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FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #1: Wed Jan 14 12:18:08 JST 2015 amd64
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ݰ @w1蒋HA{AH= AAp*AA1x{SHHHT$0Ht$(HA@HL$8LD$@LL$HH)H$)x)p)h)`)X)P)H)@] tEH$H= HH$D$0HD$HD$ HD$atH[@H
ɯ 3A	v u+H
 +3Auʹ lH
y 0(4AuH\$Hl$1Ld$Ll$H8A1I+tH=^ HL$HT$LD$|uL$u$1ۉvHl$ H\$Ld$(Ll$0H8ËD$t`sDm3Aut1EutHHL$LE3A1H|${돃t9u;ft51|43AfHT$L`4A1붺a3Ay=3AuIH\$Hl$Ld$Ll$HH8t3ALHuMA@MhAHtAD$EH۸t3AtH\$Hl$ Ld$(Ll$0H8Htz3ALuHz3AtE3ALunH3AtE<0u	1DwHt$
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9\$l,HT$XADLH4DtoHT$Hc@L$xCEH$pHt$HHo1H1HD$@oWH= HL$@HT$hLD$`x!Dd$`E|$hHt$8sH|$@wrH|$8HT$0@qt :H|$8qHT$ j@LrtD EH|$ HL$dHT$.@xq}DT$dEtsHl$(1HT$0H9T$(<9\$dvQHD$ھ@H<HqtD
= EuA 4AH5AH|$@vqLD$P3AHL3ALHH|$HT$DmHL$lHT$X@Lpux|$ltp1
9\$l9HT$XE1DLH4DptD5^ EA=4A4AH= A1Fp1s1LD$H3AHLu0H\$pLHLmT$DH	LD$PH\$p3A@1H#q\rA84AA^A4A5AIA4AA4fAWAVAUATUSHHt$H$H$@HHotD-# E}D$IEBHD$0E1HD$(HHH$AD9$H$D@HDŽ$HH$H}nH$uH$@Hst- H$H$@H>nH$HDŽ$HDŽ$H$H|$(!H$H|$(Ht`HD$ H;$SHD$H;$AD9$H\$(Mt#H$IH$IGH$IGHL[]A\A]A^A_H$HDŽ$t3AH$$HDŽ$D$HDŽ$EE1E1HD$Ht$0iuD$8%= qmu^H\$xHtTHH9tEEu+H|$t#HH+D$HH?H1H)H=fH$H\$H$AD9$OH$Dྦ@H$HH$HqtD
Lt3ALu{H$H$@HktD E*$t=̣ H$H$@HHqt5 H$c@Hpt
s EuH$HtH$qurH$11hH$Ht$0j'H$d@1m	H$H$HD$H$HD$ MtLpT$5H$6A1E1ASMtLopD$H$H$p7AHt$ 1^H$H$E1HD$H$HD$ YH$3AHiH$D EA4A3AMtLoD$?H$H$7AHt$1CMtLxoD$H$Ht$(07A1od EA~4A5AA4A6AH= A1;i&lA4A3AMtLnD$tsH$7A1E1A9A4A6AA4A6AxA4AH6AcAR4A5ANE1Ac4AA1DfDAUATIUSHHHf H$1HDŽ$?/3AHQL$Iع3A@1LQiL$%= !03AH$1Ҿht H$Lc@mto uH$Hھ@vmtH H$L@Oet! Q3AH$%=`-H$H$H3 HĨ[]A\A]L$HLc1߀`f$%=`=3AH= Lx8A1lf1nuH$HeL$HLic5H$3A d A4Ap9AH=O A1eh11LHDŽ$ciL$Lfu>H$cH$HtjLH9igeI@H$Ld='h8t,h8dLHH=u 3A1d1H=[ Hھ8A1dH
