config root man

Current Path : /usr/local/bin/

FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #1: Wed Jan 14 12:18:08 JST 2015 amd64
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/local/bin/pg_standby

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pg_standby allows Warm Standby servers to be configured
				note space between ARCHIVELOCATION and NEXTWALFILE
with main intended use as a restore_command in the recovery.conf
	 restore_command = 'pg_standby [OPTION]... ARCHIVELOCATION %%f %%p %%r'
e.g. restore_command = 'pg_standby -l /mnt/server/archiverdir %%f %%p %%r'
  -c			copies file from archive (default)
  -d			generate lots of debugging output (testing only)
  -k NUMFILESTOKEEP	if RESTARTWALFILE not used, removes files prior to limit (0 keeps all)
  -l			links into archive (leaves file in archive)
  -r MAXRETRIES		max number of times to retry, with progressive wait (default=3)
  -s SLEEPTIME		seconds to wait between file checks (min=1, max=60, default=5)
  -t TRIGGERFILE	defines a trigger file to initiate failover (no default)
  -w MAXWAITTIME	max seconds to wait for a file (0=no limit)(default=0)

 ERROR: could not remove "%s": %susage: pg_standby -k keepfiles must be >= 0
usage: pg_standby -r maxretries must be >= 0
usage: pg_standby -s sleeptime incorrectly set
usage: pg_standby -w maxwaittime incorrectly set
pg_standby: must specify archiveLocation
pg_standby: use %%f to specify nextWALFileName
pg_standby: use %%p to specify xlogFilePath
pg_standby: archiveLocation "%s" does not exist

Sleep interval		: %d second%sfile size greater than expected

pg_standby: ERROR failed to remove "%s": %spg_standby: archiveLocation "%s" open error

trigger file found

running restore		: OKnot restored		: cdk:lr:s:t:w:%s/%sln -s -f "%s" "%s"cp "%s" "%s"%08X%08X%08X<not set>
Trigger file 		: %s
Waiting for WAL file	: %s
WAL file path		: %s
Restoring to...		: %ssecondsforever
Max wait interval	: %d %s
Command for restore	: %s
Keep archive history	: %s and laterNo cleanup required0123456789ABCDEF.historyhistory file not found

signaled to exit

WAL file not present yet. Checking for trigger file...
Timed out after %d seconds
removing "%s"#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@5@@@@@;L@hP` 00zRx$
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Man Man