Current Path : /sys/amd64/compile/hs32/modules/usr/src/sys/modules/iir/@/contrib/octeon-sdk/ |
FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #1: Wed Jan 14 12:18:08 JST 2015 amd64 |
Current File : //sys/amd64/compile/hs32/modules/usr/src/sys/modules/iir/@/contrib/octeon-sdk/cvmx-spi4000.c |
/***********************license start*************** * Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Cavium Networks ( All rights * reserved. * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Cavium Networks nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * This Software, including technical data, may be subject to U.S. export control * laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Act and its associated * regulations, and may be subject to export or import regulations in other * countries. * TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" * AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND CAVIUM NETWORKS MAKES NO PROMISES, REPRESENTATIONS OR * WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO * THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ITS CONDITION, ITS CONFORMITY TO ANY REPRESENTATION OR * DESCRIPTION, OR THE EXISTENCE OF ANY LATENT OR PATENT DEFECTS, AND CAVIUM * SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED (IF ANY) WARRANTIES OF TITLE, * MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, LACK OF * VIRUSES, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION OR * CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES WITH YOU. ***********************license end**************************************/ /** * @file * * Support library for the SPI4000 card * * <hr>$Revision: 49448 $<hr> */ #ifdef CVMX_BUILD_FOR_LINUX_KERNEL #include <linux/module.h> #include <asm/octeon/cvmx.h> #include <asm/octeon/cvmx-spi.h> #include <asm/octeon/cvmx-twsi.h> #include <asm/octeon/cvmx-gmxx-defs.h> #else #include "cvmx.h" #include "cvmx-spi.h" #include "cvmx-twsi.h" #endif /* If someone is using an old config, make the SPI4000 act like RGMII for backpressure */ #ifndef CVMX_HELPER_DISABLE_SPI4000_BACKPRESSURE #ifndef CVMX_HELPER_DISABLE_RGMII_BACKPRESSURE #define CVMX_HELPER_DISABLE_RGMII_BACKPRESSURE 0 #endif #define CVMX_HELPER_DISABLE_SPI4000_BACKPRESSURE CVMX_HELPER_DISABLE_RGMII_BACKPRESSURE #endif #define SPI4000_READ_ADDRESS_HIGH 0xf0 #define SPI4000_READ_ADDRESS_LOW 0xf1 #define SPI4000_WRITE_ADDRESS_HIGH 0xf2 #define SPI4000_WRITE_ADDRESS_LOW 0xf3 #define SPI4000_READ_DATA0 0xf4 /* High byte */ #define SPI4000_READ_DATA1 0xf5 #define SPI4000_READ_DATA2 0xf6 #define SPI4000_READ_DATA3 0xf7 /* Low byte */ #define SPI4000_WRITE_DATA0 0xf8 /* High byte */ #define SPI4000_WRITE_DATA1 0xf9 #define SPI4000_WRITE_DATA2 0xfa #define SPI4000_WRITE_DATA3 0xfb /* Low byte */ #define SPI4000_DO_READ 0xfc /* Issue a read, returns read status */ #define SPI4000_GET_READ_STATUS 0xfd /* 0xff: initial state, 2: Read failed, 1: Read pending, 0: Read success */ #define SPI4000_DO_WRITE 0xfe /* Issue a write, returns write status */ #define SPI4000_GET_WRITE_STATUS 0xff /* 0xff: initial state, 6: Write failed, 5: Write pending, 4: Write success */ #define SPI4000_TWSI_ID(interface) (0x66 + interface) /* MDI Single Command (register 0x680) */ typedef union { uint32_t u32; struct { uint32_t reserved_21_31 : 11; uint32_t mdi_command : 1; /**< Performs an MDIO access. When set, this bit self clears upon completion of the access. */ uint32_t reserved_18_19 : 2; uint32_t op_code : 2; /**< MDIO Op Code 00 = Reserved 01 = Write Access 10 = Read Access 11 = Reserved */ uint32_t reserved_13_15 : 3; uint32_t phy_address : 5; /**< Address of external PHY device */ uint32_t reserved_5_7 : 3; uint32_t reg_address : 5; /**< Address of register within external PHY */ } s; } mdio_single_command_t; static CVMX_SHARED int interface_is_spi4000[2] = {0,0}; /** * @INTERNAL * Write data to the specified SPI4000 address * * @param interface Interface the SPI4000 is on. (0 or 1) * @param address Address to write to * @param data Data to write */ static void __cvmx_spi4000_write(int interface, int address, uint32_t data) { int status; cvmx_twsix_write_ia(0, SPI4000_TWSI_ID(interface), SPI4000_WRITE_ADDRESS_HIGH, 2, 1, address); cvmx_twsix_write_ia(0, SPI4000_TWSI_ID(interface), SPI4000_WRITE_DATA0, 4, 1, data); status = cvmx_twsi_read8(SPI4000_TWSI_ID(interface), SPI4000_DO_WRITE); while ((status == 5) || (status == 0xff)) status = cvmx_twsi_read8(SPI4000_TWSI_ID(interface), SPI4000_GET_WRITE_STATUS); if (status != 4) cvmx_dprintf("SPI4000: write failed with status=0x%x\n", status); } /** * @INTERNAL * Read data from the SPI4000. * * @param interface Interface the SPI4000 is on. (0 or 1) * @param address Address to read from * * @return Value at the specified address */ static uint32_t __cvmx_spi4000_read(int interface, int address) { int status; uint64_t data; cvmx_twsix_write_ia(0, SPI4000_TWSI_ID(interface), SPI4000_READ_ADDRESS_HIGH, 2, 1, address); status = cvmx_twsi_read8(SPI4000_TWSI_ID(interface), SPI4000_DO_READ); while ((status == 1) || (status == 0xff)) status = cvmx_twsi_read8(SPI4000_TWSI_ID(interface), SPI4000_GET_READ_STATUS); if (status) { cvmx_dprintf("SPI4000: read failed with %d\n", status); return 0; } status = cvmx_twsix_read_ia(0, SPI4000_TWSI_ID(interface), SPI4000_READ_DATA0, 4, 1, &data); if (status != 4) { cvmx_dprintf("SPI4000: read failed with %d\n", status); return 0; } return data; } /** * @INTERNAL * Write to a PHY using MDIO on the SPI4000 * * @param interface Interface the SPI4000 is on. (0 or 1) * @param port SPI4000 RGMII port to write to. (0-9) * @param location MDIO register to write * @param val Value to write */ static void __cvmx_spi4000_mdio_write(int interface, int port, int location, int val) { static int last_value=-1; mdio_single_command_t mdio; mdio.u32 = 0; mdio.s.mdi_command = 1; mdio.s.op_code = 1; mdio.s.phy_address = port; mdio.s.reg_address = location; /* Since the TWSI accesses are very slow, don't update the write value if it is the same as the last value */ if (val != last_value) { last_value = val; __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, 0x0681, val); } __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, 0x0680, mdio.u32); } /** * @INTERNAL * Read from a PHY using MDIO on the SPI4000 * * @param interface Interface the SPI4000 is on. (0 or 1) * @param port SPI4000 RGMII port to read from. (0-9) * @param location MDIO register to read * @return The MDI read result */ static int __cvmx_spi4000_mdio_read(int interface, int port, int location) { mdio_single_command_t mdio; mdio.u32 = 0; mdio.s.mdi_command = 1; mdio.s.op_code = 2; mdio.s.phy_address = port; mdio.s.reg_address = location; __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, 0x0680, mdio.u32); do { mdio.u32 = __cvmx_spi4000_read(interface, 0x0680); } while (mdio.s.mdi_command); return __cvmx_spi4000_read(interface, 0x0681) >> 16; } /** * @INTERNAL * Configure the SPI4000 MACs */ static void __cvmx_spi4000_configure_mac(int interface) { int port; // IXF1010 configuration // --------------------- // // Step 1: Apply soft reset to TxFIFO and MAC // MAC soft reset register. address=0x505 // TxFIFO soft reset. address=0x620 __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, 0x0505, 0x3ff); // reset all the MACs __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, 0x0620, 0x3ff); // reset the TX FIFOs // Global address and Configuration Register. address=0x500 // // Step 2: Apply soft reset to RxFIFO and SPI. __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, 0x059e, 0x3ff); // reset the RX FIFOs // Step 3a: Take the MAC out of softreset // MAC soft reset register. address=0x505 __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, 0x0505, 0x0); // reset all the MACs // Step 3b: De-assert port enables. // Global address and Configuration Register. address=0x500 __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, 0x0500, 0x0); // disable all ports // Step 4: Assert Clock mode change En. // Clock