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FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #1: Wed Jan 14 12:18:08 JST 2015 amd64
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Current File : //usr/bin/ctfdump

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	-d  dump data object section
	-f  dump function section
	-h  dump file header
	-l  dump label table
	-s  dump string table
	-S  dump statistics
	-t  dump type section
	-u  save uncompressed CTF to a file
total number of function argumentstotal number of volatile typestotal number of restrict typestotal number of unknowns (holes)total number of struct membersmaximum number of struct membersaverage number of struct membersmaximum number of union membersaverage number of union membersmaximum number of enum membersaverage number of enum memberstotal number of unique stringscth_typeoff is not aligned properly
file is truncated or cth_typeoff is corrupt
file is truncated or cth_stroff is corrupt
file is corrupt -- cth_typeoff > cth_stroff
INTEGER %s encoding=%s offset=%u bits=%uFLOAT %s encoding=%s offset=%u bits=%uARRAY %s content: %u index: %u nelems: %u
FUNCTION %s returns: %u args: (%s does not contain .SUNW_ctf data
%s does not contain a CTF preamble
%s does not appear to contain CTF data
%s does not contain a v%d CTF header
%s contains unsupported CTF version %d
failed to allocate decompression bufferfailed to initialize zlib: %s
failed to decompress CTF data: %s
failed to finish decompression: %s
CTF data is corrupt -- short decompression
cth_lbloff is not aligned properly
file is truncated or cth_lbloff is corrupt
file is truncated or cth_objtoff is corrupt
file is corrupt -- cth_lbloff > cth_objtoff
cth_objtoff is not aligned properly
file is truncated or cth_funcoff is corrupt
file is corrupt -- cth_objtoff > cth_funcoff
cth_funcoff is not aligned properly
file is corrupt -- cth_funcoff > cth_typeoff
  [%lu] unexpected kind -- %u
  [%lu] vlen %u extends past section boundary
file is truncated or cth_strlen is corrupt
failed to write CTF data to '%s'<< ??? - file truncated >>(anon)  %-36s= %.2f
  %-36s= %lu


- CTF Statistics total number of data objectstotal number of functionsmaximum argument list lengthaverage argument list lengthtotal number of typestotal number of integerstotal number of floatstotal number of pointerstotal number of arraystotal number of func typestotal number of structstotal number of unionstotal number of enumstotal number of forward tagstotal number of typedefstotal number of const typestotal size of all structsmaximum size of a structaverage size of a structtotal number of union memberstotal size of all unionsmaximum size of a unionaverage size of a uniontotal number of enum membersbytes of string datamaximum string lengthaverage string length- Types   %c%lu%c  0x%xPOINTER %s refers to %u, %uSTRUCTUNION %s (%zd bytes)
	%s type=%u off=%llu
	%s type=%u off=%u
	%s = %d
FORWARD %sTYPEDEF %s refers to %uVOLATILE %s refers to %uCONST %s refers to %uRESTRICT %s refers to %uunexpected kind %u
]>[<illegal option -- %c
dfhlsStu:failed to open %s.SUNW_ctf.symtabfailed to fstat %sfailed to mmap %s1.2.7- CTF Header   cth_magic    = 0x%04x
  cth_version  = %u
  cth_flags    = 0x%02x
  cth_parlabel = %s
  cth_parname  = %s
  cth_lbloff   = %u
  cth_objtoff  = %u
  cth_funcoff  = %u
  cth_typeoff  = %u
  cth_stroff   = %u
  cth_strlen   = %u
- Label Table   %5u %s
- Data Objects   [%u] %u%*s%s (%u)- Functions   [%lu] FUNC (%s) returns: %u args: (- String Table \0  [%lu] %s
@@[@)'@s&@s&@s&@s&@s&@s&@s&@s&@s&@s&@s&@s&@s&@s&@s&@s&@'@s&@'@s&@'@s&@s&@s&@&@s&@s&@s&@s&@s&@s&@&@&@&@--------------------------------------------------------------------------------RF@dF@[F@ZF@YF@cF@mF@lF@kF@xF@wF@vF@_START__END_%s: : %s
;|4L,d\|<<TtLzRx$@AC
BKD@M\@@YN ,t@oBEB D(D0Fp@0@P@%A4@BEB B(A0D8G`$@D4<@5	BEE B(A0A8D`4t&@BBB B(D0D8N4@g`5@JL 6@D06@G6@G,p7@LH4@
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@@*@:@J@Z@j@z@@@@@@@@P`$FreeBSD: release/9.1.0/lib/csu/amd64/crt1.c 216338 2010-12-09 21:31:21Z dim $$FreeBSD: release/9.1.0/lib/csu/common/crtbrand.c 217375 2011-01-13 20:44:31Z dim $GCC: (GNU) 4.2.1 20070831 patched [FreeBSD]$FreeBSD: release/9.1.0/lib/csu/amd64/crti.S 217105 2011-01-07 16:07:51Z kib $GCC: (GNU) 4.2.1 20070831 patched [FreeBSD]GCC: (GNU) 4.2.1 20070831 patched [FreeBSD]GCC: (GNU) 4.2.1 20070831 patched [FreeBSD]GCC: (GNU) 4.2.1 20070831 patched [FreeBSD]GCC: (GNU) 4.2.1 20070831 patched [FreeBSD]$FreeBSD: release/9.1.0/lib/csu/amd64/crtn.S 217105 2011-01-07 16:07:51Z kib $!0@0'@p/(	@(	7o@@@tDo@S8@8]@g@b@m@$s7@7y 8@ 8 $I@$II@IDP`PP`P P` P(P`(PQ`QpXS`XSS`pS@ pSQU

Man Man