Current Path : /sys/amd64/compile/hs32/modules/usr/src/sys/modules/pccard/@/contrib/octeon-sdk/ |
FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #1: Wed Jan 14 12:18:08 JST 2015 amd64 |
Current File : //sys/amd64/compile/hs32/modules/usr/src/sys/modules/pccard/@/contrib/octeon-sdk/cvmx-l2t-defs.h |
/***********************license start*************** * Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Cavium Networks ( All rights * reserved. * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Cavium Networks nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * This Software, including technical data, may be subject to U.S. export control * laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Act and its associated * regulations, and may be subject to export or import regulations in other * countries. * TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" * AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND CAVIUM NETWORKS MAKES NO PROMISES, REPRESENTATIONS OR * WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO * THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ITS CONDITION, ITS CONFORMITY TO ANY REPRESENTATION OR * DESCRIPTION, OR THE EXISTENCE OF ANY LATENT OR PATENT DEFECTS, AND CAVIUM * SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED (IF ANY) WARRANTIES OF TITLE, * MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, LACK OF * VIRUSES, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION OR * CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES WITH YOU. ***********************license end**************************************/ /** * cvmx-l2t-defs.h * * Configuration and status register (CSR) type definitions for * Octeon l2t. * * This file is auto generated. Do not edit. * * <hr>$Revision$<hr> * */ #ifndef __CVMX_L2T_TYPEDEFS_H__ #define __CVMX_L2T_TYPEDEFS_H__ #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_L2T_ERR CVMX_L2T_ERR_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_L2T_ERR_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN3XXX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN5XXX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_L2T_ERR not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180080000008ull); } #else #define CVMX_L2T_ERR (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180080000008ull)) #endif /** * cvmx_l2t_err * * L2T_ERR = L2 Tag Errors * * Description: L2 Tag ECC SEC/DED Errors and Interrupt Enable */ union cvmx_l2t_err { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_l2t_err_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN uint64_t reserved_29_63 : 35; uint64_t fadru : 1; /**< Failing L2 Tag Upper Address Bit (Index[10]) When L2T_ERR[SEC_ERR] or L2T_ERR[DED_ERR] are set, the FADRU contains the upper(MSB bit) cacheline index into the L2 Tag Store. */ uint64_t lck_intena2 : 1; /**< L2 Tag Lock Error2 Interrupt Enable bit */ uint64_t lckerr2 : 1; /**< HW detected a case where a Rd/Wr Miss from PP#n could not find an available/unlocked set (for replacement). Most likely, this is a result of SW mixing SET PARTITIONING with ADDRESS LOCKING. If SW allows another PP to LOCKDOWN all SETs available to PP#n, then a Rd/Wr Miss from PP#n will be unable to determine a 'valid' replacement set (since LOCKED addresses should NEVER be replaced). If such an event occurs, the HW will select the smallest available SET(specified by UMSK'x)' as the replacement set, and the