Current Path : /usr/local/lib/python2.5/idlelib/ |
FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #1: Wed Jan 14 12:18:08 JST 2015 amd64 |
Current File : //usr/local/lib/python2.5/idlelib/AutoComplete.pyc |
³ò h”Rc @ s½ d Z d d k Z d d k Z d d k Z d d k l Z d d k Z d d k l Z d d k Z e i e i e i d Z e i e i d Z e d d ƒ \ Z Z d d d „ ƒ YZ d S( sÖ - An IDLE extension for automatically completing names. This extension can complete either attribute names of file names. It can pop a window with all available names, for the user to select from. iÿÿÿÿN( t idleConf( t HyperParsers ._~#$:-t _i i t AutoCompletec B s§ e Z d d g f g Z e i d d d d d d d ƒZ d d „ Z d „ Z d d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z d d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z RS( t edits Show Completionss <<force-open-completions>>t extensionsR t popupwaitt typet intt defaulti c C sR | d j o d | _ d Sn | | _ | i | _ d | _ d | _ d | _ d S( N( t Nonet editwint textt autocompletewindowt _delayed_completion_idt _delayed_completion_index( t selfR ( ( s0 /usr/local/lib/python2.5/idlelib/AutoComplete.pyt __init__% s c C s t i | i ƒ S( N( t AutoCompleteWindowR ( R ( ( s0 /usr/local/lib/python2.5/idlelib/AutoComplete.pyt _make_autocomplete_window3 s c C s( | i o | i i ƒ d | _ n d S( N( R t hide_windowR ( R t event( ( s0 /usr/local/lib/python2.5/idlelib/AutoComplete.pyt _remove_autocomplete_window6 s c C s | i t t t ƒ d S( sq Happens when the user really wants to open a completion list, even if a function call is needed. N( t open_completionst Truet False( R R ( ( s0 /usr/local/lib/python2.5/idlelib/AutoComplete.pyt force_open_completions_event; s c C sg | i i d ƒ } | d j o | i t t t t ƒ n+ | t i j o | i t t t t ƒ n d S( s¦ Happens when it would be nice to open a completion list, but not really neccesary, for example after an dot, so function calls won't be made. s insert-1ct .N( R t gett _open_completions_laterR t COMPLETE_ATTRIBUTESt ost sept COMPLETE_FILES( R R t lastchar( ( s0 /usr/local/lib/python2.5/idlelib/AutoComplete.pyt try_open_completions_eventA s c C sy t | d ƒ o | i o d Sn | i o% | i i ƒ o | i i ƒ d Sn% | i t t t ƒ } | o d Sn d S( s¥ Happens when the user wants to complete his word, and if neccesary, open a completion list after that (if there is more than one completion) t mc_stateNt break( t hasattrR$ R t is_activet completeR R R ( R R t opened( ( s0 /usr/local/lib/python2.5/idlelib/AutoComplete.pyt autocomplete_eventN s c G sa | i i d ƒ | _ | i d j o | i i | i ƒ n | i i | i | i | Œ | _ d S( Nt insert( R t indexR R R t after_cancelt afterR t _delayed_open_completions( R t args( ( s0 /usr/local/lib/python2.5/idlelib/AutoComplete.pyR ^ s c G s>