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## ===================================================================
## ===================================================================
## This test runs aims to run insert statementwith mysqlxtest client #
## Test covers                                                       #
##  - Insert with crud calls                                         #
##  - Insert in normal and document table                            #  
##  - Insert NULL values                                             #
##  - Insert into parent-child(PK-FK) table                          #
##  - Insert with transaction                                        #
##  - Insert with lock table                                         #
##  - Insert not allowed for user having read permission             #
##  - Try insert when table lock is acquired by other session(wait)  #
##  - Two session run insert in parallel                             # 
##  - Error case                                                     #
##    - Try to Insert doc which do not have _id member               #
##    - Try to insert null for doc column                            #
##    - Try non unique value for _id member                          #
##    - Try projection for DOCUMENT TABLE                            #  
## ===================================================================

# Insert xmessage
# Inserts a row or set of rows in the specified collection or table.
# Arguments
#    schema and table
#    data_model - relational or document
#    projection - list of columns being inserted (for TABLE inserts)
#    rows - 1 or more rows with the data to be inserted
# Results
#    rows_affected - number of rows that were affected by the operation
#    last_insert_id - last value used for the auto-increment field in 
#               a TABLE INSERT operation (not set for DOCUMENT inserts)
# Mapping
# When inserting into a document collection, the generated INSERT 
# statement will look like:
# INSERT INTO schema.table (doc, _id) VALUES (?, JSN_UNQUOTE(JSN_EXTRACT(doc, '$._id')));
# When inserting into a relational table, the generated INSERT will be as:
# INSERT INTO schema.table (projection, ...) VALUES (?, ...);

## Preamble
--source ../include/
create user readuser@localhost identified by 'readuser';
grant select on *.* to readuser@localhost;

--write_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-insert_CRUD_1.tmp
-- "Create relational TABLE "
 DROP SCHEMA if EXISTS xplugintest;
 USE xplugintest;
 CREATE TABLE categories (
   categoryid int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
   categoryname varchar(100),
   categorydescription varchar(200),
   categoryimei tinyint,
   categorydecimal decimal(5,2),
   categorybool bit(1),
   PRIMARY key (categoryid)

-->echo Insert multiple rows 
Mysqlx.Crud.Insert {
  collection {
		name: "categories"
    		schema: "xplugintest"
  data_model: TABLE
  	projection {
    	name: "categoryid"
	projection {
	name: "categoryname"
	projection {
	name: "categorydescription"
	projection {
	name: "categoryimei"
	projection {
	name: "categorydecimal"
	projection {
	name: "categorybool"
  row {
    field {
    type : LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_SINT
      v_signed_int: 1
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "Sports"
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "Sports related category"
    field {
    type : LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_SINT
      v_signed_int: 1
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_DOUBLE
      v_double: 235.15
    field {
    type : LITERAL 
    literal {
      type: V_BOOL
      v_bool: false
  row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_SINT
      v_signed_int: 2
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "Entertaiment"
    field {
    type : LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "Entertaiment related category"
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_SINT
      v_signed_int: 2
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_DOUBLE
      v_double: 156.17
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_BOOL
      v_bool: true
row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_SINT
      v_signed_int: 18
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "Cooking"
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "Cooking related category"
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_SINT
      v_signed_int: 18
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_DOUBLE
      v_double: 116.17
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_BOOL
      v_bool: true
-- Mysqlx.Sql.StmtExecuteOk
SELECT * FROM categories;

-->echo "No auto increment column mentioned in projection"
Mysqlx.Crud.Insert {
  collection {
		name: "categories"
    		schema: "xplugintest"
  data_model: TABLE
	projection {
	name: "categoryname"
  row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "GROUND"
SELECT * FROM categories;

-->echo "Enter NULL values"
Mysqlx.Crud.Insert {
  collection {
                name: "categories"
                schema: "xplugintest"
  data_model: TABLE
        projection {
        name: "categoryname"
  row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_NULL
SELECT * FROM categories;

CREATE TABLE categories_child( col1 INT , col2 JSON ,  
       FOREIGN KEY (col1) REFERENCES categories(categoryid));
Mysqlx.Crud.Insert {
  collection {
                name: "categories_child"
                schema: "xplugintest"
  data_model: TABLE
        projection {
        name: "col1"
  row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal { 
      type: V_SINT
      v_signed_int: 18

