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# ==== Purpose ====
# This test script serves as the functionality testing for the table
# performance_schema.replication_connection_status. Test for ddl and dml
# operations is a part of the perfschema suite. The ddl/dml tests are named:
# 1) ddl_replication_connection_status.test and
# 2) dml_replication_connection_status.test.
# This test script does the following:

#  - Verify that SELECT works for every field in the table.
#  - The SELECT per field produces an output similar to the corresponding field
#    in SHOW SLAVE STATUS(SSS), if there is one.
#  - If there is no matching field in SSS, we resort to other method of testing
#    those fields.
# The follwing scenarios are tested:
#  - Test each field on a fresh replication setup.
#  - Cause an error in the IO thread and check for the correctness of the error
#    number, meaasge and timestamp field.
#  - Verify that the error fields are preserved after STOP SLAVE, thread_id
#    changes to NULL and service_state to "off".
#  - Start server with gtid-mode=on and test the RECEIVED_TRANSACTION_SET field.
#    Also, make sure the value in this field is preserved after STOP SLAVE.
#  - Test Group Replication related fields. They should be set NULL when plugin
#    is not installed on slave.
#  - When Group Replication plugin is not installed, table must return an empty
#    set.
#  ==== Related Worklog ====
#  WL#6841: PERFORMANCE SCHEMA to show Group Replication kernel stats
source include/;
source include/;
source include/;
source include/;

--let $assert_text= On master, the table should return an empty set.
--let $assert_cond= [select count(*) from performance_schema.replication_connection_status] = 0
--source include/

--connection slave

--let $Group_Name= query_get_value(select Group_Name from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, Group_Name, 1)
--let $assert_text= On slave, the group_name should be set NULL
--let $assert_cond= "$Group_Name"= ""
--source include/

--echo # Verify that SELECT works for every field and produces an output similar
--echo # to the corresponding field in SHOW SLAVE STATUS(SSS). To verify the
--echo # correctness of thread_id field, we check for the name of the thread.

let $sss_value= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Master_UUID, 1);
let $ps_value= query_get_value(select Source_UUID from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, Source_UUID, 1);
let $assert_text= Value returned by SSS and PS table for Source_UUID should be same.;
let $assert_cond= "$sss_value" = "$ps_value";
source include/;

let $thread_name= `select name from performance_schema.threads where thread_id= (select Thread_Id from performance_schema.replication_connection_status)`;
let $assert_text= thread_name should should indicate io thread.;
let $assert_cond= "$thread_name" = "thread/sql/slave_io";
source include/;

let $sss_value= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Slave_IO_Running, 1);
let $ps_value= query_get_value(select Service_State from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, Service_State, 1);
let $assert_text= SSS shows Slave_IO_Running as "Yes". So, Service_State from this PS table should be "ON".;
let $assert_cond= "$sss_value" = "Yes" AND "$ps_value"= "ON";
source include/;

# Heartbeat count and last hearbeat timestamp are not in SSS, but these are in
# IS. So to test count_received_heartbeats and last_heartbeat_timestamp
# we compare values from IS and PS unlike SSS and PS for other fields in this
# test.

let $is_value= query_get_value(select Variable_Value from information_schema.global_status where Variable_name = 'slave_received_heartbeats', Variable_Value, 1);
let $ps_value= query_get_value(select count_received_heartbeats from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, count_received_heartbeats, 1);
let $assert_text= IS and PS tables should both show that no heartbeats have been received.;
let $assert_cond= "$is_value" = "$ps_value";
source include/;

let $is_value= query_get_value(select Variable_Value from information_schema.global_status where Variable_name = 'slave_last_heartbeat', Variable_Value, 1);
let $ps_value= query_get_value(select last_heartbeat_timestamp from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, last_heartbeat_timestamp, 1);
let $assert_text= IS table should give an empty output and PS table should output 0000-00-00 00:00:00 both indicating no heartbeats have been received;
let $assert_cond= "$is_value" = "" AND "$ps_value"= "0000-00-00 00:00:00";
source include/;

let $sss_value= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Retrieved_Gtid_Set, 1);
let $ps_value= query_get_value(select Received_Transaction_Set from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, Received_Transaction_Set, 1);
let $assert_text= Value returned by SSS and PS table for Received_Transaction_Set should be same.;
let $assert_cond= "$sss_value" = "$ps_value";
source include/;

let $sss_value= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Last_IO_Errno, 1);
let $ps_value= query_get_value(select Last_Error_Number from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, Last_Error_Number, 1);
let $assert_text= Value returned by SSS and PS table for Last_Error_Number should be same.;
let $assert_cond= "$sss_value" = "$ps_value";
source include/;

let $sss_value= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Last_IO_Error, 1);
let $ps_value= query_get_value(select Last_Error_Message from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, Last_Error_Message, 1);
let $assert_text= Value returned by SSS and PS table for Last_Error_Message should be same.;
let $assert_cond= "$sss_value" = "$ps_value";
source include/;

let $sss_value= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Last_IO_Error_Timestamp, 1);
let $ps_value= query_get_value(select Last_Error_Timestamp from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, Last_Error_Timestamp, 1);
let $assert_text= Value returned by PS table for Last_Error_Timestamp should be 0000-00-00 00:00:00.;
let $assert_cond= "$ps_value" = "0000-00-00 00:00:00";
source include/;

source include/;

