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Current Path : /home/usr.opt/mysql57/mysql-test/include/

FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #1: Wed Jan 14 12:18:08 JST 2015 amd64
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Current File : //home/usr.opt/mysql57/mysql-test/include/

# ==== Purpose ====
# This is a simplified version of
# It will set the GTID_NEXT session variable to ANONYMOUS if GTIDs
# are OFF or to SERVER_UUID:N (where N is the larger GTID executed plus one)
# if GTIDs are enabled.
# It is useful to test some functionalities regardless of GTIDs being enabled
# or not, when there is a need for non-automatic GTID_NEXT.
# It doesn't require as
# ==== Usage ====
# [--let $non_masked_gtid= 1]
# [--let $expected_error= error_number]
# --source include/
# Parameters:
#   $non_masked_gtids
#     By default, this include will mask the output of the statement in order
#     to produce the same output with or without GTIDs enabled. By setting this
#     parameter the include will not mask the output.
#   $expected_error
#     When set, the include will expect an error before setting the GTID_NEXT.

--let $_sgn_gtid_next= ANONYMOUS

  # This routine assume that GTID_EXECUTED has only GTIDs from a single server
  --let $_sgn_colon= `SELECT LOCATE(':', @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED)`
  if ($_sgn_colon)
    --let $_sgn_minus= `SELECT LOCATE('-', @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED, $_sgn_colon)`
    if ($_sgn_minus)
      --let $_sgn_next= `SELECT SUBSTR(@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED, LOCATE('-', @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED, $_sgn_colon) + 1) + 1`
    if (!$_sgn_minus)
      --let $_sgn_next= `SELECT SUBSTR(@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED, $_sgn_colon + 1) + 1`
  if (!$_sgn_colon)
    --let $_sgn_next= 1
  --let $_sgn_server_uuid= `SELECT @@GLOBAL.SERVER_UUID`
  --let $_sgn_gtid_next= $_sgn_server_uuid:$_sgn_next

if (!$non_masked_gtid)
  --replace_result $_sgn_gtid_next #
if ($expected_error)
  --error $expected_error
--eval SET GTID_NEXT= '$_sgn_gtid_next'

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