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Current File : //usr/local/lib/python2.5/distutils/fancy_getopt.pyc

h”Rc@sSdZdZddkZddkZddkZddkTddkZddkTdZei	deƒZ
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Wrapper around the standard getopt module that provides the following
additional features:
  * short and long options are tied together
  * options have help strings, so fancy_getopt could potentially
    create a complete usage summary
  * options set attributes of a passed-in object
s8$Id: 37828 2004-11-10 22:23:15Z loewis $iÿÿÿÿN(t*s[a-zA-Z](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*)s^%s$s^(%s)=!(%s)$t-t_tFancyGetoptcBs¤eZdZdd„Zd„Zd„Zddd„Zd„Zd„Z	d„Z
d„Zd	„Zd
ddd„Zd„Zdd
„Zddd„ZRS(sÕWrapper around the standard 'getopt()' module that provides some
    handy extra functionality:
      * short and long options are tied together
      * options have help strings, and help text can be assembled
        from them
      * options set attributes of a passed-in object
      * boolean options can have "negative aliases" -- eg. if
        --quiet is the "negative alias" of --verbose, then "--quiet"
        on the command line sets 'verbose' to false
    cCsv||_h|_|io|iƒnh|_h|_g|_g|_h|_h|_h|_	g|_
dS(N(toption_tabletoption_indext_build_indextaliastnegative_aliast
short_optst	long_optst
short2longt	attr_namet	takes_argtoption_order(tselfR((s2/usr/local/lib/python2.5/distutils/fancy_getopt.pyt__init__.s

cCs||_|iƒdS(N(RR(RR((s2/usr/local/lib/python2.5/distutils/fancy_getopt.pytset_option_table_s	cCsT|ii|ƒotd|‚n-|||f}|ii|ƒ||i|<dS(Ns'option conflict: already an option '%s'(Rthas_keytDistutilsGetoptErrorRtappend(Rtlong_optiontshort_optionthelp_stringR((s2/usr/local/lib/python2.5/distutils/fancy_getopt.pyt
add_optioncscCs|ii|ƒS(scReturn true if the option table for this parser has an
        option with long name 'long_option'.(RR(RR((s2/usr/local/lib/python2.5/distutils/fancy_getopt.pyt
has_optionmscCsti|tƒS(s’Translate long option name 'long_option' to the form it
        has as an attribute of some object: ie., translate hyphens
        to underscores.(tstringt	translatet
get_attr_namerscCs•t|ƒtjpt‚xt|iƒD]f\}}|ii|ƒptd|||f‚n|ii|ƒptd|||f‚q'q'WdS(Ns(invalid %s '%s': option '%s' not defineds0invalid %s '%s': aliased option '%s' not defined(ttypetDictionaryTypetAssertionErrortitemsRRR(RtaliasestwhatRtopt((s2/usr/local/lib/python2.5/distutils/fancy_getopt.pyt_check_alias_dictys
cCs|i|dƒ||_dS(s'Set the aliases for this option parser.RN(R'R(RR((s2/usr/local/lib/python2.5/distutils/fancy_getopt.pytset_aliases…scCs|i|dƒ||_dS(sÚSet the negative aliases for this option parser.
        'negative_alias' should be a dictionary mapping option names to
        option names, both the key and value must already be defined
        in the option table.snegative aliasN(R'R(RR((s2/usr/local/lib/python2.5/distutils/fancy_getopt.pytset_negative_aliasesŠscCs¬g|_g|_|iiƒh|_x}|iD]r}t|ƒdjo|\}}}d}n:t|ƒdjo|\}}}}ntd|f‚t|ƒt	j	pt|ƒdjot
d|‚n|djp#t|ƒt	jot|ƒdjpt
d|‚n||i|<|ii|ƒ|d	d
jo3|o|d}n|dd	!}d|i
|<np|ii|ƒ}|dj	oC|i
d||f‚n||id	<d|i
|<|ii|ƒ}|dj	o6|i
dd|‚n|i|ƒ|i|<|o%|ii|ƒ||i|d<q2q2WdS(sPopulate the various data structures that keep tabs on the
        option table.  Called by 'getopt()' before it can do anything
        iiisinvalid option tuple: %ris9invalid long option '%s': must be a string of length >= 2is:invalid short option '%s': must a single character or Noneiÿÿÿÿt=t:s>invalid negative alias '%s': aliased option '%s' takes a valuesginvalid alias '%s': inconsistent with aliased option '%s' (one of them takes a value, the other doesn'tsinvalid long option name '%s' s'(must be letters, numbers, hyphens onlyN(R
R	RRtrepeatRtlent
ValueErrorR t
longopt_retmatchRR(RRtlongtshortthelpR,talias_to((s2/usr/local/lib/python2.5/distutils/fancy_getopt.pyt_grok_option_table“sf		


