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###########  ../t/find_crud_groupby_o.test            ##################
###                                                                    #
### This test runs aims to run FIND operation statements               #
### variant with mysqlxtest client for Table and Document data models. #
### Test covers                                                        #
###  - find with group by (grouping)                                   #
###  - find with group by (grouping) using Alias and Functions         #
###  - find with different operators in having (grouping_criteria)     #
###                                                                    #

--echo ==============================================
--echo ==============================================

--echo ================================================================================
--echo ================================================================================
--source ../include/
create user crudfindgroupuser@localhost identified by 'crudfindgroupuser';
grant all on *.* to crudfindgroupuser@localhost;

--echo ================================================================================
--echo ================================================================================
--write_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/find_crud_table_groupby.tmp
DROP SCHEMA if EXISTS minisakila;
CREATE SCHEMA minisakila;
USE minisakila;

  actor_id smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  first_name varchar(45) NOT NULL,
  age int,
  PRIMARY KEY (actor_id)

(1,'actor1',20,'2006-02-15 04:34:33'),
(2,'actor2',25,'2006-02-14 04:34:33'),
(3,'actor3',28,'2006-02-14 04:34:33'),
(4,'actor4',15,'2006-02-15 04:34:33'),
(5,'actor5',32,'2006-02-16 04:34:33'),
(6,'actor6',37,'2006-02-17 04:34:33'),
(7,'actor7',null,'2006-02-18 04:34:33');

-->echo Table based scenarios

-->echo Find specific row criteria and group by (grouping) 
Mysqlx.Crud.Find {
  collection {
    name: "actor"
    schema: "minisakila"
  data_model: TABLE
  projection {
    source {
      type: IDENT
      identifier {
        name: "last_update"
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "!="
      param {
        type: IDENT identifier {
          name: "first_name"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
            type: V_STRING
            v_string { value: "actor7" }
  grouping {
	type: IDENT
    identifier {
       name: "last_update"

-->echo Find specific row with criteria and group by (grouping) 
Mysqlx.Crud.Find {
  collection {
    name: "actor"
    schema: "minisakila"
  data_model: TABLE
  projection {
    source {
      type: IDENT
      identifier {
        name: "last_update"
  grouping {
	type: IDENT
    identifier {
       name: "last_update"

-->echo Find specific row criteria and group by (grouping) and having (grouping_criteria) 
Mysqlx.Crud.Find {
  collection {
    name: "actor"
    schema: "minisakila"
  data_model: TABLE
  projection {
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL
      function_call {
        name {
          name: "AVG"
        param {
          type: IDENT
          identifier {
            name: "age"
    alias: "Average Age"
  projection {
    source {
      type: IDENT
      identifier {
        name: "last_update"
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "!="
      param {
        type: IDENT identifier {
          name: "first_name"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
            type: V_STRING
            v_string { value: "actor7" }
  grouping {
	type: IDENT
    identifier {
       name: "last_update"
  grouping_criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "<"
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "Average Age"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
            type: V_DOUBLE
            v_double: 32

-->echo Find specific row with COUNT, MAX and MIN functions with group by (grouping) 
Mysqlx.Crud.Find {
  collection {
    name: "actor"
    schema: "minisakila"
  data_model: TABLE
  projection {
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL
      function_call {
        name {
          name: "COUNT"
        param {
          type: IDENT
          identifier {
            name: "age"
    alias: "Age count"
  projection {
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL
      function_call {
        name {
          name: "MAX"
        param {
          type: IDENT
          identifier {
            name: "age"
    alias: "Maximum_Age"
  projection {
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL
      function_call {
        name {
          name: "MIN"
        param {
          type: IDENT
          identifier {
            name: "age"
    alias: "Minimum_Age"
  projection {
    source {
      type: IDENT
      identifier {
        name: "last_update"
  grouping {
	type: IDENT
    identifier {
       name: "last_update"

-->echo Find specific row with COUNT, MAX and MIN functions with group by (grouping) and Having (grouping_criteria)
Mysqlx.Crud.Find {
  collection {
    name: "actor"
    schema: "minisakila"
  data_model: TABLE
  projection {
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL
      function_call {
        name {
          name: "COUNT"
        param {
          type: IDENT
          identifier {
            name: "age"
    alias: "Age count"
  projection {
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL
      function_call {
        name {
          name: "MAX"
        param {
          type: IDENT
          identifier {
            name: "age"
    alias: "Maximum_Age"
  projection {
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL
      function_call {
        name {
          name: "MIN"
        param {
          type: IDENT
          identifier {
            name: "age"
    alias: "Minimum_Age"
  projection {
    source {
      type: IDENT
      identifier {
        name: "last_update"
  grouping {
	type: IDENT
    identifier {
       name: "last_update"
  grouping_criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "Maximum_Age"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
            type: V_UINT
            v_unsigned_int: 32

-->echo Find specific row with group by (grouping) and Having (grouping_criteria) with != Operator
Mysqlx.Crud.Find {
  collection {
    name: "actor"
    schema: "minisakila"
  data_model: TABLE
  projection {
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL
      function_call {
        name {
          name: "MIN"
        param {
          type: IDENT
          identifier {
            name: "age"
    alias: "Minimum_Age"
  projection {
    source {
      type: IDENT
      identifier {
        name: "last_update"
  grouping {
	type: IDENT
    identifier {
       name: "last_update"
  grouping_criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "!="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "Minimum_Age"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
            type: V_SINT
            v_signed_int: 15

