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Current File : //usr/local/include/postgresql/server/catalog/pg_attribute.h

 * pg_attribute.h
 *	  definition of the system "attribute" relation (pg_attribute)
 *	  along with the relation's initial contents.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2008, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 * $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/catalog/pg_attribute.h,v 1.134 2008/01/01 19:45:56 momjian Exp $
 *	  the script reads this file and generates .bki
 *	  information from the DATA() statements.
 *	  utils/cache/relcache.c requires hard-coded tuple descriptors
 *	  for some of the system catalogs.	So if the schema for any of
 *	  these changes, be sure and change the appropriate Schema_xxx
 *	  macros!  -cim 2/5/91

/* ----------------
 *		postgres.h contains the system type definitions and the
 *		CATALOG(), BKI_BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
 *		can be read by both and the C compiler.
 * ----------------

/* ----------------
 *		pg_attribute definition.  cpp turns this into
 *		typedef struct FormData_pg_attribute
 *		If you change the following, make sure you change the structs for
 *		system attributes in catalog/heap.c also.
 * ----------------
#define AttributeRelationId  1249

	Oid			attrelid;		/* OID of relation containing this attribute */
	NameData	attname;		/* name of attribute */

	 * atttypid is the OID of the instance in Catalog Class pg_type that
	 * defines the data type of this attribute (e.g. int4).  Information in
	 * that instance is redundant with the attlen, attbyval, and attalign
	 * attributes of this instance, so they had better match or Postgres will
	 * fail.
	Oid			atttypid;

	 * attstattarget is the target number of statistics datapoints to collect
	 * during VACUUM ANALYZE of this column.  A zero here indicates that we do
	 * not wish to collect any stats about this column. A "-1" here indicates
	 * that no value has been explicitly set for this column, so ANALYZE
	 * should use the default setting.
	int4		attstattarget;

	 * attlen is a copy of the typlen field from pg_type for this attribute.
	 * See atttypid comments above.
	int2		attlen;

	 * attnum is the "attribute number" for the attribute:	A value that
	 * uniquely identifies this attribute within its class. For user
	 * attributes, Attribute numbers are greater than 0 and not greater than
	 * the number of attributes in the class. I.e. if the Class pg_class says
	 * that Class XYZ has 10 attributes, then the user attribute numbers in
	 * Class pg_attribute must be 1-10.
	 * System attributes have attribute numbers less than 0 that are unique
	 * within the class, but not constrained to any particular range.
	 * Note that (attnum - 1) is often used as the index to an array.
	int2		attnum;

	 * attndims is the declared number of dimensions, if an array type,
	 * otherwise zero.
	int4		attndims;

	 * fastgetattr() uses attcacheoff to cache byte offsets of attributes in
	 * heap tuples.  The value actually stored in pg_attribute (-1) indicates
	 * no cached value.  But when we copy these tuples into a tuple
	 * descriptor, we may then update attcacheoff in the copies. This speeds
	 * up the attribute walking process.
	int4		attcacheoff;

	 * atttypmod records type-specific data supplied at table creation time
	 * (for example, the max length of a varchar field).  It is passed to
	 * type-specific input and output functions as the third argument. The
	 * value will generally be -1 for types that do not need typmod.
	int4		atttypmod;

	 * attbyval is a copy of the typbyval field from pg_type for this
	 * attribute.  See atttypid comments above.
	bool		attbyval;

	 * attstorage tells for VARLENA attributes, what the heap access
	 * methods can do to it if a given tuple doesn't fit into a page.
	 * Possible values are
	 *		'p': Value must be stored plain always
	 *		'e': Value can be stored in "secondary" relation (if relation
	 *			 has one, see pg_class.reltoastrelid)
	 *		'm': Value can be stored compressed inline
	 *		'x': Value can be stored compressed inline or in "secondary"
	 * Note that 'm' fields can also be moved out to secondary storage,
	 * but only as a last resort ('e' and 'x' fields are moved first).
	char		attstorage;

	 * attalign is a copy of the typalign field from pg_type for this
	 * attribute.  See atttypid comments above.
	char		attalign;

	/* This flag represents the "NOT NULL" constraint */
	bool		attnotnull;

