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### PK vs PK
create table parent (
  a int primary key,
  b int not null,
  c int not null,
  unique(b) using hash,
  index(c)) engine = ndb;

create table child (
  a int primary key,
  b int not null,
  c int not null,
  unique(b) using hash,
  index(c)) engine = ndb;

# Parent pk
# child pk, uk, oi
alter table child add constraint fk1 foreign key (a) references parent(a);
alter table child add constraint fk2 foreign key (b) references parent(a);
alter table child add constraint fk3 foreign key (c) references parent(a);

show create table child;

# Parent uk
# child pk, uk, oi
alter table child add constraint fk4 foreign key (a) references parent(b);
alter table child add constraint fk5 foreign key (b) references parent(b);
alter table child add constraint fk6 foreign key (c) references parent(b);

show create table child;

# Parent oi
# child pk, uk, oi
# not supported

# The failing alters spits out warnings, which include the
# name of the temporary table...which has a random name
# so disable_result_log :-(

alter table child algorithm=copy, add constraint fk7 foreign key (a) references parent(c);
alter table child algorithm=copy, add constraint fk8 foreign key (a) references parent(c);
alter table child algorithm=copy, add constraint fk9 foreign key (a) references parent(c);


alter table child algorithm=inplace, add constraint fk7 foreign key (a) references parent(c);
show warnings;
alter table child algorithm=inplace, add constraint fk8 foreign key (a) references parent(c);
show warnings;
alter table child algorithm=inplace, add constraint fk9 foreign key (a) references parent(c);
show warnings;

drop table child, parent;

# Test using SQL
create table parent (
  a int primary key,
  b int not null,
  c int not null,
  unique(b) using hash,
  index(c)) engine = ndb;

create table child (
  a int not null,
  b int not null,
  c int not null,
  primary key (a),
  unique key (b) using hash,
  key (c),
  constraint fk1 foreign key(a) references parent (a),
  constraint fk2 foreign key(b) references parent (a),
  constraint fk3 foreign key(c) references parent (a),
  constraint fk4 foreign key(a) references parent (b),
  constraint fk5 foreign key(b) references parent (b),
  constraint fk6 foreign key(c) references parent (b)
) engine=ndbcluster;

show create table child;
drop table child, parent;

Man Man