Current Path : /sys/amd64/compile/hs32/modules/usr/src/sys/modules/mwl/@/contrib/octeon-sdk/ |
FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #1: Wed Jan 14 12:18:08 JST 2015 amd64 |
Current File : //sys/amd64/compile/hs32/modules/usr/src/sys/modules/mwl/@/contrib/octeon-sdk/cvmx-compactflash.c |
/***********************license start*************** * Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Cavium Networks ( All rights * reserved. * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Cavium Networks nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * This Software, including technical data, may be subject to U.S. export control * laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Act and its associated * regulations, and may be subject to export or import regulations in other * countries. * TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" * AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND CAVIUM NETWORKS MAKES NO PROMISES, REPRESENTATIONS OR * WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO * THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ITS CONDITION, ITS CONFORMITY TO ANY REPRESENTATION OR * DESCRIPTION, OR THE EXISTENCE OF ANY LATENT OR PATENT DEFECTS, AND CAVIUM * SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED (IF ANY) WARRANTIES OF TITLE, * MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, LACK OF * VIRUSES, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION OR * CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES WITH YOU. ***********************license end**************************************/ #include "cvmx.h" #include "cvmx-sysinfo.h" #include "cvmx-compactflash.h" #ifndef MAX #define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b)) #endif #define FLASH_RoundUP(_Dividend, _Divisor) (((_Dividend)+(_Divisor-1))/(_Divisor)) /** * Convert nanosecond based time to setting used in the * boot bus timing register, based on timing multiple * * */ static uint32_t ns_to_tim_reg(int tim_mult, uint32_t nsecs) { uint32_t val; /* Compute # of eclock periods to get desired duration in nanoseconds */ val = FLASH_RoundUP(nsecs * (cvmx_clock_get_rate(CVMX_CLOCK_SCLK)/1000000), 1000); /* Factor in timing multiple, if not 1 */ if (tim_mult != 1) val = FLASH_RoundUP(val, tim_mult); return (val); } uint64_t cvmx_compactflash_generate_dma_tim(int tim_mult, uint16_t *ident_data, int *mwdma_mode_ptr) { cvmx_mio_boot_dma_timx_t dma_tim; int oe_a; int oe_n; int dma_acks; int dma_ackh; int dma_arq; int pause; int To,Tkr,Td; int mwdma_mode = -1; uint16_t word53_field_valid; uint16_t word63_mwdma; uint16_t word163_adv_timing_info; if (!ident_data) return 0; word53_field_valid = ident_data[53]; word63_mwdma = ident_data[63]; word163_adv_timing_info = ident_data[163]; dma_tim.u64 = 0; /* Check for basic MWDMA modes */ if (word53_field_valid & 0x2) { if (word63_mwdma & 0x4) mwdma_mode = 2; else if (word63_mwdma & 0x2) mwdma_mode = 1; else if (word63_mwdma & 0x1) mwdma_mode = 0; } /* Check for advanced MWDMA modes */ switch ((word163_adv_timing_info >> 3) & 0x7) { case 1: mwdma_mode = 3; break; case 2: mwdma_mode = 4; break; default: break; } /* DMA is not supported by this card */ if (mwdma_mode < 0) return 0; /* Now set up the DMA timing */ switch (tim_mult) { case 1: dma_tim.s.tim_mult = 1; break; case 2: dma_tim.s.tim_mult = 2; break; case 4: dma_tim.s.tim_mult = 0; break; case 8: dma_tim.s.tim_mult = 3; break; default: cvmx_dprintf("ERROR: invalid boot bus dma tim_mult setting\n"); break; } switch (mwdma_mode) { case 4: To = 