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FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #1: Wed Jan 14 12:18:08 JST 2015 amd64 |
Current File : //usr/local/share/doc/pari/doc/usersch5.tex |
% $Id: usersch5.tex 7909 2006-05-10 09:05:27Z kb $ % Copyright (c) 2000 The PARI Group % % This file is part of the PARI/GP documentation % % Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document % under the terms of the GNU General Public License \chapter{Technical Reference Guide for Low-Level Functions} In this chapter, we describe all public low-level functions of the PARI library. These essentially include functions for handling all the PARI types. Higher level functions, such as arithmetic or transcendental functions, are described in Chapter~3 of the GP user's manual. A general introduction to the major concepts of PARI programming can be found in Chapter~4. Many other undocumented functions can be found throughout the source code. These private functions are more efficient than the library wrappers, but sloppier on argument checking and damage control. Use them at your own risk! \misctitle{Important advice}: generic routines eventually call lower level functions. Optimize your algorithms first, not overhead and conversion costs between PARI routines. For generic operations, use generic routines first, don't waste time looking for the most specialized one available unless you identify a genuine bottleneck. The PARI source code is part of the documentation; look for inspiration there.\smallskip We let \B\ abbreviate \tet{BITS_IN_LONG}. The type \kbd{long} denotes a \B-bit signed long integer. The type \tet{ulong} is defined as \kbd{unsigned long}. The word \emph{stack} always refer to the PARI stack, allocated through an initial \kbd{pari\_init} call. Refer to Chapters 1--2 and~4 for general background. \kbdsidx{BIL} \section{Initializing the library} The following functions enable you to start using the PARI functions in a program, and cleanup without exiting the whole program. \subsec{General purpose} \fun{void}{pari_init}{size\_t size, ulong maxprime} initialize the library, with a stack of \kbd{size} bytes and a prime table up to the maximum of \kbd{maxprime} and $2^{16}$. Unless otherwise mentionned, no PARI function will function properly before such an initialization. \fun{void}{pari_close}{void} stop using the library (assuming it was initialized with \kbd{pari\_init}) and frees all allocated objects. \subsec{Technical functions} \fun{void}{pari_init_opts}{size\_t size, ulong maxprime, ulong opts} as \kbd{pari\_init}, more flexible. \kbd{opts} is a mask of flags among the following: \kbd{INIT\_JMPm}: install pari error handler. When an exception is raised, the program is terminated with \kbd{exit(1)}. \kbd{INIT\_SIGm}: install pari signal handler. \kbd{INIT\_DFTm}: initialize the \kbd{GP\_DATA} environment structure. This one \emph{must} be enabled once. If you close pari, then restart it, you need not reinitialize \kbd{GP\_DATA}; if you do not, then old values are restored. \fun{void}{pari_close_opts}{ulong init\_opts} as \kbd{pari\_close}, for a library initialized with a mask of options using \kbd{pari\_init\_opts}. \kbd{opts} is a mask of flags among \kbd{INIT\_SIGm}: restore \kbd{SIG\_DFL} default action for signals tampered with by pari signal handler. \kbd{INIT\_DFTm}: frees the \kbd{GP\_DATA} environment structure. \fun{void}{pari_sig_init}{void (*f)(int)} install the signal handler \kbd{f} (see \kbd{signal(2)}): the signals \kbd{SIGBUS}, \kbd{SIGFPE}, \kbd{SIGINT}, \kbd{SIGBREAK}, \kbd{SIGPIPE} and \kbd{SIGSEGV} are concerned. \subsec{Notions specific to the GP interpreter} An \kbd{entree} is the generic object associated to an identifier (a name) in GP's interpreter, be it a built-in or user function, or a variable. For a function, it has at least the following fields: \kbd{char *name} : the name under which the interpreter knows us. \kbd{ulong valence} : obsolete, set it to 1. \kbd{void *value} : a pointer to the C function to call. \kbd{long menu} : an integer from 1 to 11 (to which group of function help do we belong). \kbd{char *code} : the prototype code. \kbd{char *help} : the help text for the function. A routine in GP is described to the analyzer by an \kbd{entree} structure. Built-in pari routines are grouped in \emph{modules}, which are arrays of \kbd{entree} structs, the last of which satisfy \kbd{name = NULL} (sentinel). There are currently six modules in GP: general functions (\tet{functions_basic}), gp-specific functions (\tet{functions_fp}), gp-specific highlevel functions (\tet{functions_highlevel}), member functions, and two modules of obsolete functions. The function \kbd{pari\_init} initializes the interpreter and declares all symbols in \kbd{functions\_basic}. You may declare further functions on a case by case basis or as a whole module using \fun{void}{pari_add_function}{entree *ep} adds a single routine to the table of symbols in the interpreter. It assumes \kbd{pari\_init} has been called. \fun{void}{pari_add_module}{entree *mod} adds all the routines in module \kbd{mod} to the table of symbols in the interpreter. It assumes \kbd{pari\_init} has been called. \noindent For instance, gp implements a number of private routines, which it adds to the default set via the call \bprog pari_add_module(functions_gp); pari_add_module(functions_highlevel); @eprog \section{Handling \kbd{GEN}s} \noindent Almost all these functions are either macros or inlined. Unless mentioned otherwise, they do not evaluate their arguments twice. Most of them are specific to a set of types, although no consistency checks are made: e.g.~one may access the \kbd{sign} of a \typ{PADIC}, but the result is meaningless. \subsec{Length conversions} \fun{long}{ndec2nlong}{long x} converts a number of decimal digits to a number of words. Returns $ 1 + \kbd{floor}(x \times \B \log_2 10)$. \fun{long}{ndec2prec}{long x} converts a number of decimal digits to a number of codewords. This is equal to 2 + \kbd{ndec2nlong(x)}. \fun{long}{prec2ndec}{long x} converts a number of of codewords to a number of decimal digits. \fun{long}{nbits2nlong}{long x} converts a number of bits to a number of words. Returns the smallest word count containing $x$ bits, i.e $ \kbd{ceil}(x / \B)$. \fun{long}{nbits2prec}{long x} converts a number of bits to a number of codewords. This is equal to 2 + \kbd{nbits2nlong(x)}. \fun{long}{nchar2nlong}{long x} converts a number of bytes to number of words. Returns the smallest word count containing $x$ bytes, i.e $\kbd{ceil}(x / \kbd{sizeof(long)})$. \fun{long}{bit_accuracy}{long x} converts a \typ{REAL} length into a number of significant bits. Returns $(x - 2)\B$. The macro \tet{bit_accuracy_mul(x,y)} computes the same thing multiplied by $y$. \subsec{Read type-dependent information} \fun{long}{typ}{GEN x} returns the type number of~\kbd{x}. The header files included through \kbd{pari.h} define symbolic constants for the \kbd{GEN} types: \typ{INT} etc. Never use their actual numerical values. E.g to determine whether \kbd{x} is a \typ{INT}, simply check \bprog if (typ(x) == t_INT) { } @eprog\noindent The types are internally ordered and this simplifies the implementation of commutative binary operations (e.g addition, gcd). Avoid using the ordering directly, as it may change in the future; use type grouping macros instead (\secref{se:typegroup}). \fun{long}{lg}{GEN x} returns the length of~\kbd{x} in \B-bit words. \fun{long}{lgefint}{GEN x} returns the effective length of the \typ{INT} \kbd{x} in \B-bit words. \fun{long}{signe}{GEN x} returns the sign ($-1$, 0 or 1) of~\kbd{x}. Can be used for \typ{INT}, \typ{REAL}, \typ{POL} and \typ{SER} (for the last two types, only 0 or 1 are possible). \fun{long}{gsigne}{GEN x} same as \kbd{signe}, but also valid for \typ{FRAC} (and marginally less efficient for the other types). Raise a type error if \kbd{typ(x)} is not among those three. \fun{long}{expi}{GEN x} returns the binary exponent of the real number equal to the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x}. This is a special case of \kbd{gexpo}. \fun{long}{expo}{GEN x} returns the binary exponent of the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x}. \fun{long}{gexpo}{GEN x} same as \kbd{expo}, but also valid when \kbd{x} is not a \typ{REAL} (returns the largest exponent found among the components of \kbd{x}). When \kbd{x} is an exact~0, this returns \hbox{\kbd{-HIGHEXPOBIT}}, which is lower than any valid exponent. \fun{long}{valp}{GEN x} returns the $p$-adic valuation (for a \typ{PADIC}) or $X$-adic valuation (for a \typ{SER}, taken with respect to the main variable) of~\kbd{x}. \fun{long}{precp}{GEN x} returns the precision of the \typ{PADIC}~\kbd{x}. \fun{long}{varn}{GEN x} returns the variable number of the \typ{POL} or \typ{SER}~\kbd{x} (between 0 and \kbd{MAXVARN}). \fun{long}{gvar}{GEN x} returns the main variable number when any variable at all occurs in the composite object~\kbd{x} (the smallest variable number which occurs), and \kbd{BIGINT} otherwise. \fun{long}{degpol}{GEN x} returns the degree of \typ{POL}~\kbd{x}, \emph{assuming} its leading coefficient is non-zero (an exact $0$ is impossible, but an inexact $0$ is allowed). By convention the degree of an exact $0$ polynomial is $-1$. If the leading coefficient of \kbd{x} is $0$, the result is undefined. \fun{int}{precision}{GEN x} If \kbd{x} is of type \typ{REAL}, returns the precision of~\kbd{x} (the length of \kbd{x} in \B-bit words if \kbd{x} is not zero, and a reasonable quantity obtained from the exponent of \kbd{x} if \kbd{x} is numerically equal to zero). If \kbd{x} is of type \typ{COMPLEX}, returns the minimum of the precisions of the real and imaginary part. Otherwise, returns~0 (which stands in fact for infinite precision). \fun{int}{gprecision}{GEN x} as \kbd{precision} for scalars; returns the lowest precision encountered among the components otherwise. \fun{long}{sizedigit}{GEN x} returns 0 if \kbd{x} is exactly~0. Otherwise, returns \kbd{\key{gexpo}(x)} multiplied by $\log_{10}(2)$. This gives a crude estimate for the maximal number of decimal digits of the components of~\kbd{x}. \subsec{Eval type-dependent information}. These routines convert type-dependant information to bitmask to fill the codewords of \kbd{GEN} objects (see \secref{se:impl}). E.g for a \typ{REAL}~\kbd{z}: \bprog z[1] = evalsigne(-1) | evalexpo(2) @eprog Compatible components of a codeword for a given type can be OR-ed as above. \fun{ulong}{evaltyp}{long x} convert type~\kbd{x} to bitmask (first codeword of all \kbd{GEN}s) \fun{long}{evallg}{long x} convert length~\kbd{x} to bitmask (first codeword of all \kbd{GEN}s). Raise overflow error if \kbd{x} is so large that the corresponding length cannot be represented \fun{long}{_evallg}{long x} as \kbd{evallg} \emph{without} the overflow check. \fun{ulong}{evalvarn}{long x} convert variable number~\kbd{x} to bitmask (second codeword of \typ{POL} and \typ{SER}) \fun{long}{evalsigne}{long x} convert sign~\kbd{x} (in $-1,0,1$) to bitmask (second codeword of \typ{INT}, \typ{REAL}, \typ{POL}, \typ{SER}) \fun{long}{evalprecp}{long x} convert $p$-adic ($X$-adic) precision~\kbd{x} to bitmask (second codeword of \typ{PADIC}, \typ{SER}) \fun{long}{evalvalp}{long x} convert $p$-adic ($X$-adic) valuation~\kbd{x} to bitmask (second codeword of \typ{PADIC}, \typ{SER}). Raise overflow error if \kbd{x} is so large that the corresponding valuation cannot be represented \fun{long}{_evalvalp}{long x} same as \kbd{evalvalp} \emph{without} the overflow check. \fun{long}{evalexpo}{long x} convert exponent~\kbd{x} to bitmask (second codeword of \typ{REAL}). Raise overflow error if \kbd{x} is so large that the corresponding exponent cannot be represented \fun{long}{_evalexpo}{long x} same as \kbd{evalexpo} \emph{without} the overflow check. \fun{long}{evallgefint}{long x} convert effective length~\kbd{x} to bitmask (second codeword \typ{INT}). This should be less or equal than the length of the \typ{INT}, hence there is no overflow check for the effective length. \fun{long}{evallgeflist}{long x} convert effective length~\kbd{x} to bitmask (second codeword \typ{LIST}). This should be less or equal than the length of the \typ{LIST}, hence there is no overflow check for the effective length. \subsec{Set type-dependent information}. Use these macros with extreme care since usually the corresponding information is set otherwise, and the components and further codeword fields (which are left unchanged) may not be compatible with the new information. \fun{void}{settyp}{GEN x, long s} sets the type number of~\kbd{x} to~\kbd{s}. \fun{void}{setlg}{GEN x, long s} sets the length of~\kbd{x} to~\kbd{s}. This is an efficient way of truncating vectors, matrices or polynomials. \fun{void}{setlgefint}{GEN x, long s} sets the effective length of the \typ{INT} \kbd{x} to~\kbd{s}. The number \kbd{s} must be less than or equal to the length of~\kbd{x}. \fun{void}{setsigne}{GEN x, long s} sets the sign of~\kbd{x} to~\kbd{s}. If \kbd{x} is a \typ{INT} or \typ{REAL}, \kbd{s} must be equal to $-1$, 0 or~1, and if \kbd{x} is a \typ{POL} or \typ{SER}, \kbd{s} must be equal to 0 or~1. \fun{void}{setexpo}{GEN x, long s} sets the binary exponent of the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x} to \kbd{s}. The value \kbd{s} must be a 24-bit signed number. \fun{void}{setvalp}{GEN x, long s} sets the $p$-adic or $X$-adic valuation of~\kbd{x} to~\kbd{s}, if \kbd{x} is a \typ{PADIC} or a \typ{SER}, respectively. \fun{void}{setprecp}{GEN x, long s} sets the $p$-adic precision of the \typ{PADIC}~\kbd{x} to~\kbd{s}. \fun{void}{setvarn}{GEN x, long s} sets the variable number of the \typ{POL} or \typ{SER}~\kbd{x} to~\kbd{s} (where $0\le \kbd{s}\le\kbd{MAXVARN}$). \subsec{Type groups}\label{se:typegroup}. In the following macros, \kbd{t} denotes the type of a \kbd{GEN}. Some of these macros may evaluate their argument twice. Always use them as in \bprog long tx = typ(x); if (is_intreal_t(tx)) { } @eprog \fun{int}{is_recursive_t}{long t} \kbd{true} iff \kbd{t} is a recursive type (the recursive types are \typ{INT}, \typ{REAL}, \typ{STR} or \typ{VECSMALL}). \fun{int}{is_intreal_t}{long t} \kbd{true} iff \kbd{t} is \typ{INT} or \typ{REAL}. \fun{int}{is_rational_t}{long t} \kbd{true} iff \kbd{t} is \typ{INT} or \typ{FRAC}. \fun{int}{is_vec_t}{long t} \kbd{true} iff \kbd{t} is \typ{VEC} or \typ{COL}. \fun{int}{is_matvec_t}{long t} \kbd{true} iff \kbd{t} is \typ{MAT}, \typ{VEC} or \typ{COL}. \fun{int}{is_scalar_t}{long t} \kbd{true} iff \kbd{t} is a scalar, i.e a \typ{INT}, \typ{REAL}, \typ{INTMOD}, \typ{FRAC}, \typ{COMPLEX}, \typ{PADIC}, \typ{QUAD}, or \typ{POLMOD}. \fun{int}{is_extscalar_t}{long t} \kbd{true} iff \kbd{t} is a scalar (see \kbd{is\_scalar\_t}) or \kbd{t} is \typ{POL}. \fun{int}{is_const_t}{long t} \kbd{true} iff \kbd{t} is a scalar which is not \typ{POLMOD}. \subsec{Accessors and components}.\label{se:accessors} The first two functions return \kbd{GEN} components as copies on the stack: \fun{GEN}{compo}{GEN x, long n} creates a copy of the \kbd{n}-th true component (i.e.\ not counting the codewords) of the object~\kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{truecoeff}{GEN x, long n} creates a copy of the coefficient of degree~\kbd{n} of~\kbd{x} if \kbd{x} is a scalar, \typ{POL} or \typ{SER}, and otherwise of the \kbd{n}-th component of~\kbd{x}. \smallskip \noindent On the contrary, the following routines return the address of a \kbd{GEN} component. No copy is made on the stack: \fun{GEN}{constant_term}{GEN x} returns the address the constant term of \typ{POL}~\kbd{x}. By convention, a $0$ polynomial (whose \kbd{sign} is $0$) has \kbd{gen\_0} constant term. \fun{GEN}{leading_term}{GEN x} returns the address the leading term of \typ{POL}~\kbd{x}. This may be an inexact $0$. \fun{GEN}{gel}{GEN x, long i} returns the address of the \kbd{x[i]} entry of~\kbd{x}. (\kbd{el} stands for element.) \fun{GEN}{gcoeff}{GEN x, long i, long j} returns the address of the \kbd{x[i,j]} entry of \typ{MAT}~\kbd{x}, i.e.