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Current Path : /home/usr.opt/mysql57/mysql-test/suite/x/t/

FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #1: Wed Jan 14 12:18:08 JST 2015 amd64
Upload File :
Current File : //home/usr.opt/mysql57/mysql-test/suite/x/t/update_crud_arrayinsert_o.test

########### ../t/update_crud_arrayinsert_o.test            #############
###                                                                    #
### This test runs aims to run UPDATE ARRAY_INSERT operation statement #
### variant with mysqlxtest client.                                    #
### Test covers                                                        #
###  - update with different operators                                 #
###  - update multiple rows                                            #
###  - update with rollback transaction                                #
###  - update insert with different array indexes                      #
###                                                                    #

--echo =============================================
--echo =============================================

--echo ================================================================================
--echo ================================================================================
--replace_regex /\.dll/.so/
--source ../include/
create user updatearrayinsert@localhost identified by 'updatearrayinsert';
grant all on *.* to updatearrayinsert@localhost;

--echo ================================================================================
--echo ================================================================================

--write_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-update_collection_arrayinsert.tmp
DROP SCHEMA if EXISTS mysqlxcoll;
CREATE SCHEMA mysqlxcoll;
USE mysqlxcoll;
INSERT INTO maincoll (doc, _id) values ('{"_id": "1", "name": ["Victor"], "last_name": ["Otero"],"amount": [4.99]}',json_unquote(json_extract(doc, '$._id')));
INSERT INTO maincoll (doc, _id) values ('{"_id": "2", "name": ["Gonzalo"], "last_name": ["Chrystens"],"amount": [120.57]}',json_unquote(json_extract(doc, '$._id')));
INSERT INTO maincoll (doc, _id) values ('{"_id": "3", "name": ["Abraham"], "last_name": ["Vega"],"amount": [74.56]}',json_unquote(json_extract(doc, '$._id')));
INSERT INTO maincoll (doc, _id) values ('{"_id": "4", "name": ["Jennifer"], "last_name": ["Leon"],"amount": [387.14]}',json_unquote(json_extract(doc, '$._id')));
INSERT INTO maincoll (doc, _id) values ('{"_id": "5", "name": ["Jhonny"], "last_name": ["Test"],"amount": [125.45]}',json_unquote(json_extract(doc, '$._id')));

-->echo Update insert String value into Array using == Operator for criteria
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'name'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 0}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING v_string { value: "Victor_Extra_Name"  }

select * from maincoll;

-->echo Update a valid collection with == operator and for Quotes
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'name'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 0}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING v_string { value: "\"VictorArrayInsert\""  }

select * from maincoll;

-->echo Update a valid collection with string value and > operator for multiple docs
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: ">"
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"3"}
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'last_name'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 0}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING v_string { value: "extra_last_name"  }

select * from maincoll;

-->echo Update a valid collection with string value and < operator for multiple docs
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "<"
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"2"}
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'last_name'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 0}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING v_string { value: "extra_last_name_2"  }

select * from maincoll;

-->echo Update a valid collection with string value and <= operator for multiple docs
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "<="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"2"}
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'last_name'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 0}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING v_string { value: "extra_last_name_3"  }

select * from maincoll;

-->echo Update a valid collection with string value and >= operator for multiple docs
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: ">="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"3"}
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'amount'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 0}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_DOUBLE v_double: 257.52

select * from maincoll;

-->echo Update a valid collection with string value and != operator for multiple docs
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "!="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"4"}
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'amount'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 0}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_DOUBLE v_double: 546.12

select * from maincoll;

-->echo Update array insert a Double 
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"3"}
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'amount'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 1}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_DOUBLE v_double: 6.2564

select * from maincoll;

-->echo Update array insert a Float 
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"3"}
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'amount'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 0}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_FLOAT v_float: 356.8594

select * from maincoll;

-->echo Update array insert a NULL 
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"2"}
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'amount'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 0}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_NULL

select * from maincoll;

-->echo Update array insert in different index values
-->echo array index equal to 1
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"2"}
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'amount'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 1}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_DOUBLE v_double: 1.00

select * from maincoll;

-->echo array index equal to 2
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"2"}
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'amount'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 2}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_DOUBLE v_double: 2.00

select * from maincoll;

-->echo array index equal to 3
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"2"}
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'amount'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 3}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_DOUBLE v_double: 3.00

select * from maincoll;

-->echo array index equal to 4
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"2"}
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'amount'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 4}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_DOUBLE v_double: 4.00

select * from maincoll;

-->echo Update array insert a String into a only numbers member
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"2"}
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'amount'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 5}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING v_string { value: "Index_5" } 

select * from maincoll;

-->echo Update array insert a number into a only String member
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'name'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 3}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_UINT v_unsigned_int: 253

select * from maincoll;

-->echo Update with order clause update last _id in desc order (_id = 5)
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "!="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"0"}
  limit {
    row_count: 1
  order {
    expr {
      type: IDENT
      identifier {
        name: "_id"
    direction: DESC
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'amount'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 0}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_DOUBLE v_double: 1234.567

select * from maincoll;

-->echo Update with order clause update first two _id in asc order (_id = 1,2)
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "!="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"0"}
  limit {
    row_count: 2
  order {
    expr {
      type: IDENT
      identifier {
        name: "_id"
    direction: ASC
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'amount'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 0}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_DOUBLE v_double: 9876.543

select * from maincoll;

-->echo Update transaction rollback
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'name'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 3}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING v_string { value: "i_must_be_rollback" }

select * from maincoll;
select * from maincoll;

-->echo Update transaction commit
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'name'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 3}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING v_string { value: "i_must_be_commited" }

select * from maincoll;

-->echo Update with non existing doc member
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'iamnotadoc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'i_donot_exists'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 3}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING v_string { value: "Test" }
-->expecterror 1054

select * from maincoll;

-->echo Invalid type of update for Document
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'name'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 3}
    operation: SET
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING v_string { value: "Test" }
-->expecterror 5052

-->echo Update array insert with an index value out of range
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "maincoll"
    schema: "mysqlxcoll"
  data_model: TABLE
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"2"}
  operation {
    source {
      name: 'doc'
      document_path {type: MEMBER value: 'amount'}
      document_path {type: ARRAY_INDEX index: 9999999}
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_DOUBLE v_double: 20.00

select * from maincoll;

## Cleanup
-->echo ================================================================================
-->echo CLEAN UP
-->echo ================================================================================
DROP SCHEMA if EXISTS mysqlxcoll;
DROP USER updatearrayinsert@localhost;

--exec $MYSQLXTEST -u updatearrayinsert --password='updatearrayinsert' --file=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-update_collection_arrayinsert.tmp 2>&1
--remove_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-update_collection_arrayinsert.tmp

## Postamble
--echo ================================================================================
--echo ================================================================================
uninstall plugin mysqlx;

Man Man