	/* Has DEFAULT value or not */
	bool		atthasdef;

	/* Is dropped (ie, logically invisible) or not */
	bool		attisdropped;

	/* Has a local definition (hence, do not drop when attinhcount is 0) */
	bool		attislocal;

	/* Number of times inherited from direct parent relation(s) */
	int4		attinhcount;
} FormData_pg_attribute;

 * someone should figure out how to do this properly. (The problem is
 * the size of the C struct is not the same as the size of the tuple
 * because of alignment padding at the end of the struct.)
	(offsetof(FormData_pg_attribute,attinhcount) + sizeof(int4))

/* ----------------
 *		Form_pg_attribute corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
 *		the format of pg_attribute relation.
 * ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_attribute *Form_pg_attribute;

/* ----------------
 *		compiler constants for pg_attribute
 * ----------------

#define Natts_pg_attribute				17
#define Anum_pg_attribute_attrelid		1
#define Anum_pg_attribute_attname		2
#define Anum_pg_attribute_atttypid		3
#define Anum_pg_attribute_attstattarget 4
#define Anum_pg_attribute_attlen		5
#define Anum_pg_attribute_attnum		6
#define Anum_pg_attribute_attndims		7
#define Anum_pg_attribute_attcacheoff	8
#define Anum_pg_attribute_atttypmod		9
#define Anum_pg_attribute_attbyval		10
#define Anum_pg_attribute_attstorage	11
#define Anum_pg_attribute_attalign		12
#define Anum_pg_attribute_attnotnull	13
#define Anum_pg_attribute_atthasdef		14
#define Anum_pg_attribute_attisdropped	15
#define Anum_pg_attribute_attislocal	16
#define Anum_pg_attribute_attinhcount	17

/* ----------------
 *		SCHEMA_ macros for declaring hardcoded tuple descriptors.
 *		these are used in utils/cache/relcache.c
 * ----------------
#define SCHEMA_NAME(x) CppConcat(Name_,x)
#define SCHEMA_DESC(x) CppConcat(Desc_,x)
#define SCHEMA_NATTS(x) CppConcat(Natts_,x)
#define SCHEMA_DEF(x) \
	FormData_pg_attribute \
	{ \
		CppConcat(Schema_,x) \

/* ----------------
 *		initial contents of pg_attribute
 * NOTE: only "bootstrapped" relations need to be declared here.
 * NOTE: if changing pg_attribute column set, also see the hard-coded
 * entries for system attributes in catalog/heap.c.
 * ----------------

/* ----------------
 *		pg_type
 * ----------------
#define Schema_pg_type \
{ 1247, {"typname"},	   19, -1, NAMEDATALEN, 1, 0, -1, -1, false, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typnamespace"},  26, -1,	4,	2, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typowner"},	   26, -1,	4,	3, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typlen"},		   21, -1,	2,	4, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 's', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typbyval"},	   16, -1,	1,	5, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typtype"},	   18, -1,	1,	6, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typisdefined"},  16, -1,	1,	7, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typdelim"},	   18, -1,	1,	8, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typrelid"},	   26, -1,	4,	9, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typelem"},	   26, -1,	4, 10, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typarray"},	   26, -1,	4, 11, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typinput"},	   24, -1,	4, 12, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typoutput"},	   24, -1,	4, 13, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typreceive"},    24, -1,	4, 14, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typsend"},	   24, -1,	4, 15, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typmodin"},	   24, -1,	4, 16, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typmodout"},	   24, -1,	4, 17, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typanalyze"},    24, -1,	4, 18, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typalign"},	   18, -1,	1, 19, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typstorage"},    18, -1,	1, 20, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typnotnull"},    16, -1,	1, 21, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typbasetype"},   26, -1,	4, 22, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typtypmod"},	   23, -1,	4, 23, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typndims"},	   23, -1,	4, 24, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typdefaultbin"}, 25, -1, -1, 25, 0, -1, -1, false, 'x', 'i', false, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1247, {"typdefault"},    25, -1, -1, 26, 0, -1, -1, false, 'x', 'i', false, false, false, true, 0 }