cCs0|djotid}n|djotƒ}d}nd}|iƒti|iƒ}y"ti|||i	ƒ\}}Wn!ti
o}t|‚nXxj|D]b\}}t|ƒdjo&|ddjo|i
|d}n6t|ƒdjo|d djpt‚|d}|ii|ƒ}	|	o
|	}n|i|pJ|djp
td‚|ii|ƒ}	|	o|	}d}q¢d}n|i|}
ƒdj	ot||
|ƒ|ii||fƒq­W|o||fSn|SdS(	sParse command-line options in args. Store as attributes on object.

        If 'args' is None or not supplied, uses 'sys.argv[1:]'.  If
        'object' is None or not supplied, creates a new OptionDummy
        object, stores option values there, and returns a tuple (args,
        object).  If 'object' is supplied, it is modified in place and
        'getopt()' just returns 'args'; in both cases, the returned
        'args' is a modified copy of the passed-in 'args' list, which
        is left untouched.
        iiiRs--tsboolean option can't have valueN(R0tsystargvtOptionDummyR8RtjoinR	tgetoptR
RRR,tgetattrtsetattrRR(Rtargstobjecttcreated_objectR	toptstmsgR&tvalRtattr((s2/usr/local/lib/python2.5/distutils/fancy_getopt.pyR>ësH


"$+

td‚n|iSdS(s«Returns the list of (option, value) tuples processed by the
        previous run of 'getopt()'.  Raises RuntimeError if
        'getopt()' hasn't been called yet.
        s!'getopt()' hasn't been called yetN(RR0tRuntimeError(R((s2/usr/local/lib/python2.5/distutils/fancy_getopt.pytget_option_order+s
cCsñd}x‚|iD]w}|d}|d}t|ƒ}|ddjo|d}n|dj	o|d}n||jo
|}qqW|ddd}d}||}	d|}
d	g}x|iD]}|d
 \}}}t||	ƒ}
dfƒqÃ|id||fƒnKd
|ƒqÎWqÞW|S(sŒGenerate help text (a list of strings, one per suggested line of
        output) from the option table for this FancyGetopt object.
        iiiÿÿÿÿR*iiiNt sOption summary:is  --%-*s  %ss
  --%-*s  s%s (-%s)s  --%-*sN(RR-R0t	wrap_textR(Rtheadertmax_optRR4R5tlt	opt_widtht
big_indenttlinesR6ttextt	opt_names((s2/usr/local/lib/python2.5/distutils/fancy_getopt.pyt



"	cCsI|djo

							X@	TcCs)t|ƒ}|i|ƒ|i||ƒS(N(RR)R>(toptionstnegative_optRDRCtparser((s2/usr/local/lib/python2.5/distutils/fancy_getopt.pytfancy_getopt“s
g}d}x{|ost|dƒ}|||jo&|i	|dƒ|d=||}q”|o |dddjo|d=nPq”W|o_|djo.|i	|dd|!ƒ|d||d<n|dddjo|d=qun|i	ti
|dƒƒq~W|S(s¶wrap_text(text : string, width : int) -> [string]

    Split 'text' into multiple lines of no more than 'width' characters
    each, and return the list of strings that results.
    s( +|-+)iiÿÿÿÿRLR9N(R0R-Rt

cCsti|tƒS(sXConvert a long option name to a valid Python identifier by
    changing "-" to "_".
    (RRR(R&((s2/usr/local/lib/python2.5/distutils/fancy_getopt.pyttranslate_longoptØsR<cBseZdZgd„ZRS(s_Dummy class just used as a place to hold command-line option
    values as instance attributes.cCs%x|D]}t||dƒqWdS(skCreate a new OptionDummy instance.  The attributes listed in
        'options' will be initialized to None.N(RBR0(RRaR&((s2/usr/local/lib/python2.5/distutils/fancy_getopt.pyRãs(R^R_R`R(((s2/usr/local/lib/python2.5/distutils/fancy_getopt.pyR<ßst__main__s¢Tra-la-la, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
How *do* you spell that odd word, anyways?
(Someone ask Mary -- she'll know [or she'll
say, "How should I know?"].)i
iii(s	width: %ds
(R`t__revision__R:RRgttypesR>tdistutils.errorstlongopt_pattcompileR2tneg_alias_ret	maketransRRRdt
whitespaceR-RfRMRnR<R^RVtwR=(((s2/usr/local/lib/python2.5/distutils/fancy_getopt.pys<module>	s.$
ÿr	"	=	


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