--echo # heartbeat count and last heartbeat timestamp are indeterministic so we
--echo # can not test for their exact values. We will thus check for >0 number
--echo # of heartbeats and last heartbeat timestamp!= zeros.

change master to master_heartbeat_period= 0.5;

set @restore_slave_net_timeout= @@global.slave_net_timeout;
set @@global.slave_net_timeout= 10;

source include/;

# there is an explicit sleep lasting longer than slave_net_timeout
# to ensure that nothing will come to slave from master for that period.
# That would cause reconnecting and relaylog rotation w/o the fix i.e
# without a heartbeat received.

real_sleep 15;

# proof that there has been received at least one heartbeat;
# The exact number of received heartbeat is an indeterministic value
# and therefore it's not recorded into results.

let $slave_wait_param_counter= 300;
let $slave_value= query_get_value(select count_received_heartbeats from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, count_received_heartbeats, 1);

# Checking the fact that at least one heartbeat is received
while (!$slave_value)
  dec $slave_wait_param_counter;
  if (!$slave_wait_param_counter)
    query_vertical show slave status;
    select count_received_heartbeats from performance_schema.replication_connection_status;
    --die ERROR: failed while waiting for slave to generate a heartbeat.
  sleep 0.1;
  let $slave_value= query_get_value(select count_received_heartbeats from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, count_received_heartbeats, 1);

--echo A heartbeat has been received by the slave

# check for non-zero value of the Slave_last_heartbeat variable when the slave is enabled
let $ps_value= query_get_value(select last_heartbeat_timestamp from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, last_heartbeat_timestamp, 1);
let $assert_text= last_heartbeat_timestamp should NOT be zero;
let $assert_cond= "$ps_value" != "0000-00-00 00:00:00";
source include/;

# Reset slave_net_timeout to default after testing heartbeats.
set @@global.slave_net_timeout= @restore_slave_net_timeout;

--echo # We now introduce an error in the IO thread and check for the correctness
--echo # of error number, message and timestamp fields.

# Cause an error in IO thread.
--connection slave
source include/;
replace_column 2 ####;
eval change master to

start slave io_thread;
let $slave_param= Last_IO_Errno;
let $slave_param_value= 1045;
source include/;

--echo # Extract the error related fields from SSS and PS table and compare
--echo # them for correctness.

let $sss_value= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Last_IO_Errno, 1);
let $ps_value= query_get_value(select Last_Error_Number from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, Last_Error_Number, 1);
let $assert_text= Value returned by SSS and PS table for Last_Error_Number should be same.;
let $assert_cond= "$sss_value" = "$ps_value";
source include/;

# Availability of special characters like single quote and backtick character
# makes it difficult use the or mysql functionstrcmp().
# So, the equality of error messages is checked using the below perl code.

let $sss_value= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Last_IO_Error, 1);
let $ps_value= query_get_value(select Last_Error_Message from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, Last_Error_Message, 1);

let PS_VALUE= $ps_value;
let SSS_VALUE= $sss_value;

use strict;
my $ps_value= $ENV{'PS_VALUE'};
my $sss_value= $ENV{'SSS_VALUE'};

if ($ps_value eq $sss_value)
  print "Value returned by SSS and PS table for Last_Error_Message is same.\n";
  print "Value returned by SSS and PS table for Last_Error_Message is NOT same\n";

# End of perl code for testing the error message.

# The timestamp format is slightly different in SSS and PS.
# To match the two, we get rid of hyphons from PS output and first two digits
# the year field so that it can be matched directly.

let $sss_value= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Last_IO_Error_Timestamp, 1);
let $ps_value= query_get_value(select Last_Error_Timestamp from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, Last_Error_Timestamp, 1);
let $ps_value_without_hyphons= `SELECT REPLACE("$ps_value", '-', '')`;
let $ps_value_in_sss_format= `select substring("$ps_value_without_hyphons", 3)`;
let $assert_text= Value returned by SSS and PS table for Last_Error_Timestamp should be same.;
let $assert_cond= "$sss_value" = "$ps_value_in_sss_format";
source include/;

--echo # Verify that source_UUID and the error related fields are preserved
--echo # after STOP SLAVE, thread_id changes to NULL and service_state to "off".