E -H8Ac1g8cHHH$LHrhHjHHH$H¾3AyjtK HifDf:g83cH= HL3A1dH$c1A4A8AA4A8AA4A@9AA4A9AA4A9AfAWAAVAUIATUSHhH$HD$HD$D$D$D$ D$$HD$(D$45D$4AIHD$(D$4EI}HT$`Ht$dHD$PHI'Hƿ3AuH|$HD$(@LmL@jH|$HD$(AaAHD$87fJ|-1HJHD$PHDAD$HH\$8D9t;AJ|-AD$11D$D4Hu$H|$8HdHHuDd$DEL$d;L$DL$`;L$DL3AE)IcMlHD$8T$DEHD$T$D$D$D$$Dl$4EtDd$ EnH|$X1Ҿat- PH|$X3A@&gt H|$XL$@H$dtDΘ EDT$EGDD$$E{t$1H$~H;H`;l$uL$~H\$1H;Hl`;l$uT$$~H\$1H;HH`;l$$uH|$t
H|$eH<$eHD$XHh[]A\A]A^A_H|$(z3ALXD$ 1Hh[]A\A]A^A_L@HD$8T$DHD$T$$Ht$(I}%HtH|$(HD$P\$ AID$H<$HcD$HHbHH$RHD$PH$HD?H|$P1Ҿ_t H|$PL@et H|$PHT$(@\tŖ t3ALu!T$dH|$P3AHc\H|$PL$D@HT$8&bth [Dt$D1H\$8E~H;HD^;l$DuH|$8dH
D ;h<A\1 A34A;AH= A1]w`H|$XL$.@HT$aD
I EAh4AH=AH|$XL$$@HT$`e= WAk4A=A`	IUH=V :A1\1IUH=8 (;A1\1H
 ?h:A^[1H= L:A1\1H
ߔ I(A[1uA+4Ap;AA/4A;AA-4A;AzA74A(<AeAe4A=APAc4A<A;Aa4A<A&Hl$Ld$ALl$Lt$HL|$H\$HX5B Ht$`DAAHI1HE1DDLHD#Etl1Hft8HT$j@HP\t
 OH|$1HHt+HL$$HT$@LZuT$$uSH`LH\$(Hl$0Ld$8Ll$@Lt$HL|$PHXD1H`HH2E1DL;D$$tLHHt<Ht~L LuLL`u3HuHSH9t:>A1)H`H_LZLL=A1HuHKH9t#MLh>A1H_fH_H=4 AM4AAA1Y\AWIAVAAUATUSHHEH|$Ht$DLHD$0HHD$0HHL$DHT$(@HY|$DLl$ Ld$<Hl$@1	9\$DvpHD$(ھc@H<L\^t5ސ H|$ LHHtH=: H¾x?A1XH|$0XHH1[]A\A]A^A_Ht$H|$HT$0ELzYu^HD$0HH[]A\A]A^A_DW E&A4A>AA4A@?AH= A1-X[H|$01HtX1H
9\$$v5HT$ؾ@HD$H<HOH|$uH([]H(1[]ÐS1H`H HD$X1RHD$tLtHD$XH3ه uJH`[ÐH|$H\$LuBAH@HM~H4VHƿpBA1MRUHSHH0j Ht1HRaHHuH[ÐHVH	add [-fn] <pool> <vdev> ...
	clear [-nF] <pool> [device]
	destroy [-f] <pool>
	detach <pool> <device>
	export [-f] <pool> ...
	history [-il] [<pool>] ...
	labelclear [-f] <vdev>
	remove <pool> <device> ...
	scrub [-s] <pool> ...