~the coefficient at row~\kbd{i} and column~\kbd{j}. \fun{GEN}{gmael}{GEN x, long i, long j} returns the address of the \kbd{x[i][j]} entry of~\kbd{x}. (\kbd{mael} stands for multidimensional array element.) \fun{GEN}{gmael2}{GEN A, long x1, long x2} is an alias for \kbd{gmael}. Similar macros \tet{gmael3}, \tet{gmael4}, \tet{gmael5} are available. \section{Handling the PARI stack} \subsec{Allocating memory on the stack} \fun{GEN}{cgetg}{long n, long t} allocates memory on the stack for an object of length \kbd{n} and type~\kbd{t}, and initializes its first codeword. \fun{GEN}{cgeti}{long n} allocates memory on the stack for a \typ{INT} of length~\kbd{n}, and initializes its first codeword. Identical to \kbd{cgetg(n,\typ{INT})}. \fun{GEN}{cgetr}{long n} allocates memory on the stack for a \typ{REAL} of length~\kbd{n}, and initializes its first codeword. Identical to \kbd{cgetg(n,\typ{REAL})}. \fun{GEN}{cgetc}{long n} allocates memory on the stack for a \typ{COMPLEX}, whose real and imaginary parts are \typ{REAL}s of length~\kbd{n}. \fun{GEN}{cgetp}{GEN x} creates space sufficient to hold the \typ{PADIC}~\kbd{x}, and sets the prime $p$ and the $p$-adic precision to those of~\kbd{x}, but does not copy (the $p$-adic unit or zero representative and the modulus of)~\kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{new_chunk}{size\_t n} allocates a \kbd{GEN} with $n$ components, \emph{without} filling the required code words. This is the low-level constructor underlying \kbd{cgetg}, which calls \kbd{new\_chunk} then sets the first code word. It works by simply returning the address \kbd{((GEN)avma) - n}, after checking that it is larger than \kbd{(GEN)bot}. \fun{char*}{stackmalloc}{size\_t n} allocates memory on the stack for $n$ chars (\emph{not} $n$ \kbd{GEN}s). This is faster than using \kbd{malloc}, and easier to use in most situations when temporary storage is needed. In particular there is no need to \kbd{free} individually all variables thus allocated: a simple \kbd{avma = oldavma} might be enough. On the other hand, beware that this is not permanent independant storage, but part of the stack. \noindent Objects allocated through these last two functions cannot be \kbd{gerepile}'d. They are not valid \kbd{GEN}s since they have no PARI type. \subsec{Garbage collection}. See \secref{se:garbage} for a detailed explanation and many examples. \fun{void}{cgiv}{GEN x} frees object \kbd{x} if it is the last created on the stack (otherwise nothing happens). \fun{GEN}{gerepile}{pari\_sp p, pari\_sp q, GEN x} general garbage collector for the stack. \fun{void}{gerepileall}{pari\_sp av, int n, ...} cleans up the stack from \kbd{av} on (i.e from \kbd{avma} to \kbd{av}), preserving the \kbd{n} objects which follow in the argument list (of type \kbd{GEN*}). E.g: \kbd{gerepileall(av, 2, \&x, \&y)} preserves \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}. \fun{void}{gerepileallsp}{pari\_sp av, pari\_sp ltop, int n, ...} cleans up the stack between \kbd{av} and \kbd{ltop}, updating the \kbd{n} elements which follow \kbd{n} in the argument list (of type \kbd{GEN*}). Check that the elements of \kbd{g} have no component between \kbd{av} and \kbd{ltop}, and assumes that no garbage is present between \kbd{avma} and \kbd{ltop}. Analogous to (but faster than) \kbd{gerepileall} otherwise. \fun{GEN}{gerepilecopy}{pari\_sp av, GEN x} cleans up the stack from \kbd{av} on, preserving the object \kbd{x}. Special case of \kbd{gerepileall} (case $\kbd{n} = 1$), except that the routine returns the preserved \kbd{GEN} instead of updating its adress through a pointer. \fun{void}{gerepilemany}{pari\_sp av, GEN* g[], int n} alternative interface to \kbd{gerepileall} \fun{void}{gerepilemanysp}{pari\_sp av, pari\_sp ltop, GEN* g[], int n} alternative interface to \kbd{gerepileallsp}. \fun{void}{gerepilecoeffs}{pari\_sp av, GEN x, int n} cleans up the stack from \kbd{av} on, preserving \kbd{x[0]}, \dots, \kbd{x[n-1]} (which are \kbd{GEN}s). \fun{void}{gerepilecoeffssp}{pari\_sp av, pari\_sp ltop, GEN x, int n} cleans up the stack from \kbd{av} to \kbd{ltop}, preserving \kbd{x[0]}, \dots, \kbd{x[n-1]} (which are \kbd{GEN}s). Same assumptions as in \kbd{gerepilemanysp}, of which this is a variant. For instance \bprog z = cgetg(3, t_COMPLEX); av = avma; garbage(); ltop = avma; z[1] = fun1(); z[2] = fun2(); gerepilecoeffssp(av, ltop, z + 1, 2); return z; @eprog\noindent cleans up the garbage between \kbd{av} and \kbd{ltop}, and connects \kbd{z} and its two components. This is marginally more efficient than the standard \bprog av = avma; garbage(); ltop = avma; z = cgetg(3, t_COMPLEX); z[1] = fun1(); z[2] = fun2(); return gerepile(av, ltop, z); @eprog\noindent \fun{GEN}{gerepileupto}{pari\_sp av, GEN q} analogous to (but faster than) \kbd{gerepilecopy}. Assumes that \kbd{q} is connected and that its root was created before any component. \fun{GEN}{gerepileuptoint}{pari\_sp av, GEN q} analogous to (but faster than) \kbd{gerepileupto}. Assumes further that \kbd{q} is a \typ{INT}. The length and effective length of the resulting \typ{INT} are equal. \fun{GEN}{gerepileuptoleaf}{pari\_sp av, GEN q} analogous to (but faster than) \kbd{gerepileupto}. Assumes further that \kbd{q} is a leaf, i.e a non-recursive type (\kbd{is\_recursive\_t(typ(q))} is non-zero). Contrary to \kbd{gerepileuptoint}, \kbd{gerepileuptoleaf} leaves length and effective length of a \typ{INT} unchanged. \fun{void}{stackdummy}{pari\_sp av, pari\_sp ltop} inhibits the memory area between \kbd{av} \emph{included} and \kbd{ltop} \emph{excluded} with respect to \kbd{gerepile}, in order to avoid a call to \kbd{gerepile(av, ltop,...)}. The stack space is not reclaimed though. More precisely, this routine assumes that \kbd{av} is recorded earlier than \kbd{ltop}, then marks the specified stack segment as a non-recursive type of the correct length. Thus gerepile will not inspect the zone, at most copy it. To be used in the following situation: \bprog av0 = avma; z = cgetg(t_VEC, 3); gel(z,1) = HUGE(); av = avma; garbage(); ltop = avma; gel(z,2) = HUGE(); stackdummy(av, ltop); @eprog\noindent Compared to the orthodox \bprog gel(z,2) = gerepile(av, ltop, gel(z,2)); @eprog\noindent or even more wasteful \bprog z = gerepilecopy(av0, z); @eprog\noindent we temporarily lose $(\kbd{av} - \kbd{ltop})$ words but save a costly \kbd{gerepile}. In principle, a garbage collection higher up the call chain should reclaim this later anyway. Without the \kbd{stackdummy}, if the $[\kbd{av}, \kbd{ltop}]$ zone is arbitrary (not even valid \kbd{GEN}s as could happen after direct truncation via \kbd{setlg}), we would leave dangerous data in the middle of~\kbd{z}, which would be a problem for a later \bprog gerepile(..., ... , z); @eprog\noindent And even if it were made of valid \kbd{GEN}s, inhibiting the area makes sure \kbd{gerepile} will not inspect their components, saving time. Another natural use in low-level routines is to ``shorten'' an existing \kbd{GEN} \kbd{z} to its first $\kbd{l}-1$ components: \bprog setlg(z, l); stackdummy((pari_sp)(z + lg(z)), (pari_sp)(z + l)); @eprog\noindent or to its last \kbd{l} components: \bprog long L = lg(z) - l; stackdummy((pari_sp)(z + L), (pari_sp)z); z += L; setlg(z, L); @eprog \subsec{Copies and clones} \fun{GEN}{gclone}{GEN x} creates a new permanent copy of the object \kbd{x} on the heap. The \emph{clone bit} of the result is set. \fun{void}{gunclone}{GEN x} delete the clone~\kbd{x} (created by \kbd{gclone}). Fatal error if~\kbd{x} not a clone. \fun{GEN}{gcopy}{GEN x} creates a new copy of the object~\kbd{x} on the stack. \fun{int}{isonstack}{GEN x} \kbd{true} iff \kbd{x} belongs to the stack. This is a macro whose argument is evaluated several times. \fun{void}{copyifstack}{GEN x, GEN y} sets \kbd{y = gcopy(x)} if \kbd{x} belongs to the stack, and \kbd{y = x} otherwise. This macro evaluates its arguments once, contrary to \bprog y = isonstack(x)? gcopy(x): x; @eprog \fun{void}{icopyifstack}{GEN x, GEN y} as \kbd{copyifstack} assuming \kbd{x} is a \typ{INT}. \fun{long}{taille}{GEN x} returns the total number of \B-bit words occupied by the tree representing~\kbd{x}. \fun{void}{traverseheap}{void(*f)(GEN, void *), void *data} this applies \kbd{f($x$, data)} to each object $x$ on the PARI heap, most recent first. Mostly for debugging purposes. \fun{GEN}{getheap}{} a simple wrapper around \kbd{traverseheap}. Returns a two-component row vector giving the number of objects on the heap and the amount of memory they occupy in long words. \section{Level 0 kernel (operations on ulongs)} \subsec{Micro-kernel}. Level 0 operations simulate basic operations of the 68020 processor on which PARI was originally implemented. They need ``global'' \kbd{ulong} variables \kbd{overflow} (which will contain only 0 or 1) and \kbd{hiremainder} to function properly. However, for certain architectures these are replaced with local variables for efficiency; and the `functions' mentioned below are really chunks of inlined assembler code. So, a routine using one of these lowest-level functions where the description mentions either \kbd{hiremainder} or \kbd{overflow} must declare the corresponding \bprog LOCAL_HIREMAINDER; LOCAL_OVERFLOW; @eprog\noindent in a declaration block. Variables \kbd{hiremainder} and \kbd{overflow} then become available in the enclosing block. For instance a loop over the powers of an \kbd{ulong}~\kbd{p} protected from overflows could read \bprog while (pk < lim) { LOCAL_HIREMAINDER; ... pk = mulll(pk, p); if (hiremainder) break; } @eprog \fun{ulong}{addll}{ulong x, ulong y} adds \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}, returns the lower \B\ bits and puts the carry bit into \kbd{overflow}. \fun{ulong}{addllx}{ulong x, ulong y} adds \kbd{overflow} to the sum of the \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}, returns the lower \B\ bits and puts the carry bit into \kbd{overflow}. \fun{ulong}{subll}{ulong x, ulong y} subtracts \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}, returns the lower \B\ bits and put the carry (borrow) bit into \kbd{overflow}. \fun{ulong}{subllx}{ulong x, ulong y} subtracts \kbd{overflow} from the difference of \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}, returns the lower \B\ bits and puts the carry (borrow) bit into \kbd{overflow}. \fun{int}{bfffo}{ulong x} returns the number of leading zero bits in \kbd{x}. That is, the number of bit positions by which it would have to be shifted left until its leftmost bit first becomes equal to~1, which can be between 0 and $\B-1$ for nonzero \kbd{x}. When \kbd{x} is~0, the result is undefined. \fun{ulong}{mulll}{ulong x, ulong y} multiplies \kbd{x} by \kbd{y}, returns the lower \B\ bits and stores the high-order \B\ bits into \kbd{hiremainder}. \fun{ulong}{addmul}{ulong x, ulong y} adds \kbd{hiremainder} to the product of \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}, returns the lower \B\ bits and stores the high-order \B\ bits into \kbd{hiremainder}. \fun{ulong}{divll}{ulong x, ulong y} returns the Euclidean quotient of (\kbd{hiremainder << \B})${}+{}$\kbd{x} by \kbd{y} and stores the remainder into \kbd{hiremainder}. An error occurs if the quotient cannot be represented by an \kbd{ulong}, i.e.~if initially $\kbd{hiremainder}\ge\kbd{y}$. \subsec{Modular kernel}. The following routines are not part of the level 0 kernel per se, but implement modular operations on words in terms of the above. They are written so that no overflow may occur. Let $m \geq 1$ be the modulus; all operands representing classes modulo $m$ are assumed to belong to $[0,m-1[$. The result may be wrong for a number of reasons otherwise: it may not be reduced, overflow can occur, etc. \fun{ulong}{Fl_add}{ulong x, ulong y, ulong m} returns the smallest positive representative of $x + y$ modulo $m$. \fun{ulong}{Fl_neg}{ulong x, ulong m} returns the smallest positive representative of $-x$ modulo $m$. \fun{ulong}{Fl_sub}{ulong x, ulong y, ulong m} returns the smallest positive representative of $x - y$ modulo $m$. \fun{long}{Fl_center}{ulong x, ulong m, ulong mo2} returns the representative in $]-m/2,m/2]$ of $x$ modulo $m$. Assume $0 \leq x < m$ and $\kbd{mo2} = m \kbd{>>} 1$. \fun{ulong}{Fl_mul}{ulong x, ulong y, ulong m} returns the smallest positive representative of $x y$ modulo $m$. \fun{ulong}{Fl_inv}{ulong x, ulong m} returns the smallest positive representative of $x^{-1}$ modulo $m$. If $x$ is not invertible mod~$m$, raise an exception. \fun{ulong}{Fl_div}{ulong x, ulong y, ulong m} returns the smallest positive representative of $x y^{-1}$ modulo $m$. If $y$ is not invertible mod $m$, raise an exception. \fun{ulong}{Fl_pow}{ulong x, ulong n, ulong m} returns the smallest positive representative of $x^n$ modulo $m$. \fun{ulong}{Fl_sqrt}{ulong x, ulong p} returns the square root of \kbd{x} modulo \kbd{p} (smallest positive representative). Assumes \kbd{p} to be prime, and \kbd{x} to be a square modulo \kbd{p}. \fun{ulong}{gener_Fl}{ulong p} returns a \idx{primitive root} modulo \kbd{p}, assuming \kbd{p} is prime. \fun{ulong}{gener_Fl_local}{ulong p, GEN L}, see \kbd{gener\_Fp\_local}, \kbd{L} is an \kbd{Flv}. \fun{long}{krouu}{ulong x, ulong y} returns the \idx{Kronecker symbol} $(x|y)$, i.e.$-1$, $0$ or $1$. Assumes \kbd{y} is non-zero. If \kbd{y} is an odd prime, this is the \idx{Legendre symbol}. \section{Level 1 kernel (operations on longs, integers and reals)} \misctitle{Note:} Many functions consist of an elementary operation, immediately followed by an assignment statement. They will be introduced as in the following example: \fun{GEN}{gadd[z]}{GEN x, GEN y[, GEN z]} followed by the explicit description of the function \kbd{GEN \key{gadd}(GEN x, GEN y)} \noindent which creates its result on the stack, returning a \kbd{GEN} pointer to it, and the parts in brackets indicate that there exists also a function \kbd{void \key{gaddz}(GEN x, GEN y, GEN z)} \noindent which assigns its result to the pre-existing object \kbd{z}, leaving the stack unchanged. All such functions are obtained using macros (see the file \kbd{paricom.h}), hence you can easily extend the list. These assignment variants are inefficient; don't use them. \subsec{Creation} \fun{GEN}{cgeti}{long n} allocates memory on the PARI stack for a \typ{INT} of length~\kbd{n}, and initializes its first codeword. Identical to \kbd{cgetg(n,\typ{INT})}. \fun{GEN}{cgetr}{long n} allocates memory on the PARI stack for a \typ{REAL} of length~\kbd{n}, and initializes its first codeword. Identical to \kbd{cgetg(n,\typ{REAL})}. \fun{GEN}{cgetc}{long n} allocates memory on the PARI stack for a \typ{COMPLEX}, whose real and imaginary parts are \typ{REAL}s of length~\kbd{n}. \fun{GEN}{real_1}{long prec} create a \typ{REAL} equal to $1$ to \kbd{prec} words of accuracy. \fun{GEN}{real_m1}{long prec} create a \typ{REAL} equal to $-1$ to \kbd{prec} words of accuracy. \fun{GEN}{real_0_bit}{long bit} create a \typ{REAL} equal to $0$ with exponent $-\kbd{bit}$. \fun{GEN}{real_0}{long prec} is a shorthand for \bprog real_0_bit( -bit_accuracy(prec) ) @eprog \fun{GEN}{int2n}{long n} creates a \typ{INT} equal to \kbd{1<<n} (i.e $2^n$ if $n \geq 0$, and $0$ otherwise). \fun{GEN}{int2u}{ulong n} creates a \typ{INT} equal to $2^n$. \fun{GEN}{real2n}{long n, long prec} create a \typ{REAL} equal to $2^n$ to \kbd{prec} words of accuracy. \fun{GEN}{stroi}{char *s} convert the character string \kbd{s} to a \typ{INT}. \fun{GEN}{stror}{char *s, long prec} convert the character string \kbd{s} to a \typ{REAL} of precision \kbd{prec}. \subsec{Assignment}. In this section, the \kbd{z} argument in the \kbd{z}-functions must be of type \typ{INT} or~\typ{REAL}. \fun{void}{mpaff}{GEN x, GEN z} assigns \kbd{x} into~\kbd{z} (where \kbd{x} and \kbd{z} are \typ{INT} or \typ{REAL}). Assumes that $\kbd{lg(z)} > 2$. \fun{void}{affii}{GEN x, GEN z} assigns the \typ{INT} \kbd{x} into the \typ{INT}~\kbd{z}. \fun{void}{affir}{GEN x, GEN z} assigns the \typ{INT} \kbd{x} into the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{z}. Assumes that $\kbd{lg(z)} > 2$. \fun{void}{affiz}{GEN x, GEN z} assigns \typ{INT}~\kbd{x} into \typ{INT} or \typ{REAL}~\kbd{z}. Assumes that $\kbd{lg(z)} > 2$. \fun{void}{affsi}{long s, GEN z} assigns the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s} into the \typ{INT}~\kbd{z}. Assumes that $\kbd{lg(z)} > 2$. \fun{void}{affsr}{long s, GEN z} assigns the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s} into the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{z}. Assumes that $\kbd{lg(z)} > 2$. \fun{void}{affsz}{long s, GEN z} assigns the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s} into the \typ{INT} or \typ{REAL}~\kbd{z}. Assumes that $\kbd{lg(z)} > 2$. \fun{void}{affui}{ulong u, GEN z} assigns the \kbd{ulong}~\kbd{u} into the \typ{INT}~\kbd{z}. Assumes that $\kbd{lg(z)} > 2$. \fun{void}{affur}{ulong u, GEN z} assigns the \kbd{ulong}~\kbd{u} into the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{z}. Assumes that $\kbd{lg(z)} > 2$. \fun{void}{affrr}{GEN x, GEN z} assigns the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x} into the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{z}. \noindent