address is unlocked. */ uint64_t lck_intena : 1; /**< L2 Tag Lock Error Interrupt Enable bit */ uint64_t lckerr : 1; /**< SW attempted to LOCK DOWN the last available set of the INDEX (which is ignored by HW - but reported to SW). The LDD(L1 load-miss) for the LOCK operation is completed successfully, however the address is NOT locked. NOTE: 'Available' sets takes the L2C_SPAR*[UMSK*] into account. For example, if diagnostic PPx has UMSKx defined to only use SETs [1:0], and SET1 had been previously LOCKED, then an attempt to LOCK the last available SET0 would result in a LCKERR. (This is to ensure that at least 1 SET at each INDEX is not LOCKED for general use by other PPs). */ uint64_t fset : 3; /**< Failing L2 Tag Hit Set# (1-of-8) When L2T_ERR[SEC_ERR] or L2T_ERR[DED_ERR] are set and (FSYN != 0), the FSET specifies the failing hit-set. NOTE: During a force-hit (L2T/L2D/L2T=1), the hit-set is specified by the L2C_DBG[SET]. */ uint64_t fadr : 10; /**< Failing L2 Tag Address (10-bit Index) When L2T_ERR[SEC_ERR] or L2T_ERR[DED_ERR] are set, the FADR contains the lower 10bit cacheline index into the L2 Tag Store. */ uint64_t fsyn : 6; /**< When L2T_ERR[SEC_ERR] or L2T_ERR[DED_ERR] are set, the contents of this register contain the 6-bit syndrome for the hit set only. If (FSYN = 0), the SBE or DBE reported was for one of the "non-hit" sets at the failing index(FADR). NOTE: During a force-hit (L2T/L2D/L2T=1), the hit set is specified by the L2C_DBG[SET]. If (FSYN != 0), the SBE or DBE reported was for the hit set at the failing index(FADR) and failing set(FSET). SW NOTE: To determine which "non-hit" set was in error, SW can use the L2C_DBG[L2T] debug feature to explicitly read the other sets at the failing index(FADR). When (FSYN !=0), then the FSET contains the failing hit-set. NOTE: A DED Error will always overwrite a SEC Error SYNDROME and FADR). */ uint64_t ded_err : 1; /**< L2T Double Bit Error detected (DED) During every L2 Tag Probe, all 8 sets Tag's (at a given index) are checked for double bit errors(DBEs). This bit is set if ANY of the 8 sets contains a DBE. DBEs also generated an interrupt(if enabled). */ uint64_t sec_err : 1; /**< L2T Single Bit Error corrected (SEC) During every L2 Tag Probe, all 8 sets Tag's (at a given index) are checked for single bit errors(SBEs). This bit is set if ANY of the 8 sets contains an SBE. SBEs are auto corrected in HW and generate an interrupt(if enabled). */ uint64_t ded_intena : 1; /**< L2 Tag ECC Double Error Detect(DED) Interrupt Enable bit. When set, allows interrupts to be reported on double bit (uncorrectable) errors from the L2 Tag Arrays. */ uint64_t sec_intena : 1; /**< L2 Tag ECC Single Error Correct(SEC) Interrupt Enable bit. When set, allows interrupts to be reported on single bit (correctable) errors from the L2 Tag Arrays. */ uint64_t ecc_ena : 1; /**< L2 Tag ECC Enable When set, enables 6-bit SEC/DED codeword for 19-bit L2 Tag Arrays [V,D,L,TAG[33:18]] */ #else uint64_t ecc_ena : 1; uint64_t sec_intena : 1; uint64_t ded_intena : 1; uint64_t sec_err : 1; uint64_t ded_err : 1; uint64_t fsyn : 6; uint64_t fadr : 10; uint64_t fset : 3; uint64_t lckerr : 1; uint64_t lck_intena : 1; uint64_t lckerr2 : 1; uint64_t lck_intena2 : 1; uint64_t fadru : 1; uint64_t reserved_29_63 : 35; #endif } s; struct cvmx_l2t_err_cn30xx { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN uint64_t reserved_28_63 : 36; uint64_t lck_intena2 : 1; /**< L2 