	reguid <pool>
children	%*s%s
is_logl2cache  %5s	%s  %*susage:
	%-15s  %s   %s

ZFS_ABORTdumping core by requestinvalid option '%c'
missing pool name
too many pool names
lino pools availableinvalid version '%s'
:avV:VER  DESCRIPTION 1   Initial ZFS version 4   zpool history 6   bootfs pool property 8   Delegated administration 10  Cache devices 12  Snapshot properties 13  snapused property 14  passthrough-x aclinherit 16  stmf property support 17  Triple-parity RAID-Z 18  Snapshot user holds 19  Log device removal 21  Deduplication 22  Received properties 23  Slim ZIL 24  System attributes 25  Improved scrub statsmissing pool name argument
too many arguments
FnXrewind-requestftmissing device name
:R:no:Missing pool name
Missing new pool name
zpool importfpool '%s' is unavailable
interval cannot be zero
vxDT:all pools are healthy:Ho:T:vno pools available
fFmissing pool argument
missing vdev device name
Unable to open %s
missing device
	%-15s    NO    YES   -
missing command
-?zpoolfreeze/dev/zfsunrecognized command '%s'
History for '%s':
history recordhistory timehistory commandhistory internal eventhistory txghistory internal str[internal %s txg:%lld] %s%F.%T%s %s [history whouser %s onuser %d onno info]history hostnamehistory zone:%sVER  POOL---  ------------%2llu   %s
Successfully upgraded '%s'

!cbp->cb_all  scan: none requestedscrub canceled on %sresilver canceled on %sps->pss_state == DSS_SCANNINGscrub in progress since %sresilver in progress since %s, %lluh%um to go
vdev_stats%*s%s%*s%s%*s	-	-	-      -      -      -is_holevdev_treestatehostidtimestampuse '-f' to import anyway
typemissing	%*s%-*s  %scannot openmissing deviceinsufficient replicasnewer versiontoo many errorscorrupted data	cache	  %s
	sparesINUSE	%*s%-*s  %-8s %5s %5s %5snot_presentpath  was %scurrently in usein use by pool '%s'experienced I/O failuresbad intent logexternal device faultsplit into new poolscan_statsresilveringrepairing  (%s)AVAIL	logspool '%s' is healthy
 state: %s
reason == ZPOOL_STATUS_OKWRITEREADSTATENAME	%-*s  %-8s %5s %5s %5s
CKSUMerror_counterrors: No known data errorsdatasetobject%7s %s
ddt_object_stats dedup: no DDT entriesddt_statsddt_histogramnoneinvalid txg value
:aCc:d:DEfFmnNo:rR:T:VX-c is incompatible with -d
rewind-request-txg/devrewind-policypool_guid   pool: %s
     id: %llu
  state: %s (DESTROYED)commentcomment: %s
import by numeric ID instead
no pools available to import
missing '=' for -o option
missing '=' for -O option
:fnR:m:o:O:missing vdev specification
legacy%s/%s%s%smountpoint '%s' : %s
fnlabelcleariostatstatusreopenreguid	attach [-f] <pool> <device> <new-device>
	create [-fn] [-o property=value] ... 
	    [-O file-system-property=value] ... 
	    [-m mountpoint] [-R root] <pool> <vdev> ...
	import [-d dir] [-D]
	import [-d dir | -c cachefile] [-F [-n]] <pool | id>
	import [-o mntopts] [-o property=value] ... 
	    [-d dir | -c cachefile] [-D] [-f] [-m] [-N] [-R root] [-F [-n]] -a
	import [-o mntopts] [-o property=value] ... 
	    [-d dir | -c cachefile] [-D] [-f] [-m] [-N] [-R root] [-F [-n]]
	    <pool | id> [newpool]
	iostat [-v] [-T d|u] [pool] ... [interval [count]]
	list [-Hv] [-o property[,...]] [-T d|u] [pool] ... [interval [count]]
	offline [-t] <pool> <device> ...
	online [-e] <pool> <device> ...
	replace [-f] <pool> <device> [new-device]
	status [-vx] [-T d|u] [pool] ... [interval [count]]
	upgrade [-v]
	upgrade [-V version] <-a | pool ...>
	get <"all" | property[,...]> <pool> ...
	set <property=value> <pool> 
	split [-n] [-R altroot] [-o mntopts]
	    [-o property=value] <pool> <newpool> [<device> ...]
  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----Unable to stat root file system: %s.
