Current Path : /usr/local/lib/python2.5/ |
FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #1: Wed Jan 14 12:18:08 JST 2015 amd64 |
Current File : //usr/local/lib/python2.5/getpass.pyc |
łň hRc @ s d Z d d k Z d d g Z d d d Z d d d Z d d d Z d d d Z d Z y d d k Z e i e i f Wn{ e e f j oi y d d k Z WnI e j o= y d d k l Z Wn e j o e Z qü Xe Z qXe Z n Xe Z d S( s) Utilities to get a password and/or the current user name. getpass(prompt) - prompt for a password, with echo turned off getuser() - get the user name from the environment or password database On Windows, the msvcrt module will be used. On the Mac EasyDialogs.AskPassword is used, if available. i˙˙˙˙Nt getpasst getusers Password: c C sÁ | d j o t i } n y t i i } Wn t | Sn Xt i | } | } | d t i @| d <z) t i | t i | t | | } Wd t i | t i | X| i d | S( s Prompt for a password, with echo turned off. The prompt is written on stream, by default stdout. Restore terminal settings at end. i Ns ( t Nonet syst stdoutt stdint filenot default_getpasst termiost tcgetattrt ECHOt tcsetattrt TCSADRAINt _raw_inputt write( t promptt streamt fdt oldt newt passwd( ( s# /usr/local/lib/python2.5/getpass.pyt unix_getpass s c C sß t i t i j o t | | Sn d d k } x | D] } | i | q7 Wd } xj | i } | d j p | d j o Pn | d j o t n | d j o | d } qW | | } qW | i d | i d | S( s9 Prompt for password with echo off, using Windows getch().i˙˙˙˙Nt s s s s ( R R t __stdin__R t msvcrtt putcht getcht KeyboardInterrupt( R R R t ct pw( ( s# /usr/local/lib/python2.5/getpass.pyt win_getpass. s&