Tag Lock Error2 Interrupt Enable bit */ uint64_t lckerr2 : 1; /**< HW detected a case where a Rd/Wr Miss from PP#n could not find an available/unlocked set (for replacement). Most likely, this is a result of SW mixing SET PARTITIONING with ADDRESS LOCKING. If SW allows another PP to LOCKDOWN all SETs available to PP#n, then a Rd/Wr Miss from PP#n will be unable to determine a 'valid' replacement set (since LOCKED addresses should NEVER be replaced). If such an event occurs, the HW will select the smallest available SET(specified by UMSK'x)' as the replacement set, and the address is unlocked. */ uint64_t lck_intena : 1; /**< L2 Tag Lock Error Interrupt Enable bit */ uint64_t lckerr : 1; /**< SW attempted to LOCK DOWN the last available set of the INDEX (which is ignored by HW - but reported to SW). The LDD(L1 load-miss) for the LOCK operation is completed successfully, however the address is NOT locked. NOTE: 'Available' sets takes the L2C_SPAR*[UMSK*] into account. For example, if diagnostic PPx has UMSKx defined to only use SETs [1:0], and SET1 had been previously LOCKED, then an attempt to LOCK the last available SET0 would result in a LCKERR. (This is to ensure that at least 1 SET at each INDEX is not LOCKED for general use by other PPs). */ uint64_t reserved_23_23 : 1; uint64_t fset : 2; /**< Failing L2 Tag Hit Set# (1-of-4) When L2T_ERR[SEC_ERR] or L2T_ERR[DED_ERR] are set and (FSYN != 0), the FSET specifies the failing hit-set. NOTE: During a force-hit (L2T/L2D/L2T=1), the hit-set is specified by the L2C_DBG[SET]. */ uint64_t reserved_19_20 : 2; uint64_t fadr : 8; /**< Failing L2 Tag Store Index (8-bit) When L2T_ERR[SEC_ERR] or L2T_ERR[DED_ERR] are set, the FADR contains the 8bit cacheline index into the L2 Tag Store. */ uint64_t fsyn : 6; /**< When L2T_ERR[SEC_ERR] or L2T_ERR[DED_ERR] are set, the contents of this register contain the 6-bit syndrome for the hit set only. If (FSYN = 0), the SBE or DBE reported was for one of the "non-hit" sets at the failing index(FADR). NOTE: During a force-hit (L2T/L2D/L2T=1), the hit set is specified by the L2C_DBG[SET]. If (FSYN != 0), the SBE or DBE reported was for the hit set at the failing index(FADR) and failing set(FSET). SW NOTE: To determine which "non-hit" set was in error, SW can use the L2C_DBG[L2T] debug feature to explicitly read the other sets at the failing index(FADR). When (FSYN !=0), then the FSET contains the failing hit-set. NOTE: A DED Error will always overwrite a SEC Error SYNDROME and FADR). */ uint64_t ded_err : 1; /**< L2T Double Bit Error detected (DED) During every L2 Tag Probe, all 8 sets Tag's (at a given index) are checked for double bit errors(DBEs). This bit is set if ANY of the 8 sets contains a DBE. DBEs also generated an interrupt(if enabled). */ uint64_t sec_err : 1; /**< L2T Single Bit Error corrected (SEC) During every L2 Tag Probe, all 8 sets Tag's (at a given index) are checked for single bit errors(SBEs). This bit is set if ANY of the 8 sets contains an SBE. SBEs are auto corrected in HW and generate an interrupt(if enabled). */ uint64_t ded_intena : 1; /**< L2 Tag ECC Double Error Detect(DED) Interrupt Enable bit. When set, allows interrupts to be reported on double bit (uncorrectable) errors from the L2 Tag Arrays. */ uint64_t sec_intena : 1; /**< L2 Tag ECC Single Error Correct(SEC) Interrupt Enable bit. When set, allows interrupts to be reported on single bit (correctable) errors from the