'log' is now a reserved word
Pool 'log' must be renamed using export and import to upgrade.Pool '%s' is already formatted using more current version '%llu'.
Pool '%s' is already formatted using the current version.
Successfully upgraded '%s' from version %llu to version %llu

internal error: out of memory
property '%s' is not a valid pool property
property '%s' specified multiple times
cannot scrub '%s': pool is currently unavailable
usage: zpool command args ...
where 'command' is one of the following:

the following properties are supported:
missing property=value argument
missing value in property=value argument
missing argument for '%c' option
-V option is incompatible with other arguments
-v option is incompatible with other arguments
-a option should not be used along with a pool name
This system is currently running ZFS pool version %llu.

The following versions are supported:
---  -------------------------------------------------------- 2   Ditto blocks (replicated metadata) 3   Hot spares and double parity RAID-Z 5   Compression using the gzip algorithm 7   Separate intent log devices 9   refquota and refreservation properties 11  Improved scrub performance 15  user/group space accounting 20  Compression using zle (zero-length encoding) 26  Improved snapshot deletion performance 27  Improved snapshot creation performance 28  Multiple vdev replacements
For more information on a particular version, including supported releases,see the ZFS Administration Guide.
All pools are formatted using this version.Use 'zpool upgrade -v' for a list of available versions and their associated
features.If you boot from pool '%s', don't forget to update boot code.
Assuming you use GPT partitioning and da0 is your boot disk
the following command will do it:

	gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptzfsboot -i 1 da0

-n or -X only meaningful with -F
warning: device '%s' onlined, but remains in faulted state
use 'zpool clear' to restore a faulted deviceuse 'zpool replace' to replace devices that are no longer presentsetting mntopts is only valid when importing the pool
would create '%s' with the following layout:

Split was succssful, but the datasets could not all be mounted
Try doing '%s' with a different altroot
missing <device> specification
missing <new_device> specification
%*s     capacity     operations    bandwidth
%-*s  alloc   free   read  write   read  write
use 'zfs destroy' to destroy a dataset
could not destroy '%s': could not unmount datasets
Unable to determine pool state for %s
Use -f to force the clearing any label data
labelclear operation failed.
	Vdev %s is a member (%s), of pool "%s".
	To remove label information from this device, export or destroy
	the pool, or remove %s from the configuration of this pool
	and retry the labelclear operation
labelclear operation failed.
	Vdev %s is a member of the exported pool "%s".
	Use "zpool labelclear -f %s" to force the removal of label
labelclear operation failed.
	Vdev %s is a member of the pool "%s".
	This pool is unknown to this system, but may be active on
	another system. Use 'zpool labelclear -f %s' to force the
	removal of label information.
Label clear failed on vdev %s
internal error: failed to initialize ZFS library
/usr/src/cddl/sbin/zpool/../../../cddl/contrib/opensolaris/cmd/zpool/zpool_main.czpool_stage_history(g_zfs, history_str) == 0Assertion failed: (%s), file %s, line %d.
find_command_idx("set", &i) == 0nvlist_lookup_nvlist_array(nvhis, "history record", &records, &numrecords) == 0nvlist_lookup_uint64(records[i], "history txg", &txg) == 0nvlist_lookup_string(records[i], "history internal str", &pathstr) == 0nvlist_lookup_uint64(config, "version", &version) == 0The following pools are out of date, and can be upgraded.  After being
upgraded, these pools will no longer be accessible by older software versions.