-->echo Find specific row with group by (grouping) and Having (grouping_criteria) with >= Operator
Mysqlx.Crud.Find {
  collection {
    name: "actor"
    schema: "minisakila"
  data_model: TABLE
  projection {
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL
      function_call {
        name {
          name: "MIN"
        param {
          type: IDENT
          identifier {
            name: "age"
    alias: "Minimum_Age"
  projection {
    source {
      type: IDENT
      identifier {
        name: "last_update"
  grouping {
	type: IDENT
    identifier {
       name: "last_update"
  grouping_criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: ">="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "Minimum_Age"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
            type: V_SINT
            v_signed_int: 32

-->echo Find specific row with group by (grouping) and Having (grouping_criteria) with > Operator
Mysqlx.Crud.Find {
  collection {
    name: "actor"
    schema: "minisakila"
  data_model: TABLE
  projection {
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL
      function_call {
        name {
          name: "MIN"
        param {
          type: IDENT
          identifier {
            name: "age"
    alias: "Minimum_Age"
  projection {
    source {
      type: IDENT
      identifier {
        name: "last_update"
  grouping {
	type: IDENT
    identifier {
       name: "last_update"
  grouping_criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: ">"
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "Minimum_Age"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
            type: V_SINT
            v_signed_int: 32

-->echo Find specific row with group by (grouping) and Having (grouping_criteria) with <= Operator
Mysqlx.Crud.Find {
  collection {
    name: "actor"
    schema: "minisakila"
  data_model: TABLE
  projection {
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL
      function_call {
        name {
          name: "MIN"
        param {
          type: IDENT
          identifier {
            name: "age"
    alias: "Minimum_Age"
  projection {
    source {
      type: IDENT
      identifier {
        name: "last_update"
  grouping {
	type: IDENT
    identifier {
       name: "last_update"
  grouping_criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "<="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "Minimum_Age"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
            type: V_SINT
            v_signed_int: 25

-->echo Find specific row with group by (grouping) and Having (grouping_criteria) with < Operator
Mysqlx.Crud.Find {
  collection {
    name: "actor"
    schema: "minisakila"
  data_model: TABLE
  projection {
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL
      function_call {
        name {
          name: "MIN"
        param {
          type: IDENT
          identifier {
            name: "age"
    alias: "Minimum_Age"
  projection {
    source {
      type: IDENT
      identifier {
        name: "last_update"
  grouping {
	type: IDENT
    identifier {
       name: "last_update"
  grouping_criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "<"
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "Minimum_Age"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
            type: V_SINT
            v_signed_int: 25

-->echo Find specific row with group by (grouping) and Having (grouping_criteria) with null DataType
Mysqlx.Crud.Find {
  collection {
    name: "actor"
    schema: "minisakila"
  data_model: TABLE
  projection {
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL
      function_call {
        name {
          name: "MIN"
        param {
          type: IDENT
          identifier {
            name: "age"
    alias: "Minimum_Age"
  projection {
    source {
      type: IDENT
      identifier {
        name: "last_update"
  grouping {
	type: IDENT
    identifier {
       name: "last_update"
  grouping_criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "is"
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "Minimum_Age"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
            type: V_NULL

-->echo Find specific row with group by (grouping) and Having (grouping_criteria) with not null DataType
Mysqlx.Crud.Find {
  collection {
    name: "actor"
    schema: "minisakila"
  data_model: TABLE
  projection {
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL
      function_call {
        name {
          name: "MIN"
        param {
          type: IDENT
          identifier {
            name: "age"
    alias: "Minimum_Age"
  projection {
    source {
      type: IDENT
      identifier {
        name: "last_update"
  grouping {
	type: IDENT
    identifier {
       name: "last_update"
  grouping_criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "is_not"
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "Minimum_Age"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
            type: V_NULL

-->echo Find specific row with group by (grouping) and Having (grouping_criteria) with double DataType
Mysqlx.Crud.Find {
  collection {
    name: "actor"
    schema: "minisakila"
  data_model: TABLE
  projection {
    source {
      type: FUNC_CALL
      function_call {
        name {
          name: "AVG"
        param {
          type: IDENT
          identifier {
            name: "age"
    alias: "Average_Age"
  projection {
    source {
      type: IDENT
      identifier {
        name: "last_update"
  grouping {
	type: IDENT
    identifier {
       name: "last_update"
  grouping_criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "Average_Age"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
            type: V_DOUBLE
            v_double: 17.500000

## Negative test scenarios for Table
-->echo Error because expression not in group list
Mysqlx.Crud.Find {
  collection {
    name: "actor"
    schema: "minisakila"
  data_model: TABLE
   criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "!="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "first_name"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
            type: V_STRING
            v_string {
              value: "Omar"
  grouping {
    type: IDENT
    identifier {
       name: "last_update"

## Cleanup
-->echo ================================================================================
-->echo CLEAN UP
-->echo ================================================================================
DROP USER crudfindgroupuser@localhost;

--exec $MYSQLXTEST -u crudfindgroupuser --password='crudfindgroupuser' --file=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/find_crud_table_groupby.tmp 2>&1
--remove_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/find_crud_table_groupby.tmp

## Postamble
--echo ================================================================================
--echo ================================================================================
uninstall plugin mysqlx;

Man Man