The function \kbd{affrs} and \kbd{affri} do not exist. So don't use them. \subsec{Copy} \fun{GEN}{icopy}{GEN x} copy relevant words of the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x} on the stack: the length and effective length of the copy are equal. \fun{GEN}{rcopy}{GEN x} copy the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x} on the stack. \fun{GEN}{mpcopy}{GEN x} copy the \typ{INT} or \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x} on the stack. Contrary to \kbd{icopy}, \kbd{mpcopy} preserves the original length of a \typ{INT}. \subsec{Conversions} \fun{GEN}{itor}{GEN x, long prec} converts the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x} to a \typ{REAL} of length \kbd{prec} and return the latter. Assumes that $\kbd{prec} > 2$. \fun{long}{itos}{GEN x} converts the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x} to a \kbd{long} if possible, otherwise raise an exception. \fun{long}{itos_or_0}{GEN x} converts the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x} to a \kbd{long} if possible, otherwise return $0$. \fun{ulong}{itou}{GEN x} converts the \typ{INT}~\kbd{|x|} to an \kbd{ulong} if possible, otherwise raise an exception. \fun{long}{itou_or_0}{GEN x} converts the \typ{INT}~\kbd{|x|} to an \kbd{ulong} if possible, otherwise return $0$. \fun{GEN}{stoi}{long s} creates the \typ{INT} corresponding to the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s}. \fun{GEN}{stor}{long s, long prec} converts the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s} into a \typ{REAL} of length \kbd{prec} and return the latter. Assumes that $\kbd{prec} > 2$. \fun{GEN}{utoi}{ulong s} converts the \kbd{ulong}~\kbd{s} into a \typ{INT} and return the latter. \fun{GEN}{utoipos}{ulong s} converts the \emph{non-zero} \kbd{ulong}~\kbd{s} into a \typ{INT} and return the latter. \fun{GEN}{utoineg}{ulong s} converts the \emph{non-zero} \kbd{ulong}~\kbd{s} into a \typ{INT} and return the latter. \fun{GEN}{utor}{ulong s, long prec} converts the \kbd{ulong}~\kbd{s} into a \typ{REAL} of length \kbd{prec} and return the latter. Assumes that $\kbd{prec} > 2$. \fun{GEN}{rtor}{GEN x, long prec} converts the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x} to a \typ{REAL} of length \kbd{prec} and return the latter. If $\kbd{prec} < \kbd{lg(x)}$, round properly. If $\kbd{prec} > \kbd{lg(x)}$, padd with zeroes. Assumes that $\kbd{prec} > 2$. \noindent The following function is also available as a special case of \tet{mkintn}: \fun{GEN}{u2toi}{ulong a, ulong b} Returns the \kbd{GEN} equal to $2^{32} a + b$, \emph{assuming} that $a,b < 2^{32}$. This does not depend on \kbd{sizeof(long)}: the behaviour is as above on both $32$ and $64$-bit machines. \subsec{Integer parts} \fun{GEN}{ceilr}{GEN x} smallest integer larger or equal to the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x} (i.e.~the \kbd{ceil} function). \fun{GEN}{floorr}{GEN x} largest integer smaller or equal to the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x} (i.e.~the \kbd{floor} function). \fun{GEN}{roundr}{GEN x} rounds the \typ{REAL} \kbd{x} to the nearest integer (towards~$+\infty$). \fun{GEN}{truncr}{GEN x} truncates the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x} (not the same as \kbd{floorr} if \kbd{x} is and negative). \fun{GEN}{mpceil[z]}{GEN x[, GEN z]} as \kbd{ceilr} except that \kbd{x} may be a \typ{INT}. \fun{GEN}{ceil_safe}{GEN x}, \kbd{x} being a real number (not necessarily a \typ{REAL}) returns an integer which is larger than any possible incarnation of \kbd{x}. (Recall that a \typ{REAL} represents an interval of possible values.) \fun{GEN}{mpfloor[z]}{GEN x[, GEN z]} as \kbd{floorr} except that \kbd{x} may be a \typ{INT}. \fun{GEN}{mpround[z]}{GEN x[, GEN z]} as \kbd{roundr} except that \kbd{x} may be a \typ{INT}. \fun{GEN}{mptrunc[z]}{GEN x[, GEN z]} as \kbd{truncr} except that \kbd{x} may be a \typ{INT}. \fun{GEN}{diviiround}{GEN x, GEN y} if \kbd{x} and \kbd{y} are \typ{INT}s, returns the quotient $\kbd{x}/\kbd{y}$ of \kbd{x} and~\kbd{y}, rounded to the nearest integer. If $\kbd{x}/\kbd{y}$ falls exactly halfway between two consecutive integers, then it is rounded towards~$+\infty$ (as for \tet{roundr}). \subsec{Valuation and shift} \fun{long}{vals}{long s} 2-adic valuation of the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s}. Returns $-1$ if \kbd{s} is equal to 0. \fun{long}{vali}{GEN x} 2-adic valuation of the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x}. Returns $-1$ if \kbd{x} is equal to 0. \fun{GEN}{mpshift[z]}{GEN x, long n[, GEN z]} shifts the~\typ{INT} or \typ{REAL} \kbd{x} by~\kbd{n}. If \kbd{n} is positive, this is a left shift, i.e.~multiplication by $2^{\kbd{n}}$. If \kbd{n} is negative, it is a right shift by~$-\kbd{n}$, which amounts to the truncation of the quotient of \kbd{x} by~$2^{-\kbd{n}}$. \fun{GEN}{shifti}{GEN x, long n} shifts the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x} by~\kbd{n}. \fun{GEN}{shiftr}{GEN x, long n} shifts the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x} by~\kbd{n}. \fun{long}{Z_pvalrem}{GEN x, GEN p, GEN *r} applied to \typ{INT}s $\kbd{x}\neq 0$ and~\kbd{p}, $|\kbd{p}| > 1$, returns the highest exponent $e$ such that $\kbd{p}^{e}$ divides~\kbd{x}. The quotient $\kbd{x}/\kbd{p}^{e}$ is returned in~\kbd{*r}. In particular, if \kbd{p} is a prime, this returns the valuation at \kbd{p} of~\kbd{x}, and \kbd{*r} is the prime-to-\kbd{p} part of~\kbd{x}. \fun{long}{Z_pval}{GEN x, GEN p} as \kbd{Z\_pvalrem} but only returns the ``valuation''. \fun{long}{Z_lvalrem}{GEN x, ulong p, GEN *r} as \kbd{Z\_pvalrem}, except that \kbd{p} is an \kbd{ulong} ($\kbd{p} > 1$). \fun{long}{Z_lval}{GEN x, ulong p} as \kbd{Z\_pval}, except that \kbd{p} is an \kbd{ulong} ($\kbd{p} > 1$). \fun{long}{u_lvalrem}{ulong x, ulong p, ulong *r} as \kbd{Z\_pvalrem}, except the inputs/outputs are now \kbd{ulong}s. \fun{long}{u_pvalrem}{ulong x, GEN p, ulong *r} as \kbd{Z\_pvalrem}, except \kbd{x} and \kbd{r} are now \kbd{ulong}s. \fun{long}{u_lval}{ulong x, ulong p} as \kbd{Z\_pval}, except the inputs/outputs are now \kbd{ulong}s. \subsec{Factorization} \fun{GEN}{Z_factor}{GEN n} factors the \typ{INT} \kbd{n}. The ``primes'' in the factorization are actually strong pseudoprimes. \fun{long}{Z_issquarefree}{GEN x} returns $1$ if the \typ{INT} \kbd{n} is square-free, and $0$ otherwise. \fun{long}{Z_issquare}{GEN n} returns $1$ if \typ{INT} \kbd{n} is a square, and $0$ otherwise. This is tested first modulo small prime powers, then \kbd{sqrtremi} is called. \fun{long}{Z_issquarerem}{GEN n, GEN *sqrtn} as \kbd{Z\_issquare}. If \kbd{n} is indeed a square, set \kbd{sqrtn} to its integer square root. \fun{int}{isprime}{GEN n}, returns $1$ if the \typ{INT} \kbd{n} is a (fully proven) prime number and $0$ otherwise. \fun{int}{uisprime}{ulong p}, returns $1$ if \kbd{p} is a prime number and $0$ otherwise. \fun{long}{Z_issquarerem}{GEN n, GEN *sqrtn} as \kbd{Z\_issquare}. If \kbd{n} is indeed a square, set \kbd{sqrtn} to its integer square root. \fun{long}{uissquarerem}{ulong n, ulong *sqrtn} as \kbd{Z\_issquarerem}, for an \kbd{ulong} operand \kbd{n}. %\fun{GEN}{Z_factor_limit}{GEN n, GEN lim} as \kbd{Z\_factor}, but stop the %factorization process as soon as the unfactored part is smaller than \kbd{lim}. %The resulting factorisation matrix only contains the factors found. No other %assumptions can be made on the remaining factors. \subsec{Generic unary operators}. Let ``\op'' be a unary operation among \op=\key{neg}: negation ($-$\kbd{x}). \op=\key{abs}: absolute value ($|\kbd{x}|$). \noindent The names and prototypes of the low-level functions corresponding to \op\ are as follows. The result is of the same type as~\kbd{x}. \funno{GEN}{mp\op}{GEN x} creates the result of \op\ applied to the \typ{INT} or \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x}. \funno{GEN}{\op i}{GEN x} creates the result of \op\ applied to the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x}. \funno{GEN}{\op r}{GEN x} creates the result of \op\ applied to the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x}. \funno{GEN}{mp\op z}{GEN x, GEN z} assigns the result of applying \op\ to the \typ{INT} or \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x} into the \typ{INT} or \typ{REAL}~\kbd{z}. \misctitle{Remark:} it has not been considered useful to include functions {\tt void \op sz(long,GEN)}, {\tt void \op iz(GEN,GEN)} and {\tt void \op rz(GEN, GEN)}. \smallskip \subsec{Comparison operators} \fun{int}{mpcmp}{GEN x, GEN y} compares the \typ{INT} or \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x} to the \typ{INT} or \typ{REAL}~\kbd{y}. The result is the sign of $\kbd{x}-\kbd{y}$. \fun{int}{cmpii}{GEN x, GEN y} compares the \typ{INT} \kbd{x} to the \typ{INT}~\kbd{y}. \fun{int}{cmpir}{GEN x, GEN y} compares the \typ{INT} \kbd{x} to the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{y}. \fun{int}{cmpis}{GEN x, long s} compares the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x} to the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s}. \fun{int}{cmpsi}{long s, GEN x} compares the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s} to the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x}. \fun{int}{cmpsr}{long s, GEN x} compares the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s} to the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x}. \fun{int}{cmpri}{GEN x, GEN y} compares the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x} to the \typ{INT}~\kbd{y}. \fun{int}{cmprr}{GEN x, GEN y} compares the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x} to the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{y}. \fun{int}{cmprs}{GEN x, long s} compares the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x} to the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s}. \fun{int}{equalii}{GEN x, GEN y} compares the \typ{INT}s \kbd{x} and~\kbd{y}. The result is $1$ if $\kbd{x} = \kbd{y}$, $0$ otherwise. \fun{int}{equalsi}{long s, GEN x} \fun{int}{equalis}{GEN x, long s} compare the \typ{INT} \kbd{x} and the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s}. The result is $1$ if $\kbd{x} = \kbd{y}$, $0$ otherwise. \fun{int}{equalui}{ulong s, GEN x} \fun{int}{equaliu}{GEN x, ulong s} compare the \typ{INT} \kbd{x} and the \kbd{ulong}~\kbd{s}. The result is $1$ if $|\kbd{x}| = \kbd{y}$, $0$ otherwise. \fun{int}{absi_cmp}{GEN x, GEN y} compares the \typ{INT}s \kbd{x} and~\kbd{y}. The result is the sign of $|\kbd{x}| - |\kbd{y}|$. \fun{int}{absi_equal}{GEN x, GEN y} compares the \typ{INT}s \kbd{x} and~\kbd{y}. The result is $1$ if $|\kbd{x}| = |\kbd{y}|$, $0$ otherwise. \fun{int}{absr_cmp}{GEN x, GEN y} compares the \typ{REAL}s \kbd{x} and~\kbd{y}. The result is the sign of $|\kbd{x}| - |\kbd{y}|$. \subsec{Generic binary operators}. Let ``\op'' be a binary operation among \op=\key{add}: addition (\kbd{x + y}). The result is a \typ{REAL} unless both \kbd{x} and \kbd{y} are \typ{INT}s (or longs). \op=\key{sub}: subtraction (\kbd{x - y}). The result is a \typ{REAL} unless both \kbd{x} and \kbd{y} are \typ{INT} (or longs). \op=\key{mul}: multiplication (\kbd{x * y}). The result is a \typ{REAL} unless both \kbd{x} and \kbd{y} are \typ{INT}s (or longs), \emph{or} if \kbd{x} or \kbd{y} is an exact $0$. \op=\key{div}: division (\kbd{x / y}). In the case where \kbd{x} and \kbd{y} are both \typ{INT}s or longs, the result is the Euclidean quotient, where the remainder has the same sign as the dividend~\kbd{x}. It is the ordinary division otherwise. If one of \kbd{x} or \kbd{y} is a \typ{REAL}, the result is a \typ{REAL} unless \kbd{x} is an exact $0$. A division-by-$0$ error occurs if \kbd{y} is equal to $0$. \op=\key{rem}: remainder (``\kbd{x \% y}''). This operation is defined only when \kbd{x} and \kbd{y} are longs or \typ{INT}. The result is the Euclidean remainder corresponding to \kbd{div},~i.e. its sign is that of the dividend~\kbd{x}. The result is always a \typ{INT}. \op=\key{mod}: true remainder (\kbd{x \% y}). This operation is defined only when \kbd{x} and \kbd{y} are longs or \typ{INT}s. The result is the true Euclidean remainder, i.e.~non-negative and less than the absolute value of~\kbd{y}. \noindent The names and prototypes of the low-level functions corresponding to \op\ are as follows. In this section, the \kbd{z} argument in the \kbd{z}-functions must be of type \typ{INT} or~\typ{REAL}. \typ{INT} is only allowed when no `r' appears in the argument code (no \typ{REAL} operand is involved). \funno{GEN}{mp\op[z]}{GEN x, GEN y[, GEN z]} applies \op\ to the \typ{INT} or \typ{REAL} \kbd{x} and~\kbd{y}. \funno{GEN}{\op si[z]}{long s, GEN x[, GEN z]} applies \op\ to the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s} and the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x}. \funno{GEN}{\op sr[z]}{long s, GEN x[, GEN z]} applies \op\ to the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s} and the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x}. \funno{GEN}{\op ss[z]}{long s, long t[, GEN z]} applies \op\ to the longs \kbd{s} and~\kbd{t}. \funno{GEN}{\op ii[z]}{GEN x, GEN y[, GEN z]} applies \op\ to the \typ{INT}s \kbd{x} and~\kbd{y}. \funno{GEN}{\op ir[z]}{GEN x, GEN y[, GEN z]} applies \op\ to the \typ{INT} \kbd{x} and the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{y}. \funno{GEN}{\op is[z]}{GEN x, long s[, GEN z]} applies \op\ to the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x} and the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s}. \funno{GEN}{\op ri[z]}{GEN x, GEN y[, GEN z]} applies \op\ to the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x} and the \typ{INT}~\kbd{y}. \funno{GEN}{\op rr[z]}{GEN x, GEN y[, GEN z]} applies \op\ to the \typ{REAL}s~\kbd{x} and~\kbd{y}. \funno{GEN}{\op rs[z]}{GEN x, long s[, GEN z]} applies \op\ to the \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x} and the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s}. \noindent Some miscellaneous routines whose meaning should be clear from their names: \fun{GEN}{muluu}{ulong x, ulong y} \fun{GEN}{mului}{ulong x, GEN y} \fun{GEN}{muliu}{GEN x, ulong y} \fun{GEN}{sqri}{GEN x} squares the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x} \fun{GEN}{truedivii}{GEN x, GEN y} returns the true Euclidean quotient (with non-negative remainder less than $|y|$). \fun{GEN}{truedivis}{GEN x, long y} returns the true Euclidean quotient (with non-negative remainder less than $|y|$). \fun{GEN}{centermodii}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN y2}, given \typ{INT}s \kbd{x}, \kbd{y}, returns $z$ congruent to \kbd{x} modulo \kbd{y}, such that $-\kbd{y}/2 \leq z < \kbd{y}/2$. Assumes that \kbd{y2 = shifti(y, -1)}. the representative of ssquares the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x} \subsec{Modulo to longs}. The following variants of \kbd{modii} do not clutter the stack: \fun{long}{smodis}{GEN x, long y} computes the true Euclidean remainder of the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x} by the \kbd{long}~\kbd{y}. This is the non-negative remainder, not the one whose sign is the sign of \kbd{x} as in the \kbd{div} functions. \fun{long}{smodsi}{long x, GEN y} computes the true Euclidean remainder of the \kbd{long}~\kbd{x} by a \typ{INT}~\kbd{y}. \fun{long}{smodss}{long x, long y} computes the true Euclidean remainder of the \kbd{long}~\kbd{x} by a \typ{long}~\kbd{y}. \fun{ulong}{umodiu}{GEN x, ulong y} computes the true Euclidean remainder of the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x} by the \kbd{ulong}~\kbd{y}. \fun{ulong}{umodui}{ulong x, GEN y} computes the true Euclidean remainder of the \kbd{ulong}~\kbd{x} by the \typ{INT}~\kbd{|y|}. The routine \tet{smodsi} does not exist, since it would not always be defined: for a \emph{negative} \kbd{x}, its result \kbd{x + |y|} would in general not fit into a \kbd{long}. Use either \kbd{umodui} or \kbd{modsi}. \subsec{Exact division and divisibility} \fun{void}{diviiexact}{GEN x, GEN y} returns the Euclidean quotient $\kbd{x} / \kbd{y}$, assuming $\kbd{y}$ divides $\kbd{x}$. Uses Jebelean algorithm (Jebelean-Krandick bidirectional exact division is not implemented). \fun{void}{diviuexact}{GEN x, ulong y} returns the Euclidean quotient $|\kbd{x}| / \kbd{y}$ (note the absolue value!), assuming $\kbd{y}$ divides $\kbd{x}$ and $\kbd{y}$ is non-zero. \fun{int}{dvdii}{GEN x, GEN y} if the \typ{INT}~\kbd{y} divides the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x}, returns 1 (true), otherwise returns 0 (false). \fun{int}{dvdiiz}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN z} if the \typ{INT}~\kbd{y} divides the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x}, assigns the quotient to the \typ{INT}~\kbd{z} and returns 1 (true), otherwise returns 0 (false). \fun{int}{dvdisz}{GEN x, long y, GEN z} if the \typ{long}~\kbd{y} divides the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x}, assigns the quotient to the \typ{INT}~\kbd{z} and returns 1 (true), otherwise returns 0 (false). \fun{int}{dvdiuz}{GEN x, ulong y, GEN z} if the \typ{ulong}~\kbd{y} divides the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x}, assigns the quotient $|\kbd{x}|/\kbd{y}$ to the \typ{INT}~\kbd{z} and returns 1 (true), otherwise returns 0 (false). \subsec{Division with remainder}. The following functions return two objects, unless specifically asked for only one of them~--- a quotient and a remainder. The quotient is returned and the remainder is returned through the variable whose address is passed as the \kbd{r} argument. The term \emph{true Euclidean remainder} refers to the non-negative one (\kbd{mod}), and \emph{Euclidean remainder} by itself to the one with the same sign as the dividend (\kbd{rem}). All \kbd{GEN}s, whether returned directly or through a pointer, are created on the stack. \fun{GEN}{dvmdii}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN *r} returns the Euclidean quotient of the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x} by a \typ{INT}~\kbd{y} and puts the remainder into~\kbd{*r}. If \kbd{r} is equal to \kbd{NULL}, the remainder is not created, and if \kbd{r} is equal to \kbd{ONLY\_REM}, only the remainder is created and returned. In the generic case, the remainder is created after the quotient and can be disposed of individually with a \kbd{cgiv(r)}. The remainder is always of the sign of the dividend~\kbd{x}. If the remainder is $0$ set \kbd{r = gen\_0}. \fun{void}{dvmdiiz}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN z, GEN t} assigns the Euclidean quotient of the \typ{INT}s \kbd{x} and \kbd{y} into the \typ{INT} or \typ{REAL}~\kbd{z}, and the Euclidean remainder into the \typ{INT} or \typ{REAL}~\kbd{t}. \noindent Analogous routines \tet{dvmdis}\kbd{[z]}, \tet{dvmdsi}\kbd{[z]}, \tet{dvmdss}\kbd{[z]} are available, where \kbd{s} denotes a \kbd{long} argument. But the following routines are in general more flexible: \fun{long}{sdivss_rem}{long s, long t, long *r} computes the Euclidean quotient and remainder of the longs \kbd{s} and~\kbd{t}. Puts the remainder into \kbd{*r}, and returns the quotient. The remainder is of the sign of the dividend~\kbd{s}, and has strictly smaller absolute value than~\kbd{t}. \fun{long}{sdivsi_rem}{long s, GEN x, long *r} computes the Euclidean quotient and remainder of the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s} by the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x}. As \kbd{sdivss\_rem} otherwise. \fun{long}{sdivsi}{long s, GEN x} as \kbd{sdivsi\_rem}, without remainder. \fun{GEN}{divis_rem}{GEN x, long s, long *r} computes the Euclidean quotient and remainder of the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x} by the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s}. As \kbd{sdivss\_rem} otherwise. \fun{GEN}{diviu_rem}{GEN x, ulong s, long *r} computes the Euclidean quotient and remainder of the \typ{INT}~\kbd{x} by the \kbd{ulong}~\kbd{s}. As \kbd{sdivss\_rem} otherwise. \fun{GEN}{divsi_rem}{long s, GEN y, long *r} computes the Euclidean quotient and remainder of the \typ{long}~\kbd{s} by the \kbd{GEN}~\kbd{y}. As \kbd{sdivss\_rem} otherwise. \fun{GEN}{divss_rem}{long x, long y, long *r} computes the Euclidean quotient and remainder of the \typ{long}~\kbd{x} by the \kbd{long}~\kbd{y}. As \kbd{sdivss\_rem} otherwise. \smallskip \fun{GEN}{truedvmdii}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN *r}, as \kbd{dvmdii} but with a non-negative remainder. \subsec{Square root and remainder} \fun{GEN}{sqrtremi}{GEN N, GEN *r}, returns the integer square root $S$ of the non-negative \typ{INT}~\kbd{N} (rounded towards 0) and puts the remainder $R$ into~\kbd{*r}. Precisely, $N = S^2 + R$ with $0\leq R \leq 2S$. If \kbd{r} is equal to \kbd{NULL}, the remainder is not created. In the generic case, the remainder is created after the quotient and can be disposed of individually with \kbd{cgiv(R)}. If the remainder is $0$ set \kbd{R = gen\_0}. Uses a divide and conquer algorithm (discrete variant of Newton iteration) due to Paul Zimmermann (``Karatsuba Square Root'', INRIA Research Report 3805 (1999)). \fun{GEN}{sqrti}{GEN N}, returns the integer square root $S$ of the non-negative \typ{INT}~\kbd{N} (rounded towards 0). This is identical to \kbd{sqrtremi(N, NULL)}. \subsec{Pseudo-random integers} \fun{long}{random_bits}{long k} returns a random $0 \leq x < 2^k$. Assumes that $0 \leq k < 31$. \fun{long}{pari_rand31}{long k} as \kbd{random\_bits} with $k = 31$. \fun{GEN}{randomi}{GEN n} returns a random \typ{INT} between $0$ and $\kbd{n} - 1$. The result is pasted from successive calls to \kbd{pari\_rand31}. \subsec{Modular operations}. In this subsection, all \kbd{GEN}s are \typ{INT}. \fun{ulong}{Fp_powu}{GEN x, ulong n, GEN m} raises \kbd{x} to the \kbd{n}-th power modulo \kbd{p} (smallest non-negative residue). \fun{GEN}{Fp_pow}{GEN x, GEN n, GEN m} returns $\kbd{x}^\kbd{n}$ modulo \kbd{p} (smallest non-negative residue). \fun{GEN}{Fp_inv}{GEN a, GEN m} returns an inverse of \kbd{a} modulo \kbd{m} (smallest non-negative residue). Raise an error if \kbd{a} is not invertible. \fun{GEN}{Fp_invsafe}{GEN a, GEN m} as \kbd{Fp\_inv}, but return \kbd{NULL} if \kbd{a} is not invertible. \fun{int}{invmod}{GEN a, GEN m, GEN *g}, return $1$ if \kbd{a} modulo \kbd{m} is invertible, else return $0$ and set $\kbd{g} = \gcd(\kbd{a},\kbd{m})$. \fun{GEN}{Fp_sqrt}{GEN x, GEN p} returns a square root of \kbd{x} modulo \kbd{p} (the smallest non-negative residue), where \kbd{x}, \kbd{p} are \typ{INT}s, and \kbd{p} is assumed to be prime. Return \kbd{NULL} if \kbd{x} is not a quadratic residue modulo \kbd{p}. \fun{GEN}{Fp_sqrtn}{GEN x, GEN n, GEN p, GEN *zn} returns an \kbd{n}-th root of $\kbd{x}$ modulo \kbd{p} (smallest non-negative residue), where \kbd{x}, \kbd{n}, \kbd{p} are \typ{INT}s, and \kbd{p} is assumed to be prime. Return \kbd{NULL} if \kbd{x} is not an \kbd{n}-th power residue. Otherwise, if \kbd{zn} is non-\kbd{NULL} set it to a primitive \kbd{n}-th root of $1$. \fun{long}{kross}{long x, long y} returns the \idx{Kronecker symbol} $(x|y)$, i.e.$-1$, $0$ or $1$. If \kbd{y} is an odd prime, this is the \idx{Legendre symbol}. (Contrary to \kbd{krouu}, \kbd{kross} also supports $\kbd{y} = 0$) \fun{long}{krois}{GEN x, long y} returns the \idx{Kronecker symbol} $(x|y)$ of \typ{INT}~x and \kbd{long}~\kbd{y}. As \kbd{kross} otherwise. \fun{long}{krosi}{long x, GEN y} returns the \idx{Kronecker symbol} $(x|y)$ of \kbd{long}~x and \typ{INT}~\kbd{y}. As \kbd{kross} otherwise. \fun{long}{kronecker}{GEN x, GEN y} returns the \idx{Kronecker symbol} $(x|y)$ of \typ{INT}s~x and~\kbd{y}. As \kbd{kross} otherwise. \fun{GEN}{gener_Fp}{GEN p} returns a primitive root modulo \kbd{p}, assuming \kbd{p} is prime. \fun{GEN}{gener_Fp_local}{GEN p, GEN L}, \kbd{L} being a vector of primes dividing $p - 1$, returns an integer $x$ which is a generator of the $\ell$-Sylow of $\F_p^*$ for every $\ell$ in \kbd{L}. In other words, $x^{(p-1)/\ell} \neq 1$ for all such $\ell$. In particular, returns \kbd{Fp\_gener(p)} if \kbd{L} contains all primes dividing $p - 1$. \subsec{Miscellaneous functions} \fun{void}{addumului}{ulong a, ulong b, GEN x} return $a + b|X|$. \fun{long}{cgcd}{long x, long y}, returns the GCD of the \typ{long}s \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}. \fun{long}{cbezout}{long a,long b, long *u,long *v}, returns the GCD $d$ of \kbd{a} and \kbd{b} and sets \kbd{u}, \kbd{v} to the Bezout coefficients such that $\kbd{au} + \kbd{bv} = d$. \fun{GEN}{bezout}{GEN a,GEN b, GEN *u,GEN *v}, returns the GCD $d$ of \typ{INT}s \kbd{a} and \kbd{b} and sets \kbd{u}, \kbd{v} to the Bezout coefficients such that $\kbd{au} + \kbd{bv} = d$. \fun{GEN}{factoru}{ulong n}, returns the factorization of $n$. The result is a $2$-component vector $[P,E]$, where $P$ and $E$ are \typ{VECSMALL} containing the prime divisors of $n$, and the $v_p(n)$. \fun{GEN}{factoru_pow}{ulong n}, returns the factorization of $n$. The result is a $3$-component vector $[P,E,C]$, where $P$, $E$ and $C$ are \typ{VECSMALL} containing the prime divisors of $n$, the $v_p(n)$ and the $p^{v_p(n)}$. \fun{GEN}{gcdii}{GEN x, GEN y}, returns the GCD of the \typ{INT}s \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}. \fun{GEN}{lcmii}{GEN x, GEN y}, returns the LCM of the \typ{INT}s \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}. \fun{long}{maxss}{long x, long y}, return the largest of \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}. \fun{long}{minss}{long x, long y}, return the smallest of \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}. \fun{GEN}{powuu}{ulong n, ulong k}, returns $n^k$. \fun{GEN}{powiu}{GEN n, ulong k}, assumes $n$ is a \typ{INT} and returns $n^k$. \fun{ulong}{upowuu}{ulong n, ulong k}, returns $n^k$ modulo $2^\B$. This is meant to be used for tiny $k$, where in fact $n^k$ fits into an \kbd{ulong}. \fun{void}{rdivii}{GEN x, GEN y, long prec}, assuming \kbd{x} and \kbd{y} are both of type \typ{INT}, return the quotient x/y as a \typ{REAL} of precision \kbd{prec}. \fun{void}{rdivis}{GEN x, long y, long prec}, assuming \kbd{x} is of type \typ{INT}, return the quotient x/y as a \typ{REAL} of precision \kbd{prec}. \fun{void}{rdivsi}{long x, GEN y, long prec}, assuming \kbd{y} is of type \typ{INT}, return the quotient x/y as a \typ{REAL} of precision \kbd{prec}. \fun{void}{rdivss}{long x, long y, long prec}, return the quotient x/y as a \typ{REAL} of precision \kbd{prec}. \section{Level 2 kernel (modular arithmetic)} \noindent These routines implement univariate polynomial arithmetic and linear algebra over finite fields, in fact over finite rings of the form $(\Z/p\Z)[X]/(T)$, where $p$ is not necessarily prime and $T\in(\Z/p\Z)[X]$ is possibly reducible; and finite extensions thereof. All this can be emulated with \typ{INTMOD} and \typ{POLMOD} coefficients and using generic routines, at a considerable loss of efficiency. Also, some specialized routines are available that have no obvious generic equivalent. \subsec{Naming scheme}. A function name is built in the following way: $A_1\kbd{\_}\dots\kbd{\_}A_n\var{fun}$ for an operation \var{fun} with $n$ arguments of class $A_1$,\dots, $A_n$. A class name is given by a base ring followed by a number of code letters. Base rings are among \kbd{Fl}: $\Z/l\Z$ where $l < 2^{\B}$ is not necessarily prime. Implemented using \kbd{ulong}s \kbd{Fp}: $\Z/p\Z$ where $p$ is a \typ{INT}, not necessarily prime. Implemented as \typ{INT}s $z$, preferably satisfying $0 \leq z < p$. More precisely, any \typ{INT} can be used as an \kbd{Fp}, but reduced inputs are treated more efficiently. Outputs from \kbd{Fp}xxx routines are reduced. \kbd{Fq}: $\Z[X]/(p,T(X))$, $p$ a \typ{INT}, $T$ a \typ{POL} with \kbd{Fp} coefficients or \kbd{NULL} (in which case no reduction modulo \kbd{T} is performed). Implemented as \typ{POL}s $z$ with \kbd{Fp} coefficients, $\deg(z) < \deg \kbd{T}$. \kbd{Z}: the integers $\Z$, implemented as \typ{INT}s. \kbd{z}: the integers $\Z$, implemented using (signed) \kbd{long}s. \kbd{Q}: the rational numbers $\Q$, implemented as \typ{INT}s and \typ{FRAC}s. \kbd{Rg}: a commutative ring, whose elements can be \kbd{gadd}-ed, \kbd{gmul}-ed, etc. \noindent Possible letters are: \kbd{X}: polynomial in $X$ (\typ{POL} in a fixed variable), e.g. \kbd{FpX} means $\Z/p\Z[X]$ \kbd{Y}: polynomial in $Y\neq X$. E.g. \kbd{FpXY} means $((\Z/p\Z)[Y])[X]$ \kbd{V}: vector (\typ{VEC} or \typ{COL}), treated as a line vector (independantly of the actual type). E.g. \kbd{ZV} means $\Z^k$ for some $k$. \kbd{C}: vector (\typ{VEC} or \typ{COL}), treated as a column vector (independantly of the actual type). The difference with \kbd{V} is purely semantic. \kbd{M}: matrix (\typ{MAT}). E.g. \kbd{QM} means a matrix with rational entries \kbd{Q}: representative (\typ{POL}) of a class in a polynomial quotient ring. E.g.~an \kbd{FpXQ} belongs to $(\Z/p\Z)[X]/(T(X))$, \kbd{FpXQV} means a vector of such elements, etc. \kbd{x}, \kbd{m}, \kbd{v}, \kbd{c}, \kbd{q}: as their uppercase counterpart, but coefficient arrays are implemented using \typ{VECSMALL}s, which coefficient understood as \kbd{ulong}s. \kbd{x} (and \kbd{q}) are implemented by a \typ{VECSMALL} whose first coefficient is used as a code-word and the following are the coefficients , similarly to a \typ{POL}. This is known as a 'POLSMALL'. \kbd{m} are implemented by a \typ{MAT} whose components (columns) are \typ{VECSMALL}s. This is know as a 'MATSMALL'. \kbd{v} and \kbd{c} are regular \typ{VECSMALL}s. Difference between the two is purely semantic. \noindent Omitting the letter means the argument is a scalar in the base ring. Standard functions \var{fun} are \kbd{add}: add \kbd{sub}: subtract \kbd{mul}: multiply \kbd{sqr}: square \kbd{div}: divide (Euclidean quotient) \kbd{rem}: Euclidean remainder \kbd{divrem}: return Euclidean quotient, store remainder in a pointer argument. \kbd{gcd}: GCD \kbd{extgcd}: return GCD, store Bezout coefficients in pointer arguments \kbd{pow}: exponentiate \kbd{compo}: composition \subsec{\kbd{ZX}, \kbd{ZV}, \kbd{ZM}}. A \kbd{ZV} (resp.~a~\kbd{ZM}, resp.~a~\kbd{ZX}) is a \typ{VEC} or \typ{COL} (resp.~\typ{MAT}, resp.~\typ{POL}) with \typ{INT} coefficients. \subsubsec{\kbd{ZV}} \fun{GEN}{ZV_add}{GEN x, GEN y} adds \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}. \fun{GEN}{ZV_sub}{GEN x, GEN y} subtracts \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}. \subsubsec{\kbd{ZX}} \fun{GEN}{ZX_renormalize}{GEN x, long l}, as \kbd{normalizepol}, where $\kbd{l} = \kbd{lg(x)}$, in place. \fun{GEN}{ZX_add}{GEN x,GEN y} adds \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}. \fun{GEN}{ZX_sub}{GEN x,GEN y} subtracts \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}. \fun{GEN}{ZX_neg}{GEN x,GEN p} returns $-\kbd{x}$. \fun{GEN}{ZX_Z_add}{GEN x,GEN y} adds the integer \kbd{y} to the polynomial \kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{ZX_Z_mul}{GEN x,GEN y} multiplies the polynomial \kbd{x} by the integer \kbd{y}. \fun{GEN}{ZX_mul}{GEN x,GEN y} multiplies \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}. \fun{GEN}{ZX_sqr}{GEN x,GEN p} returns $\kbd{x}^2$. \fun{GEN}{ZX_caract}{GEN T, GEN A, long v} returns the characteristic polynomial of \kbd{Mod(A, T)}, where \kbd{T} is a \kbd{ZX}, \kbd{A} is a \kbd{ZX}. More generally, \kbd{A} is allowed to be a \kbd{QX}, hence possibly has rational coefficients, \emph{assuming} the result is a \kbd{ZX}, i.e.