and interface mode Change En. address=Serdes base + 0x14 // Serdes (Serializer/de-serializer). address=0x780 // [Can't find this one] for (port=0; port < 10; port++) { int port_offset = port << 7; // Step 5: Set MAC interface mode GMII speed. // MAC interface mode and RGMII speed register. // address=port_index+0x10 // // OUT port_index+0x10, 0x07 //RGMII 1000 Mbps operation. __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, port_offset | 0x0010, 0x3); // Set the max packet size to 16383 bytes, including the CRC __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, port_offset | 0x000f, 0x3fff); // Step 6: Change Interface to Copper mode // Interface mode register. address=0x501 // [Can't find this] // Step 7: MAC configuration // Station address configuration. // Source MAC address low register. Source MAC address 31-0. // address=port_index+0x00 // Source MAC address high register. Source MAC address 47-32. // address=port_index+0x01 // where Port index is 0x0 to 0x5. // This address is inserted in the source address filed when // transmitting pause frames, and is also used to compare against // unicast pause frames at the receiving side. // // OUT port_index+0x00, source MAC address low. __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, port_offset | 0x0000, 0x0000); // OUT port_index+0x01, source MAC address high. __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, port_offset | 0x0001, 0x0000); // Step 8: Set desired duplex mode // Desired duplex register. address=port_index+0x02 // [Reserved] // Step 9: Other configuration. // FC Enable Register. address=port_index+0x12 // Discard Unknown Control Frame. address=port_index+0x15 // Diverse config write register. address=port_index+0x18 // RX Packet Filter register. address=port_index+0x19 // // Step 9a: Tx FD FC Enabled / Rx FD FC Enabled if (CVMX_HELPER_DISABLE_SPI4000_BACKPRESSURE) __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, port_offset | 0x0012, 0); else __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, port_offset | 0x0012, 0x7); // Step 9b: Discard unknown control frames __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, port_offset | 0x0015, 0x1); // Step 9c: Enable auto-CRC and auto-padding __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, port_offset | 0x0018, 0x11cd); //?? // Step 9d: Drop bad CRC / Drop Pause / No DAF __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, port_offset | 0x0019, 0x00); } // Step 9d: Drop frames __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, 0x059f, 0x03ff); for (port=0; port < 10; port++) { // Step 9e: Set the TX FIFO marks __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, port + 0x0600, 0x0900); // TXFIFO High watermark __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, port + 0x060a, 0x0800); // TXFIFO Low watermark __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, port + 0x0614, 0x0380); // TXFIFO threshold } // Step 12: De-assert RxFIFO and SPI Rx/Tx reset __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, 0x059e, 0x0); // reset the RX FIFOs // Step 13: De-assert TxFIFO and MAC reset __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, 0x0620, 0x0); // reset the TX FIFOs // Step 14: Assert port enable // Global address and Configuration Register. address=0x500 __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, 0x0500, 0x03ff); // enable all ports // Step 15: Disable loopback // [Can't find this one] } /** * @INTERNAL * Configure the SPI4000 PHYs */ static void __cvmx_spi4000_configure_phy(int interface) { int port; /* We use separate loops below since it allows us to save a write to the SPI4000 for each repeated value. This adds up to a couple of seconds */ /* Update the link state before resets. It takes a while for the links to come back after the resets. Most likely they'll come back the same as they are now */ for (port=0; port < 10; port++) cvmx_spi4000_check_speed(interface, port); /* Enable RGMII DELAYS for TX_CLK and RX_CLK (see spec) */ for (port=0; port < 10; port++) __cvmx_spi4000_mdio_write(interface, port, 0x14, 0x00e2); /* Advertise pause and 100 Full Duplex. Don't advertise half duplex or 10Mbpa */ for (port=0; port < 10; port++) __cvmx_spi4000_mdio_write(interface, port, 0x4, 0x0d01); /* Enable PHY reset */ for (port=0; port < 10; port++) __cvmx_spi4000_mdio_write(interface, port, 0x0, 0x9140); } /** * Poll all the SPI4000 port and check its speed * * @param interface Interface the SPI4000 is on * @param port Port to poll (0-9) * @return Status of the port. 0=down. All other values the port is up. */ cvmx_gmxx_rxx_rx_inbnd_t cvmx_spi4000_check_speed(int interface, int port) { static int phy_status[10] = {0,}; cvmx_gmxx_rxx_rx_inbnd_t link; int read_status; link.u64 = 0; if (!interface_is_spi4000[interface]) return link; if (port>=10) return link; /* Register 0x11: PHY Specific Status Register Register Function Setting Mode HW Rst SW Rst Notes RO 00 Retain note 17.15:14 Speed 11 = Reserved 17.a 10 = 1000 Mbps 01 = 100 Mbps 00 = 10 Mbps 17.13 Duplex 1 = Full-duplex RO 0 Retain note 0 = Half-duplex 17.a 17.12 Page Received 1 = Page received RO, LH 0 0 0 = Page not received 1 = Resolved RO 0 0 note 17.11 Speed and 0 = Not resolved 17.a Duplex Resolved 17.10 Link (real time) 1 = Link up RO 0 0 0 = Link down RO 000 000 note 000 = < 50m 17.9:7 Cable Length 001 = 50 - 80m 17.b (100/1000 010 = 80 - 110m modes only) 011 = 110 - 140m 100 = >140m 17.6 MDI Crossover 1 = MDIX RO 0 0 note Status 0 = MDI 17.a 17.5 Downshift Sta- 1 = Downshift RO 0 0 tus 0 = No Downshift 17.4 Energy Detect 1 = Sleep RO 0 0 Status 0 = Active 17.3 Transmit Pause 1 = Transmit pause enabled RO 0 0 note17. Enabled 0 = Transmit pause disabled a, 17.c 17.2 Receive Pause 1 = Receive pause enabled RO 0 0 note17. Enabled 0 = Receive pause disabled a, 17.c 17.1 Polarity (real 1 = Reversed RO 0 0 time) 0 = Normal 17.0 Jabber (real 1 = Jabber RO 0 Retain time) 0 = No jabber */ read_status = __cvmx_spi4000_mdio_read(interface, port, 0x11); if ((read_status & (1<<10)) == 0) read_status = 0; /* If the link is down, force zero */ else read_status &= 0xe400; /* Strip off all the don't care bits */ if (read_status != phy_status[port]) { phy_status[port] = read_status; if (read_status & (1<<10)) { /* If the link is up, we need to set the speed based on the PHY status */ if (read_status & (1<<15)) __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, (port<<7) | 0x0010, 0x3); /* 1Gbps */ else __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, (port<<7) | 0x0010, 0x1); /* 100Mbps */ } else { /* If the link is down, force 1Gbps so TX traffic dumps fast */ __cvmx_spi4000_write(interface, (port<<7) | 0x0010, 0x3); /* 1Gbps */ } } if (read_status & (1<<10)) { link.s.status = 1; /* Link up */ if (read_status & (1<<15)) link.s.speed = 2; else link.s.speed = 1; } else { link.s.speed = 2; /* Use 1Gbps when down */ link.s.status = 0; /* Link Down */ } link.s.duplex = ((read_status & (1<<13)) != 0); return link; } #ifdef CVMX_BUILD_FOR_LINUX_KERNEL EXPORT_SYMBOL(cvmx_spi4000_check_speed); #endif /** * Return non-zero if the SPI interface has a SPI4000 attached * * @param interface SPI interface the SPI4000 is connected to * * @return */ int cvmx_spi4000_is_present(int interface) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN38XX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN58XX))) return 0; // Check for the presence of a SPI4000. If it isn't there, // these writes will timeout. if (cvmx_twsi_write8(SPI4000_TWSI_ID(interface), SPI4000_WRITE_ADDRESS_HIGH, 0)) return 0; if (cvmx_twsi_write8(SPI4000_TWSI_ID(interface), SPI4000_WRITE_ADDRESS_LOW, 0)) return 0; interface_is_spi4000[interface] = 1; return 1; } /** * Initialize the SPI4000 for use * * @param interface SPI interface the SPI4000 is connected to */ int cvmx_spi4000_initialize(int interface) { if (!cvmx_spi4000_is_present(interface)) return -1; __cvmx_spi4000_configure_mac(interface); __cvmx_spi4000_configure_phy(interface); return 0; }