DATA(insert ( 1247 typname			19 -1 NAMEDATALEN	1 0 -1 -1 f p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typnamespace		26 -1 4   2 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typowner			26 -1 4   3 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typlen			21 -1 2   4 0 -1 -1 t p s t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typbyval			16 -1 1   5 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typtype			18 -1 1   6 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typisdefined		16 -1 1   7 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typdelim			18 -1 1   8 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typrelid			26 -1 4   9 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typelem			26 -1 4  10 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typarray			26 -1 4  11 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typinput			24 -1 4  12 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typoutput		24 -1 4  13 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typreceive		24 -1 4  14 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typsend			24 -1 4  15 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typmodin			24 -1 4  16 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typmodout		24 -1 4  17 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typanalyze		24 -1 4  18 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typalign			18 -1 1  19 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typstorage		18 -1 1  20 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typnotnull		16 -1 1  21 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typbasetype		26 -1 4  22 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typtypmod		23 -1 4  23 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typndims			23 -1 4  24 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typdefaultbin	25 -1 -1 25 0 -1 -1 f x i f f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 typdefault		25 -1 -1 26 0 -1 -1 f x i f f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 ctid				27 0  6  -1 0 -1 -1 f p s t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 oid				26 0  4  -2 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 xmin				28 0  4  -3 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 cmin				29 0  4  -4 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 xmax				28 0  4  -5 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 cmax				29 0  4  -6 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1247 tableoid			26 0  4  -7 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));

/* ----------------
 *		pg_proc
 * ----------------
#define Schema_pg_proc \
{ 1255, {"proname"},			19, -1, NAMEDATALEN,  1, 0, -1, -1, false, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1255, {"pronamespace"},		26, -1, 4,	2, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1255, {"proowner"},			26, -1, 4,	3, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1255, {"prolang"},			26, -1, 4,	4, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1255, {"procost"},		   700, -1, 4,	5, 0, -1, -1, false, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1255, {"prorows"},		   700, -1, 4,	6, 0, -1, -1, false, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1255, {"proisagg"},			16, -1, 1,	7, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1255, {"prosecdef"},			16, -1, 1,	8, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1255, {"proisstrict"},		16, -1, 1,	9, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1255, {"proretset"},			16, -1, 1, 10, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1255, {"provolatile"},		18, -1, 1, 11, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1255, {"pronargs"},			21, -1, 2, 12, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 's', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1255, {"prorettype"},			26, -1, 4, 13, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1255, {"proargtypes"},		30, -1, -1, 14, 1, -1, -1, false, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1255, {"proallargtypes"},   1028, -1, -1, 15, 1, -1, -1, false, 'x', 'i', false, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1255, {"proargmodes"},	  1002, -1, -1, 16, 1, -1, -1, false, 'x', 'i', false, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1255, {"proargnames"},	  1009, -1, -1, 17, 1, -1, -1, false, 'x', 'i', false, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1255, {"prosrc"},				25, -1, -1, 18, 0, -1, -1, false, 'x', 'i', false, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1255, {"probin"},				17, -1, -1, 19, 0, -1, -1, false, 'x', 'i', false, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1255, {"proconfig"},		  1009, -1, -1, 20, 1, -1, -1, false, 'x', 'i', false, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1255, {"proacl"},			  1034, -1, -1, 21, 1, -1, -1, false, 'x', 'i', false, false, false, true, 0 }

DATA(insert ( 1255 proname			19 -1 NAMEDATALEN	1 0 -1 -1 f p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 pronamespace		26 -1 4   2 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 proowner			26 -1 4   3 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 prolang			26 -1 4   4 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 procost		   700 -1 4   5 0 -1 -1 f p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 prorows		   700 -1 4   6 0 -1 -1 f p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 proisagg			16 -1 1   7 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 prosecdef		16 -1 1   8 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 proisstrict		16 -1 1   9 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 proretset		16 -1 1  10 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 provolatile		18 -1 1  11 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 pronargs			21 -1 2  12 0 -1 -1 t p s t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 prorettype		26 -1 4  13 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 proargtypes		30 -1 -1 14 1 -1 -1 f p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 proallargtypes 1028 -1 -1 15 1 -1 -1 f x i f f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 proargmodes	  1002 -1 -1 16 1 -1 -1 f x i f f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 proargnames	  1009 -1 -1 17 1 -1 -1 f x i f f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 prosrc			25 -1 -1 18 0 -1 -1 f x i f f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 probin			17 -1 -1 19 0 -1 -1 f x i f f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 proconfig	  1009 -1 -1 20 1 -1 -1 f x i f f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 proacl		  1034 -1 -1 21 1 -1 -1 f x i f f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 ctid				27 0  6  -1 0 -1 -1 f p s t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 oid				26 0  4  -2 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 xmin				28 0  4  -3 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 cmin				29 0  4  -4 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 xmax				28 0  4  -5 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 cmax				29 0  4  -6 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1255 tableoid			26 0  4  -7 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));

