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Current Path : /home/usr.opt/mysql57/mysql-test/suite/x/t/

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Current File : //home/usr.opt/mysql57/mysql-test/suite/x/t/find_table_find_as_doc.test

## generated
## Rel: Find on a table as document

--source ../include/
## Test starts here
--write_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/find_table_find_as_doc.tmp
## Test data
drop schema if exists xtest;
create schema xtest default charset 'utf8mb4';
use xtest;
create table mycoll (doc JSON, _id VARBINARY(16) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_unquote(json_extract(doc, '$._id'))) stored PRIMARY KEY);
insert into mycoll (doc) values ('{"_id": "1", "name": "Joe1"}');
insert into mycoll (doc) values ('{"_id": "2", "name": "Joe2", "last_name": "Smith"}');
insert into mycoll (doc) values ('{"_id": "3", "name": "Joe2", "last_name": "Shmo"}');
insert into mycoll (doc) values ('{"_id": "4", "name": "小島", "last_name": "Bla"}');
create table funkycoll (doc JSON, _id VARBINARY(16) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_unquote(json_extract(doc, '$._id'))) stored PRIMARY KEY);
insert into funkycoll (doc) values ('{"_id": "1", "I love \\\"\'quotes\'\\\"\\n": "I love \\\"\'quotes\'\\\"\\n"}');
insert into funkycoll (doc) values ('{"_id": "2", "I love \\\"\'quotes\'\\\"\\n": "\\\",$.array[2]\\\\\\\""}');
insert into funkycoll (doc) values ('{"_id": "3", "\\\",$.array[2]\\\\\\\"": "I love \\\"\'quotes\'\\\"\\n"}');
insert into funkycoll (doc) values ('{"_id": "4", "\\\",$.array[2]\\\\\\\"": "\\\",$.array[2]\\\\\\\""}');
create table fancycoll (doc JSON, _id VARBINARY(32) NOT NULL KEY);
insert into fancycoll (doc, _id) values ('\n{\n         \"_id\": \"X999_Y999\",\n         \"from\": {\n            \"name\": \"Tom Brady\", \"id\": \"X12\"\n         },\n         \"message\": \"Looking forward to 2010!\",\n         \"actions\": [\n            {\n               \"name\": \"Comment\",\n               \"link\": \"\"\n            },\n            {\n               \"name\": \"Like\",\n               \"link\": \"\"\n            }\n         ],\n         \"type\": \"status\",\n         \"created_time\": \"2010-08-02T21:27:44+0000\",\n         \"updated_time\": \"2010-08-02T21:27:44+0000\"\n      }\n', json_unquote(json_extract(doc, '$._id')));
insert into fancycoll (doc, _id) values ('\n{\n         \"_id\": \"X999_Y998\",\n         \"from\": {\n            \"name\": \"Dom Crady\", \"id\": \"A12\"\n         },\n         \"message\": \"Looking forward to 2034!\",\n         \"actions\": [\n            {\n               \"name\": \"Comment\",\n               \"link\": \"\"\n            },\n            {\n               \"name\": \"Like\",\n               \"link\": \"\"\n            }\n         ],\n         \"type\": \"status\",\n         \"created_time\": \"2011-08-02T21:27:44+0000\",\n         \"updated_time\": \"2011-08-02T21:27:44+0000\"\n      }\n', json_unquote(json_extract(doc, '$._id')));
  `ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `Name` char(35) NOT NULL default '',
  `CountryCode` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
  `District` char(20) NOT NULL default '',
  `Population` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
INSERT INTO `city` VALUES (1,'Kabul','AFG','Kabol',1780000);
INSERT INTO `city` VALUES (2,'Qandahar','AFG','Qandahar',237500);
INSERT INTO `city` VALUES (3,'Herat','AFG','Herat',186800);
INSERT INTO `city` VALUES (4,'Mazar-e-Sharif','AFG','Balkh',127800);
INSERT INTO `city` VALUES (5,'Amsterdam','NLD','Noord-Holland',731200);
INSERT INTO `city` VALUES (6,'Rotterdam','NLD','Zuid-Holland',593321);
INSERT INTO `city` VALUES (7,'Haag','NLD','Zuid-Holland',440900);
INSERT INTO `city` VALUES (8,'Utrecht','NLD','Utrecht',234323);
INSERT INTO `city` VALUES (9,'Eindhoven','NLD','Noord-Brabant',201843);
INSERT INTO `city` VALUES (10,'Tilburg','NLD','Noord-Brabant',193238);
INSERT INTO `city` VALUES (11,'Groningen','NLD','Groningen',172701);
INSERT INTO `city` VALUES (12,'Breda','NLD','Noord-Brabant',160398);
INSERT INTO `city` VALUES (13,'Apeldoorn','NLD','Gelderland',153491);
INSERT INTO `city` VALUES (14,'Nijmegen','NLD','Gelderland',152463);
INSERT INTO `city` VALUES (15,'Enschede','NLD','Overijssel',149544);
INSERT INTO `city` VALUES (16,'Haarlem','NLD','Noord-Holland',148772);
Mysqlx.Crud.Find {
  collection {
    name: "city"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT

## expect Mysqlx.Error

## Cleanup
drop schema if exists xtest;

--exec $MYSQLXTEST -uroot --password='' --file=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/find_table_find_as_doc.tmp 2>&1
--remove_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/find_table_find_as_doc.tmp

## Postamble
uninstall plugin mysqlx;

Man Man