config root man

Current Path : /usr/local/bin/

FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #1: Wed Jan 14 12:18:08 JST 2015 amd64
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/local/bin/raw2tiff

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Width is guessed as %lu.
Input file too small.
where options are:where data_type may be: sbyte		8-bit signed integer slong		32-bit signed integerwhere photo may be:where config may be: band		band interleaved dataJPEG options:LZW and deflate options: #		set predictor value -h		this help messageraw2tiff --- tool for converting raw byte sequences in TIFF images%s: %s: Cannot open input file.
Too large header size specified.
Image height is not specified.
Image width is not specified.
Width is guessed as %lu, height is guessed as %lu.
%s: %s: Cannot open file for output.
%s: %s: scanline %lu: Read error.
%s: %s: scanline %lu: Write error.
Image width and height are not specified.
usage: raw2tiff [options] input.raw output.tif -L		input data has LSB2MSB bit order (default) -M		input data has MSB2LSB bit order -r #		make each strip have no more than # rows -H #		size of input image file header in bytes (0 by default) -w #		width of input image in pixels -l #		length of input image in lines -b #		number of bands in input image (1 by default) -d data_type	type of samples in input image byte		8-bit unsigned integer (default) short		16-bit unsigned integer long		32-bit unsigned integer sshort		16-bit signed integer float		32-bit IEEE floating point double		64-bit IEEE floating point -p photo	photometric interpretation (color space) of the input image miniswhite	white color represented with 0 value minisblack	black color represented with 0 value (default) rgb		image has RGB color model cmyk		image has CMYK (separated) color model ycbcr		image has YCbCr color model cielab		image has CIE L*a*b color model icclab		image has ICC L*a*b color model itulab		image has ITU L*a*b color model -s		swap bytes fetched from input file -i config	type of samples interleaving in input image pixel		pixel interleaved data (default) -c lzw[:opts]	compress output with Lempel-Ziv & Welch encoding -c zip[:opts]	compress output with deflate encoding -c jpeg[:opts]	compress output with JPEG encoding -c packbits	compress output with packbits encoding -c none	use no compression algorithm on output #		set compression quality level (0-100, default 75) r		output color image as RGB rather than YCbCrFor example, -c jpeg:r:50 to get JPEG-encoded RGB data with 50% comp. qualityFor example, -c lzw:2 to get LZW-encoded data with horizontal differencing -o out.tif	write output to out.tif@@x@x@x@@@x@x@@@7@7@7@@@7@7@7@7@7@7@7@7@7@7@7@7@7@7@7@7@7@7@7@7@@@P@7@7@7@F@@7@7@@7@7@@@7@@y@7@7@7@d@ @k @2@@2@@-@2@@c@&@'@%@'@((@P(@(@(@(@)@$$@H)@!%@x)@)@)@9%@)@V%@*@(*@$$@P*@t%@*@*@+@0+@`+@+@+@+@$$@,@$$@@,@%@x,@%@$$@,@,@ -@X-@-@$$@%@-@-@(.@$$@%@%@x.@.@%@ B;(DlzRx$
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Man Man