The following pools are formatted using a newer software version and
cannot be accessed on the current system.
ps->pss_func == POOL_SCAN_SCRUB || ps->pss_func == POOL_SCAN_RESILVERscrub repaired %s in %lluh%um with %llu errors on %sresilvered %s in %lluh%um with %llu errors on %s        %s scanned out of %s at %s/s, (scan is slow, no estimated time)        %s resilvered, %.2f%% done
        %s repaired, %.2f%% done
nvlist_lookup_uint64_array(nv, "vdev_stats", (uint64_t **)&vs, &c) == 0%-*s      -      -      -      -      -      -
nvlist_lookup_nvlist(config, "vdev_tree", &nvroot) == 0nvlist_lookup_uint64_array(oldnv, "vdev_stats", (uint64_t **)&oldvs, &c) == 0nvlist_lookup_uint64_array(newnv, "vdev_stats", (uint64_t **)&newvs, &c) == 0nvlist_lookup_nvlist(newconfig, "vdev_tree", &newnvroot) == 0nvlist_lookup_nvlist(oldconfig, "vdev_tree", &oldnvroot) == 0nvlist_lookup_string(config, "name", &name) == 0nvlist_lookup_uint64(config, "state", &state) == 0cannot import '%s': pool is formatted using a newer ZFS version
nvlist_lookup_string(config, "hostname", &hostname) == 0nvlist_lookup_uint64(config, "timestamp", &timestamp) == 0cannot import '%s': pool may be in use from other system, it was last accessed by %s (hostid: 0x%lx) on %scannot import '%s': pool may be in use from other system
nvlist_lookup_string(nv, "type", &type) == 0nvlist_lookup_uint64(nv, "guid", &cb.cb_guid) == 0nvlist_lookup_uint64_array(nvroot, "vdev_stats", (uint64_t **)&vs, &c) == 0status: One or more devices could not be opened.  Sufficient replicas exist for
	the pool to continue functioning in a degraded state.action: Attach the missing device and online it using 'zpool online'.status: One or more devices could not be opened.  There are insufficient
	replicas for the pool to continue functioning.status: One or more devices could not be used because the label is missing or
	invalid.  Sufficient replicas exist for the pool to continue
	functioning in a degraded state.action: Replace the device using 'zpool replace'.status: One or more devices could not be used because the label is missing 
	or invalid.  There are insufficient replicas for the pool to continue
	functioning.status: One or more devices has experienced an unrecoverable error.  An
	attempt was made to correct the error.  Applications are unaffected.action: Determine if the device needs to be replaced, and clear the errors
	using 'zpool clear' or replace the device with 'zpool replace'.status: One or more devices has been taken offline by the administrator.
	Sufficient replicas exist for the pool to continue functioning in a
	degraded state.action: Online the device using 'zpool online' or replace the device with
	'zpool replace'.status: One or more devices has been removed by the administrator.
	Sufficient replicas exist for the pool to continue functioning in a
	degraded state.status: One or more devices is currently being resilvered.  The pool will
	continue to function, possibly in a degraded state.action: Wait for the resilver to complete.status: One or more devices has experienced an error resulting in data
	corruption.  Applications may be affected.action: Restore the file in question if possible.  Otherwise restore the
	entire pool from backup.status: The pool metadata is corrupted and the pool cannot be opened.status: The pool is formatted using an older on-disk format.  The pool can
	still be used, but some features are unavailable.action: Upgrade the pool using 'zpool upgrade'.  Once this is done, the
	pool will no longer be accessible on older software versions.status: The pool has been upgraded to a newer, incompatible on-disk version.
	The pool cannot be accessed on this system.action: Access the pool from a system running more recent software, or
	restore the pool from backup.status: One or more devices are faulted in response to persistent errors.
	Sufficient replicas exist for the pool to continue functioning in a
	degraded state.action: Replace the faulted device, or use 'zpool clear' to mark the device
	repaired.status: One or more devices are faulted in response to persistent errors.  There are insufficient replicas for the pool to
	continue functioning.action: Destroy and re-create the pool from a backup source.  Manually marking the device
	repaired using 'zpool clear' may allow some data to be recovered.status: One or more devices are faulted in response to IO failures.action: Make sure the affected devices are connected, then run 'zpool clear'.status: An intent log record could not be read.