L2 Tag Arrays. */ uint64_t ecc_ena : 1; /**< L2 Tag ECC Enable When set, enables 6-bit SEC/DED codeword for 22-bit L2 Tag Arrays [V,D,L,TAG[33:15]] */ #else uint64_t ecc_ena : 1; uint64_t sec_intena : 1; uint64_t ded_intena : 1; uint64_t sec_err : 1; uint64_t ded_err : 1; uint64_t fsyn : 6; uint64_t fadr : 8; uint64_t reserved_19_20 : 2; uint64_t fset : 2; uint64_t reserved_23_23 : 1; uint64_t lckerr : 1; uint64_t lck_intena : 1; uint64_t lckerr2 : 1; uint64_t lck_intena2 : 1; uint64_t reserved_28_63 : 36; #endif } cn30xx; struct cvmx_l2t_err_cn31xx { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN uint64_t reserved_28_63 : 36; uint64_t lck_intena2 : 1; /**< L2 Tag Lock Error2 Interrupt Enable bit */ uint64_t lckerr2 : 1; /**< HW detected a case where a Rd/Wr Miss from PP#n could not find an available/unlocked set (for replacement). Most likely, this is a result of SW mixing SET PARTITIONING with ADDRESS LOCKING. If SW allows another PP to LOCKDOWN all SETs available to PP#n, then a Rd/Wr Miss from PP#n will be unable to determine a 'valid' replacement set (since LOCKED addresses should NEVER be replaced). If such an event occurs, the HW will select the smallest available SET(specified by UMSK'x)' as the replacement set, and the address is unlocked. */ uint64_t lck_intena : 1; /**< L2 Tag Lock Error Interrupt Enable bit */ uint64_t lckerr : 1; /**< SW attempted to LOCK DOWN the last available set of the INDEX (which is ignored by HW - but reported to SW). The LDD(L1 load-miss) for the LOCK operation is completed successfully, however the address is NOT locked. NOTE: 'Available' sets takes the L2C_SPAR*[UMSK*] into account. For example, if diagnostic PPx has UMSKx defined to only use SETs [1:0], and SET1 had been previously LOCKED, then an attempt to LOCK the last available SET0 would result in a LCKERR. (This is to ensure that at least 1 SET at each INDEX is not LOCKED for general use by other PPs). */ uint64_t reserved_23_23 : 1; uint64_t fset : 2; /**< Failing L2 Tag Hit Set# (1-of-4) When L2T_ERR[SEC_ERR] or L2T_ERR[DED_ERR] are set and (FSYN != 0), the FSET specifies the failing hit-set. NOTE: During a force-hit (L2T/L2D/L2T=1), the hit-set is specified by the L2C_DBG[SET]. */ uint64_t reserved_20_20 : 1; uint64_t fadr : 9; /**< Failing L2 Tag Address (9-bit Index) When L2T_ERR[SEC_ERR] or L2T_ERR[DED_ERR] are set, the FADR contains the 9-bit cacheline index into the L2 Tag Store. */ uint64_t fsyn : 6; /**< When L2T_ERR[SEC_ERR] or L2T_ERR[DED_ERR] are set, the contents of this register contain the 6-bit syndrome for the hit set only. If (FSYN = 0), the SBE or DBE reported was for one of the "non-hit" sets at the failing index(FADR). NOTE: During a force-hit (L2T/L2D/L2T=1), the hit set is specified by the L2C_DBG[SET]. If (FSYN != 0), the SBE or DBE reported was for the hit set at the failing index(FADR) and failing set(FSET). SW NOTE: To determine which "non-hit" set was in error, SW can use the L2C_DBG[L2T] debug feature to explicitly read the other sets at the failing index(FADR). When (FSYN !