine to be tested
# has to be set before sourcing this script.
# Note: The comments/expections refer to InnoDB.
#       They might be not valid for other storage engines.
# Last update:
# 2006-08-02 ML test refactored
#               old name was t/rowid_order.test
#               main code went into include/


drop table if exists t1, t2, t3,t4;

# Signed number as rowid
create table t1 (
  pk1 int not NULL,
  key1 int(11),
  key2 int(11),
  PRIMARY KEY  (pk1),
  KEY key1 (key1),
  KEY key2 (key2)
insert into t1 values (-5, 1, 1),
  (-100, 1, 1),
  (3, 1, 1),
  (0, 1, 1),
  (10, 1, 1);
-- disable_query_log
-- disable_result_log
analyze table t1;
-- enable_result_log
-- enable_query_log
explain select * from t1 force index(key1, key2) where key1 < 3 or key2 < 3;
select * from t1 force index(key1, key2) where key1 < 3 or key2 < 3;
drop table t1;

# Unsigned numbers as rowids
create table t1 (
  pk1 int unsigned not NULL,
  key1 int(11),
  key2 int(11),
  PRIMARY KEY  (pk1),
  KEY key1 (key1),
  KEY key2 (key2)
insert into t1 values (0, 1, 1),
  (0xFFFFFFFF, 1, 1),
  (0xFFFFFFFE, 1, 1),
  (1, 1, 1),
  (2, 1, 1);
select * from t1 force index(key1, key2) where key1 < 3 or key2 < 3;
drop table t1;

# Case-insensitive char(N)
create table t1 (
  pk1 char(4) not NULL,
  key1 int(11),
  key2 int(11),
  PRIMARY KEY  (pk1),
  KEY key1 (key1),
  KEY key2 (key2)
) collate latin2_general_ci;
insert into t1 values ('a1', 1, 1),
  ('b2', 1, 1),
  ('A3', 1, 1),
  ('B4', 1, 1);
select * from t1 force index(key1, key2) where key1 < 3 or key2 < 3;
drop table t1;

# Multi-part PK
create table t1 (
  pk1 int not NULL,
  pk2 char(4) not NULL collate latin1_german1_ci,
  pk3 char(4) not NULL collate latin1_bin,
  key1 int(11),
  key2 int(11),
  PRIMARY KEY  (pk1,pk2,pk3),
  KEY key1 (key1),
  KEY key2 (key2)
insert into t1 values
  (1, 'u', 'u',        1, 1),
  (1, 'u', char(0xEC), 1, 1),
  (1, 'u', 'x',        1, 1);
insert ignore into t1 select pk1, char(0xEC), pk3, key1, key2  from t1;
insert ignore into t1 select pk1, 'x', pk3, key1, key2  from t1 where pk2='u';
insert ignore into t1 select 2, pk2, pk3, key1, key2  from t1;
select * from t1;
select * from t1 force index(key1, key2) where key1 < 3 or key2 < 3;

# Hidden PK
alter table t1 drop primary key;
select * from t1;
select * from t1 force index(key1, key2) where key1 < 3 or key2 < 3;
drop table t1;

# Variable-length PK
# this is also test for Bug#2688
create table t1  (
  pk1 varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
  pk2 varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
  key1 int(11),
  key2 int(11),
  primary key(pk1, pk2),
  KEY key1 (key1),
  KEY key2 (key2)
insert into t1 values ('','empt',2,2),
select * from t1 force index(key1, key2) where key1 < 3 or key2 < 3;

drop table t1;

Man Man