~the algebraic number \kbd{Mod(A,T)} is integral over \kbd{Z}. \fun{GEN}{ZX_disc}{GEN T} returns the discriminant of the \kbd{ZX} \kbd{T}. \fun{int}{ZX_is_squarefree}{GEN T} returns $1$ if the \kbd{ZX}~\kbd{T} is squarefree, $0$ otherwise. \fun{GEN}{ZX_resultant}{GEN A, GEN B} returns the resultant of the \kbd{ZX}~\kbd{A} and \kbd{B}. \fun{GEN}{ZX_QX_resultant}{GEN A, GEN B} returns the resultant of the \kbd{ZX}~\kbd{A} and the \kbd{QX}~\kbd{B}, \emph{assuming} the result is an integer. \fun{GEN}{ZY_ZXY_resultant}{GEN A, GEN B} under the assumption that \kbd{A} in $\Z[Y]$, \kbd{B} in $\Q[Y][X]$, and $R = \text{Res}_Y(A, B) \in \Z[X]$, returns the resultant $R$. \fun{GEN}{ZY_ZXY_rnfequation}{GEN A, GEN B, long *lambda}, assume \kbd{A} in $\Z[Y]$, \kbd{B} in $\Q[Y][X]$, and $R = \text{Res}_Y(A, B) \in \Z[X]$. If \kbd{lambda = NULL}, returns $R$ as in \kbd{ZY\_ZXY\_resultant}. Otherwise, \kbd{lambda} must point to some integer, e.g. $0$ which is used as a seed. The function then finds a small $\lambda \in \Z$ (starting from \kbd{*lambda}) such that $R_\lambda(X) := \text{Res}_Y(A, B(X + \lambda Y))$ is squarefree, resets \kbd{*lambda} to the chosen value and returns $R_{\lambda}$. \fun{GEN}{ZM_inv}{GEN M, GEN d} if \kbd{M} is a \kbd{ZM} and \kbd{d} is a \typ{INT} such that $M' := \kbd{d}\kbd{M}^{-1}$ is integral, return $M'$. It is allowed to set \kbd{d = NULL}, in which case, the determinant of \kbd{M} is computed and used instead. \fun{GEN}{QM_inv}{GEN M, GEN d} as above, with \kbd{M} a \kbd{QM}. We still assume that $M'$ has integer coefficients. \subsec{\kbd{FpX}}. Let \kbd{p} an understood \typ{INT}, to be given in the function arguments; in practice \kbd{p} is not assumed to be prime, but be wary. An \kbd{Fp} object is a \typ{INT} belonging to $[0, \kbd{p}-1]$, an \kbd{FpX} is a \typ{POL} in a fixed variable whose coefficients are \kbd{Fp} objects. Unless mentionned otherwise, all outputs in this section are \kbd{FpX}s. All operations are understood to take place in $(\Z/\kbd{p}\Z)[X]$. \subsubsec{Basic operations}. In what follows \kbd{p} is always a \typ{INT}, not necessarily prime. \fun{GEN}{Rg_to_Fp}{GEN z, GEN p}, \kbd{z} a scalar which can be mapped to $\Z/p\Z$: a \typ{INT}, a \typ{INTMOD} whose modulus is divisible by $p$, a \typ{FRAC} whose denominator is coprime to $p$, or a \typ{PADIC} with underlying prime $p$. Returns \kbd{lift(z * Mod(1,p))}, normalized. \fun{GEN}{RgX_to_FpX}{GEN z, GEN p}, \kbd{z} a \typ{POL}, returns the \kbd{FpX} obtained by applying \kbd{Rg\_to\_Fp} coefficientwise. \fun{GEN}{RgV_to_FpV}{GEN z, GEN p}, \kbd{z} a \typ{VEC} or \typ{COL}, returns the \kbd{FpV} (as a \typ{VEC}) obtained by applying \kbd{Rg\_to\_Fp} coefficientwise. \fun{GEN}{RgC_to_FpC}{GEN z, GEN p}, \kbd{z} a \typ{VEC} or \typ{COL}, returns the \kbd{FpC} (as a \typ{COL}) obtained by applying \kbd{Rg\_to\_Fp} coefficientwise. \fun{GEN}{FpX_to_mod}{GEN z, GEN p}, \kbd{z} a \kbd{ZX}. Returns \kbd{z * Mod(1,p)}, normalized. Hence the returned value has \typ{INTMOD} coefficients. \fun{GEN}{FpX_red}{GEN z, GEN p}, \kbd{z} a \kbd{ZX}, returns \kbd{lift(z * Mod(1,p))}, normalized. \fun{GEN}{FpXV_red}{GEN z, GEN p}, \kbd{z} a \typ{VEC} of \kbd{ZX}. Applies \kbd{FpX\_red} componentwise and returns the result (and we obtain a vector of \kbd{FpX}s). \noindent Now, except for \kbd{p}, the operands and outputs are all \kbd{FpX} objects. Results are undefined on other inputs. \fun{GEN}{FpX_add}{GEN x,GEN y, GEN p} adds \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}. \fun{GEN}{FpX_neg}{GEN x,GEN p} returns $-\kbd{x}$. \fun{GEN}{FpX_renormalize}{GEN x, long l}, as \kbd{normalizepol}, where $\kbd{l} = \kbd{lg(x)}$, in place. \fun{GEN}{FpX_sub}{GEN x,GEN y,GEN p} subtracts \kbd{y} from \kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{FpX_mul}{GEN x,GEN y,GEN p} multiplies \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}. \fun{GEN}{FpX_sqr}{GEN x,GEN p} returns $\kbd{x}^2$. \fun{GEN}{FpX_divrem}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN p, GEN *pr} returns the quotient of \kbd{x} by \kbd{y}, and sets \kbd{pr} to the remainder. \fun{GEN}{FpX_div}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN p} returns the quotient of \kbd{x} by \kbd{y}. \fun{GEN}{FpX_div_by_X_x}{GEN A, GEN a, GEN p, GEN *r} returns the quotient of the \kbd{FpX}~\kbd{A} by $(X - \kbd{a})$, and sets \kbd{r} to the remainder $\kbd{A}(\kbd{a})$. \fun{GEN}{FpX_rem}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN p} returns the remainder \kbd{x} mod \kbd{y} \fun{GEN}{FpX_gcd}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN p} returns a (not necessarily monic) greatest common divisor of $x$ and $y$. \fun{GEN}{FpX_extgcd}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN p, GEN *u, GEN *v} returns $d = \text{GCD}(\kbd{x},\kbd{y})$, and sets \kbd{*u}, \kbd{*v} to the Bezout coefficients such that $\kbd{*ux} + \kbd{*vy} = d$. \fun{GEN}{FpX_center}{GEN z, GEN p} returns the polynomial whose coefficient belong to the symmetric residue system (clean version of \kbd{centermod}, which assumes the coefficients already belong to $[0,\kbd{p}-1]$). \subsubsec{Miscellaneous operations} \fun{GEN}{FpX_normalize}{GEN z, GEN p} divides the \kbd{FpX}~\kbd{z} by its leading coefficient. If the latter is~$1$, \kbd{z} itself is returned, not a copy. If not, the inverse remains uncollected on the stack. \fun{GEN}{FpX_Fp_add}{GEN y, GEN x, GEN p} add the \kbd{Fp}~\kbd{x} to the \kbd{FpX}~\kbd{y}, possibly modifying the argument \kbd{y} (thus the operation uses constant time instead of linear linear). This function is not suitable for \kbd{gerepileupto} nor for \kbd{gerepile}. \fun{GEN}{FpX_Fp_mul}{GEN y, GEN x, GEN p} multiplies the \kbd{FpX}~\kbd{y} by the \kbd{Fp}~\kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{FpX_rescale}{GEN P, GEN h, GEN p} returns $h^{\deg(P)} P(x/h)$. \kbd{P} is an \kbd{FpX} and \kbd{h} is a non-zero \kbd{Fp} (the routine would work with any non-zero \typ{INT} but is not efficient in this case). \fun{GEN}{FpX_eval}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN p} evaluates the \kbd{FpX}~\kbd{x} at the \kbd{Fp}~\kbd{y}. The result is an~\kbd{Fp}. \fun{GEN}{FpXV_FpC_mul}{GEN V, GEN W, GEN p} multiplies a line vector of\kbd{FpX} by a column vector of \kbd{Fp} (scalar product). The result is an~\kbd{FpX}. \fun{GEN}{FpXV_prod}{GEN V, GEN p}, \kbd{V} being a vector of \kbd{FpX}, returns their product. \fun{GEN}{FpV_roots_to_pol}{GEN V, GEN p, long v}, \kbd{V} being a vector of \kbd{INT}s, returns the monic \kbd{FpX} $\prod_i (\kbd{pol\_x[v]} - \kbd{V[i]})$. \fun{GEN}{FpX_chinese_coprime}{GEN x,GEN y, GEN Tx,GEN Ty, GEN Tz, GEN p} returns an \kbd{FpX}, congruent to \kbd{x} mod \kbd{Tx} and to \kbd{y} mod \kbd{Ty}. Assumes \kbd{Tx} and \kbd{Ty} are coprime, and \kbd{Tz = Tx * Ty} or \kbd{NULL} (in which case it is computed within). \fun{GEN}{FpV_polint}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN p} returns the \kbd{FpX} interpolation polynomial with value \kbd{y[i]} at \kbd{x[i]}. Assumes lengths are the same, components are \typ{INT}s, and the \kbd{x[i]} are distinct modulo \kbd{p}. \fun{long}{FpX_is_squarefree}{GEN f, GEN p} returns $1$ if the \kbd{FpX}~\kbd{f} is squarefree, $0$ otherwise. \fun{long}{FpX_is_irred}{GEN f, GEN p} returns $1$ if the \kbd{FpX}~\kbd{f} is irreducible, $0$ otherwise. Assumes that \kbd{p} is prime. If~\kbd{f} has few factors, \kbd{FpX\_nbfact(f,p) == 1} is much faster. \fun{long}{FpX_is_totally_split}{GEN f, GEN p} returns $1$ if the \kbd{FpX}~\kbd{f} splits into a product of distinct linear factors, $0$ otherwise. Assumes that \kbd{p} is prime. \fun{GEN}{FpX_factor}{GEN f, GEN p}, factors the \kbd{FpX}~\kbd{f}. Assumes that \kbd{p} is prime. The returned value \kbd{v} has two components: \kbd{v[1]} is a vector of distinct irreducible (\kbd{FpX}) factors, and \kbd{v[2]} is a \typ{VECSMALL} of corresponding exponents. The order of the factors is deterministic (the computation is not). \fun{long}{FpX_nbfact}{GEN f, GEN p}, assuming the \kbd{FpX}~f is squarefree, returns the number of its irreducible factors. Assumes that \kbd{p} is prime. \fun{long}{FpX_degfact}{GEN f, GEN p}, as \kbd{FpX\_factor}, but the degrees of the irreducible factors are returned instead of the factors themselves (as a \typ{VECSMALL}). Assumes that \kbd{p} is prime. \fun{long}{FpX_nbroots}{GEN f, GEN p} returns the number of distinct roots in \kbd{\Z/p\Z} of the \kbd{FpX}~\kbd{f}. Assumes that \kbd{p} is prime. \fun{GEN}{FpX_roots}{GEN f, GEN p} returns the roots in \kbd{\Z/p\Z} of the \kbd{FpX}~\kbd{f} (without multiplicity, as a vector of \kbd{Fp}s). Assumes that \kbd{p} is prime. \fun{GEN}{FpX_rand}{long d, long v, GEN p} returns a random \kbd{FpX} in variable \kbd{v}, of degree less than~\kbd{d}. \fun{GEN}{FpX_resultant}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN p} returns the resultant of \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}, both \kbd{FpX}. The result is a \typ{INT} belonging to $[0,p-1]$. \fun{GEN}{FpY_FpXY_resultant}{GEN a, GEN b, GEN p}, \kbd{a} a \typ{POL} of \typ{INT}s (say in variable $Y$), \kbd{b} a \typ{POL} (say in variable $X$) whose coefficients are either \typ{POL}s in $\Z[Y]$ or \typ{INT}s. Returns $\text{Res}_Y(a, b)$, which is an \kbd{FpX}. The function assumes that $Y$ has lower priority than $X$. \subsec{\kbd{FpXQ}, \kbd{Fq}}. Let \kbd{p} a \typ{INT} and \kbd{T} an \kbd{FpX} for \kbd{p}, both to be given in the function arguments; an \kbd{FpXQ} object is an \kbd{FpX} whose degree is strictly less than the degree of \kbd{T}. An \kbd{Fq} is either an \kbd{FpXQ} or an \kbd{Fp}. Both represent a class in $(\Z/\kbd{p}\Z)[X] / (T)$, in which all operations below take place. In addition, \kbd{Fq} routines also allow $\kbd{T} = \kbd{NULL}$, in which case no reduction mod \kbd{T} is performed on the result. For efficiency, the routines in this section may leave small unused objects behind on the stack (their output is still suitable for \kbd{gerepileupto}). Besides \kbd{T} and \kbd{p}, arguments are either \kbd{FpXQ} or \kbd{Fq} depending on the function name. (All \kbd{Fq} routines accept \kbd{FpXQ}s by definition, not the other way round.) \fun{GEN}{Rg_to_FpXQ}{GEN z, GEN T, GEN p}, \kbd{z} a \kbd{GEN} which can be mapped to $\F_p[X]/(T)$: anything \kbd{Rg\_to\_Fp} can be applied to, a \typ{POL} to which \kbd{RgX\_to\_FpX} can be applied to, a \typ{POLMOD} whose modulus is divisible by $T$ (once mapped to a \kbd{FpX}), a suitable \typ{RFRAC}. Returns \kbd{z} as an \kbd{FpXQ}, normalized. \fun{GEN}{RgX_to_FpXQX}{GEN z, GEN T, GEN p}, \kbd{z} a \typ{POL}, returns the \kbd{FpXQ} obtained by applying \kbd{Rg\_to\_FpXQ} coefficientwise. \fun{GEN}{RgX_to_FqX}{GEN z, GEN T, GEN p}, \kbd{z} a \typ{POL}, returns the \kbd{FpXQ} obtained by applying \kbd{Rg\_to\_FpXQ} coefficientwise and simplifying scalars to \typ{INT}s. \fun{GEN}{Fq_red}{GEN x, GEN T, GEN p}, \kbd{x} a \kbd{ZX} or \typ{INT}, reduce it to an \kbd{Fq} ($\kbd{T} = \kbd{NULL}$ is allowed iff \kbd{x} is a \typ{INT}). \fun{GEN}{FqX_red}{GEN x, GEN T, GEN p}, \kbd{x} a \typ{POL} whose coefficients are \kbd{ZX}s or \typ{INT}s, reduce them to \kbd{Fq}s. (If $\kbd{T} = \kbd{NULL}$, as \kbd{FpXX\_red(x, p)}.) \fun{GEN}{FqV_red}{GEN x, GEN T, GEN p}, \kbd{x} a vector of \kbd{ZX}s or \typ{INT}s, reduce them to \kbd{Fq}s. (If $\kbd{T} = \kbd{NULL}$, only reduce components mod \kbd{p} to \kbd{FpX}s or \kbd{Fp}s.) \fun{GEN}{FpXQ_mul}{GEN y, GEN x, GEN T,GEN p} \fun{GEN}{FpXQ_sqr}{GEN y, GEN T, GEN p} \fun{GEN}{FpXQ_div}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN T,GEN p} \fun{GEN}{FpXQ_inv}{GEN x, GEN T, GEN p} computes the inverse of \kbd{x} \fun{GEN}{FpXQ_invsafe}{GEN x,GEN T,GEN p}, as \kbd{FpXQ\_inv}, returning \kbd{NULL} if \kbd{x} is not invertible. \fun{GEN}{FpXQ_pow}{GEN x, GEN n, GEN T, GEN p} computes $\kbd{x}^\kbd{n}$. \fun{GEN}{Fq_add}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN T/*unused*/, GEN p} \fun{GEN}{Fq_sub}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN T/*unused*/, GEN p} \fun{GEN}{Fq_mul}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN T, GEN p} \fun{GEN}{Fq_neg}{GEN x, GEN T, GEN p} \fun{GEN}{Fq_neg_inv}{GEN x, GEN T, GEN p} computes $-\kbd{x}^{-1}$ \fun{GEN}{Fq_inv}{GEN x, GEN pol, GEN p} computes $\kbd{x}^{-1}$, raising an error if \kbd{x} is not invertible. \fun{GEN}{Fq_invsafe}{GEN x, GEN pol, GEN p} as \kbd{Fq\_inv}, but returns \kbd{NULL} if \kbd{x} is not invertible. \fun{GEN}{Fq_pow}{GEN x, GEN n, GEN pol, GEN p} returns $\kbd{x}^\kbd{n}$. \fun{GEN}{FpXQ_charpoly}{GEN x, GEN T, GEN p} returns the characteristic polynomial of \kbd{x} \fun{GEN}{FpXQ_minpoly}{GEN x, GEN T, GEN p} returns the minimal polynomial of \kbd{x} \fun{GEN}{FpXQ_powers}{GEN x, long n, GEN T, GEN p} returns $[\kbd{x}^0, \dots, \kbd{x}^\kbd{n}]$ as a \typ{VEC} of \kbd{FpXQ}s. \fun{GEN}{FpX_FpXQ_compo}{GEN f,GEN x,GEN T,GEN p} returns $\kbd{f}(\kbd{x})$. \fun{GEN}{FpX_FpXQV_compo}{GEN f,GEN V,GEN T,GEN p} returns $\kbd{f}(\kbd{x})$, assuming that \kbd{V} was computed by $\kbd{FpXQ\_powers}(\kbd{x}, n, \kbd{T}, \kbd{p})$. \subsec{\kbd{FpXX}}. Contrary to what the name implies, an \kbd{FpXQX} is a \typ{POL} whose coefficients are either \typ{INT}s or \typ{FpX}s. This reduce memory overhead at the expense of consistency. \fun{GEN}{FpXX_add}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN p} adds \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}. \fun{GEN}{FpXX_red}{GEN z, GEN p}, \kbd{z} a \typ{POL} whose coefficients are either \kbd{ZX}s or \typ{INT}s. Returns the \typ{POL} equal to \kbd{z} with all components reduced modulo \kbd{p}. \fun{GEN}{FpXX_renormalize}{GEN x, long l}, as \kbd{normalizepol}, where $\kbd{l} = \kbd{lg(x)}$, in place. \subsec{\kbd{FpXQX}, \kbd{FqX}}. Contrary to what the name implies, an \kbd{FpXQX} is a \typ{POL} whose coefficients are \kbd{Fq}s. So the only difference between \kbd{FqX} and \kbd{FpXQX} routines is that $\kbd{T} = \kbd{NULL}$ is not allowed in the latter. (It was thought more useful to allow \typ{INT} components than to enforce strict consistency, which would not imply any efficiency gain.) \subsubsec{Basic operations} \fun{GEN}{FqX_mul}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN T, GEN p} \fun{GEN}{FqX_Fq_mul}{GEN P, GEN U, GEN T, GEN p} multiplies the \kbd{FqX}~\kbd{y} by the \kbd{Fq}~\kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{FqX_normalize}{GEN z, GEN T, GEN p} divides the \kbd{FqX}~\kbd{z} by its leading term. \fun{GEN}{FqX_sqr}{GEN x, GEN T, GEN p} \fun{GEN}{FqX_divrem}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN T, GEN p, GEN *z} \fun{GEN}{FqX_div}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN T, GEN p} \fun{GEN}{FqX_rem}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN T, GEN p} \fun{GEN}{FqX_gcd}{GEN P, GEN Q, GEN T, GEN p} \fun{GEN}{FpXQX_red}{GEN z, GEN T, GEN p} \kbd{z} a \typ{POL} whose coefficients are \kbd{ZX}s or \typ{INT}s, reduce them to \kbd{FpXQ}s. \fun{GEN}{FpXQX_mul}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN T, GEN p} \fun{GEN}{FpXQX_sqr}{GEN x, GEN T, GEN p} \fun{GEN}{FpXQX_divrem}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN T, GEN p, GEN *pr} \fun{GEN}{FpXQX_gcd}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN T, GEN p} \fun{GEN}{FpXQX_extgcd}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN T, GEN p, GEN *ptu, GEN *ptv} \fun{GEN}{FpXQYQ_pow}{GEN x, GEN n, GEN S, GEN T, GEN p}, \kbd{x} and \kbd{T} being \kbd{FpXQX}s, returns $\kbd{x}^\kbd{n}$ modulo \kbd{S}. \fun{GEN}{FpXQXV_prod}{GEN V, GEN T, GEN p}, \kbd{V} being a vector of \kbd{FpXQX}, returns their product. \fun{GEN}{FqV_roots_to_pol}{GEN V, GEN T, GEN p, long v}, \kbd{V} being a vector of \kbd{Fq}s, returns the monic \kbd{FqX} $\prod_i (\kbd{pol\_x[v]} - \kbd{V[i]})$. \subsubsec{Miscellaneous operations} \fun{GEN}{init_Fq}{GEN p, long n, long v} returns an irreducible polynomial of degree \kbd{n} over $\F_p$, in variable \kbd{v}. \fun{long}{FqX_is_squarefree}{GEN P, GEN T, GEN p} \fun{GEN}{FqX_factor}{GEN x, GEN T, GEN p} same output convention as \kbd{FpX\_factor}. Assumes \kbd{p} is prime and \kbd{T} irreducible in $\F_p[X]$. \fun{GEN}{FpX_factorff_irred}{GEN P, GEN T, GEN p}. Assumes \kbd{p} prime and \kbd{T} irreducible in $\F_p[X]$. \kbd{P} being an \emph{irreducible} \kbd{FpX}, factors it over the finite field $\F_p[Y]/(T(Y))$ and returns the vector of irreducible \kbd{FqX}s factors (the exponents, being all equal to $1$, are not included). \fun{GEN}{FpX_ffisom}{GEN P, GEN Q, GEN p}. Assumes \kbd{p} prime, \kbd{P}, \kbd{Q} are \kbd{ZX}s, both irreducible mod \kbd{p}, and $\deg(P) \mid \deg Q$. Outputs a monomorphism between $\F_p[X]/(P)$ and $\F_p[X]/(Q)$, as a polynomial $R$ such that $\kbd{Q} \mid \kbd{P}(R)$ in $\F_p[X]$. If \kbd{P} and \kbd{Q} have the same degree, it is of course an isomorphism. \fun{void}{FpX_ffintersect}{GEN P, GEN Q, long n, GEN p, GEN *SP,GEN *SQ, GEN MA,GEN MB}\hfil\break Assumes \kbd{p} is prime, \kbd{P}, \kbd{Q} are \kbd{ZX}s, both irreducible mod \kbd{p}, and \kbd{n} divides both the degree of \kbd{P} and \kbd{Q}. Compute \kbd{SP} and \kbd{SQ} such that the subfield of $\F_p[X]/(P)$ generated by \kbd{SP} and the subfield of $\F_p[X]/(Q)$ generated by \kbd{SQ} are isomorphic of degree \kbd{n}. The polynomials \kbd{P} and \kbd{Q} do not need to be of the same variable. If \kbd{MA} (resp. \kbd{MB}) is not \kbd{NULL}, it must be the matrix of the Frobenius map in $\F_p[X]/(P)$ (resp.~$\F_p[X]/(Q)$). \fun{GEN}{FpXQ_ffisom_inv}{GEN S, GEN T, GEN p}. Assumes \kbd{p} is prime, \kbd{T} a \kbd{ZX}, which is irreducible modulo \kbd{p}, \kbd{S} a \kbd{ZX} representing an automorphism of $\F_q := \F_p[X]/(\kbd{T})$. ($\kbd{S}(X)$ is the image of $X$ by the automorphism.) Returns the inverse automorphism of \kbd{S}, in the same format, i.e.~an \kbd{FpX}~$H$ such that $H(\kbd{S}) \equiv X$ modulo $(\kbd{T}, \kbd{p})$. \fun{long}{FqX_nbfact}{GEN u, GEN T, GEN p}. Assumes \kbd{p} is prime and \kbd{T} irreducible in $\F_p[X]$. \fun{long}{FqX_nbroots}{GEN f, GEN T, GEN p} Assumes \kbd{p} is prime and \kbd{T} irreducible in $\F_p[X]$. \subsec{\kbd{FpV}, \kbd{FpM}, \kbd{FqM}}. A \kbd{ZV} (resp.~a~\kbd{ZM}) is a \typ{VEC} or \typ{COL} (resp.