=0), then the FSET contains the failing hit-set. NOTE: A DED Error will always overwrite a SEC Error SYNDROME and FADR). */ uint64_t ded_err : 1; /**< L2T Double Bit Error detected (DED) During every L2 Tag Probe, all 8 sets Tag's (at a given index) are checked for double bit errors(DBEs). This bit is set if ANY of the 8 sets contains a DBE. DBEs also generated an interrupt(if enabled). */ uint64_t sec_err : 1; /**< L2T Single Bit Error corrected (SEC) During every L2 Tag Probe, all 8 sets Tag's (at a given index) are checked for single bit errors(SBEs). This bit is set if ANY of the 8 sets contains an SBE. SBEs are auto corrected in HW and generate an interrupt(if enabled). */ uint64_t ded_intena : 1; /**< L2 Tag ECC Double Error Detect(DED) Interrupt Enable bit. When set, allows interrupts to be reported on double bit (uncorrectable) errors from the L2 Tag Arrays. */ uint64_t sec_intena : 1; /**< L2 Tag ECC Single Error Correct(SEC) Interrupt Enable bit. When set, allows interrupts to be reported on single bit (correctable) errors from the L2 Tag Arrays. */ uint64_t ecc_ena : 1; /**< L2 Tag ECC Enable When set, enables 6-bit SEC/DED codeword for 21-bit L2 Tag Arrays [V,D,L,TAG[33:16]] */ #else uint64_t ecc_ena : 1; uint64_t sec_intena : 1; uint64_t ded_intena : 1; uint64_t sec_err : 1; uint64_t ded_err : 1; uint64_t fsyn : 6; uint64_t fadr : 9; uint64_t reserved_20_20 : 1; uint64_t fset : 2; uint64_t reserved_23_23 : 1; uint64_t lckerr : 1; uint64_t lck_intena : 1; uint64_t lckerr2 : 1; uint64_t lck_intena2 : 1; uint64_t reserved_28_63 : 36; #endif } cn31xx; struct cvmx_l2t_err_cn38xx { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN uint64_t reserved_28_63 : 36; uint64_t lck_intena2 : 1; /**< L2 Tag Lock Error2 Interrupt Enable bit */ uint64_t lckerr2 : 1; /**< HW detected a case where a Rd/Wr Miss from PP#n could not find an available/unlocked set (for replacement). Most likely, this is a result of SW mixing SET PARTITIONING with ADDRESS LOCKING. If SW allows another PP to LOCKDOWN all SETs available to PP#n, then a Rd/Wr Miss from PP#n will be unable to determine a 'valid' replacement set (since LOCKED addresses should NEVER be replaced). If such an event occurs, the HW will select the smallest available SET(specified by UMSK'x)' as the replacement set, and the address is unlocked. */ uint64_t lck_intena : 1; /**< L2 Tag Lock Error Interrupt Enable bit */ uint64_t lckerr : 1; /**< SW attempted to LOCK DOWN the last available set of the INDEX (which is ignored by HW - but reported to SW). The LDD(L1 load-miss) for the LOCK operation is completed successfully, however the address is NOT locked. NOTE: 'Available' sets takes the L2C_SPAR*[UMSK*] into account. For example, if diagnostic PPx has UMSKx defined to only use SETs [1:0], and SET1 had been previously LOCKED, then an attempt to LOCK the last available SET0 would result in a LCKERR. (This is to ensure that at least 1 SET at each INDEX is not LOCKED for general use by other PPs). */ uint64_t fset : 3; /**< Failing L2 Tag Hit Set# (1-of-8) When L2T_ERR[SEC_ERR] or L2T_ERR[DED_ERR] are set and (FSYN != 0), the FSET specifies the failing hit-set. NOTE: During a force-hit (L2T/L2D/L2T=1), the hit-set is specified by the L2C_DBG[SET]. */ uint64_t fadr : 10; /**< Failing L2 Tag Address (10-bit Index) When L2T_ERR[SEC_ERR] or L2T_ERR[DED_ERR] are set, the FADR contains the 10bit cacheline index into the L2 Tag Store. */ uint64_t fsyn : 6; /**< When L2T_ERR[SEC_ERR] or L2T_ERR[DED_ERR] are set, the contents of this register contain the 6-bit syndrome for the hit set only. If (FSYN = 0), the SBE or DBE reported was for one of the "non-hit" sets at the failing index(FADR). NOTE: During a force-hit (L2T/L2D/L2T=1), the hit set is specified by the L2C_DBG[SET]. If (FSYN != 0), the SBE or DBE reported was for the hit set at the failing index(FADR) and failing set(FSET). SW NOTE: To determine which "non-hit" set was in error, SW can use the L2C_DBG[L2T] debug feature to explicitly read the other sets at the failing index(FADR). When (FSYN !