Mysqlx.Crud.Insert {
  collection {
                name: "categories_child"
                schema: "xplugintest"
  data_model: TABLE
        projection {
        name: "col1"
  row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_SINT
      v_signed_int: 100
-->echo "Insert fails as referencing value not present in parent"
SELECT * FROM categories_child;

-->echo "Column mismatch"
Mysqlx.Crud.Insert {
  collection {
                name: "categories_child"
                schema: "xplugintest"
  data_model: TABLE
        projection {
        name: "col1"
        projection {
        name: "col2"
  row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_SINT
      v_signed_int: 18
-->expecterror ER_X_BAD_INSERT_DATA
SELECT * FROM categories_child;
DROP TABLE categories_child;

-- "Create DOCUMENT table "
Mysqlx.Sql.StmtExecute {
  stmt: "create_collection"
  args {
    type: SCALAR
    scalar {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "xplugintest"
  args {
    type: SCALAR
    scalar {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "maincollection"
  namespace: "xplugin"

-->echo Insert multiple rows into a Document column
Mysqlx.Crud.Insert {
  collection {
    name: "maincollection"
    schema: "xplugintest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "\n{\n         \"_id\": \"1\",\n         \"name\": \"Omar Bras\", \"id\": \"1\"\n}"
  row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "\n{\n         \"_id\": \"2\",\n         \"name\": \"Omar Mex\", \"id\": \"2\"\n}"
SELECT * FROM maincollection;

-->echo "Non unique value for _id member of `doc` "
Mysqlx.Crud.Insert {
  collection {
    name: "maincollection"
    schema: "xplugintest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "\n{\n         \"_id\": \"3\",\n         \"name\": \"Omar Bras\", \"id\": \"3\"\n}"
  row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "\n{\n         \"_id\": \"2\",\n         \"name\": \"Omar Mex\", \"id\": \"4\"\n}"
-->echo "Error expected as non unique value for _id provided for member of JSON doc "
SELECT * FROM maincollection;

-->echo "No _id member for JSON doc"
Mysqlx.Crud.Insert {
  collection {
    name: "maincollection"
    schema: "xplugintest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "\n{\n                 \"name\": \"Omar Bras\", \"id\": \"3\"\n}"
-->echo "Error expected as _id member is not provided for JSON doc "
SELECT * FROM maincollection;

-->echo "projection is not allowed for DOCUMENT table"
Mysqlx.Crud.Insert {
  collection {
    name: "maincollection"
    schema: "xplugintest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
        projection {
        name: "doc"

  row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "\n{\n                 \"name\": \"Omar Bras\", \"id\": \"3\"\n}"
-->echo "Error expected as projection given for DOCUMENT table "
SELECT * FROM maincollection;

-->echo "Error when inserting doc as null"
Mysqlx.Crud.Insert {
  collection {
    name: "maincollection"
    schema: "xplugintest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_NULL
-->expecterror ER_X_DOC_ID_MISSING
SELECT * FROM maincollection;

-->echo "enter null value in doc member"
Mysqlx.Crud.Insert {
  collection {
    name: "maincollection"
    schema: "xplugintest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "\n{\n         \"_id\": \"4\",\n         \"name\": \"Jackson\", \"id\": null\n}"
SELECT * FROM maincollection;

-->echo "Insert using transaction"
Mysqlx.Crud.Insert {
  collection {
    name: "maincollection"
    schema: "xplugintest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "\n{\n         \"_id\": \"5\",\n         \"name\": \"Jimmy \", \"id\": null\n}"
Mysqlx.Crud.Insert {
  collection {
    name: "maincollection"
    schema: "xplugintest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "\n{\n         \"_id\": \"6\",\n         \"name\": \"Joe\", \"id\": null\n}"
Mysqlx.Crud.Insert {
  collection {
    name: "maincollection"
    schema: "xplugintest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "\n{\n         \"_id\": \"7\",\n         \"name\": \"Jacky\", \"id\": null\n}"