~\typ{MAT}) with \typ{INT} coefficients. An \kbd{FpV} or \kbd{FpM}, with respect to a given \typ{INT}~\kbd{p}, is the same with \kbd{Fp} coordinates; operations are understood over $\Z/p\Z$. An \kbd{FqM} is a matrix with \kbd{Fq} coefficients (with respect to given \kbd{T}, \kbd{p}), not necessarily reduced (i.e arbitrary \typ{INT}s and \kbd{ZX}s in the same variable as \kbd{T}). \subsubsec{Basic operations} \fun{GEN}{FpC_to_mod}{GEN z, GEN p}, \kbd{z} a \kbd{ZC}. Returns \kbd{Col(z) * Mod(1,p)}, hence a \typ{COL} with \typ{INTMOD} coefficients. \fun{GEN}{FpV_to_mod}{GEN z, GEN p}, \kbd{z} a \kbd{ZV}. Returns \kbd{Vec(z) * Mod(1,p)}, hence a \typ{VEC} with \typ{INTMOD} coefficients. \fun{GEN}{FpM_to_mod}{GEN z, GEN p}, \kbd{z} a \kbd{ZM}. Returns \kbd{z * Mod(1,p)}, hence with \typ{INTMOD} coefficients. \fun{GEN}{FpC_red}{GEN z, GEN p}, \kbd{z} a \kbd{ZC}. Returns \kbd{lift(Col(z) * Mod(1,p))}, hence a \typ{COL}. \fun{GEN}{FpV_red}{GEN z, GEN p}, \kbd{z} a \kbd{ZV}. Returns \kbd{lift(Vec(z) * Mod(1,p))}, hence a \typ{VEC} \fun{GEN}{FpM_red}{GEN z, GEN p}, \kbd{z} a \kbd{ZM}. Returns \kbd{lift(z * Mod(1,p))}, which is an \kbd{FpM}. \fun{GEN}{FpC_Fp_mul}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN p} multiplies the \kbd{ZC}~\kbd{x} (seen as a column vector) by the \typ{INT}~\kbd{y} and reduce modulo \kbd{p} to obtain an \kbd{FpC}. \fun{GEN}{FpC_FpV_mul}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN p} multiplies the \kbd{ZC}~\kbd{x} (seen as a column vector) by the \kbd{ZV}~\kbd{y} (seen as a row vector, assumed to have compatible dimensions), and reduce modulo \kbd{p} to obtain an \kbd{FpM}. \fun{GEN}{FpM_mul}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN p} multiplies the two \kbd{ZM}s~\kbd{x} and \kbd{y} (assumed to have compatible dimensions), and reduce modulo \kbd{p} to obtain an \kbd{FpM}. \fun{GEN}{FpM_FpC_mul}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN p} multiplies the \kbd{ZM}~\kbd{x} by the \kbd{ZC}~\kbd{y} (seen as a column vector, assumed to have compatible dimensions), and reduce modulo \kbd{p} to obtain an \kbd{FpC}. \fun{GEN}{FpV_FpC_mul}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN p} multiplies the \kbd{ZV}~\kbd{x} (seen as a row vector) by the \kbd{ZC}~\kbd{y} (seen as a column vector, assumed to have compatible dimensions), and reduce modulo \kbd{p} to obtain an \kbd{Fp}. \subsubsec{\kbd{Fp}-linear algebra}. The implementations are not asymptotically efficient ($O(n^3)$ standard algorithms). \fun{GEN}{FpM_deplin}{GEN x, GEN p} returns a non-trivial kernel vector, or \kbd{NULL} if none exist. \fun{GEN}{FpM_gauss}{GEN a, GEN b, GEN p} as \kbd{gauss} \fun{GEN}{FpM_image}{GEN x, GEN p} as \kbd{image} \fun{GEN}{FpM_intersect}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN p} as \kbd{intersect} \fun{GEN}{FpM_inv}{GEN x, GEN p} returns the inverse of \kbd{x}, or \kbd{NULL} if \kbd{x} is not invertible. \fun{GEN}{FpM_invimage}{GEN m, GEN v, GEN p} as \kbd{inverseimage} \fun{GEN}{FpM_ker}{GEN x, GEN p} as \kbd{ker} \fun{long}{FpM_rank}{GEN x, GEN p} as \kbd{rank} \fun{GEN}{FpM_indexrank}{GEN x, GEN p} as \kbd{indexrank} but returns a \typ{VECSMALL} \fun{GEN}{FpM_suppl}{GEN x, GEN p} as \kbd{suppl} \subsubsec{\kbd{Fq}-linear algebra} \fun{GEN}{FqM_gauss}{GEN a, GEN b, GEN T, GEN p} as \kbd{gauss} \fun{GEN}{FqM_ker}{GEN x, GEN T, GEN p} as \kbd{ker} \fun{GEN}{FqM_suppl}{GEN x, GEN T, GEN p} as \kbd{suppl} \subsec{\kbd{Flx}} Let \kbd{p} an understood \kbd{ulong}, assumed to be prime, to be given the the function arguments; an \kbd{Fl} is an \kbd{ulong} belonging to $[0,\kbd{p}-1]$, an \kbd{Flx}~\kbd{z} is a \typ{VECSMALL} representing a polynomial with small integer coefficients. Specifically \kbd{z[0]} is the usual codeword, \kbd{z[1] = evalvarn($v$)} for some variable $v$, then the coefficients by increasing degree. An \kbd{FlxX} is a \typ{POL} whose coefficients are \kbd{Flx}s. \noindent In the following, an argument called \kbd{sv} is of the form \kbd{evalvarn}$(v)$ for some variable number~$v$. \subsubsec{Basic operations} \fun{ulong}{Rg_to_Fl}{GEN z, ulong p}, \kbd{z} which can be mapped to $\Z/p\Z$: a \typ{INT}, a \typ{INTMOD} whose modulus is divisible by $p$, a \typ{FRAC} whose denominator is coprime to $p$, or a \typ{PADIC} with underlying prime $p$. Returns \kbd{lift(z * Mod(1,p))}, normalized, as an \kbd{Fl}. \fun{GEN}{Flx_red}{GEN z, ulong p} converts from \kbd{zx} with non-negative coefficients to \kbd{Flx} (by reducing them mod \kbd{p}). \fun{GEN}{Flx_add}{GEN x, GEN y, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{Flx_neg}{GEN x, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{Flx_neg_inplace}{GEN x, ulong p}, same as \kbd{Flx\_neg}, in place (\kbd{x} is destroyed). \fun{GEN}{Flx_sub}{GEN x, GEN y, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{Flx_mul}{GEN x, GEN y, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{Flx_sqr}{GEN x, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{Flx_divrem}{GEN x, GEN y, ulong p, GEN *pr} \fun{GEN}{Flx_div}{GEN x, GEN y, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{Flx_rem}{GEN x, GEN y, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{Flx_deriv}{GEN z, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{Flx_gcd}{GEN a, GEN b, ulong p} returns a (not necessarily monic) greatest common divisor of $x$ and $y$. \fun{GEN}{Flx_gcd_i}{GEN a, GEN b, ulong p}, same as \kbd{Flx\_gcd} without collecting garbage. \fun{GEN}{Flx_extgcd}{GEN a, GEN b, ulong p, GEN *ptu, GEN *ptv} \fun{GEN}{Flx_pow}{GEN x, long n, ulong p} \subsubsec{Miscellaneous operations} \fun{GEN}{Flx_normalize}{GEN z, ulong p}, as \kbd{FpX\_normalize}. \fun{GEN}{Flx_Fl_mul}{GEN y, ulong x, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{Flx_recip}{GEN x}, returns the reciprocal polynomial \fun{ulong}{Flx_resultant}{GEN a, GEN b, ulong p}, returns the resultant of \kbd{a} and \kbd{b} \fun{ulong}{Flx_extresultant}{GEN a, GEN b, ulong p, GEN *ptU, GEN *ptV} returns the resultant and sets Bezout coefficients (if the resultant is 0, the latter are not set). \fun{GEN}{Flx_invmontgomery}{GEN T, ulong p}, returns the Montgomery inverse of \kbd{T}, i.e.~\kbd{truncate(x / polrecip(T)+O(x\pow n)}. Assumes $\kbd{T}(0) \neq 0$. \fun{GEN}{Flx_rem_montgomery}{GEN x, GEN mg, GEN T, ulong p}, returns \kbd{x} modulo \kbd{T}, where \kbd{mg} is the Montgomery inverse of \kbd{T}. \fun{GEN}{Flx_renormalize}{GEN x, long l}, as \kbd{FpX\_renormalize}, where $\kbd{l} = \kbd{lg(x)}$, in place. \fun{GEN}{Flx_shift}{GEN T, long n}, returns \kbd{T} multiplied by $\kbd{x}^n$. \fun{long}{Flx_valuation}{GEN x} returns the valuation of \kbd{x}, i.e. the multiplicity of the $0$ root. \fun{GEN}{FlxYqQ_pow}{GEN x, GEN n, GEN S, GEN T, ulong p}, as \kbd{FpXQYQ\_pow}. \fun{GEN}{Flx_div_by_X_x}{GEN A, ulong a, ulong p, ulong *rem}, returns the Euclidean quotient of the \kbd{Flx}~\kbd{A} by $X - \kbd{a}$, and sets \kbd{rem} to the remainder $ \kbd{A}(\kbd{a})$. \fun{ulong}{Flx_eval}{GEN x, ulong y, ulong p}, as \kbd{FpX\_eval}. \fun{GEN}{FlxV_Flc_mul}{GEN V, GEN W, ulong p}, as \kbd{FpXV\_FpC\_mul}. \fun{int}{Flx_is_squarefree}{GEN z, ulong p} \fun{long}{Flx_nbfact}{GEN z, ulong p}, as \kbd{FpX\_nbfact}. \fun{long}{Flx_nbroots}{GEN f, ulong p}, as \kbd{FpX\_nbroots}. \fun{GEN}{Flv_polint}{GEN x, GEN y, ulong p, long sv} as \kbd{FpV\_polint}, returning an \kbd{Flx} in variable $v$. \fun{GEN}{Flv_roots_to_pol}{GEN a, ulong p, long sv} as \kbd{FpV\_roots\_to\_pol} returning an \kbd{Flx} in variable $v$. \subsec{\kbd{Flxq}}. See \kbd{FpXQ} operations. \fun{GEN}{Flxq_mul}{GEN y, GEN x, GEN pol, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{Flxq_sqr}{GEN y, GEN pol, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{Flxq_inv}{GEN x, GEN T, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{Flxq_invsafe}{GEN x, GEN T, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{Flxq_pow}{GEN x, GEN n, GEN pol, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{Flxq_powers}{GEN x, long l, GEN T, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{FlxqV_roots_to_pol}{GEN V, GEN T, ulong p, long v} as \kbd{FqV\_roots\_to\_pol} returning an \kbd{FlxqX} in variable $v$. \subsec{\kbd{FlxX}}. See \kbd{FpXX} operations. \fun{GEN}{FlxX_add}{GEN P, GEN Q, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{FlxX_renormalize}{GEN x, long l}, as \kbd{normalizepol}, where $\kbd{l} = \kbd{lg(x)}$, in place. \fun{GEN}{FlxX_shift}{GEN a, long n} \subsec{\kbd{FlxqX}}. See \kbd{FpXQX} operations. \fun{GEN}{FlxqX_mul}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN T, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{FlxqX_Flxq_mul}{GEN P, GEN U, GEN T, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{FlxqX_normalize}{GEN z, GEN T, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{FlxqX_sqr}{GEN x, GEN T, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{FlxqX_divrem}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN T, ulong p, GEN *pr} \fun{GEN}{FlxqX_red}{GEN z, GEN T, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{FlxqXV_prod}{GEN V, GEN T, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{FlxqXQ_pow}{GEN x, GEN n, GEN S, GEN T, ulong p} \subsec{\kbd{Flv}, \kbd{Flm}}. See \kbd{FpV}, \kbd{FpM} operations. \fun{GEN}{Flm_Flc_mul}{GEN x, GEN y, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{Flm_deplin}{GEN x, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{Flm_gauss}{GEN a, GEN b, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{Flm_indexrank}{GEN x, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{Flm_inv}{GEN x, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{Flm_ker}{GEN x, ulong p} \fun{GEN}{Flm_ker_sp}{GEN x, ulong p, long deplin}, as \kbd{Flm\_ker}, in place (destroys~\kbd{x}). \fun{GEN}{Flm_mul}{GEN x, GEN y, ulong p} \subsec{\kbd{FlxqV}, \kbd{FlxqM}}. See \kbd{FqV}, \kbd{FqM} operations. \fun{GEN}{FlxqM_ker}{GEN x, GEN T, ulong p} \subsec{\kbd{QX}}. \fun{GEN}{QXQ_inv}{GEN A, GEN B} returns the inverse of \kbd{A} modulo \kbd{B} where \kbd{A} and \kbd{B} are \kbd{QX}s. \subsec{\kbd{RgX}}. \fun{GEN}{RgX_add}{GEN x,GEN y} adds \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}. \fun{GEN}{RgX_sub}{GEN x,GEN y} subtracts \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}. \fun{GEN}{RgX_neg}{GEN x,GEN p} returns $-\kbd{x}$. The functions above are currently implemented through the generic routines, but it might change in the future. \fun{GEN}{RgX_mul}{GEN x, GEN y} multiplies the two \typ{POL} (in the same variable) \kbd{x} and \kbd{y}. Uses Karatsuba algorithm. \fun{GEN}{RgX_mulspec}{GEN a, GEN b, long na, long nb}. Internal routine: \kbd{a} and \kbd{b} are arrays of coefficients representing polynomials $\sum_{i = 0}^{\kbd{na}} \kbd{a}[i] X^i$ and $\sum_{i = 0}^{\kbd{nb}} \kbd{b}[i] X^i$. Returns their product (as a true \kbd{GEN}). \fun{GEN}{RgX_sqr}{GEN x} squares the \typ{POL} \kbd{x}. Uses Karatsuba algorithm. \fun{GEN}{RgX_sqrspec}{GEN a, long na}. Internal routine: \kbd{a} is an array of coefficients representing polynomial $\sum_{i = 0}^{\kbd{na}} \kbd{a}[i] X^i$. Return its square (as a true \kbd{GEN}). \fun{GEN}{RgX_divrem}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN *r} \fun{GEN}{RgX_div}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN *r} \fun{GEN}{RgX_div_by_X_x}{GEN A, GEN a, GEN *r} returns the quotient of the \kbd{RgX}~\kbd{A} by $(X - \kbd{a})$, and sets \kbd{r} to the remainder $\kbd{A}(\kbd{a})$. \fun{GEN}{RgX_rem}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN *r} \fun{GEN}{RgX_mulXn}{GEN x, long n} returns $\kbd{x} * t^n$. This may be a \typ{FRAC} if $n < 0$ and the valuation of \kbd{x} is not large enough. \fun{GEN}{RgX_shift}{GEN x, long n} returns $\kbd{x} * t^n$ if $n\geq 0$, and $\kbd{x} \bs t^{-n}$ otherwise. \fun{GEN}{RgX_shift_shallow}{GEN x, long n} as \kbd{RgX\_shift}, but shallow (coefficients are not copied). This is not suitable for \kbd{gerepile} or \kbd{gerepileupto}. \fun{GEN}{RgX_extgcd}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN *u, GEN *v} returns $d = \text{GCD}(\kbd{x},\kbd{y})$, and sets \kbd{*u}, \kbd{*v} to the Bezout coefficients such that $\kbd{*ux} + \kbd{*vy} = d$. \fun{GEN}{RgXQ_mul}{GEN y, GEN x, GEN T} \fun{GEN}{RgXQ_norm}{GEN x, GEN T} returns the norm of \kbd{Mod(x, T)}. \fun{GEN}{RgXQ_sqr}{GEN x, GEN T} \fun{GEN}{RgXQ_powers}{GEN x, long n, GEN T, GEN p} returns $[\kbd{x}^0, \dots, \kbd{x}^\kbd{n}]$ as a \typ{VEC} of \kbd{RgXQ}s. \fun{GEN}{RgXQC_red}{GEN z, GEN T} \kbd{z} a vector whose coefficients are \kbd{RgX}s (arbitrary \kbd{GEN}s in fact), reduce them to \kbd{RgXQ}s (applying \kbd{grem} coefficientwise) in a \typ{COL}. \fun{GEN}{RgXQV_red}{GEN z, GEN T} \kbd{z} a \typ{POL} whose coefficients are \kbd{RgX}s (arbitrary \kbd{GEN}s in fact), reduce them to \kbd{RgXQ}s (applying \kbd{grem} coefficientwise) in a \typ{VEC}. \fun{GEN}{RgXQX_red}{GEN z, GEN T} \kbd{z} a \typ{POL} whose coefficients are \kbd{RgX}s (arbitrary \kbd{GEN}s in fact), reduce them to \kbd{RgXQ}s (applying \kbd{grem} coefficientwise). \fun{GEN}{RgXQX_mul}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN T} \fun{GEN}{RgX_Rg_mul}{GEN y, GEN x} multiplies the \kbd{RgX} \kbd{y} by the scalar \kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{RgX_Rg_div}{GEN y, GEN x} divides the \kbd{RgX} \kbd{y} by the scalar \kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{RgXQX_RgXQ_mul}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN T} multiplies the \kbd{RgXQX} \kbd{y} by the scalar (\kbd{RgXQ}) \kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{RgXQX_sqr}{GEN x, GEN T} \fun{GEN}{RgXQX_divrem}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN T, GEN *pr} \fun{GEN}{RgXQX_div}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN T, GEN *r} \fun{GEN}{RgXQX_rem}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN T, GEN *r} \fun{GEN}{RgX_rescale}{GEN P, GEN h} returns $h^{\deg(P)} P(x/h)$. \kbd{P} is an \kbd{RgX} and \kbd{h} is non-zero. (Leaves small objects on the stack. Suitable but inefficient for \kbd{gerepileupto}.) \fun{GEN}{RgX_unscale}{GEN P, GEN h} returns $P(h x)$. (Leaves small objects on the stack. Suitable but inefficient for \kbd{gerepileupto}.) \fun{GEN}{RgXV_unscale}{GEN v, GEN h} \subsec{Conversions involving single precision objects} \subsubsec{To single precision} \fun{GEN}{ZX_to_Flx}{GEN x, ulong p} reduce \kbd{ZX}~\kbd{x} modulo \kbd{p} (yielding an \kbd{Flx}). \fun{GEN}{ZV_to_Flv}{GEN x, ulong p} reduce \kbd{ZV}~\kbd{x} modulo \kbd{p} (yielding an \kbd{Flv}). \fun{GEN}{ZXV_to_FlxV}{GEN v, ulong p}, as \kbd{ZX\_to\_Flx}, repeatedly called on the vector's coefficients. \fun{GEN}{ZXX_to_FlxX}{GEN B, ulong p, long v}, as \kbd{ZX\_to\_Flx}, repeatedly called on the polynomial's coefficients. \fun{GEN}{ZXXV_to_FlxXV}{GEN V, ulong p, long v}, as \kbd{ZXX\_to\_FlxX}, repeatedly called on the vector's coefficients. \fun{GEN}{ZM_to_Flm}{GEN x, ulong p} reduce \kbd{ZM}~\kbd{x} modulo \kbd{p} (yielding an \kbd{Flm}). \fun{GEN}{ZV_to_zv}{GEN z}, converts coefficients using \kbd{itos} \fun{GEN}{ZV_to_nv}{GEN z}, converts coefficients using \kbd{itou} \fun{GEN}{ZM_to_zm}{GEN z}, converts coefficients using \kbd{itos} \fun{GEN}{FqC_to_FlxC}{GEN x, GEN T, GEN p}, converts coefficients in \kbd{Fq} to coefficient in Flx, result being a column vector. \fun{GEN}{FqV_to_FlxV}{GEN x, GEN T, GEN p}, converts coefficients in \kbd{Fq} to coefficient in Flx, result being a line vector. \fun{GEN}{FqM_to_FlxM}{GEN x, GEN T, GEN p}, converts coefficients in \kbd{Fq} to coefficient in Flx. \subsubsec{From single precision} \fun{GEN}{Flx_to_ZX}{GEN z}, converts to \kbd{ZX} (\typ{POL} of non-negative \typ{INT}s in this case) \fun{GEN}{Flx_to_ZX_inplace}{GEN z}, same as \kbd{Flx\_to\_ZX}, in place (\kbd{z} is destroyed). \fun{GEN}{FlxX_to_ZXX}{GEN B}, converts an \kbd{FlxX} to a polynomial with \kbd{ZX} or \typ{INT} coefficients (repeated calls to \kbd{Flx\_to\_ZX}). \fun{GEN}{FlxC_to_ZXC}{GEN x}, converts a vector of \kbd{Flx} to a column vector of polynomials with \typ{INT} coefficients (repeated calls to \kbd{Flx\_to\_ZX}). \fun{GEN}{FlxM_to_ZXM}{GEN z}, converts a matrix of \kbd{Flx} to a matrix of polynomials with \typ{INT} coefficients (repeated calls to \kbd{Flx\_to\_ZX}). \fun{GEN}{zx_to_ZX}{GEN z}, as \kbd{Flx\_to\_ZX}, without assuming coefficients are non-negative. \fun{GEN}{Flc_to_ZC}{GEN z}, converts to \kbd{ZC} (\typ{COL} of non-negative \typ{INT}s in this case) \fun{GEN}{Flv_to_ZV}{GEN z}, converts to \kbd{ZV} (\typ{VEC} of non-negative \typ{INT}s in this case) \fun{GEN}{Flm_to_ZM}{GEN z}, converts to \kbd{ZM} (\typ{MAT} with non-negative \typ{INT}s coefficients in this case) \fun{GEN}{zc_to_ZC}{GEN z} as \kbd{Flc\_to\_ZC}, without assuming coefficients are non-negative. \fun{GEN}{zv_to_ZV}{GEN z} as \kbd{Flv\_to\_ZV}, without assuming coefficients are