=0), then the FSET contains the failing hit-set. NOTE: A DED Error will always overwrite a SEC Error SYNDROME and FADR). */ uint64_t ded_err : 1; /**< L2T Double Bit Error detected (DED) During every L2 Tag Probe, all 8 sets Tag's (at a given index) are checked for double bit errors(DBEs). This bit is set if ANY of the 8 sets contains a DBE. DBEs also generated an interrupt(if enabled). */ uint64_t sec_err : 1; /**< L2T Single Bit Error corrected (SEC) During every L2 Tag Probe, all 8 sets Tag's (at a given index) are checked for single bit errors(SBEs). This bit is set if ANY of the 8 sets contains an SBE. SBEs are auto corrected in HW and generate an interrupt(if enabled). */ uint64_t ded_intena : 1; /**< L2 Tag ECC Double Error Detect(DED) Interrupt Enable bit. When set, allows interrupts to be reported on double bit (uncorrectable) errors from the L2 Tag Arrays. */ uint64_t sec_intena : 1; /**< L2 Tag ECC Single Error Correct(SEC) Interrupt Enable bit. When set, allows interrupts to be reported on single bit (correctable) errors from the L2 Tag Arrays. */ uint64_t ecc_ena : 1; /**< L2 Tag ECC Enable When set, enables 6-bit SEC/DED codeword for 20-bit L2 Tag Arrays [V,D,L,TAG[33:17]] */ #else uint64_t ecc_ena : 1; uint64_t sec_intena : 1; uint64_t ded_intena : 1; uint64_t sec_err : 1; uint64_t ded_err : 1; uint64_t fsyn : 6; uint64_t fadr : 10; uint64_t fset : 3; uint64_t lckerr : 1; uint64_t lck_intena : 1; uint64_t lckerr2 : 1; uint64_t lck_intena2 : 1; uint64_t reserved_28_63 : 36; #endif } cn38xx; struct cvmx_l2t_err_cn38xx cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_l2t_err_cn50xx { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN uint64_t reserved_28_63 : 36; uint64_t lck_intena2 : 1; /**< L2 Tag Lock Error2 Interrupt Enable bit */ uint64_t lckerr2 : 1; /**< HW detected a case where a Rd/Wr Miss from PP#n could not find an available/unlocked set (for replacement). Most likely, this is a result of SW mixing SET PARTITIONING with ADDRESS LOCKING. If SW allows another PP to LOCKDOWN all SETs available to PP#n, then a Rd/Wr Miss from PP#n will be unable to determine a 'valid' replacement set (since LOCKED addresses should NEVER be replaced). If such an event occurs, the HW will select the smallest available SET(specified by UMSK'x)' as the replacement set, and the address is unlocked. */ uint64_t lck_intena : 1; /**< L2 Tag Lock Error Interrupt Enable bit */ uint64_t lckerr : 1; /**< SW attempted to LOCK DOWN the last available set of the INDEX (which is ignored by HW - but reported to SW). The LDD(L1 load-miss) for the LOCK operation is completed successfully, however the address is NOT locked. NOTE: 'Available' sets takes the L2C_SPAR*[UMSK*] into account. For example, if diagnostic PPx has UMSKx defined to only use SETs [1:0], and SET1 had been previously LOCKED, then an attempt to LOCK the last available SET0 would result in a LCKERR. (This is to ensure that at least 1 SET at each INDEX is not LOCKED for general use by other PPs). */ uint64_t fset : 3; /**< Failing L2 Tag Hit Set# (1-of-8) When L2T_ERR[SEC_ERR] or L2T_ERR[DED_ERR] are set and (FSYN != 0), the FSET specifies the failing hit-set. NOTE: During a force-hit (L2T/L2D/L2T=1), the hit-set is specified by the L2C_DBG[SET]. */ uint64_t reserved_18_20 : 3; uint64_t fadr : 7; /**< Failing L2 Tag Address (7-bit Index) When L2T_ERR[SEC_ERR] or L2T_ERR[DED_ERR] are set, the FADR contains the lower 7bit cacheline index into the L2 Tag Store. */ uint64_t fsyn : 6; /**< When L2T_ERR[SEC_ERR] or L2T_ERR[DED_ERR] are set, the contents of this register contain the 6-bit syndrome for the hit set only. If (FSYN = 0), the SBE or DBE reported was for one of the "non-hit" sets at the failing index(FADR). NOTE: During a force-hit (L2T/L2D/L2T=1), the hit set is specified by the L2C_DBG[SET]. If (FSYN != 0), the SBE or DBE reported was for the hit set at the failing index(FADR) and failing set(FSET). SW NOTE: To determine which "non-hit" set was in error, SW can use the L2C_DBG[L2T] debug feature to explicitly read the other sets at the failing index(FADR). When (FSYN !=0), then the FSET contains the failing hit-set. NOTE: A DED Error will always overwrite a SEC Error SYNDROME and FADR). */ uint64_t ded_err : 1; /**< L2T Double Bit Error detected (DED) During every L2 Tag Probe, all 8 sets Tag's (at a given index) are checked for double bit errors(DBEs). This bit is set if ANY of the 8 sets contains a DBE. DBEs also generated an interrupt(if enabled). */ uint64_t sec_err : 1; /**< L2T Single Bit Error corrected (SEC) During every L2 Tag Probe, all 8 sets Tag's (at a given index) are checked for single bit errors(SBEs). This bit is set if ANY of the 8 sets contains an SBE. SBEs are auto corrected in HW and generate an interrupt(if enabled). */ uint64_t ded_intena : 1; /**< L2 Tag ECC Double Error Detect(DED) Interrupt Enable bit. When set, allows interrupts to be reported on double bit (uncorrectable) errors from the L2 Tag Arrays. */ uint64_t sec_intena : 1; /**< L2 Tag ECC Single Error Correct(SEC) Interrupt Enable bit. When set, allows interrupts to be reported on single bit (correctable) errors from the L2 Tag Arrays. */ uint64_t ecc_ena : 1; /**< L2 Tag ECC Enable When set, enables 6-bit SEC/DED codeword for 23-bit L2 Tag Arrays [V,D,L,TAG[33:14]] */ #else uint64_t ecc_ena : 1; uint64_t sec_intena : 1; uint64_t ded_intena : 1; uint64_t sec_err : 1; uint64_t ded_err : 1; uint64_t fsyn : 6; uint64_t fadr : 7; uint64_t reserved_18_20 : 3; uint64_t fset : 3; uint64_t lckerr : 1; uint64_t lck_intena : 1; uint64_t lckerr2 : 1; uint64_t lck_intena2 : 1; uint64_t reserved_28_63 : 36; #endif } cn50xx; struct cvmx_l2t_err_cn52xx { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN uint64_t reserved_28_63 : 36; uint64_t lck_intena2 : 1; /**< L2 Tag Lock Error2 Interrupt Enable bit */ uint64_t lckerr2 : 1; /**< HW detected a case where a Rd/Wr Miss from PP#n could not find an available/unlocked set (for replacement). Most likely, this is a result of SW mixing SET PARTITIONING with ADDRESS LOCKING. If SW allows another PP to LOCKDOWN all SETs available to PP#n, then a Rd/Wr Miss from PP#n will be unable to determine a 'valid' replacement set (since LOCKED addresses should NEVER be replaced). If such an event occurs, the HW will select the smallest available SET(specified by UMSK'x)' as the replacement set, and the address is unlocked. */ uint64_t lck_intena : 1; /**< L2 Tag Lock Error Interrupt Enable bit */ uint64_t lckerr : 1; /**< SW attempted to LOCK DOWN the last available set of the INDEX (which is ignored by HW - but reported to SW). The LDD(L1 load-miss) for the