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## Test resultset types

--source ../include/

## Test starts here
--write_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/update_doc.tmp

drop schema if exists xtest;
create schema xtest;
create table xtest.xcoll_ (doc JSON, _id VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY);
insert into xtest.xcoll_ (doc, _id) values ('{"_id": "1", "name": "banana", "price": 1.20}',json_unquote(json_extract(doc, '$._id')));
insert into xtest.xcoll_ (doc, _id) values ('{"_id": "2", "name": "apple", "price": 0.25}',json_unquote(json_extract(doc, '$._id')));
insert into xtest.xcoll_ (doc, _id) values ('{"_id": "3", "name": "tomato", "price": 1.80}',json_unquote(json_extract(doc, '$._id')));
insert into xtest.xcoll_ (doc, _id) values ('{"_id": "4", "name": "mango", "price": 3.14}',json_unquote(json_extract(doc, '$._id')));
insert into xtest.xcoll_ (doc, _id) values ('{"_id": "5", "name": "mango", "price": 0.90, "origin":["mexico","philippines"]}',json_unquote(json_extract(doc, '$._id')));

drop table if exists xtest.xcoll;
create table xtest.xcoll as select * from xtest.xcoll_;

-->echo Doc: Update by ARRAY_APPEND
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "name"
    operation: ARRAY_APPEND
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: "lemon"


-->echo Doc: Update by ARRAY_INSERT
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
          literal {
            type: V_UINT
            v_unsigned_int: 5
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "origin"
      document_path {
        type: ARRAY_INDEX
        index: 1
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_STRING
          v_string {
            value: "brazil"


-->echo Doc: Update by ARRAY_INSERT (invalid path)
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
          literal {
            type: V_UINT
            v_unsigned_int: 5
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "origin"
    operation: ARRAY_INSERT
    value {
      type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_STRING
          v_string {
            value: "brazil"

-->expecterror 3165

select * from xtest.xcoll;

-->echo test item_replace
drop table if exists xtest.xcoll;
create table xtest.xcoll as select * from xtest.xcoll_;

-->echo Doc: Update by ITEM_REPLACE
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "name"
    operation: ITEM_REPLACE
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: "lemon"

-- Mysqlx.Sql.StmtExecuteOk
-->echo Doc: Update by ITEM_REPLACE non-existing member
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "location"
    operation: ITEM_REPLACE
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: "pineapple"

-- Mysqlx.Sql.StmtExecuteOk

select * from xtest.xcoll;

-->echo test item set
drop table if exists xtest.xcoll;
create table xtest.xcoll as select * from xtest.xcoll_;

-->echo Doc: ITEM_SET to NULL
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
          literal {
            type: V_OCTETS
            v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "name"
    operation: ITEM_SET
    value {
      type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_NULL


select * from xtest.xcoll where _id = 1;

-->echo Doc: Update by ITEM_SET twice
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "name"
    operation: ITEM_SET
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: "lemon"
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "price"
    operation: ITEM_SET
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: "lemon for free!"

-- Mysqlx.Sql.StmtExecuteOk

-->echo Doc: Update by ITEM_SET non-existing member
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "location"
    operation: ITEM_SET
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: "lemon"

-- Mysqlx.Sql.StmtExecuteOk

select * from xtest.xcoll;

-->echo test doc member set
drop table if exists xtest.xcoll;
create table xtest.xcoll as select * from xtest.xcoll_;

-->echo Doc: Update a valid document by _id (from field)
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "name"
    operation: ITEM_SET
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: "lemon"

-- Mysqlx.Sql.StmtExecuteOk

# reset data
select * from xtest.xcoll;
drop table if exists xtest.xcoll;
create table xtest.xcoll as select * from xtest.xcoll_;

-->echo Doc: Update document with illegal _id change
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "_id"
    operation: ITEM_SET
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: "lemon"

-- Mysqlx.Error

# reset data
select * from xtest.xcoll;
drop table if exists xtest.xcoll;
create table xtest.xcoll as select * from xtest.xcoll_;

-->echo Doc: Update non-existing document
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          document_path {
            type: MEMBER
            value: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"666"}
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "name"
    operation: ITEM_SET
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: "lemon"

-- Mysqlx.Sql.StmtExecuteOk

# reset data
select * from xtest.xcoll;
drop table if exists xtest.xcoll;
create table xtest.xcoll as select * from xtest.xcoll_;

-->echo Doc: Update multiple documents
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "<"
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          document_path {
            type: MEMBER
            value: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"5"}
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "name"
    operation: ITEM_SET
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: "lemon"