80; Td = 55; Tkr = 20; oe_a = Td + 20; // Td (Seem to need more margin here.... oe_n = MAX(To - oe_a, Tkr); // Tkr from cf spec, lengthened to meet To // oe_n + oe_h must be >= To (cycle time) dma_acks = 0; //Ti dma_ackh = 5; // Tj dma_arq = 8; // not spec'ed, value in eclocks, not affected by tim_mult pause = 25 - dma_arq * 1000/(cvmx_clock_get_rate(CVMX_CLOCK_SCLK)/1000000); // Tz break; case 3: To = 100; Td = 65; Tkr = 20; oe_a = Td + 20; // Td (Seem to need more margin here.... oe_n = MAX(To - oe_a, Tkr); // Tkr from cf spec, lengthened to meet To // oe_n + oe_h must be >= To (cycle time) dma_acks = 0; //Ti dma_ackh = 5; // Tj dma_arq = 8; // not spec'ed, value in eclocks, not affected by tim_mult pause = 25 - dma_arq * 1000/(cvmx_clock_get_rate(CVMX_CLOCK_SCLK)/1000000); // Tz break; case 2: // +20 works // +10 works // + 10 + 0 fails // n=40, a=80 works To = 120; Td = 70; Tkr = 25; // oe_a 0 fudge doesn't work; 10 seems to oe_a = Td + 20 + 10; // Td (Seem to need more margin here.... oe_n = MAX(To - oe_a, Tkr) + 10; // Tkr from cf spec, lengthened to meet To // oe_n 0 fudge fails;;; 10 boots // 20 ns fudge needed on dma_acks // oe_n + oe_h must be >= To (cycle time) dma_acks = 0 + 20; //Ti dma_ackh = 5; // Tj dma_arq = 8; // not spec'ed, value in eclocks, not affected by tim_mult pause = 25 - dma_arq * 1000/(cvmx_clock_get_rate(CVMX_CLOCK_SCLK)/1000000); // Tz // no fudge needed on pause break; case 1: case 0: default: cvmx_dprintf("ERROR: Unsupported DMA mode: %d\n", mwdma_mode); return(-1); break; } if (mwdma_mode_ptr) *mwdma_mode_ptr = mwdma_mode; dma_tim.s.dmack_pi = 1; dma_tim.s.oe_n = ns_to_tim_reg(tim_mult, oe_n); dma_tim.s.oe_a = ns_to_tim_reg(tim_mult, oe_a); dma_tim.s.dmack_s = ns_to_tim_reg(tim_mult, dma_acks); dma_tim.s.dmack_h = ns_to_tim_reg(tim_mult, dma_ackh); dma_tim.s.dmarq = dma_arq; dma_tim.s.pause = ns_to_tim_reg(tim_mult, pause); dma_tim.s.rd_dly = 0; /* Sample right on edge */ /* writes only */ dma_tim.s.we_n = ns_to_tim_reg(tim_mult, oe_n); dma_tim.s.we_a = ns_to_tim_reg(tim_mult, oe_a); #if 0 cvmx_dprintf("ns to ticks (mult %d) of %d is: %d\n", TIM_MULT, 60, ns_to_tim_reg(60)); cvmx_dprintf("oe_n: %d, oe_a: %d, dmack_s: %d, dmack_h: %d, dmarq: %d, pause: %d\n", dma_tim.s.oe_n, dma_tim.s.oe_a, dma_tim.s.dmack_s, dma_tim.s.dmack_h, dma_tim.s.dmarq, dma_tim.s.pause); #endif return(dma_tim.u64); } /** * Setup timing and region config to support a specific IDE PIO * mode over the bootbus. * * @param cs0 Bootbus region number connected to CS0 on the IDE device * @param cs1 Bootbus region number connected to CS1 on the IDE device * @param pio_mode PIO mode to set (0-6) */ void cvmx_compactflash_set_piomode(int cs0, int cs1, int pio_mode) { cvmx_mio_boot_reg_cfgx_t mio_boot_reg_cfg; cvmx_mio_boot_reg_timx_t mio_boot_reg_tim; int cs; int clocks_us; /* Number of clock cycles per microsec */ int tim_mult; int use_iordy; /* Set for PIO0-4, not set for PIO5-6 */ int t1; /* These t names are timing parameters from the ATA spec */ int t2; int t2i; int t4; int t6; int t6z; int t9; /* PIO modes 0-4 all allow the device to deassert IORDY to slow down the host */ use_iordy = 1; /* Use the PIO mode to determine timing parameters */ switch(pio_mode) { case 6: /* CF spec say IORDY should be ignore in PIO 5 */ use_iordy = 0; t1 = 10; t2 = 55; t2i = 20; t4 = 5; t6 = 5; t6z = 20; t9 = 10; break; case 5: /* CF spec say IORDY should be ignore in PIO 6 */ use_iordy = 0; t1 = 15; t2 = 65; t2i = 25; t4 = 5; t6 = 5; t6z = 20; t9 = 10; break; case 4: t1 = 25; t2 = 70; t2i = 25; t4 = 10; t6 = 5; t6z = 30; t9 = 10; break; case 3: t1 = 30; t2 = 80; t2i = 70; t4 = 10; t6 = 5; t6z = 30; t9 = 10; break; case 2: t1 = 30; t2 = 100; t2i = 0; t4 = 15; t6 = 5; t6z = 30; t9 = 10; break; case 1: t1 = 50; t2 = 125; t2i = 0; t4 = 20; t6 = 5; t6z = 30; t9 = 15; break; default: t1 = 70; t2 = 165; t2i = 0; t4 = 30; t6 = 5; t6z = 30; t9 = 20; break; } /* Convert times in ns to clock cycles, rounding up */ clocks_us = FLASH_RoundUP(cvmx_clock_get_rate(CVMX_CLOCK_SCLK), 1000000); /* Convert times in clock cycles, rounding up. Octeon parameters are in minus one notation, so take off one after the conversion */ t1 = FLASH_RoundUP(t1 * clocks_us, 1000); if (t1) t1--; t2 = FLASH_RoundUP(t2 * clocks_us, 1000); if (t2) t2--; t2i = FLASH_RoundUP(t2i * clocks_us, 1000); if (t2i) t2i--; t4 = FLASH_RoundUP(t4 * clocks_us, 1000); if (t4) t4--; t6 = FLASH_RoundUP(t6 * clocks_us, 1000); if (t6) t6--; t6z = FLASH_RoundUP(t6z * clocks_us, 1000); if (t6z) t6z--; t9 = FLASH_RoundUP(t9 * clocks_us, 1000); if (t9) t9--; /* Start using a scale factor of one cycle. Keep doubling it until the parameters fit in their fields. Since t2 is the largest number, we only need to check it */ tim_mult = 1; while (t2 >= 1<<6) { t1 = FLASH_RoundUP(t1, 2); t2 = FLASH_RoundUP(t2, 2); t2i = FLASH_RoundUP(t2i, 2); t4 = FLASH_RoundUP(t4, 2); t6 = FLASH_RoundUP(t6, 2); t6z = FLASH_RoundUP(t6z, 2); t9 = FLASH_RoundUP(t9, 2); tim_mult *= 2; } cs = cs0; do { mio_boot_reg_cfg.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_MIO_BOOT_REG_CFGX(cs)); mio_boot_reg_cfg.s.dmack = 0; /* Don't assert DMACK on access */ switch(tim_mult) { case 1: mio_boot_reg_cfg.s.tim_mult = 1; break; case 2: mio_boot_reg_cfg.s.tim_mult = 2; break; case 4: mio_boot_reg_cfg.s.tim_mult = 0; break; case 8: default: mio_boot_reg_cfg.s.tim_mult = 3; break; } mio_boot_reg_cfg.s.rd_dly = 0; /* Sample on falling edge of BOOT_OE */ mio_boot_reg_cfg.s.sam = 0; /* Don't combine write and output enable */ mio_boot_reg_cfg.s.we_ext = 0; /* No write enable extension */ mio_boot_reg_cfg.s.oe_ext = 0; /* No read enable extension */ mio_boot_reg_cfg.s.en = 1; /* Enable this region */ mio_boot_reg_cfg.s.orbit = 0; /* Don't combine with previos region */ mio_boot_reg_cfg.s.width = 1; /* 16 bits wide */ cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_MIO_BOOT_REG_CFGX(cs), mio_boot_reg_cfg.u64); if(cs == cs0) cs = cs1; else cs = cs0; } while(cs != cs0); mio_boot_reg_tim.u64 = 0; mio_boot_reg_tim.s.pagem = 0; /* Disable page mode */ mio_boot_reg_tim.s.waitm = use_iordy; /* Enable dynamic timing */ mio_boot_reg_tim.s.pages = 0; /* Pages are disabled */ mio_boot_reg_tim.s.ale = 8; /* If someone uses ALE, this seems to work */ = 0; /* Not used */ mio_boot_reg_tim.s.wait = 0; /* Time after IORDY to coninue to assert the data */ mio_boot_reg_tim.s.pause = 0; /* Time after CE that signals stay valid */ mio_boot_reg_tim.s.wr_hld = t9; /* How long to hold after a write */ mio_boot_reg_tim.s.rd_hld = t9; /* How long to wait after a read for device to tristate */ mio_boot_reg_tim.s.we = t2; /* How long write enable is asserted */ mio_boot_reg_tim.s.oe = t2; /* How long read enable is asserted */ mio_boot_reg_tim.s.ce = t1; /* Time after CE that read/write starts */ mio_boot_reg_tim.s.adr = 1; /* Time before CE that address is valid */ /* Program the bootbus region timing for both chip selects */ cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_MIO_BOOT_REG_TIMX(cs0), mio_boot_reg_tim.u64); cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_MIO_BOOT_REG_TIMX(cs1), mio_boot_reg_tim.u64); }