/* ----------------
 *		pg_attribute
 * ----------------
#define Schema_pg_attribute \
{ 1249, {"attrelid"},	  26, -1,	4,	1, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1249, {"attname"},	  19, -1, NAMEDATALEN,	2, 0, -1, -1, false, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1249, {"atttypid"},	  26, -1,	4,	3, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1249, {"attstattarget"}, 23, -1,	4,	4, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1249, {"attlen"},		  21, -1,	2,	5, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 's', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1249, {"attnum"},		  21, -1,	2,	6, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 's', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1249, {"attndims"},	  23, -1,	4,	7, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1249, {"attcacheoff"},  23, -1,	4,	8, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1249, {"atttypmod"},	  23, -1,	4,	9, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1249, {"attbyval"},	  16, -1,	1, 10, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1249, {"attstorage"},   18, -1,	1, 11, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1249, {"attalign"},	  18, -1,	1, 12, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1249, {"attnotnull"},   16, -1,	1, 13, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1249, {"atthasdef"},	  16, -1,	1, 14, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1249, {"attisdropped"}, 16, -1,	1, 15, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1249, {"attislocal"},   16, -1,	1, 16, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1249, {"attinhcount"},  23, -1,	4, 17, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }

DATA(insert ( 1249 attrelid			26 -1  4   1 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1249 attname			19 -1 NAMEDATALEN  2 0 -1 -1 f p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1249 atttypid			26 -1  4   3 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1249 attstattarget	23 -1  4   4 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1249 attlen			21 -1  2   5 0 -1 -1 t p s t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1249 attnum			21 -1  2   6 0 -1 -1 t p s t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1249 attndims			23 -1  4   7 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1249 attcacheoff		23 -1  4   8 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1249 atttypmod		23 -1  4   9 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1249 attbyval			16 -1  1  10 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1249 attstorage		18 -1  1  11 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1249 attalign			18 -1  1  12 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1249 attnotnull		16 -1  1  13 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1249 atthasdef		16 -1  1  14 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1249 attisdropped		16 -1  1  15 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1249 attislocal		16 -1  1  16 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1249 attinhcount		23 -1  4  17 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1249 ctid				27 0  6  -1 0 -1 -1 f p s t f f t 0));
/* no OIDs in pg_attribute */
DATA(insert ( 1249 xmin				28 0  4  -3 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1249 cmin				29 0  4  -4 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1249 xmax				28 0  4  -5 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1249 cmax				29 0  4  -6 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1249 tableoid			26 0  4  -7 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));

/* ----------------
 *		pg_class
 * ----------------
#define Schema_pg_class \
{ 1259, {"relname"},	   19, -1, NAMEDATALEN, 1, 0, -1, -1, false, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"relnamespace"},  26, -1,	4,	2, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"reltype"},	   26, -1,	4,	3, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"relowner"},	   26, -1,	4,	4, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"relam"},		   26, -1,	4,	5, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"relfilenode"},   26, -1,	4,	6, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"reltablespace"}, 26, -1,	4,	7, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"relpages"},	   23, -1,	4,	8, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"reltuples"},	   700, -1, 4,	9, 0, -1, -1, false, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"reltoastrelid"}, 26, -1,	4, 10, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"reltoastidxid"}, 26, -1,	4, 11, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"relhasindex"},   16, -1,	1, 12, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"relisshared"},   16, -1,	1, 13, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"relkind"},	   18, -1,	1, 14, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"relnatts"},	   21, -1,	2, 15, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 's', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"relchecks"},	   21, -1,	2, 16, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 's', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"reltriggers"},   21, -1,	2, 17, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 's', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"relukeys"},	   21, -1,	2, 18, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 's', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"relfkeys"},	   21, -1,	2, 19, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 's', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"relrefs"},	   21, -1,	2, 20, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 's', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"relhasoids"},    16, -1,	1, 21, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"relhaspkey"},    16, -1,	1, 22, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"relhasrules"},   16, -1,	1, 23, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"relhassubclass"},16, -1,	1, 24, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"relfrozenxid"},  28, -1,	4, 25, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"relacl"},		 1034, -1, -1, 26, 1, -1, -1, false, 'x', 'i', false, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 1259, {"reloptions"},  1009, -1, -1, 27, 1, -1, -1, false, 'x', 'i', false, false, false, true, 0 }