SELECT * FROM maincollection;

-- "Insert by acquiring lock"
LOCK TABLES maincollection READ;
Mysqlx.Crud.Insert {
  collection {
    name: "maincollection"
    schema: "xplugintest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "\n{\n         \"_id\": \"7\",\n         \"name\": \"Jacky\", \"id\": null\n}"
-->echo "Error as table is locked with read lock"
SELECT * FROM maincollection;

LOCK TABLES maincollection WRITE;
Mysqlx.Crud.Insert {
  collection {
    name: "maincollection"
    schema: "xplugintest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "\n{\n         \"_id\": \"7\",\n         \"name\": \"Jacky\", \"id\": null\n}"
SELECT * FROM maincollection;


--exec $MYSQLXTEST -u root --password='' --file=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-insert_CRUD_1.tmp 2>&1
--remove_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-insert_CRUD_1.tmp

# "Error : Insert when user has only select access "
--write_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-insert_CRUD_1.tmp
SET SESSION lock_wait_timeout= 3;
Mysqlx.Crud.Insert {
  collection {
                name: "categories"
                schema: "xplugintest"
  data_model: TABLE
        projection {
        name: "categoryname"
  row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "Mountain"
-->expecterror ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT
SELECT * FROM xplugintest.categories;

--exec $MYSQLXTEST -u readuser --password='readuser' --file=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-insert_CRUD_1.tmp 2>&1

# Acquire lock on categories table from mysqltest client 
# and try to run insert from mysqlxtest (Error : timeout expected from mysqlxtest)
LOCK TABLES xplugintest.categories WRITE;
--exec $MYSQLXTEST -u root --password='' --file=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-insert_CRUD_1.tmp 2>&1
--remove_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-insert_CRUD_1.tmp

# Try run insert from 2 mysqlxtest sessions
DELETE FROM xplugintest.maincollection;
 my $dir = $ENV{'MYSQL_TMP_DIR'};
 open ( OUTPUT, ">$dir/mysqlx-in.tmp") ;
 $message = <<"END_MESSAGE";
Mysqlx.Crud.Insert {
  collection {
    name: "maincollection"
    schema: "xplugintest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  row {
    field {
    type: LITERAL
    literal {
      type: V_STRING
      v_string {
        value: "insert_json_doc"


 print OUTPUT "-->sql\n";
 print OUTPUT "USE xplugintest;\n";
 print OUTPUT "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS xplugintest.test_table ( col1 INT );\n";

 print OUTPUT "-->endsql\n";
 for ($i=1001;$i<=1030;$i++) {
    if ($i%5 == 0) {
       print OUTPUT "-->expecterror ER_SUCCESS,ER_DUP_ENTRY\n";
       print OUTPUT "-->sql\n";
       print OUTPUT "INSERT INTO maincollection(doc) VALUES ('".'{\"name\":\"name_'.$i.'\"'.' , \"_id\":'.$i."}') \n";
       print OUTPUT "-->endsql\n";
    }else {
       $str = $message;
       $replace = '{\"name\":\"name_'.$i.'\"'.' , \"_id\":'.$i.'}';
       $find = "insert_json_doc";
       $str =~ s/$find/$replace/g;
       print OUTPUT "$str\n";
       print OUTPUT "-->expecterror ER_SUCCESS,ER_X_DOC_ID_DUPLICATE\n";
       print OUTPUT "-->recvresult\n";
 print OUTPUT "-->sql\n";
 print OUTPUT "INSERT INTO xplugintest.test_table VALUES (1);\n";
 print OUTPUT "-->endsql\n";
 close (OUTPUT);
--exec $MYSQLXTEST -u root --password='' --file=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-in.tmp >$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-out.tmp 2>&1 &
--exec $MYSQLXTEST -u root --password='' --file=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-in.tmp >$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-out2.tmp 2>&1
let $wait_condition= select count(*)=2 from xplugintest.test_table;
--source include/
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xplugintest.maincollection;

--remove_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-in.tmp
--remove_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-out2.tmp
--remove_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-out.tmp

## Postamble
DROP SCHEMA if EXISTS xplugintest;
DROP USER readuser@localhost;

Man Man