--let $slave_io_errno= convert_error(ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR)
source include/;

--echo # 1. Verify that thread_id changes to NULL and service_state to "off" on
--echo #    STOP SLAVE.

let $ps_value= query_get_value(select thread_id from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, thread_id, 1);
let $assert_text= After STOP SLAVE, thread_id should be NULL;
let $assert_cond= "$ps_value" = "NULL";
source include/;

let $sss_value= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Slave_IO_Running, 1);
let $ps_value= query_get_value(select Service_State from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, Service_State, 1);
let $assert_text= SSS shows Slave_IO_Running as "No". So, Service_State from this PS table should be "OFF".;
let $assert_cond= "$sss_value" = "No" AND "$ps_value"= "OFF";
source include/;

--echo # 2. Extract the source_UUID and the error related fields from SSS and PS
--echo #    table and compare them. These fields should preserve their values.

let $sss_value= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Master_UUID, 1);
let $ps_value= query_get_value(select Source_UUID from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, Source_UUID, 1);
let $assert_text= Value returned by SSS and PS table for Source_UUID should be same.;
let $assert_cond= "$sss_value" = "$ps_value";
source include/;

let $sss_value= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Last_IO_Errno, 1);
let $ps_value= query_get_value(select Last_Error_Number from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, Last_Error_Number, 1);
let $assert_text= Value returned by SSS and PS table for Last_Error_Number should be same.;
let $assert_cond= "$sss_value" = "$ps_value";
source include/;

# Availability of special characters like single quote and backtick character
# makes it difficult use the or mysql functionstrcmp().
# So, the equality of error messages is checked using the below perl code.

let $sss_value= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Last_IO_Error, 1);
let $ps_value= query_get_value(select Last_Error_Message from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, Last_Error_Message, 1);

let PS_VALUE= $ps_value;
let SSS_VALUE= $sss_value;

use strict;
my $ps_value= $ENV{'PS_VALUE'};
my $sss_value= $ENV{'SSS_VALUE'};

if ($ps_value eq $sss_value)
  print "Value returned by SSS and PS table for Last_Error_Message is same.\n";
  print "Value returned by SSS and PS table for Last_Error_Message is NOT same\n";

# End of perl code for testing error message.

# The timestamp format is slightly different in SSS and PS.
# To match the two, we get rid of hyphons from PS output and first two digits
# the year field so that it can be matched directly.

let $sss_value= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Last_IO_Error_Timestamp, 1);
let $ps_value= query_get_value(select Last_Error_Timestamp from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, Last_Error_Timestamp, 1);
let $assert_text= Value returned by SSS and PS table for Last_Error_Timestamp should be same.;
let $ps_value_without_hyphons= `SELECT REPLACE("$ps_value", '-', '')`;
let $ps_value_in_sss_format= `select substring("$ps_value_without_hyphons", 3)`;
let $assert_text= Value returned by SSS and PS table for Last_Error_Timestamp should be same.;
let $assert_cond= "$sss_value" = "$ps_value_in_sss_format";
source include/;

--echo # Restart the master and slave servers in gtid-mode=on, execute some
--echo # transactions and verify the 'Received_Transaction_Set' field.

let $rpl_server_number= 1;
let $rpl_start_with_gtids= 1;
source include/;

let $rpl_server_number= 2;
let $rpl_start_with_gtids= 1;
source include/;

--connection slave
replace_column 2 ####;
change master to
 master_user = 'root',
 master_auto_position= 1;
source include/;

--connection master
use test;
create table t(a int);
insert into t values(1);

--source include/

let $sss_value= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Retrieved_Gtid_Set, 1);
let $ps_value= query_get_value(select Received_Transaction_Set from performance_schema.replication_connection_status, Received_Transaction_Set, 1);
let $assert_text= Value returned by SSS and PS table for Received_Transaction_Set should be same.;
let $assert_cond= "$sss_value" = "$ps_value";
source include/;

--echo # Verify that the value for 'Received_Transaction_Set' field is preserved
--echo # after STOP SLAVE.

--source include/
--let $old_ps_value= $ps_value
--let $assert_text= Received_Transaction_Set should not have changed after STOP SLAVE
--let $assert_cond= "$ps_value" = "$old_ps_value";
--source include/

--echo # Verify that the value for 'Received_Transaction_Set' is cleared
--echo # after RESET SLAVE.

--let $assert_cond= Received_Transaction_Set = "" FROM performance_schema.replication_connection_status
--let $assert_text= Received_Transaction_Set should be empty after RESET SLAVE
--source include/

source include/;
source include/;

Man Man