DATA(insert ( 1259 relname			19 -1 NAMEDATALEN	1 0 -1 -1 f p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 relnamespace		26 -1 4   2 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 reltype			26 -1 4   3 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 relowner			26 -1 4   4 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 relam			26 -1 4   5 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 relfilenode		26 -1 4   6 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 reltablespace	26 -1 4   7 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 relpages			23 -1 4   8 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 reltuples	   700 -1 4   9 0 -1 -1 f p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 reltoastrelid	26 -1 4  10 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 reltoastidxid	26 -1 4  11 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 relhasindex		16 -1 1  12 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 relisshared		16 -1 1  13 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 relkind			18 -1 1  14 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 relnatts			21 -1 2  15 0 -1 -1 t p s t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 relchecks		21 -1 2  16 0 -1 -1 t p s t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 reltriggers		21 -1 2  17 0 -1 -1 t p s t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 relukeys			21 -1 2  18 0 -1 -1 t p s t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 relfkeys			21 -1 2  19 0 -1 -1 t p s t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 relrefs			21 -1 2  20 0 -1 -1 t p s t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 relhasoids		16 -1 1  21 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 relhaspkey		16 -1 1  22 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 relhasrules		16 -1 1  23 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 relhassubclass	16 -1 1  24 0 -1 -1 t p c t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 relfrozenxid		28 -1 4  25 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 relacl		  1034 -1 -1 26 1 -1 -1 f x i f f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 reloptions	  1009 -1 -1 27 1 -1 -1 f x i f f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 ctid				27 0  6  -1 0 -1 -1 f p s t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 oid				26 0  4  -2 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 xmin				28 0  4  -3 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 cmin				29 0  4  -4 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 xmax				28 0  4  -5 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 cmax				29 0  4  -6 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));
DATA(insert ( 1259 tableoid			26 0  4  -7 0 -1 -1 t p i t f f t 0));

/* ----------------
 *		pg_index
 * pg_index is not bootstrapped in the same way as the other relations that
 * have hardwired pg_attribute entries in this file.  However, we do need
 * a "Schema_xxx" macro for it --- see relcache.c.
 * ----------------
#define Schema_pg_index \
{ 0, {"indexrelid"},		26, -1, 4, 1, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 0, {"indrelid"},			26, -1, 4, 2, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 0, {"indnatts"},			21, -1, 2, 3, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 's', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 0, {"indisunique"},		16, -1, 1, 4, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 0, {"indisprimary"},		16, -1, 1, 5, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 0, {"indisclustered"},	16, -1, 1, 6, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 0, {"indisvalid"},		16, -1, 1, 7, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 0, {"indcheckxmin"},		16, -1, 1, 8, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 0, {"indisready"},		16, -1, 1, 9, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 0, {"indkey"},			22, -1, -1, 10, 1, -1, -1, false, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 0, {"indclass"},			30, -1, -1, 11, 1, -1, -1, false, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 0, {"indoption"},			22, -1, -1, 12, 1, -1, -1, false, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 0, {"indexprs"},			25, -1, -1, 13, 0, -1, -1, false, 'x', 'i', false, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ 0, {"indpred"},			25, -1, -1, 14, 0, -1, -1, false, 'x', 'i', false, false, false, true, 0 }

#endif   /* PG_ATTRIBUTE_H */

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