non-negative. \fun{GEN}{zm_to_ZM}{GEN z} as \kbd{Flm\_to\_ZM}, without assuming coefficients are non-negative. \subsubsec{Mixed precision linear algebra} Assumes dimensions are compatible. Multiply a multiprecision object by a single-precision one. \fun{GEN}{RgM_zc_mul}{GEN x, GEN y} \fun{GEN}{RgM_zm_mul}{GEN x, GEN y} \fun{GEN}{RgV_zc_mul}{GEN x, GEN y} \fun{GEN}{RgV_zm_mul}{GEN x, GEN y} \fun{GEN}{ZM_zc_mul}{GEN x, GEN y} \fun{GEN}{ZM_zm_mul}{GEN x, GEN y} \subsubsec{Miscellaneous} \fun{GEN}{zero_Flx}{long sv} returns a zero \kbd{Flx} in variable $v$. \fun{GEN}{zero_zx}{long sv} as \kbd{zero\_Flx} \fun{GEN}{polx_Flx}{long sv} returns the variable $v$ as degree~1~\kbd{Flx}. \fun{GEN}{polx_zx}{long sv} as \kbd{polx\_Flx} \fun{GEN}{Fl_to_Flx}{ulong x, long sv} converts a \kbd{unsigned long} to a scalar \kbd{Flx} in shifted variable $sv$. \fun{GEN}{Z_to_Flx}{GEN x, ulong p, long v} converts a \typ{INT} to a scalar polynomial in variable $v$. \fun{GEN}{Flx_to_Flv}{GEN x, long n} converts from \kbd{Flx} to \kbd{Flv} with \kbd{n} components (assumed larger than the number of coefficients of \kbd{x}). \fun{GEN}{zx_to_zv}{GEN x, long n} as \kbd{Flx\_to\_Flv}. \fun{GEN}{Flv_to_Flx}{GEN x, long sv} converts from vector (coefficient array) to (normalized) polynomial in variable $v$. \fun{GEN}{zv_to_zx}{GEN x, long n} as \kbd{Flv\_to\_Flx}. \fun{GEN}{matid_Flm}{long n} returns an \kbd{Flm} which is an $n \times n$ identity matrix. \fun{GEN}{Flm_to_FlxV}{GEN x, long sv} converts the colums of \kbd{Flm}~\kbd{x} to an array of \kbd{Flx} (repeated calls to \kbd{Flv\_to\_Flx}). \fun{GEN}{zm_to_zxV}{GEN x, long n} as \kbd{Flm\_to\_FlxV}. \fun{GEN}{Flm_to_FlxX}{GEN x, long sv,long w} converts the colums of \kbd{Flm}~\kbd{x} to the coefficient of an \kbd{FlxX}, and normalize the result. \fun{GEN}{FlxV_to_Flm}{GEN v, long n} reverse \kbd{Flm\_to\_FlxV}, to obtain an \kbd{Flm} with \kbd{n} rows (repeated calls to \kbd{Flx\_to\_Flv}). \fun{GEN}{FlxX_to_Flm}{GEN v, long n} reverse \kbd{Flm\_to\_FlxX}, to obtain an \kbd{Flm} with \kbd{n} rows (repeated calls to \kbd{Flx\_to\_Flv}). \section{Operations on general PARI objects} \subsec{Assignment} \fun{void}{gaffsg}{long s, GEN x} assigns the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s} into the object~\kbd{x}. \fun{void}{gaffect}{GEN x, GEN y} assigns the object \kbd{x} into the object~\kbd{y}. \subsec{Conversions} \subsubsec{Scalars} \fun{double}{rtodbl}{GEN x} applied to a \typ{REAL}~\kbd{x}, converts \kbd{x} into a \kbd{double} if possible. \fun{GEN}{dbltor}{double x} converts the \kbd{double} \kbd{x} into a \typ{REAL}. \fun{double}{gtodouble}{GEN x} if \kbd{x} is a real number (not necessarily a~\typ{REAL}), converts \kbd{x} into a \kbd{double} if possible. \fun{long}{gtolong}{GEN x} if \kbd{x} is an integer (not necessarily a~\typ{INT}), converts \kbd{x} into a \kbd{long} if possible. \fun{GEN}{fractor}{GEN x, long l} applied to a \typ{FRAC}~\kbd{x}, converts \kbd{x} into a \typ{REAL} of length \kbd{prec}. \fun{GEN}{quadtoc}{GEN x, long l} applied to a \typ{QUAD}~\kbd{x}, converts \kbd{x} into a \typ{REAL} or \typ{COMPLEX} depending on the sign of the discriminant of~\kbd{x}, to precision \hbox{\kbd{l} \B-bit} words.% forbid line brk at hyphen here [GN] \fun{GEN}{ctofp}{GEN x, long prec} converts the \typ{COMPLEX}~\kbd{x} to a a complex whose real and imaginary parts are \typ{REAL} of length \kbd{prec}, using \kbd{gtofp}; \fun{GEN}{gtofp}{GEN x, long prec} converts the complex number~\kbd{x} (\typ{INT}, \typ{REAL}, \typ{FRAC}, \typ{QUAD} or \typ{COMPLEX}) to either a \typ{REAL} or \typ{COMPLEX} whose components are \typ{REAL} of length \kbd{prec}. \fun{GEN}{gcvtop}{GEN x, GEN p, long l} converts \kbd{x} into a \typ{PADIC} \kbd{p}-adic number of precision~\kbd{l}. \fun{GEN}{gprec}{GEN x, long l} returns a copy of $x$ whose precision is changed to $l$ digits. The precision change is done recursively on all components of $x$. Digits means \emph{decimal}, $p$-adic and $X$-adic digits for \typ{REAL}, \typ{SER}, \typ{PADIC} components, respectively. \fun{GEN}{gprec_w}{GEN x, long l} returns a shallow copy of $x$ whose \typ{REAL} components have their precision changed to $l$ \emph{words}. This is often more useful than \kbd{gprec}. Shallow copy means that unaffected components are not copied; in particular, this funciton is not suitable for \kbd{gerepileupto}. \fun{GEN}{gprec_wtrunc}{GEN x, long l} returns a shallow copy of $x$ whose \typ{REAL} components have their precision \emph{truncated} to $l$ \emph{words}. Contrary to \kbd{gprec\_w}, this function may never increase the precision of~$x$. Shallow copy means that unaffected components are not copied; in particular, this funciton is not suitable for \kbd{gerepileupto}. \subsubsec{Modular objects} \fun{GEN}{gmodulo}{GEN x, GEN y} creates the object \kbd{\key{Mod}(x,y)} on the PARI stack, where \kbd{x} and \kbd{y} are either both \typ{INT}s, and the result is a \typ{INTMOD}, or \kbd{x} is a scalar or a \typ{POL} and \kbd{y} a \typ{POL}, and the result is a \typ{POLMOD}. \fun{GEN}{gmodulgs}{GEN x, long y} same as \key{gmodulo} except \kbd{y} is a \kbd{long}. \fun{GEN}{gmodulss}{long x, long y} same as \key{gmodulo} except both \kbd{x} and \kbd{y} are \kbd{long}s. \subsubsec{Between polynomials and coefficient arrays} \fun{GEN}{gtopoly}{GEN x, long v} converts or truncates the object~\kbd{x} into a \typ{POL} with main variable number~\kbd{v}. A common application would be the conversion of coefficient vectors (coefficients are given by decreasing degree). E.g.~\kbd{[2,3]} goes to \kbd{2*v + 3} \fun{GEN}{gtopolyrev}{GEN x, long v} converts or truncates the object~\kbd{x} into a \typ{POL} with main variable number~\kbd{v}, but vectors are converted in reverse order compared to \kbd{gtopoly} (coefficients are given by increasing degree). E.g.~\kbd{[2,3]} goes to \kbd{3*v + 2}. In other words the vector represents a polynomial in the basis $(1,v,v^2,v^3,\dots)$. \fun{GEN}{normalizepol}{GEN x} applied to an unnormalized \typ{POL}~\kbd{x} (with all coefficients correctly set except that \kbd{leading\_term(x)} might be zero), normalizes \kbd{x} correctly in place and returns~\kbd{x}. For internal use. The following routines do \emph{not} copy coefficients on the stack (they only move pointers around), hence are very fast but not suitable for \kbd{gerepile} calls. Recall that an \kbd{RgV} (resp.~an \kbd{RgX}, resp.~an \kbd{RgM}) is a \typ{VEC} or \typ{COL} (resp.~a \typ{POL}, resp.~a \typ{MAT}) with arbitrary components. Similarly, an \kbd{RgXV} is a \typ{VEC} or \typ{COL} with \kbd{RgX} components, etc. \fun{GEN}{RgV_to_RgX}{GEN x, long v} converts the \kbd{RgV}~\kbd{x} to a (normalized) polynomial in variable~\kbd{v} (as \kbd{gtopolyrev}, without copy). \fun{GEN}{RgX_to_RgV}{GEN x, long N} converts the \typ{POL}~\kbd{x} to a \typ{COL}~\kbd{v} with \kbd{N} components. Other types than \typ{POL} are allowed for \kbd{x}, which is then considered as a constant polynomial. Coefficients of \kbd{x} are listed by increasing degree, so that \kbd{y[i]} is the coefficient of the term of degree $i-1$ in \kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{RgM_to_RgXV}{GEN x, long v} converts the \kbd{RgM}~\kbd{x} to a \typ{VEC} of \kbd{RgX}, by repeated calls to \kbd{RgV\_to\_RgX}. \fun{GEN}{RgXV_to_RgM}{GEN v, long N} converts the vector of \kbd{RgX}~\kbd{v} to a~\typ{MAT} with \kbd{N}~rows, by repeated calls to \kbd{RgX\_to\_RgV}. \fun{GEN}{RgM_to_RgXX}{GEN x, long v,long w} converts the \kbd{RgM}~\kbd{x} into a \typ{POL} in variable~\kbd{v}, whose coefficients are \typ{POL}s in variable~\kbd{w}. This is a shortcut for \bprog RgV_to_RgX( RgM_to_RgXV(x, w), v ); @eprog\noindent There are no consistency checks with respect to variable priorities: the above is an invalid object if $\kbd{varncmp(v, w)} \geq 0$. \fun{GEN}{RgXX_to_RgM}{GEN x, long N} converts the \typ{POL}~\kbd{x} with \kbd{RgX} (or constant) coefficients to a matrix with \kbd{N} rows. \fun{GEN}{RgXY_swap}{GEN P, long n, long w} converts the bivariate polynomial $\kbd{P}(u,v)$ (a \typ{POL} with \typ{POL} coefficients) to $P(\kbd{pol\_x[w]},u)$, assuming \kbd{n} is an upper bound for $\deg_v(\kbd{P})$. \fun{GEN}{greffe}{GEN x, long l, int use\_stack} applied to a \typ{POL}~\kbd{x}, creates a \typ{SER} of length~\kbd{l} starting with~\kbd{x}, but without actually copying the coefficients, just the pointers. If \kbd{use\_stack} is $0$, this is created through malloc, and must be freed after use. Intended for internal use only. \fun{GEN}{gtoser}{GEN x, long v} converts the object~\kbd{x} into a \typ{SER} with main variable number~\kbd{v}. \fun{GEN}{gtocol}{GEN x} converts the object~\kbd{x} into a \typ{COL} \fun{GEN}{gtomat}{GEN x} converts the object~\kbd{x} into a \typ{MAT}. \fun{GEN}{gtovec}{GEN x} converts the object~\kbd{x} into a \typ{VEC}. \fun{GEN}{gtovecsmall}{GEN x} converts the object~\kbd{x} into a \typ{VECSMALL}. \fun{GEN}{normalize}{GEN x} applied to an unnormalized \typ{SER}~\kbd{x} (i.e.~type \typ{SER} with all coefficients correctly set except that \kbd{x[2]} might be zero), normalizes \kbd{x} correctly in place. Returns~\kbd{x}. For internal use. \subsec{Clean Constructors}\label{se:clean} \fun{GEN}{zeropadic}{GEN p, long n} creates a $0$ \typ{PADIC} equal to $O(\kbd{p}^\kbd{n})$. \fun{GEN}{zeroser}{long v, long n} creates a $0$ \typ{SER} in variable \kbd{v} equal to $O(X^\kbd{n})$. \fun{GEN}{scalarser}{GEN x, long v, long prec} creates a constant \typ{SER} in variable \kbd{v} and precision \kbd{prec}, whose constant coefficient is (a copy of) \kbd{x}, in other words $\kbd{x} + O(\kbd{v}^\kbd{prec})$. Assumes that \kbd{x} is non-zero. \fun{GEN}{zeropol}{long v} creates a $0$ \typ{POL} in variable \kbd{v}. \fun{GEN}{scalarpol}{GEN x, long v} creates a constant \typ{POL} in variable \kbd{v}, whose constant coefficient is (a copy of) \kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{zerocol}{long n} creates a \typ{COL} with \kbd{n} components set to \kbd{gen\_0}. \fun{GEN}{zerovec}{long n} creates a \typ{VEC} with \kbd{n} components set to \kbd{gen\_0}. \fun{GEN}{col_ei}{long n, long i} creates a \typ{COL} with \kbd{n} components set to \kbd{gen\_0}, but the \kbd{i}-th one which us set to \kbd{gen\_1} (\kbd{i}-th vector in the canonical basis). \fun{GEN}{vec_ei}{long n, long i} creates a \typ{VEC} with \kbd{n} components set to \kbd{gen\_0}, but the \kbd{i}-th one which us set to \kbd{gen\_1} (\kbd{i}-th vector in the canonical basis). \fun{GEN}{zeromat}{long m, long n} creates a \typ{MAT} with \kbd{m} x \kbd{n} components set to \kbd{gen\_0}. Note that the result allocates a \emph{single} column, so modifying an entry in one column modifies it in all columns. To fully allocate a matrix initialized with zero entries, use \kbd{zeromatcopy}. \fun{GEN}{zeromatcopy}{long m, long n} creates a \typ{MAT} with \kbd{m} x \kbd{n} components set to \kbd{gen\_0}. Note that \smallskip See also next section for analogs of the following functions: \fun{GEN}{mkcolcopy}{GEN x} creates a 1-dimensional \typ{COL} containing \kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{mkmatcopy}{GEN x} creates a 1-by-1 \typ{MAT} containing \kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{mkveccopy}{GEN x} creates a 1-dimensional \typ{VEC} containing \kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{mkvec2copy}{GEN x, GEN y} creates a 2-dimensional \typ{VEC} equal to \kbd{[x,y]}. \fun{GEN}{mkvecs}{long x} creates a 1-dimensional \typ{VEC} containing \kbd{stoi(x)}. \fun{GEN}{mkvec2s}{long x, long y} creates a 2-dimensional \typ{VEC} containing \kbd{[stoi(x), stoi(y)]}. \fun{GEN}{mkvec3s}{long x, long y, long z} creates a 3-dimensional \typ{VEC} containing \kbd{[stoi(x), stoi(y), stoi(z)]}. \fun{GEN}{mkvecsmall}{long x} creates a 1-dimensional \typ{VECSMALL} containing \kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{mkvecsmall2}{long x, long y} creates a 2-dimensional \typ{VECSMALL} containing \kbd{[x, y]}. \fun{GEN}{mkvecsmall3}{long x, long y, long z} creates a 3-dimensional \typ{VECSMALL} containing \kbd{[x, y, z]}. \subsec{Unclean Constructors}\label{se:unclean} Contrary to the policy of general PARI functions, the functions in this subsection do \emph{not} copy their arguments, nor do they produce an object a priori suitable for \tet{gerepileupto}. In particular, they are faster than their clean equivalent (which may not exist). \emph{If} you restrict their arguments to universal objects (e.g \kbd{gen\_0}), then the above warning does not apply. \fun{GEN}{mkcomplex}{GEN x, GEN y} creates the \typ{COMPLEX} $x + iy$. \fun{GEN}{mkfrac}{GEN x, GEN y} creates the \typ{FRAC} $x/y$. Assumes that $y > 1$ and $(x,y) = 1$. \fun{GEN}{mkrfrac}{GEN x, GEN y} creates the \typ{RFRAC} $x/y$. Assumes that $y$ is a \typ{POL}, $x$ a compatible type whose variable has lower or same priority, with $(x,y) = 1$. \fun{GEN}{mkcol}{GEN x} creates a 1-dimensional \typ{COL} containing \kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{mkintmod}{GEN x, GEN y} creates the \typ{INTMOD} \kbd{Mod(x, y)}. The input must be \typ{INT}s satisfying $0 \leq x < y$. \fun{GEN}{mkpolmod}{GEN x, GEN y} creates the \typ{POLMOD} \kbd{Mod(x, y)}. The input must satisfy $\deg x < \deg y$ with respect to the main variable of the \typ{POL} $y$. $x$ may be a scalar. \fun{GEN}{mkmat}{GEN x} creates a 1-by-1 \typ{MAT} containing \kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{mkvec}{GEN x} creates a 1-dimensional \typ{VEC} containing \kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{mkvec2}{GEN x, GEN y} creates a 2-dimensional \typ{VEC} equal to \kbd{[x,y]}. \fun{GEN}{mkvec3}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN z} creates a 3-dimensional \typ{VEC} equal to \kbd{[x,y,z]}. \fun{GEN}{mkvec4}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN z, GEN t} creates a 4-dimensional \typ{VEC} equal to \kbd{[x,y,z,t]}. \smallskip \fun{GEN}{mkintn}{long n, ...} returns the non-negative \typ{INT} whose development in base $2^{32}$ is given by the following $n$ words (\kbd{unsigned long}). It is assumed that all such arguments are less than $2^{32}$ (the actual \kbd{sizeof(long)} is irrelevant, the behaviour is also as above on $64$-bit machines). \bprog mkintn(3, a2, a1, a0); @eprog \noindent returns $a_2 2^{64} + a_1 2^{32} + a_0$. \fun{GEN}{mkpoln}{long n, ...} Returns the \typ{POL} whose $n$ coefficients (\kbd{GEN}) follow, in order of decreasing degree. \bprog mkpoln(3, gen_1, gen_2, gen_0); @eprog \noindent returns the polynomial $X^2 + 2X$ (in variable $0$, use \tet{setvarn} if you want other variable numbers). Beware that $n$ is the number of coefficients, hence \emph{one more} than the degree. \fun{GEN}{mkvecn}{long n, ...} returns the \typ{VEC} whose $n$ coefficients (\kbd{GEN}) follow. \fun{GEN}{mkcoln}{long n, ...} returns the \typ{COL} whose $n$ coefficients (\kbd{GEN}) follow. \subsec{Integer parts} \fun{GEN}{gfloor}{GEN x} creates the floor of~\kbd{x}, i.e.\ the (true) integral part. \fun{GEN}{gfrac}{GEN x} creates the fractional part of~\kbd{x}, i.e.\ \kbd{x} minus the floor of~\kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{gceil}{GEN x} creates the ceiling of~\kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{ground}{GEN x} rounds towards~$+\infty$ the components of \kbd{x} to the nearest integers. \fun{GEN}{grndtoi}{GEN x, long *e} same as \kbd{ground}, but in addition sets \kbd{*e} to the binary exponent of $x - \kbd{ground}(x)$. If this is positive, all significant bits are lost. This kind of situation raises an error message in \key{ground} but not in \key{grndtoi}. \fun{GEN}{gtrunc}{GEN x} truncates~\kbd{x}. This is the false integer part if \kbd{x} is a real number (i.e.