Current Path : /sys/amd64/compile/hs32/modules/usr/src/sys/modules/lindev/@/contrib/octeon-sdk/ |
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Current File : //sys/amd64/compile/hs32/modules/usr/src/sys/modules/lindev/@/contrib/octeon-sdk/cvmx-tim-defs.h |
/***********************license start*************** * Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Cavium Networks ( All rights * reserved. * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Cavium Networks nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * This Software, including technical data, may be subject to U.S. export control * laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Act and its associated * regulations, and may be subject to export or import regulations in other * countries. * TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" * AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND CAVIUM NETWORKS MAKES NO PROMISES, REPRESENTATIONS OR * WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO * THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ITS CONDITION, ITS CONFORMITY TO ANY REPRESENTATION OR * DESCRIPTION, OR THE EXISTENCE OF ANY LATENT OR PATENT DEFECTS, AND CAVIUM * SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED (IF ANY) WARRANTIES OF TITLE, * MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, LACK OF * VIRUSES, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION OR * CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES WITH YOU. ***********************license end**************************************/ /** * cvmx-tim-defs.h * * Configuration and status register (CSR) type definitions for * Octeon tim. * * This file is auto generated. Do not edit. * * <hr>$Revision$<hr> * */ #ifndef __CVMX_TIM_TYPEDEFS_H__ #define __CVMX_TIM_TYPEDEFS_H__ #define CVMX_TIM_MEM_DEBUG0 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180058001100ull)) #define CVMX_TIM_MEM_DEBUG1 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180058001108ull)) #define CVMX_TIM_MEM_DEBUG2 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180058001110ull)) #define CVMX_TIM_MEM_RING0 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180058001000ull)) #define CVMX_TIM_MEM_RING1 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180058001008ull)) #define CVMX_TIM_REG_BIST_RESULT (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180058000080ull)) #define CVMX_TIM_REG_ERROR (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180058000088ull)) #define CVMX_TIM_REG_FLAGS (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180058000000ull)) #define CVMX_TIM_REG_INT_MASK (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180058000090ull)) #define CVMX_TIM_REG_READ_IDX (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180058000008ull)) /** * cvmx_tim_mem_debug0 * * Notes: * Internal per-ring state intended for debug use only - tim.ctl[47:0] * This CSR is a memory of 16 entries, and thus, the TIM_REG_READ_IDX CSR must be written before any * CSR read operations to this address can be performed. */ union cvmx_tim_mem_debug0 { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug0_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN uint64_t reserved_48_63 : 16; uint64_t ena : 1; /**< Ring timer enable */ uint64_t reserved_46_46 : 1; uint64_t count : 22; /**< Time offset for the ring Set to INTERVAL and counts down by 1 every 1024 cycles when ENA==1. The HW forces a bucket traversal (and resets COUNT to INTERVAL) whenever the decrement would cause COUNT to go negative. COUNT is unpredictable whenever ENA==0. COUNT is reset to INTERVAL whenever TIM_MEM_RING1 is written for the ring. */ uint64_t reserved_22_23 : 2; uint64_t interval : 22; /**< Timer interval - 1 */ #else uint64_t interval : 22; uint64_t reserved_22_23 : 2; uint64_t count : 22; uint64_t reserved_46_46 : 1; uint64_t ena : 1; uint64_t reserved_48_63 : 16; #endif } s; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug0_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug0_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug0_s cn38xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug0_s cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug0_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug0_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug0_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug0_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug0_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug0_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug0_s cn58xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug0_s cn63xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug0_s cn63xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_tim_mem_debug0 cvmx_tim_mem_debug0_t; /** * cvmx_tim_mem_debug1 * * Notes: * Internal per-ring state intended for debug use only - tim.sta[63:0] * This CSR is a memory of 16 entries, and thus, the TIM_REG_READ_IDX CSR must be written before any * CSR read operations to this address can be performed. */ union cvmx_tim_mem_debug1 { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug1_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN uint64_t bucket : 13; /**< Current bucket[12:0] Reset to 0 whenever TIM_MEM_RING0 is written for the ring. Incremented (modulo BSIZE) once per bucket traversal. See TIM_MEM_DEBUG2[BUCKET]. */ uint64_t base : 31; /**< Pointer[35:5] to bucket[0] */ uint64_t bsize : 20; /**< Number of buckets - 1 */ #else uint64_t bsize : 20; uint64_t base : 31; uint64_t bucket : 13; #endif } s; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug1_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug1_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug1_s cn38xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug1_s cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug1_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug1_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug1_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug1_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug1_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug1_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug1_s cn58xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug1_s cn63xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug1_s cn63xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_tim_mem_debug1 cvmx_tim_mem_debug1_t; /** * cvmx_tim_mem_debug2 * * Notes: * Internal per-ring state intended for debug use only - tim.sta[95:64] * This CSR is a memory of 16 entries, and thus, the TIM_REG_READ_IDX CSR must be written before any * CSR read operations to this address can be performed. */ union cvmx_tim_mem_debug2 { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug2_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN uint64_t reserved_24_63 : 40; uint64_t cpool : 3; /**< Free list used to free chunks */ uint64_t csize : 13; /**< Number of words per chunk */ uint64_t reserved_7_7 : 1; uint64_t bucket : 