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Current Path : /usr/src/contrib/ee/

FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #1: Wed Jan 14 12:18:08 JST 2015 amd64
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Current File : //usr/src/contrib/ee/make.default

# This is the make file for ee, the "easy editor".
# If building ee using curses, type "make curses", otherwise new_curse (a 
# subset of curses that supports ee) will be built and ee will use new_curse 
# instead of curses.
# The "install" target ("make install") will copy the ee binary to 
# the /usr/local/bin directory on the local system.  The man page (ee.1) 
# will be copied into the /usr/local/man/man1 directory.
# The "clean" target ("make clean") will remove the ee and new_curse.o 
# object files, and the ee binary.
# If the system does not have localization routines, use the -DNO_CATGETS
# define.  If the system supports setlocale(), catopen(), and catgets() and 
# localization is desired, do not use -DNO_CATGETS.
# DEFINES is used for new_curse.c, and CFLAGS is used for ee.c.

# for System V, using new_curse with terminfo

# for BSD, using new_curse with termcap

# for BSD systems with select(), using new_curse with termcap, use:

# flags for compilation

# For Sun systems, remove the '#' from the front of the next two lines:
#CFLAGS  = -I/usr/5include -L/usr/5lib -DNO_CATGETS -s

all :	ee

curses :	ee.c
	cc ee.c -o ee $(CFLAGS) -lcurses 

ee :	ee.o new_curse.o
	cc -o ee ee.o new_curse.o $(CFLAGS) 

ee.o :	ee.c new_curse.h
	cc -c ee.c $(DEFINES) $(CFLAGS) 

new_curse.o :	new_curse.c new_curse.h
	cc new_curse.c -c $(DEFINES) $(CFLAGS)

install :
	cp ee /usr/local/bin/ee
	cp ee.1 /usr/local/man/man1/ee.1

clean :
	rm -f ee.o new_curse.o ee 

Man Man