LOCK operation is completed successfully, however the address is NOT locked. NOTE: 'Available' sets takes the L2C_SPAR*[UMSK*] into account. For example, if diagnostic PPx has UMSKx defined to only use SETs [1:0], and SET1 had been previously LOCKED, then an attempt to LOCK the last available SET0 would result in a LCKERR. (This is to ensure that at least 1 SET at each INDEX is not LOCKED for general use by other PPs). */ uint64_t fset : 3; /**< Failing L2 Tag Hit Set# (1-of-8) When L2T_ERR[SEC_ERR] or L2T_ERR[DED_ERR] are set and (FSYN != 0), the FSET specifies the failing hit-set. NOTE: During a force-hit (L2T/L2D/L2T=1), the hit-set is specified by the L2C_DBG[SET]. */ uint64_t reserved_20_20 : 1; uint64_t fadr : 9; /**< Failing L2 Tag Address (9-bit Index) When L2T_ERR[SEC_ERR] or L2T_ERR[DED_ERR] are set, the FADR contains the lower 9bit cacheline index into the L2 Tag Store. */ uint64_t fsyn : 6; /**< When L2T_ERR[SEC_ERR] or L2T_ERR[DED_ERR] are set, the contents of this register contain the 6-bit syndrome for the hit set only. If (FSYN = 0), the SBE or DBE reported was for one of the "non-hit" sets at the failing index(FADR). NOTE: During a force-hit (L2T/L2D/L2T=1), the hit set is specified by the L2C_DBG[SET]. If (FSYN != 0), the SBE or DBE reported was for the hit set at the failing index(FADR) and failing set(FSET). SW NOTE: To determine which "non-hit" set was in error, SW can use the L2C_DBG[L2T] debug feature to explicitly read the other sets at the failing index(FADR). When (FSYN !=0), then the FSET contains the failing hit-set. NOTE: A DED Error will always overwrite a SEC Error SYNDROME and FADR). */ uint64_t ded_err : 1; /**< L2T Double Bit Error detected (DED) During every L2 Tag Probe, all 8 sets Tag's (at a given index) are checked for double bit errors(DBEs). This bit is set if ANY of the 8 sets contains a DBE. DBEs also generated an interrupt(if enabled). */ uint64_t sec_err : 1; /**< L2T Single Bit Error corrected (SEC) During every L2 Tag Probe, all 8 sets Tag's (at a given index) are checked for single bit errors(SBEs). This bit is set if ANY of the 8 sets contains an SBE. SBEs are auto corrected in HW and generate an interrupt(if enabled). */ uint64_t ded_intena : 1; /**< L2 Tag ECC Double Error Detect(DED) Interrupt Enable bit. When set, allows interrupts to be reported on double bit (uncorrectable) errors from the L2 Tag Arrays. */ uint64_t sec_intena : 1; /**< L2 Tag ECC Single Error Correct(SEC) Interrupt Enable bit. When set, allows interrupts to be reported on single bit (correctable) errors from the L2 Tag Arrays. */ uint64_t ecc_ena : 1; /**< L2 Tag ECC Enable When set, enables 6-bit SEC/DED codeword for 21-bit L2 Tag Arrays [V,D,L,TAG[33:16]] */ #else uint64_t ecc_ena : 1; uint64_t sec_intena : 1; uint64_t ded_intena : 1; uint64_t sec_err : 1; uint64_t ded_err : 1; uint64_t fsyn : 6; uint64_t fadr : 9; uint64_t reserved_20_20 : 1; uint64_t fset : 3; uint64_t lckerr : 1; uint64_t lck_intena : 1; uint64_t lckerr2 : 1; uint64_t lck_intena2 : 1; uint64_t reserved_28_63 : 36; #endif } cn52xx; struct cvmx_l2t_err_cn52xx cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_l2t_err_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_l2t_err_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_l2t_err_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_l2t_err_s cn58xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_l2t_err cvmx_l2t_err_t; #endif