	Waiting for adminstrator intervention to fix the faulted pool.action: Either restore the affected device(s) and run 'zpool online',
	or ignore the intent log records by running 'zpool clear'.   see:
errors: %llu data errors, use '-v' for a list
errors: List of errors unavailable (insufficient privileges)errors: Permanent errors have been detected in the following files:
nvpair_value_nvlist(elem, &nv) == 0nvlist_lookup_uint64(nv, "dataset", &dsobj) == 0nvlist_lookup_uint64(nv, "object", &obj) == 0DDT entries %llu, size %llu on disk, %llu in core
nvlist_lookup_uint64_array(config, "ddt_stats", (uint64_t **)&dds, &c) == 0nvlist_lookup_uint64_array(config, "ddt_histogram", (uint64_t **)&ddh, &c) == 0config: The configuration cannot be determined.cannot discover pools: permission denied
cannot import '%s': a pool with that name already exists
use the form '%s <pool | id> <newpool>' to give it a new name
cannot import '%s': a pool with that name is already created/imported,
and no additional pools with that name were found
cannot import '%s': no such pool available
nvpair_value_nvlist(elem, &config) == 0nvlist_lookup_uint64(config, "state", &pool_state) == 0nvlist_add_nvlist(config, "rewind-policy", policy) == 0nvlist_lookup_uint64(config, "pool_guid", &guid) == 0nvlist_lookup_uint64_array(nvroot, "vdev_stats", (uint64_t **)&vs, &vsc) == 0 status: One or more devices are missing from the system. status: One or more devices contains corrupted data. status: The pool data is corrupted. status: One or more devices are offlined. status: The pool metadata is corrupted. status: The pool is formatted using an older on-disk version. status: The pool is formatted using an incompatible version. status: The pool was last accessed by another system. status: One or more devices are faulted. status: An intent log record cannot be read. status: One or more devices were being resilvered. action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier, though
	some features will not be available without an explicit 'zpool upgrade'. action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier and
	the '-f' flag. action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier. action: The pool can be imported despite missing or damaged devices.  The
	fault tolerance of the pool may be compromised if imported. action: The pool cannot be imported.  Access the pool on a system running newer
	software, or recreate the pool from backup. action: The pool cannot be imported. Attach the missing
	devices and try again. action: The pool cannot be imported due to damaged devices or data.	The pool was destroyed, but can be imported using the '-Df' flags.	The pool may be active on another system, but can be imported using
	the '-f' flag.
	Additional devices are known to be part of this pool, though their
	exact configuration cannot be determined.cannot import '%s': more than one matching pool
cannot create '%s': invalid character '/' in pool name
use 'zfs create' to create a dataset
invalid vdev specification: at least one toplevel vdev must be specified
invalid alternate root '%s': must be an absolute path
invalid mountpoint '%s': must be an absolute path, 'legacy', or 'none'
use '-m' option to provide a different default
mountpoint '%s' exists and is not empty
zfs_prop_set(pool, zfs_prop_to_name( ZFS_PROP_MOUNTPOINT), mountpoint) == 0pool name may have been omitted
nvlist_lookup_nvlist(config, "vdev_tree", &poolnvroot) == 0would update '%s' to the following configuration:
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@x@@q@@j@@c@@\@@U@@I@@-g@f@f@f@f@g@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@g@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@f@@@@z@i@@@X@@@G@@@@֚@Ś@@@@@a@P@?@.@@@Ɲ@@c@|@@Ɲ@̡@@@͠@Ɲ@@@@@1@J@5@N@@ڨ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&@@@@@@@@@x@k@ʦ@@%@%@@@%@@@@@ճ@@@ų@@@@@@@0@0@0@0@@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@P@0@0@Զ@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@ɶ@0@0@0@0@0@0@@@Y@?Y@eACinvalid vdev specification