7; /**< Current bucket[19:13] See TIM_MEM_DEBUG1[BUCKET]. */ #else uint64_t bucket : 7; uint64_t reserved_7_7 : 1; uint64_t csize : 13; uint64_t cpool : 3; uint64_t reserved_24_63 : 40; #endif } s; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug2_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug2_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug2_s cn38xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug2_s cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug2_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug2_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug2_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug2_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug2_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug2_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug2_s cn58xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug2_s cn63xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_debug2_s cn63xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_tim_mem_debug2 cvmx_tim_mem_debug2_t; /** * cvmx_tim_mem_ring0 * * Notes: * TIM_MEM_RING0 must not be written for a ring when TIM_MEM_RING1[ENA] is set for the ring. * Every write to TIM_MEM_RING0 clears the current bucket for the ring. (The current bucket is * readable via TIM_MEM_DEBUG2[BUCKET],TIM_MEM_DEBUG1[BUCKET].) * BASE is a 32-byte aligned pointer[35:0]. Only pointer[35:5] are stored because pointer[4:0] = 0. * This CSR is a memory of 16 entries, and thus, the TIM_REG_READ_IDX CSR must be written before any * CSR read operations to this address can be performed. */ union cvmx_tim_mem_ring0 { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring0_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN uint64_t reserved_55_63 : 9; uint64_t first_bucket : 31; /**< Pointer[35:5] to bucket[0] */ uint64_t num_buckets : 20; /**< Number of buckets - 1 */ uint64_t ring : 4; /**< Ring ID */ #else uint64_t ring : 4; uint64_t num_buckets : 20; uint64_t first_bucket : 31; uint64_t reserved_55_63 : 9; #endif } s; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring0_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring0_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring0_s cn38xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring0_s cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring0_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring0_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring0_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring0_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring0_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring0_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring0_s cn58xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring0_s cn63xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring0_s cn63xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_tim_mem_ring0 cvmx_tim_mem_ring0_t; /** * cvmx_tim_mem_ring1 * * Notes: * After a 1->0 transition on ENA, the HW will still complete a bucket traversal for the ring * if it was pending or active prior to the transition. (SW must delay to ensure the completion * of the traversal before reprogramming the ring.) * Every write to TIM_MEM_RING1 resets the current time offset for the ring to the INTERVAL value. * (The current time offset for the ring is readable via TIM_MEM_DEBUG0[COUNT].) * CSIZE must be at least 16. It is illegal to program CSIZE to a value that is less than 16. * This CSR is a memory of 16 entries, and thus, the TIM_REG_READ_IDX CSR must be written before any * CSR read operations to this address can be performed. */ union cvmx_tim_mem_ring1 { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring1_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN uint64_t reserved_43_63 : 21; uint64_t enable : 1; /**< Ring timer enable When clear, the ring is disabled and TIM will not traverse any new buckets for the ring. */ uint64_t pool : 3; /**< Free list used to free chunks */ uint64_t words_per_chunk : 13; /**< Number of words per chunk */ uint64_t interval : 22; /**< Timer interval - 1, measured in 1024 cycle ticks */ uint64_t ring : 4; /**< Ring ID */ #else uint64_t ring : 4; uint64_t interval : 22; uint64_t words_per_chunk : 13; uint64_t pool : 3; uint64_t enable : 1; uint64_t reserved_43_63 : 21; #endif } s; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring1_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring1_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring1_s cn38xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring1_s cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring1_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring1_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring1_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring1_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring1_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring1_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring1_s cn58xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring1_s cn63xx; struct cvmx_tim_mem_ring1_s cn63xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_tim_mem_ring1 cvmx_tim_mem_ring1_t; /** * cvmx_tim_reg_bist_result * * Notes: * Access to the internal BiST results * Each bit is the BiST result of an individual memory (per bit, 0=pass and 1=fail). */ union cvmx_tim_reg_bist_result { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_tim_reg_bist_result_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN uint64_t reserved_4_63 : 60; uint64_t sta : 2; /**< BiST result of the STA memories (0=pass, !0=fail) */ uint64_t ncb : 1; /**< BiST result of the NCB memories (0=pass, !0=fail) */ uint64_t ctl : 1; /**< BiST result of the CTL memories (0=pass, !0=fail) */ #else uint64_t ctl : 1; uint64_t ncb : 1; uint64_t sta : 2; uint64_t reserved_4_63 : 60; #endif } s; struct cvmx_tim_reg_bist_result_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_bist_result_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_bist_result_s cn38xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_bist_result_s cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_tim_reg_bist_result_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_bist_result_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_bist_result_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_reg_bist_result_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_bist_result_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_reg_bist_result_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_bist_result_s cn58xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_reg_bist_result_s cn63xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_bist_result_s cn63xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_tim_reg_bist_result cvmx_tim_reg_bist_result_t; /** * cvmx_tim_reg_error * * Notes: * A ring is in error if its interval has elapsed more than once without having been serviced. * During a CSR write to this