config root man

Current Path : /home/usr.opt/mysql57/mysql-test/suite/ndb/r/

FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #1: Wed Jan 14 12:18:08 JST 2015 amd64
Upload File :
Current File : //home/usr.opt/mysql57/mysql-test/suite/ndb/r/ndb_dd_initial_lg.result

select reserved, used from ndbinfo.resources
where resource_name = 'DISK_OPERATIONS'
    order by node_id;
reserved	used
640	640
640	640
select logfile_group_name, extra from information_schema.files
where file_type = 'UNDO LOG' and file_name is null;
logfile_group_name	extra
initial_lg1	UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE=20971520
select distinct file_name, initial_size from information_schema.files
where file_type = 'UNDO LOG' and file_name is not null
order by file_name;
file_name	initial_size
undofile1.log	33554432
undofile2.log	56623104
create tablespace ts1
add datafile 'data1.dat'
  use logfile group initial_lg1
initial_size 20M
engine = ndb;
create table t1 (
a int primary key,
b varchar(256)
) tablespace ts1 storage disk, engine = ndb;
insert into t1 values
(1, "initial log file test");
drop table t1;
alter tablespace ts1 drop datafile 'data1.dat' engine=ndb;
drop tablespace ts1 engine = ndb;
drop logfile group initial_lg1 engine = ndb;

Man Man