exportedunknown%s is part of %s pool '%s'
potentially activeraidzmirrorspare/dev/filenparityrep.zprl_parity != 0replacingrchildren == 2cannot open '%s': %s
whole_diskdevidrootuse '-f' to override the following errors:
the following errors must be manually repaired:
%s is reserved as a hot spare for pool %s
/usr/src/cddl/sbin/zpool/../../../cddl/contrib/opensolaris/cmd/zpool/zpool_vdev.cnvlist_lookup_string(nv, "path", &path) == 0nvlist_lookup_uint64(label, "guid", &guid) == 0nvlist_lookup_uint64(spares[i], "guid", &spareguid) == 0nvlist_lookup_nvlist_array(nvroot, "children", &top, &toplevels) == 0nvlist_lookup_uint64(nv, "nparity", &rep.zprl_parity) == 0nvlist_lookup_string(cnv, "type", &childtype) == 0nvlist_lookup_nvlist_array(cnv, "children", &rchild, &rchildren) == 0nvlist_lookup_string(cnv, "path", &path) == 0mismatched replication level: %s contains both files and devices
%s contains devices of different sizes
mismatched replication level: both %s and %s vdevs are present
mismatched replication level: both %llu and %llu device parity %s vdevs are present
mismatched replication level: both %llu-way and %llu-way %s vdevs are present
cannot open '%s': no such GEOM provider
must be a full path or shorthand device name
cannot use '%s': must be a GEOM provider or regular file
nvlist_alloc(&vdev, 0x1, 0) == 0nvlist_add_string(vdev, "path", path) == 0nvlist_add_string(vdev, "type", type) == 0nvlist_add_uint64(vdev, "is_log", is_log) == 0nvlist_add_uint64(vdev, "whole_disk", (uint64_t)wholedisk) == 0nvlist_add_string(vdev, "devid", devid_str) == 0invalid vdev specification: 'spare' can be specified only once
invalid vdev specification: 'log' can be specified only once
invalid vdev specification: 'cache' can be specified only once
invalid vdev specification: unsupported 'log' device: %s
invalid vdev specification: %s requires at least %d devices
invalid vdev specification: %s supports no more than %d devices
nvlist_alloc(&nv, 0x1, 0) == 0nvlist_add_string(nv, "type", type) == 0nvlist_add_uint64(nv, "is_log", is_log) == 0nvlist_add_uint64(nv, "nparity", mindev - 1) == 0nvlist_add_nvlist_array(nv, "children", child, children) == 0invalid vdev specification: log requires at least 1 device
nvlist_alloc(&nvroot, 0x1, 0) == 0nvlist_add_string(nvroot, "type", "root") == 0nvlist_add_nvlist_array(nvroot, "children", top, toplevels) == 0nvlist_add_nvlist_array(nvroot, "spares", spares, nspares) == 0nvlist_add_nvlist_array(nvroot, "l2cache", l2cache, nl2cache) == 0mismatched replication level: pool uses %s and new vdev is %s
mismatched replication level: pool uses %llu device parity and new vdev uses %llu
mismatched replication level: pool uses %llu-way %s and new vdev uses %llu-way %s
Unable to build a pool from the specified devices
nvlist_lookup_nvlist_array(newroot, "children", &child, &children) == 0nvlist_lookup_string(child[c], "path", &path) == 0Cannot use '%s' as a device for splitting
internal error: out of memoryzfs_poolerrno == ENOMEM/usr/src/cddl/sbin/zpool/../../../cddl/contrib/opensolaris/cmd/zpool/zpool_util.crewind-meta-threshrewind-data-threshinvalid eventpool createvdev addpool removepool destroypool exportvdev attachvdev replacevdev detachvdev onlinevdev offlinevdev upgradepool clearpool scrubpool property setclonedestroy_begin_syncpermission updatepermission removepermission who removepromotereceiverenamereplay_inc_syncreplay_full_syncrollbacksnapshotfilesystem version upgraderefquota setrefreservation setpool scrub doneuser holduser releasepool split	%ld
0h0( h8 H x ("#8'0)Xh+,H/(0	00	3X	7	h9	=	A
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