register, the write data is used as a mask to clear the selected mask * bits (mask'[15:0] = mask[15:0] & ~write_data[15:0]). */ union cvmx_tim_reg_error { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_tim_reg_error_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN uint64_t reserved_16_63 : 48; uint64_t mask : 16; /**< Bit mask indicating the rings in error */ #else uint64_t mask : 16; uint64_t reserved_16_63 : 48; #endif } s; struct cvmx_tim_reg_error_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_error_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_error_s cn38xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_error_s cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_tim_reg_error_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_error_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_error_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_reg_error_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_error_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_reg_error_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_error_s cn58xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_reg_error_s cn63xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_error_s cn63xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_tim_reg_error cvmx_tim_reg_error_t; /** * cvmx_tim_reg_flags * * Notes: * TIM has a counter that causes a periodic tick every 1024 cycles. This counter is shared by all * rings. (Each tick causes the HW to decrement the time offset (i.e. COUNT) for all enabled rings.) * When ENA_TIM==0, the HW stops this shared periodic counter, so there are no more ticks, and there * are no more new bucket traversals (for any ring). * * If ENA_TIM transitions 1->0, TIM will no longer create new bucket traversals, but there may * have been previous ones. If there are ring bucket traversals that were already pending but * not currently active (i.e. bucket traversals that need to be done by the HW, but haven't been yet) * during this ENA_TIM 1->0 transition, then these bucket traversals will remain pending until * ENA_TIM is later set to one. Bucket traversals that were already in progress will complete * after the 1->0 ENA_TIM transition, though. */ union cvmx_tim_reg_flags { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_tim_reg_flags_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN uint64_t reserved_3_63 : 61; uint64_t reset : 1; /**< Reset oneshot pulse for free-running structures */ uint64_t enable_dwb : 1; /**< Enables non-zero DonwWriteBacks when set When set, enables the use of DontWriteBacks during the buffer freeing operations. */ uint64_t enable_timers : 1; /**< Enables the TIM section when set When set, TIM is in normal operation. When clear, time is effectively stopped for all rings in TIM. */ #else uint64_t enable_timers : 1; uint64_t enable_dwb : 1; uint64_t reset : 1; uint64_t reserved_3_63 : 61; #endif } s; struct cvmx_tim_reg_flags_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_flags_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_flags_s cn38xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_flags_s cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_tim_reg_flags_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_flags_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_flags_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_reg_flags_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_flags_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_reg_flags_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_flags_s cn58xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_reg_flags_s cn63xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_flags_s cn63xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_tim_reg_flags cvmx_tim_reg_flags_t; /** * cvmx_tim_reg_int_mask * * Notes: * Note that this CSR is present only in chip revisions beginning with pass2. * When mask bit is set, the interrupt is enabled. */ union cvmx_tim_reg_int_mask { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_tim_reg_int_mask_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN uint64_t reserved_16_63 : 48; uint64_t mask : 16; /**< Bit mask corresponding to TIM_REG_ERROR.MASK above */ #else uint64_t mask : 16; uint64_t reserved_16_63 : 48; #endif } s; struct cvmx_tim_reg_int_mask_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_int_mask_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_int_mask_s cn38xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_int_mask_s cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_tim_reg_int_mask_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_int_mask_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_int_mask_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_reg_int_mask_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_int_mask_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_reg_int_mask_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_int_mask_s cn58xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_reg_int_mask_s cn63xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_int_mask_s cn63xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_tim_reg_int_mask cvmx_tim_reg_int_mask_t; /** * cvmx_tim_reg_read_idx * * Notes: * Provides the read index during a CSR read operation to any of the CSRs that are physically stored * as memories. The names of these CSRs begin with the prefix "TIM_MEM_". * IDX[7:0] is the read index. INC[7:0] is an increment that is added to IDX[7:0] after any CSR read. * The intended use is to initially write this CSR such that IDX=0 and INC=1. Then, the entire * contents of a CSR memory can be read with consecutive CSR read commands. */ union cvmx_tim_reg_read_idx { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_tim_reg_read_idx_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN uint64_t reserved_16_63 : 48; uint64_t inc : 8; /**< Increment to add to current index for next index */ uint64_t index : 8; /**< Index to use for next memory CSR read */ #else uint64_t index : 8; uint64_t inc : 8; uint64_t reserved_16_63 : 48; #endif } s; struct cvmx_tim_reg_read_idx_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_read_idx_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_read_idx_s cn38xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_read_idx_s cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_tim_reg_read_idx_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_read_idx_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_read_idx_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_reg_read_idx_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_read_idx_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_reg_read_idx_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_read_idx_s cn58xxp1; struct cvmx_tim_reg_read_idx_s cn63xx; struct cvmx_tim_reg_read_idx_s cn63xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_tim_reg_read_idx cvmx_tim_reg_read_idx_t; #endif