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## Find with groupby and having clause

--source ../include/

## Test starts here
--let $xtest_file= $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/crud_find_groupby.tmp
--write_file $xtest_file

-->title =Issue #1
-->echo Table approach
Mysqlx.Crud.Find {
  collection { name: "tab1" schema: "xtest"}
  data_model: TABLE
  projection {
    alias: "sum_f2"
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL function_call {
        name { name: "sum" }
        param { type: IDENT identifier { name: "F2" } }
  projection {
    alias: "sum_f1"
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL function_call {
        name { name: "sum" }
        param { type: IDENT identifier { name: "F1" } }
  grouping { type: IDENT identifier { name: "F1" } }
  grouping_criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: ">"
      param {
        type: FUNC_CALL function_call {
          name { name: "sum" }
          param { type: IDENT identifier { name: "F1" } }
      param {
        type: LITERAL literal { type: V_UINT v_unsigned_int: 2 }
  order {
    expr { type: IDENT identifier { name: "F1" } }
    direction: ASC

-->echo Collection approach
Mysqlx.Crud.Find {
  collection { name: "coll1" schema: "xtest"}
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  projection {
    alias: "sum_f2"
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL function_call {
        name { name: "sum" }
        param {
          type: OPERATOR operator {
            name: "cast"
            param {
              type: IDENT
              identifier { document_path { type: MEMBER value: "F2" } }
            param {
              type : LITERAL
              literal { type: V_OCTETS v_octets {value:"SIGNED INTEGER"} }
  projection {
    alias: "sum_f1"
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL function_call {
        name { name: "sum" }
        param {
          type: OPERATOR operator {
            name: "cast"
            param {
              type: IDENT
              identifier { document_path { type: MEMBER value: "F1" } }
            param {
              type : LITERAL
              literal { type: V_OCTETS v_octets {value:"SIGNED INTEGER"} }
  grouping {
    type: IDENT
    identifier { document_path { type: MEMBER value: "F1" } }
  grouping_criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: ">"
      param {
        type: FUNC_CALL function_call {
          name { name: "sum" }
          param {
            type: OPERATOR operator {
              name: "cast"
              param {
                type: IDENT
                identifier { document_path { type: MEMBER value: "F1" } }
              param {
                type : LITERAL
                literal { type: V_OCTETS v_octets {value:"SIGNED INTEGER"} }
      param {
        type: LITERAL literal { type: V_UINT v_unsigned_int: 2 }
  order {
    expr {
      type: IDENT
      identifier { document_path { type: MEMBER value: "F1" } }
    direction: ASC

-->title =Issue #2
-->echo Table approach
Mysqlx.Crud.Find {
  collection { name: "tab1" schema: "xtest"}
  data_model: TABLE
  projection {
    alias: "Fld"
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL function_call {
        name { name: "any_value" }
        param { type: IDENT identifier { name: "F1" } }
  projection {
    alias: "sum_f2"
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL function_call {
        name { name: "sum" }
        param { type: IDENT identifier { name: "F2" } }
  grouping { type: IDENT identifier { name: "F1" } }
  grouping_criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: ">"
      param { type: IDENT identifier { name: "F1" } }
      param { type: LITERAL literal { type: V_UINT v_unsigned_int: 2 } }
  order {
    expr { type: IDENT identifier { name: "F1" } }
    direction: ASC

-->echo Collection approach (doc member in grouping criteria)
Mysqlx.Crud.Find {
  collection { name: "coll1" schema: "xtest"}
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  projection {
    alias: "Fld"
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL function_call {
        name { name: "any_value" }
        param {
          type: OPERATOR operator {
            name: "cast"
            param {
              type: IDENT
              identifier { document_path { type: MEMBER value: "F1" } }
            param {
              type : LITERAL
              literal { type: V_OCTETS v_octets {value:"SIGNED INTEGER"} }
  projection {
    alias: "sum_f2"
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL function_call {
        name { name: "sum" }
        param {
          type: OPERATOR operator {
            name: "cast"
            param {
              type: IDENT
              identifier { document_path { type: MEMBER value: "F2" } }
            param {
              type : LITERAL
              literal { type: V_OCTETS v_octets {value:"SIGNED INTEGER"} }
  grouping {
    type: IDENT
    identifier { document_path { type: MEMBER value: "F1" } }
  grouping_criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: ">"
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier { document_path { type: MEMBER value: "F1" } }
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal { type: V_UINT v_unsigned_int: 2 }
  order {
    expr {
      type: IDENT
      identifier { document_path { type: MEMBER value: "F1" } }
    direction: ASC
-->expecterror ER_X_EXPR_BAD_VALUE

-->echo Collection approach (alias in grouping criteria)
Mysqlx.Crud.Find {
  collection { name: "coll1" schema: "xtest"}
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  projection {
    alias: "Fld"
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL function_call {
        name { name: "any_value" }
        param {
          type: OPERATOR operator {
            name: "cast"
            param {
              type: IDENT
              identifier { document_path { type: MEMBER value: "F1" } }
            param {
              type : LITERAL
              literal { type: V_OCTETS v_octets {value:"SIGNED INTEGER"} }
  projection {
    alias: "sum_f2"
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL function_call {
        name { name: "sum" }
        param {
          type: OPERATOR operator {
            name: "cast"
            param {
              type: IDENT
              identifier { document_path { type: MEMBER value: "F2" } }
            param {
              type : LITERAL
              literal { type: V_OCTETS v_octets {value:"SIGNED INTEGER"} }
  grouping {
    type: IDENT
    identifier { document_path { type: MEMBER value: "F1" } }
  grouping_criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: ">"
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier { name: "Fld" }
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal { type: V_UINT v_unsigned_int: 2 }
  order {
    expr {
      type: IDENT
      identifier { document_path { type: MEMBER value: "F1" } }
    direction: ASC

INSERT INTO xtest.coll1 (doc) VALUES
    ('{"F1": 1, "F2": 110, "_id": "1100"}'),
    ('{"F1": 2, "F2": 111, "_id": "1101"}'),
    ('{"F1": 3, "F2": 112, "_id": "1102"}'),
    ('{"F1": 1, "F2": 120, "_id": "1200"}'),
    ('{"F1": 2, "F2": 121, "_id": "1201"}'),
    ('{"F1": 3, "F2": 122, "_id": "1202"}');

CREATE TABLE xtest.tab1 (id VARCHAR(16), F1 INT, F2 INT)
    SELECT _id AS id,
       JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(doc, "$.F1")) AS F1,
       JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(doc, "$.F2")) AS F2
    FROM xtest.coll1;

--exec $MYSQLXTEST -uroot --password='' --file=$xtest_file 2>&1

## Postamble
--remove_file $xtest_file

Man Man