-- Mysqlx.Sql.StmtExecuteOk

# reset data
select * from xtest.xcoll;
drop table if exists xtest.xcoll;
create table xtest.xcoll as select * from xtest.xcoll_;

-->echo Doc: Update on an invalid schema (bad)
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "ytest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "name"
    operation: ITEM_SET
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: "lemon"

-- Mysqlx.Error

# reset data
select * from xtest.xcoll;
drop table if exists xtest.xcoll;
create table xtest.xcoll as select * from xtest.xcoll_;

-->echo Doc: Update on an invalid collection (bad)
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "ycoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "name"
    operation: ITEM_SET
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: "lemon"

-- Mysqlx.Error

# reset data
select * from xtest.xcoll;
drop table if exists xtest.xcoll;
create table xtest.xcoll as select * from xtest.xcoll_;

-->echo Update member with column (bad)
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "name"
      name: "xfield"
    operation: ITEM_SET
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: "lemon"

-- Mysqlx.Error

# reset data
select * from xtest.xcoll;
drop table if exists xtest.xcoll;
create table xtest.xcoll as select * from xtest.xcoll_;

-->echo Update member with table name (bad)
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "name"
      table_name: "xtable"
    operation: ITEM_SET
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: "lemon"

-- Mysqlx.Error

# reset data
select * from xtest.xcoll;
drop table if exists xtest.xcoll;
create table xtest.xcoll as select * from xtest.xcoll_;

-->echo Update member with schema name (bad)
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "name"
      schema_name: "xschema"
    operation: ITEM_SET
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: "lemon"

-- Mysqlx.Error

select * from xtest.xcoll;

-->echo test doc set
drop table if exists xtest.xcoll;
create table xtest.xcoll as select * from xtest.xcoll_;

-->echo Doc: Update by SET (not allowed)
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "name"
    operation: SET
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: "lemon"

-- Mysqlx.Error
select * from xtest.xcoll;

-->echo test doc remove

drop table if exists xtest.xcoll;
create table xtest.xcoll as select * from xtest.xcoll_;

-->echo Doc: Update by ITEM_REMOVE
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
        literal {
          type: V_OCTETS
          v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "name"
    operation: ITEM_REMOVE

-->echo this one should fail because of bogus param to Remove

-- Mysqlx.Sql.StmtExecuteOk

-->echo Doc: Multiple chained operations
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
          literal {
            type: V_OCTETS
            v_octets {value:"5"}
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "name"
    operation: ITEM_SET
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: "lemon"
  operation {
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "price"
    operation: ITEM_REMOVE


select * from xtest.xcoll;
drop table if exists xtest.xcoll;
create table xtest.xcoll as select * from xtest.xcoll_;

-->echo Doc: Merge with another document containing _id
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
          literal {
            type: V_OCTETS
            v_octets {value:"5"}
  operation {
    operation: ITEM_MERGE
    source {}
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: " {\"one\":1, \"two\":\"foo\", \"_id\":1234}"


-->echo Doc: Set item and merge with another document
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
          literal {
            type: V_OCTETS
            v_octets {value:"4"}
  operation {
    operation: ITEM_SET
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "name"
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: "lemon"
  operation {
    operation: ITEM_MERGE
    source {}
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: " {\"two\":\"foo\"}"


-->echo Doc: Merge with another document and set item
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
          literal {
            type: V_OCTETS
            v_octets {value:"3"}
  operation {
    operation: ITEM_MERGE
    source {}
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: " {\"one\":1}"
  operation {
    operation: ITEM_SET
    source {
      document_path {
        type: MEMBER
        value: "one"
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: "lemon"


-->echo Doc: merge with NULL
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
          literal {
            type: V_OCTETS
            v_octets {value:"1"}
  operation {
    operation: ITEM_MERGE
    source {}
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_NULL
-->recverror 5050

-->echo Doc: Merge with non-document
Mysqlx.Crud.Update {
  collection {
    name: "xcoll"
    schema: "xtest"
  data_model: DOCUMENT
  criteria {
    type: OPERATOR
    operator {
      name: "=="
      param {
        type: IDENT
        identifier {
          name: "_id"
      param {
        type: LITERAL
          literal {
            type: V_OCTETS
            v_octets {value:"2"}
  operation {
    operation: ITEM_MERGE
    source {}
    value {
      type: LITERAL
      literal {
        type: V_STRING
        v_string {
          value: "  [1,2,3]"
-->recverror 5050

select * from xtest.xcoll;
drop schema xtest;

--exec $MYSQLXTEST -uroot --password='' --file=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/update_doc.tmp 2>&1
--remove_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/update_doc.tmp

## Postamble
uninstall plugin mysqlx;

Man Man