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package re;

our $VERSION = 0.06_01;

=head1 NAME

re - Perl pragma to alter regular expression behaviour


    use re 'taint';
    ($x) = ($^X =~ /^(.*)$/s);     # $x is tainted here

    $pat = '(?{ $foo = 1 })';
    use re 'eval';
    /foo${pat}bar/;		   # won't fail (when not under -T switch)

	no re 'taint';		   # the default
	($x) = ($^X =~ /^(.*)$/s); # $x is not tainted here

	no re 'eval';		   # the default
	/foo${pat}bar/;		   # disallowed (with or without -T switch)

    use re 'debug';		   # NOT lexically scoped (as others are)
    /^(.*)$/s;			   # output debugging info during
    				   #     compile and run time

    use re 'debugcolor';	   # same as 'debug', but with colored output

(We use $^X in these examples because it's tainted by default.)


When C<use re 'taint'> is in effect, and a tainted string is the target
of a regex, the regex memories (or values returned by the m// operator
in list context) are tainted.  This feature is useful when regex operations
on tainted data aren't meant to extract safe substrings, but to perform
other transformations.

When C<use re 'eval'> is in effect, a regex is allowed to contain
C<(?{ ... })> zero-width assertions even if regular expression contains
variable interpolation.  That is normally disallowed, since it is a
potential security risk.  Note that this pragma is ignored when the regular
expression is obtained from tainted data, i.e.  evaluation is always
disallowed with tainted regular expressions.  See L<perlre/(?{ code })>.

For the purpose of this pragma, interpolation of precompiled regular
expressions (i.e., the result of C<qr//>) is I<not> considered variable
interpolation.  Thus:


I<is> allowed if $pat is a precompiled regular expression, even
if $pat contains C<(?{ ... })> assertions.

When C<use re 'debug'> is in effect, perl emits debugging messages when
compiling and using regular expressions.  The output is the same as that
obtained by running a C<-DDEBUGGING>-enabled perl interpreter with the
B<-Dr> switch. It may be quite voluminous depending on the complexity
of the match.  Using C<debugcolor> instead of C<debug> enables a
form of output that can be used to get a colorful display on terminals
that understand termcap color sequences.  Set C<$ENV{PERL_RE_TC}> to a
comma-separated list of C<termcap> properties to use for highlighting
strings on/off, pre-point part on/off.
See L<perldebug/"Debugging regular expressions"> for additional info.

The directive C<use re 'debug'> is I<not lexically scoped>, as the
other directives are.  It has both compile-time and run-time effects.

See L<perlmodlib/Pragmatic Modules>.


# N.B. File::Basename contains a literal for 'taint' as a fallback.  If
# taint is changed here, File::Basename must be updated as well.
my %bitmask = (
taint		=> 0x00100000, # HINT_RE_TAINT
eval		=> 0x00200000, # HINT_RE_EVAL

sub setcolor {
 eval {				# Ignore errors
  require Term::Cap;

  my $terminal = Tgetent Term::Cap ({OSPEED => 9600}); # Avoid warning.
  my $props = $ENV{PERL_RE_TC} || 'md,me,so,se,us,ue';
  my @props = split /,/, $props;
  my $colors = join "\t", map {$terminal->Tputs($_,1)} @props;

  $colors =~ s/\0//g;
  $ENV{PERL_RE_COLORS} = $colors;

my $installed = 0;

sub _load_unload {
    my $on = shift;
    require XSLoader;

sub bits {
    my $on = shift;
    my $bits = 0;
    unless (@_) {
	require Carp;
	Carp::carp("Useless use of \"re\" pragma");
    foreach my $idx (0..$#_){
        my $s=$_[$idx];
	if ($s eq 'debug' or $s eq 'debugcolor') {
	    setcolor() if $s eq 'debugcolor';
        } elsif (exists $bitmask{$s}) {
	    $bits |= $bitmask{$s};
	} else {
	    require Carp;
	    Carp::carp("Unknown \"re\" subpragma '$s' (known ones are: ",
                       join(', ', map {qq('$_')} 'debug', 'debugcolor', sort keys %bitmask),

sub import {
    $^H |= bits(1, @_);

sub unimport {
    $^H &= ~ bits(0, @_);


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