~the unique integer closest to \kbd{x} among those between 0 and~\kbd{x}). If \kbd{x} is a \typ{SER}, it is truncated to a \typ{POL}; if \kbd{x} is a \typ{RFRAC}, this takes the polynomial part. \fun{GEN}{gcvtoi}{GEN x, long *e} same as \key{grndtoi} except that rounding is replaced by truncation. \subsec{Valuation and shift} \fun{GEN}{gshift[z]}{GEN x, long n[, GEN z]} yields the result of shifting (the components of) \kbd{x} left by \kbd{n} (if \kbd{n} is non-negative) or right by $-\kbd{n}$ (if \kbd{n} is negative). Applies only to \typ{INT} and vectors/matrices of such. For other types, it is simply multiplication by~$2^{\kbd{n}}$. \fun{GEN}{gmul2n[z]}{GEN x, long n[, GEN z]} yields the product of \kbd{x} and~$2^{\kbd{n}}$. This is different from \kbd{gshift} when \kbd{n} is negative and \kbd{x} is a \typ{INT}: \key{gshift} truncates, while \key{gmul2n} creates a fraction if necessary. \fun{long}{ggval}{GEN x, GEN p} returns the greatest exponent~$e$ such that $\kbd{p}^e$ divides~\kbd{x}, when this makes sense. \fun{long}{gval}{GEN x, long v} returns the highest power of the variable number \kbd{v} dividing the \typ{POL}~\kbd{x}. \fun{long}{polvaluation}{GEN P, GEN *z} returns the valuation $v$ of the \typ{POL}~\kbd{P} with respect to its main variable $X$. Check whether coefficients are $0$ using \kbd{gcmp0}. If \kbd{z} is non-\kbd{NULL}, set it to $\kbd{P} / X^v$. \fun{long}{polvaluation_inexact}{GEN P, GEN *z} as \kbd{polvaluation} but use \kbd{isexactzero} instead of \kbd{gcmp0}. \fun{long}{ZX_valuation}{GEN P, GEN *z} as \kbd{polvaluation}, but assumes \kbd{P} has \typ{INT} coefficients. \subsec{Comparison operators} \fun{int}{isexactzero}{GEN x} returns 1 (true) if \kbd{x} is exactly equal to~0, 0~(false) otherwise. Note that many PARI functions return a pointer to \kbd{gen\_0} when they are aware that the result they return is an exact zero, so it is almost always faster to test for pointer equality first, and call \kbd{isexactzero} (or \kbd{gcmp0}) only when the first test fails. \fun{int}{isinexact}{GEN x} returns 0 (false) if \kbd{x} has an inexact component, and 1 (true) otherwise. \fun{int}{isint}{GEN x, GEN *n} returns 0 (false) if \kbd{x} does not round to an integer. Otherwise, returns 1 (true) and set \kbd{n} to the rounded value. \fun{int}{issmall}{GEN x, long *n} returns 0 (false) if \kbd{x} does not round to a small integer (suitable for \kbd{itos}). Otherwise, returns 1 (true) and set \kbd{n} to the rounded value. \fun{int}{gcmp0}{GEN x} returns 1 (true) if \kbd{x} is equal to~0, 0~(false) otherwise. \fun{int}{gcmp1}{GEN x} returns 1 (true) if \kbd{x} is equal to~1, 0~(false) otherwise. \fun{int}{gcmp_1}{GEN x} returns 1 (true) if \kbd{x} is equal to~$-1$, 0~(false) otherwise. \fun{long}{gcmp}{GEN x, GEN y} comparison of \kbd{x} with \kbd{y} (returns the sign of $\kbd{x}-\kbd{y}$). \fun{long}{gcmpsg}{long s, GEN x} comparison of the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s} with~\kbd{x}. \fun{long}{gcmpgs}{GEN x, long s} comparison of \kbd{x} with the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s}. \fun{long}{lexcmp}{GEN x, GEN y} comparison of \kbd{x} with \kbd{y} for the lexicographic ordering. \fun{long}{gequal}{GEN x, GEN y} returns 1 (true) if \kbd{x} is equal to~\kbd{y}, 0~otherwise. A priori, this makes sense only if \kbd{x} and \kbd{y} have the same type. When the types are different, a \kbd{true} result means that \kbd{x - y} was successfully computed and found equal to $0$ (by \kbd{gcmp0}). In particular \bprog gequal(cgetg(1, t_VEC), gen_0) @eprog\noindent is true, and the relation is not transitive. E.g.~an empty \typ{COL} and an empty \typ{VEC} are not equal but are both equal to \kbd{gen\_0}. \fun{long}{gequalsg}{long s, GEN x} returns 1 (true) if the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s} is equal to~\kbd{x}, 0~otherwise. \fun{long}{gequalgs}{GEN x, long s} returns 1 (true) if \kbd{x} is equal to the \kbd{long}~\kbd{s}, 0~otherwise. \fun{long}{iscomplex}{GEN x} returns 1 (true) if \kbd{x} is a complex number (of component types embeddable into the reals) but is not itself real, 0~if \kbd{x} is a real (not necessarily of type \typ{REAL}), or raises an error if \kbd{x} is not embeddable into the complex numbers. \fun{long}{ismonome}{GEN x} returns 1 (true) if \kbd{x} is a non-zero monomial in its main variable, 0~otherwise. \subsec{Generic unary operators} \funno{GEN}{gneg[\key{z}]}{GEN x[, GEN z]} yields $-\kbd{x}$. \funno{GEN}{gabs[\key{z}]}{GEN x[, GEN z]} yields $|\kbd{x}|$. \fun{GEN}{gsqr}{GEN x} creates the square of~\kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{ginv}{GEN x} creates the inverse of~\kbd{x}. \subsec{Divisibility, Euclidean division} \fun{GEN}{gdivexact}{GEN x, GEN y} returns the quotient $\kbd{x} / \kbd{y}$, assuming $\kbd{y}$ divides $\kbd{x}$. \fun{int}{gdvd}{GEN x, GEN y} returns 1 (true) if \kbd{y} divides~\kbd{x}, 0~otherwise. \fun{GEN}{gdiventres}{GEN x, GEN y} creates a 2-component vertical vector whose components are the true Euclidean quotient and remainder of \kbd{x} and~\kbd{y}. \fun{GEN}{gdivent[z]}{GEN x, GEN y[, GEN z]} yields the true Euclidean quotient of \kbd{x} and the \typ{INT} or \typ{POL}~\kbd{y}. \fun{GEN}{gdiventsg[z]}{long s, GEN y[, GEN z]}, as \kbd{gdivent} except that \kbd{x} is a \kbd{long}. \fun{GEN}{gdiventgs[z]}{GEN x, long s[, GEN z]}, as \kbd{gdivent} except that \kbd{y} is a \kbd{long}. \fun{GEN}{gmod[z]}{GEN x, GEN y[, GEN z]} yields the true remainder of \kbd{x} modulo the \typ{INT} or \typ{POL}~\kbd{y}. A \typ{REAL} or \typ{FRAC} \kbd{y} is also allowed, in which case the remainder is the unique real $r$ such that $0 \leq r < |\kbd{y}|$ and $\kbd{y} = q\kbd{x} + r$ for some (in fact unique) integer $q$. \fun{GEN}{gmodsg[z]}{long s, GEN y[, GEN z]} as \kbd{gmod}, except \kbd{x} is a \kbd{long}. \fun{GEN}{gmodgs[z]}{GEN x, long s[, GEN z]} as \kbd{gmod}, except \kbd{y} is a \kbd{long}. \fun{GEN}{gdivmod}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN *r} If \kbd{r} is not equal to \kbd{NULL} or \kbd{ONLY\_REM}, creates the (false) Euclidean quotient of \kbd{x} and~\kbd{y}, and puts (the address of) the remainder into~\kbd{*r}. If \kbd{r} is equal to \kbd{NULL}, do not create the remainder, and if \kbd{r} is equal to \kbd{ONLY\_REM}, create and output only the remainder. The remainder is created after the quotient and can be disposed of individually with a \kbd{cgiv(r)}. \fun{GEN}{poldivrem}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN *r} same as \key{gdivmod} but specifically for \typ{POL}s~\kbd{x} and~\kbd{y}, not necessarily in the same variable. Either of \kbd{x} and \kbd{y} may also be scalars (treated as polynomials of degree $0$) \fun{GEN}{gdeuc}{GEN x, GEN y} creates the Euclidean quotient of the \typ{POL}s~\kbd{x} and~\kbd{y}. Either of \kbd{x} and \kbd{y} may also be scalars (treated as polynomials of degree $0$) \fun{GEN}{grem}{GEN x, GEN y} creates the Euclidean remainder of the \typ{POL}~\kbd{x} divided by the \typ{POL}~\kbd{y}. \fun{GEN}{gdivround}{GEN x, GEN y} if \kbd{x} and \kbd{y} are \typ{INT}, as \kbd{diviiround}. Operate componentwise if \kbd{x} is a \typ{COL}, \typ{VEC} or \typ{MAT}. Otherwise as \key{gdivent}. \fun{GEN}{centermod_i}{GEN x, GEN y, GEN y2}, as \kbd{centermodii}, componentwise. \fun{GEN}{centermod}{GEN x, GEN y}, as \kbd{centermod\_i}, except that \kbd{y2} is computed (and left on the stack for efficiency). \fun{GEN}{ginvmod}{GEN x, GEN y} creates the inverse of \kbd{x} modulo \kbd{y} when it exists. \kbd{y} must be of type \typ{INT} (in which case \kbd{x} is of type \typ{INT}) or \typ{POL} (in which case \kbd{x} is either a scalar type or a \typ{POL}). \subsec{GCD, content and primitive part} \fun{GEN}{subres}{GEN x, GEN y} creates the resultant of the \typ{POL}s \kbd{x} and~\kbd{y} computed using the subresultant algorithm. Either of \kbd{x} and \kbd{y} may also be scalars (treated as polynomials of degree $0$) \fun{GEN}{ggcd}{GEN x, GEN y} creates the GCD of \kbd{x} and~\kbd{y}. \fun{GEN}{glcm}{GEN x, GEN y} creates the LCM of \kbd{x} and~\kbd{y}. \fun{GEN}{gbezout}{GEN x,GEN y, GEN *u,GEN *v} creates the GCD of \kbd{x} and~\kbd{y}, and puts (the addresses of) objects $u$ and~$v$ such that $u\kbd{x}+v\kbd{y}=\gcd(\kbd{x},\kbd{y})$ into \kbd{*u} and~\kbd{*v}. \fun{GEN}{bezoutpol}{GEN a,GEN b, GEN *u,GEN *v}, returns the GCD $d$ of \typ{INT}s \kbd{a} and \kbd{b} and sets \kbd{u}, \kbd{v} to the Bezout coefficients such that $\kbd{au} + \kbd{bv} = d$. \fun{GEN}{content}{GEN x} creates the GCD of all the components of~\kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{primitive_part}{GEN x, GEN *c}, sets \kbd{c} to \kbd{content(x)} and returns the primitive part \kbd{x} / \kbd{c}. \fun{GEN}{primpart}{GEN x} as \kbd{primitive\_part} but the content is lost. (For efficiency, the content remains on the stack.) \subsec{Generic binary operators}. Let ``\op'' be a binary operation among \op=\key{add}: addition (\kbd{x + y}). \op=\key{sub}: subtraction (\kbd{x - y}). \op=\key{mul}: multiplication (\kbd{x * y}). \op=\key{div}: division (\kbd{x / y}). \op=\key{max}: maximum (\kbd{max(x, y)}) \op=\key{min}: minimum (\kbd{min(x, y)}) \noindent The names and prototypes of the functions corresponding to \op\ are as follows: \funno{GEN}{g\op[z]}{GEN x, GEN y[, GEN z]} \funno{GEN}{g\op gs[z]}{GEN x, long s[, GEN z]} \funno{GEN}{g\op sg[z]}{long s, GEN y[, GEN z]} \fun{GEN}{gpow}{GEN x, GEN y, long l} creates $\kbd{x}^{\kbd{y}}$. If \kbd{y} is a \typ{INT}, return \kbd{powgi(x,y)} (the precision \kbd{l} is not taken into account). Otherwise, the result is $\exp(\kbd{y}*\log(\kbd{x}))$ computed to precision~\kbd{l}. \fun{GEN}{gpowgs}{GEN x, long n} creates $\kbd{x}^{\kbd{n}}$ using binary powering. \fun{GEN}{powgi}{GEN x, GEN y} creates $\kbd{x}^{\kbd{y}}$, where \kbd{y} is a \typ{INT}, using left-shift binary powering. \fun{GEN}{gsubst}{GEN x, long v, GEN y} substitutes the object \kbd{y} into~\kbd{x} for the variable number~\kbd{v}. \subsec{Miscellaneous functions} \fun{const char*}{type_name}{long t} given a type number \kbd{t} this routine returns a string containing its symbolic name. E.g \kbd{type\_name(\typ{INT})} returns \kbd{"\typ{INT}"}. The return value is read-only. \section{Further type specific functions} \subsec{Vectors and Matrices} See~\secref{se:clean} and~\secref{se:unclean} for various useful constructors. Coefficients are accessed and set using \tet{gel}, \tet{gcoeff}, see~\secref{se:accessors}. There are many internal functions to extract or manipulate subvectors or submatrices but, like the accessors above, none of them are suitable for \tet{gerepileupto}. Worse, there are no type verification, nor bound checking, so use at your own risk. \misctitle{Note.} In the function names below, $i$ stands for \emph{interval} and $p$ for \emph{permutation}. \fun{GEN}{shallowcopy}{GEN x} returns a \typ{GEN} whose components are the components of $x$ (no copy is made). The result may now be used to compute in place without destroying $x$. This is essentially equivalent to \bprog GEN y = cgetg(lg(x), typ(x)); for (i = 1; i < lg(x); i++) y[i] = x[i]; return y; @eprog\noindent except that \typ{POLMOD} (resp.~\typ{MAT}) are treated specially since a dummy copy of the representative (resp.~all columns) is also made. \fun{GEN}{shallowtrans}{GEN x} returns the transpose of $x$, \emph{without} copying its components, i.~e.,~it returns a \kbd{GEN} whose components are (physically) the components of $x$. This is the internal function underlying \tet{gtrans}. \fun{GEN}{shallowconcat}{GEN x, GEN y} concatenate $x$ and $y$, \emph{without} copying compoents, i.~e.,~it returns a \kbd{GEN} whose components are (physically) the comonents of $x$ and $y$. \fun{GEN}{vconcat}{GEN A, GEN B} concatenate vertically the two \typ{MAT} $A$ and $B$ of compatible dimensions. A \kbd{NULL} pointer is accepted for an empty matrix. See \tet{shallowconcat}. \fun{GEN}{row}{GEN A, long i} return $A[i,]$, the $i$-th row of the \typ{MAT} $A$. \fun{GEN}{row_i}{GEN A, long i, long j1, long j2} return part of the $i$-th row of \typ{MAT} $A$: $A[i,j_1]$, $A[i,j_1+1]\dots,A[i,j_2]$. Assume $j_1 \leq j_2$. \fun{GEN}{rowslice}{GEN A, long i1, long i2} return the \typ{MAT} formed by the $i_1$-th through $i_2$-th rows of \typ{MAT} $A$. Assume $i_1 \leq i_2$. \fun{GEN}{rowpermute}{GEN A, GEN p}, $p$ being a \typ{VECSMALL} representing a list $[p_1,\dots,p_n]$ of rows of \typ{MAT} $A$, returns the matrix whose rows are $A[p_1,],\dots, A[p_n,]$. \fun{GEN}{rowslicepermute}{GEN A, GEN p, long x1, long x2}, short for \bprog rowslice(rowpermute(A,p), x1, x2) @eprog\noindent (more efficient). \fun{GEN}{vecslice}{GEN A, long j1, long j2}, return $A[j_1], \dots, A[j_2]$. If $A$ is a \typ{MAT}, these correspond to \emph{columns} of $A$. The object returned has the same type as $A$ (\typ{VEC}, \typ{COL} or \typ{MAT}). Assume $j_1 \leq j_2$. \fun{GEN}{vecpermute}{GEN A, GEN p} $p$ is a \typ{VECSMALL} representing a list $[p_1,\dots,p_n]$ of indices. Returns a \kbd{GEN} which has the same type as $A$ (\typ{VEC}, \typ{COL} or \typ{MAT}), and whose components are $A[p_1],\dots,A[p_n]$. If $A$ is a \typ{MAT}, these are the \emph{columns} of $A$. \fun{GEN}{vecslicepermute}{GEN A, GEN p, long y1, long y2} short for \bprog vecslice(vecpermute(A,p), y1, y2) @eprog\noindent (more efficient). \subsec{Low-level vectors and columns functions} Theses functions handle \typ{VEC} as an abstract container type of \kbd{GEN}s. No specific meaning is attached to the content. They accept both \typ{VEC} and \typ{COL} as input, but \kbd{col} functions always return \typ{COL} and \kbd{vec} functions alway return \typ{VEC}. \misctitle{Note.} All the functions below are shallow. \fun{GEN}{const_col}{long n, long c} returns a \typ{COL} of \kbd{n} components equal to \kbd{c}. \fun{GEN}{const_vec}{long n, long c} returns a \typ{VEC} of \kbd{n} components equal to \kbd{c}. \fun{int}{vec_isconst}{GEN v} Returns 1 if all the components of \kbd{v} are equal, else returns 0. \fun{int}{vec_is1to1}{GEN v} Returns 1 if the components of \kbd{v} are pair-wise distinct, i.e. if $i\mapsto v[i]$ is a 1-to-1 mapping, else returns 0. \fun{GEN}{vec_shorten}{GEN v, long n} shortens the vector \kbd{v} to \kbd{n} components. \fun{GEN}{vec_lengthen}{GEN v, long n} lengthens the vector \kbd{v} to \kbd{n} components. The extra components are not initialised. \subsec{Function to handle \typ{VECSMALL}} Theses functions handle \typ{VECSMALL} as an abstract container type of small signed integers. No specific meaning is attached to the content. \fun{GEN}{const_vecsmall}{long n, long c} returns a \typ{VECSMALL} of \kbd{n} components equal to \kbd{c}. \fun{GEN}{vec_to_vecsmall}{GEN z} identical to \kbd{ZV\_to\_zv(z)}. \fun{GEN}{vecsmall_to_vec}{GEN z} identical to \kbd{zv\_to\_ZV(z)}. \fun{GEN}{vecsmall_to_col}{GEN z} identical to \kbd{zv\_to\_ZC(z)}. \fun{GEN}{vecsmall_copy}{GEN x} makes a copy of \kbd{x} on the stack. \fun{GEN}{vecsmall_shorten}{GEN v, long n} shortens the \typ{VECSMALL} \kbd{v} to \kbd{n} components. \fun{GEN}{vecsmall_lengthen}{GEN v, long n} lengthens the \typ{VECSMALL} \kbd{v} to \kbd{n} components. The extra components are not initialised. \fun{GEN}{vecsmall_indexsort}{GEN x} performs an indirect sort of the components of the \typ{VECSMALL} \kbd{x} and return a permutation stored in a \typ{VECSMALL}. \fun{void}{vecsmall_sort}{GEN v} sorts the \typ{VECSMALL} \kbd{v} in place. \fun{GEN}{vecsmall_uniq}{GEN v} given a sorted \typ{VECSMALL} \kbd{v}, return the vector of unique occurences. \fun{int}{vecsmall_lexcmp}{GEN x, GEN y} compares two \typ{VECSMALL} lexically \fun{int}{vecsmall_prefixcmp}{GEN x, GEN y} truncate the longest \typ{VECSMALL} to the length of the shortest and compares them lexicographically. \fun{GEN}{vecsmall_prepend}{GEN V, long s} prepend \kbd{s} to the \typ{VECSMALL} \kbd{V}. \fun{GEN}{vecsmall_append}{GEN V, long s} append \kbd{s} to the \typ{VECSMALL} \kbd{V}. \fun{GEN}{vecsmall_concat}{GEN u, GEN v} concat the \typ{VECSMALL} \kbd{u} and \kbd{v}. \fun{long}{vecsmall_coincidence}{GEN u, GEN v} returns the numbers of indices where \kbd{u} and \kbd{v} agree. \fun{long}{vecsmall_pack}{GEN v, long base, long mod} handles the \typ{VECSMALL} \kbd{v} as the digit of a number in base \kbd{base} and return this number modulo \kbd{mod}. This can be used as an hash function. \subsec{Functions to handle bits-vectors} Theses functions manipulate vectors of bits (stored in \typ{VECSMALL}). Bits are numbered from 0. \fun{GEN}{bitvec_alloc}{long n} allocates a bits-vector suitable for \kbd{n} bits. \fun{GEN}{bitvec_shorten}{GEN bitvec, long n} shortens a bits-vector \kbd{bitvec} to \kbd{n} bits. \fun{long}{bitvec_test}{GEN bitvec, long b} returns the bit of index \kbd{b} of \kbd{bitvec}. \fun{void}{bitvec_set}{GEN bitvec, long b} (in place) sets the bit of index \kbd{b} of \kbd{bitvec}. \fun{void}{bitvec_clear}{GEN bitvec, long b} (in place) clears the bit of index \kbd{b} of \kbd{bitvec}. \subsec{Functions to handle vectors of \typ{VECSMALL}} Theses functions manipulate vectors of \typ{VECSMALL} (vecvecsmall). \fun{GEN}{vecvecsmall_sort}{GEN x} sorts lexicographically the components of the vector \kbd{x}. \fun{GEN}{vecvecsmall_indexsort}{GEN x} performs an indirect lexicographic sorting of the components of the vector \kbd{x} and return a permutation stored in a \typ{VECSMALL}. \fun{long}{vecvecsmall_search}{GEN x, GEN y, long flag} \kbd{x} being a sorted vecvecsmall and \kbd{y} a \typ{VECSMALL}, search \kbd{y} inside \kbd{x}. \kbd{fla} has the same meaning as for \kbd{setsearch}. \vfill\eject